Welcome Back!! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome Back!!


Digital Photography Teacher: Ms. Wickersham TSA (Technology Student Association) ... outdoor photography, night/low light photography, and show, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome Back!!

Welcome Back!!
  • Classes Technology Design and Application
  • IED (Intro. to Engineering Design)
  • POE (Principles of Engineering)
  • Digital Photography
  • Teacher Ms. Wickersham

Contact Information
  • Teacher Ms. Wickersham
  • Office Hours A1 B3
  • Phone (859) 381-3620 ext. 1320
  • Email amanda.wickersham_at_fayette.kyschools.us
  • Website http//staff.fcps.net/awickersham

Class Requirements
  • 3- ring Binder
  • Lab fees
  • 30.00 IED
  • 30.00 POE
  • 30.00 Technology Design
  • 20.00 Photography
  • Flash Drive
  • Skydrive virtual drive

Grading Scale
  • 92-100 A
  • 83-91 B
  • 74-82         C
  • 65-73 D
  • 0-64 F
  • Grade feedback is provided to students, however,
    students are able to check detailed grades via
    the IC student portal.
  • Statistically, students who check their grades
    regularly, make better grades.

Grading Policy
  • Assignments will be described by three major
  • Category 1 Formative (50 of grade)
  • Daily work, quizzes, ORQ, etc.
  • Category 2 Summative (35 of grade)
  • Unit tests, class presentations, projects,
    long-term papers, etc.
  • Category 3 EOC (15 of grade)
  • Final Exam

Commodore Four
  • Turn off personal technology from 825-315
    (unless your teacher says otherwise)
  • Follow the Ten-Ten rule Hall passes are
    available only after ten minutes into the block,
    and before the last ten minutes at the end of the
  • Use appropriate language
  • Report to class on time.

Cell phone Policy
  • Cell phones are to be turned off and put away
    between 830 and 315.
  • Cell Phone violations will be dealt with as
  • 1st offense cell phone confiscated returned
    to parent (same day or whenever they come to
  • 2nd offense phone confiscated for 5 school
    days returned to parent
  • 3rd offense cell phone confiscated for 5 school
    days returned to parent one day of SAFE
  • 4th offense increasing disciplinary action with
    increasing infractions

Guidelines for Success
  • Commodores..
  • Take responsibility
  • Commit to learning
  • Honor self and others
  • Serve and contribute

Clothing Guidelines
  • Pants must be worn above the hips.
  • Shorts, dresses and skirts must be at least
    fingertip length. When arms are down by your
    side (in a relaxed posture), the fingertip should
    be touching material.
  • Shoulders, backs and midriffs must be covered.
    This applies to both male and female students.
  • No spaghetti straps, tank tops, see-through or
    halter tops allowed.
  • No cleavage will be exposed.
  • Promotion of alcoholic beverages, tobacco
    products, gangs, violence, sexual reference or
    anything deemed obscene, racially offensive or
    illegal activities will not be allowed
    (including, but not limited to clothing,
    tattoos, belts, jewelry, etc.)

Clothing Guidelines Continued
  • Sleepwear/loungewear or clothes originally
    intended as sleepwear/loungewear and bedroom
    slippers will not be allowed.
  • Undergarments shall not be exposed.
  • Students may not have wallet chains, spiked
    jewelry including bracelets or necklaces.
  • Head coverings including, but not limited to,
    hats, caps, hoods, visors, bandanas, scarves,
    head wraps, or mesh head coverings for male and
    female students will not be allowed unless for
    religious purposes.

Clothing Guidelines Continued
  • The wearing of sunglasses will not be allowed.
  • Hair grooming devices may not be worn in the
  • Holes may not be worn in clothing in areas where
    underwear is exposed and/or private areas of the
    body are exposed. Holes are permitted in pants
    at fingertip length or below.
  • Trench coats and long rain coats will not be
  • Clothing must be appropriately sized.
  • Roller skate shoes are not permitted.

What happens?
  • If you do not meet the dress code
    expectation.....what happens?
  • If you can "fix it," you may stay in class.
  • If you can't "fix it" in class, you will be given
    an opportunity to do so by getting other clothing
    to wear. Your teacher will write you a pass to
    the office for help with this. You can call home
    for other clothes to change into.
  • If you still can't fix it, you will need to
    remain in SAFE for the remainder of the day.

