Objective Clinical Verification of Digital Hearing Aid Functions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Objective Clinical Verification of Digital Hearing Aid Functions


Placing an Audibility Context on IG Targets For this compression hearing aid... Gain for speech _at_ Gain for tones Output for speech is much less than output for ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Objective Clinical Verification of Digital Hearing Aid Functions

Objective Clinical Verification of Digital
Hearing Aid Functions
Colorado Academy of Audiology Fall, 2009
David J. Smriga, M.A. Audiologist Hearing
Industry Consultant
Todays Fitting Realities
  • In tough economic times, decisions are more
    carefully considered
  • Todays sophisticated hearing instruments bring
    complexities to that decision-making process
  • An informed decision can not be made based on
    hearing instrument technology alone

Consider the Process
  • Your role is to make a decision about which
    hearing aid technology is best for the patient
  • Once selected, the fitting process shifts to the
    capabilities (the logic) of the fitting
  • What happens if the fitting software doesnt
    deliver an acceptable final result?

Subjective Authority
  • Based on impressions that may not always be
    consistent with better hearing
  • Too often, placed in the hands of the patient
  • Can compromise hearing aid utility
  • There can be a difference between what sounds
    good to the patient and what is in the best
    interests of the patient

The Fundamental Goal
  • To render audible what the hearing loss has
    rendered inaudible
  • In particular, to build meaningful audibility of

  • Objective Measures of Aided Performance

The Hearing Review 2006 Dispenser Survey, June
2006, The Hearing Review
Hearing Journal Dispenser Survey, April, 2006,
The Hearing Journal
Putting REM on Its Probe Tip!
  • Traditional REM Wisdom
  • Input Stimulus
  • PT sweep
  • Noise
  • Measure REIG curve
  • Adjust gain to hit a predicted insertion GAIN
  • REM in the Digital World
  • Input Stimulus
  • Speech
  • Dynamics
  • Measure REAR speech banana
  • Adjust gain AND compression to deliver AUDIBILITY
    to THIS patient

Placing an Audibility Context on IG Targets
  • Take NAL-NL1 (for example)
  • Procedure seeks to amplify speech such that all
    bands of speech are perceived with equal loudness
  • However
  • It derives IG targets assuming NOISE as a
    verification signal

For this compression hearing aid...Gain for
speech _at_ Gain for tones
Output for speech is much less than output for
pure tones.
The output of a compression aid depends on the
nature of its input signal
The output of a compression aid depends on the
nature of its input signal
The output of a compression aid depends on the
nature of its input signal
Speech Is An Excellent WDRC Measurement Stimulus
  • It IS the most important input signal that the
    patient will want to hear well and comfortably
  • It interacts with multi-band compressors in a
    more realistic way than tones
  • band interactions across frequency
  • changing intensity

The Terminology WE Will Be Using
  • REAR
  • Real Ear Aided Response
  • Long Term Average Speech Spectrum
  • LTAS minima
  • Eardrum SPL exceeded 90 of the time
  • LTAS maxima
  • Eardrum SPL exceeded 10 of the time
  • RESR
  • Real Ear Saturation Response

  • Speechmap Audibility Verification with Verifit

RECDReal-ear-to-coupler difference
  • The difference in dB across frequencies between
    the SPL measured in the real-ear and in a 2cc
    coupler, produced by a transducer generating the
    same input signal.

1) Recruitment Accommodation
RECD MeasurementHow is it done?
  • Composed of 2 measurements 2cc coupler
    measurement and real-ear measurement.

1) Recruitment Accommodation
How do we measure RECD ?
Measuring the coupler response of the insert
Measuring the real-ear response of the insert
The Verifit uses the RECD to...
  • Convert threshold and UCL obtained using insert
    earphones to SPL near the TM
  • Convert real-ear gain and output requirements to
    2cc coupler targets
  • Convert test box measurements of hearing aid
    output to estimated real-ear aided response
  • (Simulated Real-Ear Measurements)

1) Recruitment Accommodation
Understanding an SPLogramThe Unaided SPLogram
Maximum output targets
dB SPL Eardrum reference
Threshold (dB SPL TM)
Normal hearing
1) Recruitment Accommodation
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  • Now, lets relate all of this back to fitting

