Title: Testicular Cancer and Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection
1Testicular Cancer andRetroperitoneal Lymph Node
Dr Manish Patel Urological Cancer Surgeon,
Westmead Hospital Senior Lecturer, University of
2Normal Testicle
3Testicular Tumors-WHO Classification
Lymphoid and Haematopoietic tumors Lymphoma,
plasmacytoma, leukaemia Paratesticular Tumors
Adenomatoid tumor Mesothelioma Adenoma
Carcinoma Desmoplastic small round cell
tumors Soft tissue tumors Secondary tumors Tumor
like lesions
Germ Cell Tumors CIS Seminoma
Classic, Anaplastic , spermatocytic NSGCT
Embryonal Yolk Sac Choriocarcinoma
Teratoma Sex Cord/gonadal stromal tumors
4Carcinoma in-situ
- High Risk Cryptorchidism (3), Infertile men
(1), Extragonadal GCT (40). - Thought to be the precursor of GCT.
- Found in most testis with GCT.
- Found in 5 of contralateral testis.
- Will all eventually develop GCT.
5Germ Cell tumors-Seminoma
- 35-70 of GCT
- Aged 30-40 y.o
- Can contain synsytiotrophoblasts
- No AFP elevation,
- 15 have HCG elevation.
6Germ Cell Tumors- Non Seminoma
- Approx 40 GCT
- Combination of
- Embryonal
- Yolk Sac
- Chriocarcinoma
- Teratoma-benign, malignant transformation.
7Gonadal Stromal Tumors
Leydig Cell Tumor
- From the stromal cells of the testis.
- Approx 10 metastasise.
- Leydig Cell Tumors
- 3 of testicular tumors.
- Adults 30 feminisation.
- Sertoli Cell Tumors
- 2 of adult tumors
- More benign.
Sertoli Cell Tumor
8Testis cancer-Epidemiology
- Most frequent malignancy of white males aged
20-34. - Rare in Asian and African populations.
- Frequency Increasing. ?Why
- Encourage testicular self exam- no evidence of
clear benefit.
9Predisposing Conditions
- Family History
- Brothers increase risk much more than fathers or
other 1st degree relatives - Undescended Testicles
- Other causes of testicular atrophy
- Maternal Estrogen exposure?
10Testis CancerPresentation
- Painless swelling of the testis.
- Painful testis (10)
- Tender breasts.
- Back pain, abdominal mass
- Cough, haemoptysis, SOB
- Neck mass
- Often Delayed Presentation Because of
11Testicular Tumor-Investigation and Diagnosis.
- Clinical suspicion.
- Tumor markers
- Ultrasound
- Orchidectomy
12Radical (Inguinal) orchidectomy
13NSGCT-Stage ITumour confined to Testicle
- 35-75 chance of micrometastatic disease in RP
- Assess risk by pathology
- Embryonal, lymphovascular invasion.
- Options
- Surveillance
- Chemotherapy (X2 cycles)
14NSGCT- Stage IIDisease in RP
15NSGCT- Stage IIDisease in RP
- Options
- Chemotherapy
- Chemotherapy
- Chemotherapy
16NSGCT- Stage IIIDisease in chest or other viscera
- 85 survival
- Treatment
- Chemotherapy
17Seminoma- Stage IConfined to the Testicle
- 20 chance of micrometastasis to RP
- Options
- XRT to RP
- Surveillance
- Chemotherapy (single cycle)
18Seminoma-Stage IIDisease in the RP
- Options for treatment
- Chemotherapy
- XRT if mass lt5cm
19Seminoma- Stage IIIDisease in chest or other
20Which Chemotherapy?
- IGCCCG classification.
- Good Risk
- Tesicular or RP primary, nomets other then lungs,
low tumour markers. - GET BEPx3 or EPx4
- Intermediate and Poor Risk
- BEP X4
21Chemotherapy Complications
- Bleomycin
- Lung and Vessel fibrosis.
- Etoposide
- Late secondary malignancies
- Cisplatin
- Renal toxicity
- Neuro toxicity
- All
- Haemopoetic
- Reduced fertility even before orchidectomy.
- Orchidectomy will possibly reduce sperm count a
little. - Chemotherapy
- Reduced fertility for approx 2 years
- XRT (dogleg) will reduce fertility.
- Solution
- Sperm banking
23The Residual Mass after Chemotherapy
- Can occur in
- RP
- Liver
- Other sites.
24What is it made off?NSGCT
- Necrosis/ fibrosis 50
- Teratoma 45
- Viable cancer 5
- Can you predict?
- Degree of shrinkage
- Teratoma in primary
- Size of the mass
25What is it made of?Seminoma
- Depends on size.
- lt3cm only 2/74 had viable cancer
- gt3cm 25 had viable cancer
- PET scan is useful for seminoma masses.
26Retroperitoneal Lymphnode Dissection (RPLND)
- What is it done for?
- Removal of all retroperitoneal nodes after chemo
(including and mass). - Removal of retroperitoneal tumour when still
growing and have run out of chemotherapy - Occasional for other cancer types eg. Renal
cancer or TCC of the bladder.
27Boundries of RPLND
28A Severe Case.
29Lumber Sympathetic Nerves Control Ejaculation
Sympathetic chain
Lumber Sympathetic Nerves
Hypogastric plexus
30Nerve sparingDissection of individual
sympathetic nerves
Left Sympathetic nerves
Right Sympathetic nerves
31Post-op course
- Ileus
- Respiratory
- Pain
- Fluid shifts
- Warm legs
- Short term
- Prolonged ileus
- Bowel obstruction
- Respiratory failure
- PE
- Ascites (chylous)
- Long-term
- Anejaculation
- Adhesive bowel obstruction
- Depends on cancer stage and presense of residual
disease. - Generally dont need abdo CTs
- Tumour Markers
- Chest XR