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Florence Nightingale in the Military Hospital at Scutari ... only six deans are female Academic Medicine Women join academic ranks post graduation at ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: You

Youve come a long way baby.
  • The History of Women in Medicine
  • Amy Jost, class of 2004

Overview of the Talk
  • Women pioneers and their stories from the
    middle ages to present day
  • Changing Perspectives in recent decades
  • The Current Situation where do we go from here?

Women in Medicineearlier than you might have
  • Merit Ptah
  • Physician (c. 2700 BCE)
  • Image painted in Egyptian tomb in the Valley of
    the Kings
  • Believed to be the worlds first named physician
  • First woman known by name in history of science
  • Described by her son, a high priest, as the
    chief physician

In the dark ages.
  • Best known female healer of the time was the
    mystic Hildegarde of Bingen (1098-1179)
  • She wrote two medical manuscripts on plant,
    animal, and mineral medicines
  • Her remedies were partly herbal and partly
    spiritual and/or magical

The Middle Ages
  • During Middle Ages, religious orders took care of
    sick and poor
  • 1830 Sisters of Mercy order established in
    Dublin, known throughout world for care to sick
    and elderly
  • 1800s famous prison reformer Elizabeth Fry set
    up the Institute of Nursing Sisters

The emergence of Nursing
  • Nurses prior to late 1800s
  • Did not require any training
  • Were badly paid
  • Didnt have a respectable reputation
  • Enter Florence Nightingale
  • In 1860 set up the first nurses training school
    at St. Thomass hospital
  • Devoted life to improving hospital sanitation and
    establishing the profession of nursing

More on Florence Nightingale
  • Born 1820, Died 1910
  • Devoted life to reform of British military
    health-care system
  • Accomplished Mathematician
  • First person in English speaking world to apply
    statistics to study of public health
  • Invented the pie chart
  • Prolific letter writer

Florence Nightingale in the Military Hospital at
Florence was recruited to serve in Scutari during
the Crimean War. Here, she collected data on
mortality rates and systematized record-keeping
Florence Nightingales Polar Area Diagram
Designed to dramatize the needless deaths caused
by unsanitary conditions
Florence Nightingale sound byte
what she says is "At Florence Nightingale's
house, London. July the 30th. Eighteen hundred
and ninety. When I am no longer even a memory,
just a name, I hope my voice may perpetuate the
great work of my life. God bless my dear old
Comrades at Balaclava and bring them safe to
But what about women doctors?!? A strange
  • Excerpt from "The Manchester Guardian" in 1865
  • An incident is just now being discussed in
    military circles so extraordinary that, were not
    the truth capable of being vouched for by
    official authority, the narration would certainly
    be deemed incredible. Our officers quartered at
    the Cape between 15 and 20 years ago may remember
    a certain Dr Barry attached to the medical staff
    there, and enjoying a reputation for considerable
    skill in his profession, especially for firmness,
    decision and rapidity in difficult operations
    upon his death was discovered to be a woman. The
    motives that occasioned and the time when
    commenced this singular deception are both
    shrouded in mystery.
  • But thus it stands as an indisputable fact, that
    a woman was for 40 years an officer in the
    British service, and fought one duel and had
    sought many more, had pursued a legitimate
    medical education, and received a regular
    diploma, and had acquired almost a celebrity for
    skill as a surgical operator.

The Beardless LadDr. James Barry - 1795-1865
  • Attended Edinburg Medical School
  • During the Napoleonic Wars was an Army Surgeon
  • Performed one of the first successful C/Ss
  • At burial was found to be a woman!!!

Elizabeth Blackwell That girl there is doctor
in medicine!!!
  • Americas first woman M.D.
  • Received diploma January 23, 1849
  • Her accomplishment was the result of years of
    determined effort

Elizabeth Blackwell, aged 38
The Story of Elizabeth Blackwell
  • Born in England in 1821
  • Moved to America as a child, father died soon
  • Found housework unpleasant and uninspiring
    wanted an occupation that would satisfy her
    intellect and idealism
  • A dying friend confided to her that her suffering
    would have been more bearable had she been
    attended by a woman physician
  • Elizabeth is now determined to become a physician!