DSL 5.0a
  • Goal to make speech audible for as broad a range
    of frequencies as possible
  • Output based targets
  • Incorporates average RECD and average REUG into
    target calculations
  • Targets are different than prior versions of DSL

  • Goal To amplify speech such that all bands are
    perceived with equal loudness
  • Gain based, but modified by Audioscan to become
    an output target
  • Using the same adult average RECD and REUG used
    in DSL

Cambridge Aims
  • Camfit Restoration
  • To amplify sounds that are soft, comfortable and
    loud to a normal hearing person so that they are
    soft, comfortable and loud for the HA wearer.
    (Stated goal of IHAFF fitting method).
  • Camfit Equalization
  • To amplify speech to produce the same loudness in
    each critical band. It has been argued that this
    is likely to give the highest intelligibility for
    a given overall loudness.

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  • Speech Mapping of Open-Fit (Thin-Tube) Technology

Minimal Occlusion
Lybarger S. Earmolds. In Katz J, ed. Handbook of
Clinical Audiology, 3rd edition. Baltimore
Williams and Wilkins 1985 885-910.
FIGURE 5 The pink shaded area is the eardrum SPL
speech banana for 65dB speech input measured at
the probe tip with the open-fit hearing aid
turned OFF. The green shaded area is the eardrum
SPL speech banana with the same hearing aid
turned ON. The difference between the two
indicates where amplification has reached the
Verifying Digital Performance
  • 2) Verifying Directionality Function

Laboratory Specification of Directionality
Polar Plots
2) Directional Verification
ViewportDigital Functions Summary/ Test
Protocol Screen
Contains both Test Box and On Ear Options
4 quadrants one for each of the 4 digital
functions tests Pre-set (but adjustable) protoco
Viewport Directional Test Quadrant - Open
Directional Frequency Response Input Stimulus
Main input signal (512 pure tones 7.8Hz apart)
Frequency (KHz)
Viewport Directional Test Box Result
Directionality Test (REM)
Verifit System In REM Directional Mode
Rear Facing Auxiliary Speaker
Aided Ear With Probe Tube Positioned
2) Directional Verification
Verifying Digital Performance
  • 3) Verifying Noise Reduction Function

Digital Noise Reduction Properties
  • Digital algorithm programmed to recognize
    non-speech elements of incoming stimulus
  • Operates independently in bands
  • Analyzes incoming signal modulation
  • Can vary in terms of time constants
  • Typically, slow attack, fast release

3) Noise Reduction Verification
Viewport Noise Reduction Test Box Quadrant - Open
Viewport Noise Reduction Test Result
Verifying Digital Performance
  • 4) Verifying
  • Feedback Reduction Function

Digital Feedback Reduction Properties
Best Overall Application
Phase Canceller
Poorest Overall Application
Notch Filter
Key Factor of Concern
  • Does the feedback suppression function compromise
    hearing instrument performance when processing
    other stimuli?

4) Feedback Reduction Verification
Interactive Feedback Reduction Measurement
Viewport Feedback Test Box Quadrant - Open
Expected Display When Feedback is Induced By
Monitoring Headset
1/3 ocatve oscillation humps
Oscillation spikes
Viewport Feedback Box Test Result
Pink and green speech results overlap with phase
Viewport Final Results Screen
Verifying Digital Performance
  • 5) Verifying
  • Frequency Lowering and Frequency Transposition

The Concept Behind Changing Output Frequency
  • Some hearing losses have un-aidable regions
    where important speech information exists
  • Re-positioning input energy in these regions to
    regions that are aidable can provide access to
    these important speech ques

The Solution Frequency Shifting
  • For many people with severe-to-profound hearing
    impairment in the higher frequencies, frequency
    shifting can improve signal audibility
  • Numerous different frequency lowering schemes
    have been developed and evaluated
  • Some of these schemes have been shown to improve
    speech understanding

Hugh McDermott, Professor of Auditory
Communication and Signal Processing University of
Melbourne, Phonak Virtual Audiology Conference,
May, 2009
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Frequency Shifting Approaches
  • Frequency Transposition