Discouragement on the road to becoming a doctor
  • To earn money to support studies, Elizabeth
    turned to teaching and arranged to live in a
    physicians household.
  • Studied medicine for the year she lived here
  • However, she failed to gain acceptance to any
    established medical schools

Home of Samuel Dickson, M.D.
  • Physicians were uniformly discouraging
    Elizabeth, it is of no use trying. Thee cannot
    gain admission to these schools. Thee must go to
    Paris and don masculine attire to gain the
    necessary knowledge. (Dr. Joseph Warrington,
    known to be a liberal-minded physician of the

The acceptance letter finally arrives!
  • Finally, Elizabeth received a single acceptance
    from Geneva Medical College in Geneva, N.Y.
  • Faculty initially opposed her admission but felt
    they were unable to turn down such a qualified
  • As a result, they referred the decision to the
    students they thought it was a
    joke and voted to unanimously admit her!
  • A few weeks later to their surprise, the lady
    student arrived in the lecture room

Elizabeth Blackwells letter of admission
First day of med school
  • A lady, on his invitation, entered, whom he
    formally introduced as Miss Elizabeth BlackwellA
    hush fell upon the class as if each member had
    been stricken with paralysis. A death-like
    stillness prevailed during the lecture, and only
    the newly arrived student took notes. She
    retired with the professor, and thereafter came
    in with him and sat on the platform during the
  • (classmates memory of Blackwells first day)

Life at Geneva Medical College
  • The novelty of Elizabeths gender made her first
    days of med school very difficult
  • Curious strangers would wander into lectures to
    stare at her

Geneva Medical College one of many small,
short-lived medical schools that flourished in
19th century America.
Shunned by the townspeople
  • I had not the slightest idea of the commotion
    created by my appearance as a medical student in
    the little town. Very slowly I perceived that a
    doctors wife at the table avoided any
    communication with me, and that as I walked
    backwards and forwards to college the ladies
    stopped to stare at me, as at a curious animal.
    I afterwards found that I had so shocked Geneva
    propriety that the theory was fully established
    either that I was a bad woman, whose designs
    would gradually become evident, or that, being
    insane, an outbreak of insanity would soon be

Anatomy Dissection always a delicate subject
  • Elizabeths attendance at anatomy lectures
    produced embarrassment
  • Her professor suggested that she stay away on the
    days reproductive anatomy was demonstrated
  • She stated she wished simply to be treated as
    another student
  • "November 22.--A trying day, and I feel almost
    worn out, though it was encouraging too, and in
    some measure a triumph but 'tis a terrible
    ordeal! That dissection was just as much as I
    could bear. Some of the students blushed, some
    were hysterical, not one could keep in a smile
    ... My delicacy was certainly shocked, and yet
    the exhibition was in some sense ludicrous. I had
    to pinch my hand till the blood nearly came ...
    Dr. Webster, who had perhaps the most trying
    position, behaved admirably." (Diary, Nov. 22,

Graduation at long last
  • In his graduation address, the Dean declared his
    wholehearted admiration for the first female M.D.
  • However, in the printed version of the address,
    he added the following footnote stating that,
    though he supported medical education for
    qualified women, the inconveniences attending
    the admission of females to all the lectures in a
    medical school are so great that he will feel
    compelled on all future occasions to oppose such
    a practice

Elizabeths diploma
Life after medical school isnt always easy
  • Despite her degree, Elizabeth could not secure a
    position for internship
  • The only opportunity she could find at a lying-in
    hospital in Paris required that she not be called
  • She eventually returned to the United states
    where she was unable to establish a successful
    medical practice
  • Elizabeth devotes the rest of her life to the
    promotion of hygiene and preventive medicine and
    the promotion of opportunities for women

La maternite de Paris
Other women follow suit
  • Despite protests from the medical community, many
    women followed Elizabeths lead
  • Womens Medical College of Pennsylvania opened in
    1850 the first of several institutions devoted
    primarily to medical education of women

Womens Medical College of Pennsylvania
Creating opportunities for future women physicians
  • In 1857 Elizabeth opened the New York Infirmary
    for Indigent Women and Children served poor and
    provided opportunities for women physicians
  • This institution still exists as the New York
    University Downtown Hospital
  • She eventually opened the Womens Medical College
    of the New York infirmary in 1868

Anatomy lecture room at the Womens Medical
College of New York Infirmary
Struggle for co-education
  • By the end of the 1800s, 19 womens medical
    colleges and 9 womens hospitals had been
  • Harvard professor Edward H. Clarke (1874)
    proclaimed theories that women seeking advanced
    education would develop monstrous brains and
    puny bodiesand abnormally weak digestion.

Elizabeth B. Scott (1866-1958), Student at the
Woman's Medical College, Kingston, ca. 1888
The early pioneer generation
  • Led by determined women including Elizabeth
    Blackwell and her sister, Mary Putnam Jacobi, Ann
    Preston, Maria Zakrzewska
  • It is perfectly evident from the records, that
    an opposition to women physicians has rarely been
    based on any sincere conviction that women could
    not be instructed in medicine, but upon an
    intense dislike to the idea that they should be
    so capable. Mary Putnam Jacobi, 1891

Mary Putnam Jacobi and her peers
The early pioneer generation, contd.
  • These women endured hard years of study with
    little support
  • Many graduated at or near the top of their class
  • By the end of the 19th century, women physicians
    constituted 5 of American physicians and
    numbered over 7,000

Theres a woman doctor in the house cover of
German gazette, late 1800s
Moving on into the 20th century
  • Early 1900s saw a decline in the womens medical
    movement due to
  • Medical education reform
  • Closing of all but one of the womens medical
  • Rise of allied health fields such as nursing,
    public health and social work
  • Changing face of medicine more scientific, less

State Hospital of Missouri Nurses, 1914
Society in the 1950s
  • In the 1950s there was a glorification of
    domesticity a womans primary role was that of
    a homemaker
  • In 1949 (100 years after Elizabeth Blackwell!!),
    still only 5.5 of entering students were women!

Enter into the 1960s
  • This era saw a revitalization of feminism
  • Passage of Title IX of the Higher Education Act
    prevented federal funded educational institutions
    from discriminating on the basis of gender
  • Numbers began to increase significantly in
    1974, 22.4 of new medical school entrants were

Women in medicine recent decades
  • A rise in women applying to medical school began
    in the 1970s due to
  • Increase in medical schools and slots
  • The Womens Movement
  • The Equal Opportunity Act was passed
  • Growing number of baby boomer girls were
    finishing college

At the end of the 20th century
  • Overt discrimination less apparent
  • However subtle inequities persisted at all levels
  • Gender discrimination
  • Sexual harassment
  • The glass ceiling phenomenon
  • Lack of maternity support

Where are we now??
  • According to the AMA, women now compose 22.8 of
    U.S. physicians
  • 28 of full time faculty are women
  • Women make up 45.6 of new entrants to medical

Still room for improvement
  • Of the countrys male physicians, 59.9 are
    self-employed, compared to 39.3 of female
  • 56.2 of female physicians are employees compared
    to 35.4 of male physicians
  • Women represent only 27.6 of all medical school
  • Of the 119 medical college deans, only six deans
    are female

Academic Medicine
  • Women join academic ranks post graduation at
    higher rates than men
  • However they advance to senior ranks less and
    leave academic ranks at higher rates
  • In 1998, 82.6 of women physicians were involved
    in patient care only 2.9 in administration or
  • Perceived reasons why- micro-inequities
  • less mentoring, publish less, less support and
  • lack of visibility and isolation, failure of
    support more attractive alternatives

Medical School Graduates
U.S. Physicians 1970-2001
Percent Distribution of Total US Physicians by
Age and Sex, 2001
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Women in AcademicsNEJM - 2/00 - Associate Profs
What about the University of Chicago???
New Women Hires New Women Tenures faculty who are women professors who are women Tenured faculty who are women departures who are women division chiefs who are women department chairs who are women
University of Chicago 28 22 29 14 17 23 14 5
National Average 34 24 28 13 15 29 16 9
Source American Association of Medical Colleges
(AAMC) Statistics 2001-2002
  • Over the past 150 years, women have made
    tremendous advances within the medical profession
  • In recent years, significant progress has been
    made in efforts to close the gender gap
  • Needless to say, the future is bright for women
    in medicine!

  • More, Ellen S. Restoring the Balance Women
    Physicians and the Profession of Medicine,
    1850-1995. Harvard University Press, 1999.
  • Wear, Delese, editor. Women in Medical
    Education An Anthology of Experience. State
    University of New York Press, 1996.
  • Campbelll, Margaret A. (a pseudonym). Why Would
    a Girl Go Into Medicine? Medical Education in the
    United States A Guide for Women. The Feminist
    Press, New York, 1973.
  • Women in U.S. Academic Medicine Statistics
    2001-2002. Prepared by Association of American
    Medical Colleges.
  • http//
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