Myirel Nyffeler, Speech Study Coordinator, Phonak
Hearing Instruments, Switzerland, Phonak Virtual
Audiology Conference, May, 2009
Frequency Shifting Approaches
  • Frequency Transposition

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Frequency Shifting Approaches
  • Frequency Compression

Frequency Shifting Approaches
  • Frequency Compression

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Software Release V3.4
  • Main New Features
  • Frequency Lowering Verification

Frequency Lowering Input Stimuli
Frequency Lowering Test Result Example
Software Release V3.4
  • Main New Features
  • Frequency Lowering Verification
  • ISTS (International Speech Test Signal)
  • Incorporates the phonemic elements of several
    languages into a single speech test signal

Software Release V3.4
  • Main New Features
  • Frequency Lowering Verification
  • ISTS (International Speech Test Signal)
  • Incorporates the phonemic elements of several
    languages into a single speech test signal
  • New MPO Sweep Test Paradigm

Software Release V3.4
  • Targets now available in Audibility quadrant of
  • Can now download new software directly to SL
    operating system stick

Verifying Digital Performance
  • A Final Summary
  • Regarding Clinical
  • Verification

Recruitment Accommodation
  • Does It Work?
  • Verification of non-linear function relative to
    patients dynamic range using Speechmap DSL and
    multi-level measures.
  • Expediency 5-10 minutes pre-ft. 5 minutes of
    fitting time
  • Is It Valuable?
  • Visual as well as auditory verification that soft
    speech is audible, average speech is comfortable
    and all sound fall appropriately within patients
    listening range

Directionality Function
  • Does It Work?
  • Multicurve display verifies function of
    directional system
  • Expediency 3 minutes at fitting
  • Is It Valuable?
  • Both patient and spouse can see and hear the
    directional effect, either in the box or while on
    the patients ear

Noise Reduction Function
  • Does It Work?
  • Multicurve display verifies function of noise
    reduction system
  • Expediency 3 minutes during fitting
  • Is It Valuable?
  • Both patient and spouse can see and hear
    noise reduction function either in the box or on
    the patients ear

Feedback Reduction Function
  • Does It Work?
  • Multicurve display helps verify function of FB
    system, and quantifies impact on other signal
    processing functions
  • Expediency 5 minutes during fitting
  • Is It Valuable?
  • Patient judgement will be based on effectiveness
    of feedback control

Take-home Knowledge
  • Digital hearing aid functions can be verified in
    a routine clinical setting
  • Recruitment accommodation, directionality, noise
    reduction, feedback reduction
  • These properties can be effectively verified and
    demonstrated to the clinician, the patient and
    the spouse
  • These verification procedures are indeed
    clinically expedient
  • When implemented, these procedures can improve
    acceptance, reduce returns and substantiate value

  • ASHA Ad Hoc Committee on Hearing Aid Selection
    and Fitting (1998). Guidelines for hearing aid
    fitting for adults. American Journal of Audiology
  • Abrahamson J (2001). Materials for Audiologic
    Rehabilitation Help Getting Started. Hearing
    Review August 2001.
  • Cole WA, Sinclair ST (1998). The Audioscan RM500
    Speechmap/DSL fitting system. Trends in
    Amplification 3(4)125-139.
  • Cornelisse LE, Seewald RC, Jamieson DG (1994).
    Wide-dynamic range compression hearing aids The
    DSLI/o approach. Hearing Journal 47(10)23-26.
  • Csermak B, Armstrong S (1999). Bits, bytes
    chips Understanding digital instruments. Hearing
    Review January 19998-12.

References (cont.)
  • Frye GJ (2000). Testing digital hearing
    instruments. Hearing Review 7(8)30-38.
  • Frye G (1999). A perspective on digital hearing
    instruments. Hearing Review 6(10)59.
  • Harnack Knebel SB, Benter RA (1998). Comparison
    of two digital hearing aids. Ear Hearing
  • Hawkins DB, Cooper WA, Thompson DJ (1990).
    Comparison among SPLs in real ears, 2cm3 and 6cm3
    couplers. Journal of the American Academy of
    Audiology 1154-161.
  • Killion MC (2000). Compression Distinctions.
    Hearing Review July 200044-48.
  • Kochkin S (2000). MarkeTrak V Consumer
    satisfaction revisited. Hearing Journal

References (cont.)
  • Kuk F (1999). Verifying the output of digital
    nonlinear hearing instruments. Hearing Review
    Nov. 199935-38,60-62,75.
  • Moodie KS, Seewald RC, Sinclair ST (1994).
    Procedure for predicting real-ear hearing aid
    performance in young children. American Journal
    of Audiology 323-31.
  • Mueller HG (2001). Probe-mic assessment of
    digital hearing aids? Yes, you can! Hearing
    Journal 54(1).
  • Mueller HG (2000). Whats the digital difference
    when it comes to patient benefit? Hearing Journal
  • Newman CW, Sandridge SA (1998). Benefit from,
    satisfaction with, and cost effectiveness of
    three different hearing aid technologies.
    American Journal of Audiology 7(2)115-128.
  • Plomp R (1994). Noise, amplification and
    compression Considerations of three main issues
    in hearing aid design. Ear Hearing 15(1)2-12.
  • Pogash RR, Williams CN (2002). AudioInfos5930-34

References (cont.)
  • Ross M (2000). Hearing aid research. Audiology
    Online Viewpoint 08-16-2000.
  • Scollie SD, Seewald RC, Cornelisse LE, Jenstad LM
    (1998). Validity and repeatibility of
    level-independent HL to SPL transforms. Ear
    Hearing, 19405-413.
  • Seewald RC (1998). Working toward consensus on
    hearing aid fitting in adults and children.
    Aural Rehabilitation and its Instrumentation
  • The hearing care market at the turn of the 21st
    century. Hearing Review March 20008-24.
  • The 1999 hearing instrument market - The
    dispensers perspective. Hearing Review June
  • Valente M, Fabry DA, Potts LG, Sandlin RE (1998).
    Comparing the performance of the Widex Senso
    digital hearing aid with analog hearing aids.
    Journal of the American Academy of Audiology
  • Venema TH (1998). Compression for clinicians. San
    Diego Singular Publishing Group.

  • Dittberner, A.B. (2003). Misconceptions when
    estimating the directivity index for directional
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    188.Dillon, H. (2003) Backgroung Noise The
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  • Elko, G.W. (2000). Superdirectional microphone
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    artificial intelligence. The Hearing Journal, 58
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    hearing in noise and directional microphones. The
    Hearing Review, 11(2)..

References (cont.)
  • Kirkwood, D.H. (2005). Dispensers surveyed on
    what leads to patient satisfaction. Hearing
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  • Knowles Electronics. Directional microphone
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    Issue 01-0201. Lybarger, S.F. Lybarger, E.H.
    (2000). A historical overview. In R. Sandlin
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    Journal of Audiology, 8, 117-126.
  • Sound on Sound Recording Magazine, Directional
    Microphones September 2000 Issue, Cambridge, UK
  • Staab, W.J. (2002). Characteristics and use of
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    audiology, 5th Edition. Baltimore, Maryland
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    Characteristics and use of hearing aids. In J.
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References (cont.)
  • Strom, K.E. (2005). The HR 2005 dispenser survey.
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    Academy of Audiology, 15, 353-364.

References (cont.)
  • Ross M (2000). Hearing aid research. Audiology
    Online Viewpoint 08-16-2000.
  • Scollie SD, Seewald RC, Cornelisse LE, Jenstad LM
    (1998). Validity and repeatibility of
    level-independent HL to SPL transforms. Ear
    Hearing, 19405-413.
  • Seewald RC (1998). Working toward consensus on
    hearing aid fitting in adults and children.
    Aural Rehabilitation and its Instrumentation
  • The hearing care market at the turn of the 21st
    century. Hearing Review March 20008-24.
  • The 1999 hearing instrument market - The
    dispensers perspective. Hearing Review June
  • Valente M, Fabry DA, Potts LG, Sandlin RE (1998).
    Comparing the performance of the Widex Senso
    digital hearing aid with analog hearing aids.
    Journal of the American Academy of Audiology
  • Venema TH (1998). Compression for clinicians. San
    Diego Singular Publishing Group.
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