Start on Time and Tardy Policy
  • Tates Creek High School teachers/administrators
  • value instructional time and thus view tardies
    as a
  • constant disruption, and therefore problematic.
  • Purpose of policy
  • reduce tardies
  • increase instructional time lost to tardiness
  • increase hall safety
  • improve school climate
  • increase interactions between staff and students

Tardy Policy
  • 1st Block
  • Students report to the tardy table located in
    the front hallway near the office.
  • 2nd, 3rd, 4th Block
  • Students report to class and teachers will mark
    you tardy.
  • Consequences for tardies varies, depending on the
    number of tardies.
  • - In school SAFE
  • - After/before school detention
  • - Saturday school
  • - Suspension

Missed Assignments/Make-up work Policy
  • Missed assignments Please go to my website to
  • missed assignments. It is the students
    responsibility to
  • acquire missed assignments!
  • Make-up Policy
  • When a student misses 1 day (for example an A
    day) he/she
  • returns the following A day to receive missed
  • which are due the next A day.
  • When a student misses 2 days consecutive days he
    or she
  • returns the following A day and the following B
    day to
  • receive missing assignments, which will be due
    the next A
  • day and the next B day.

  • Food drinks stay in the cafeteria they will
    not be allowed past the checkpoint. Bottled
    water is the only thing that can be brought out
    of the cafeteria.
  • Trays are to be put up. Chairs are to be pushed
  • Restrooms in the gym foyer will be open during
  • If a student wants to go to the media center
    during lunch, they need to pick up a pass in the
    morning from the Media Center.
  • Students are to stay in the cafeteria area during
    their designated lunch. The rest of the building
    is off limits unless they have a pass.

Hall Passes
  • A student must have a hall pass when exiting the
  • Only one student can use the hall pass.
  • One-way passes are issued to students who are not
    returning to class.
  • No hall passes during 10-10
  • Always ask before using my hall pass
  • Always be honest about where you are going or you
    will lose privileges.

  • When a student is found to have been copying
    another students' work, plagiarizing, receiving
    answers from other sources, or when a student is
    found to have assisted in these infractions
  • Students will receive a zero for the activity on
    which cheating occurred.
  • Students will not be eligible for any academic or
    service award during the current school year.

Closed Campus
  • Students are expected to remain on campus once
    they are on school property, and until school is
  • Gaines way Park is OFF Campus.
  • The principals may only grant permission for a
    student to leave campus.
  • If a student needs to go to their car, they must
    acquire a car pass from the admin. office. Car
    passes are not issued during 3rd block.

  • A student is considered to be skipping if he/she
  • Leaves school without checking out
  • Leaves class without permission
  • Fails to report to, or remain in, an assigned
  • Fails to report to the Admin. office when illness
    prevents the student from attending classes.

Check In/Out
  • The attendance office is in room 200
  • After 845, all check-ins will go to room 200
  • All check-outs are to go through the attendance
    office as well
  • Excuses for absences are to be turned in at the
    attendance office promptly after the absence.

Tobacco Use
  • Tates Creek is a tobacco-free campus.
  • Consequences for all violations of this policy
    are outlined in the code of conduct distributed
    to all students.
  • Tobacco products, lighters, and/or smoking
    paraphernalia shall be confiscated and disposed

Alcohol, Drugs, Intoxicating Substances
  • No student shall possess, use, be under the
    influence of, sell, or transfer alcoholic
    beverages, narcotics, drugs, counterfeit
    controlled substances, look-alike drugs, or other
    intoxicating substances, not possess, sell or
    transfer drug paraphernalia on school property,
    enroute to or from school, or at any location of
    a school sponsored activity.
  • Violations will result in a ten day Out-of-School
    suspensions and possible criminal charges.

School Email
  • Each student is given an email account and access
    to the schools intranet.
  • You must fill out a Technology acceptable use
    form (You should get this from your homeroom
  • Your school e-mail address will be in this
    format FirstName.LastName_at_stu.fayette.kyschools.

Classroom Goals
  • Acquire useful technological knowledge
  • Develop good team working skills, work
  • Develop proper knowledge and use of
  • Develop self-discipline and self-responsibility
  • Acquire knowledge of post-secondary options

Class Procedures
  • Please be in your seat before the tardy bell
  • I will get your attention by raising my hand,
    when this happens, I expect you to raise your
    hand and give me eye contact until everyone is
    quiet. (Lets Practice)

Look at the white board for instructions and an
agenda for the day.
Class Procedures
  • You are expected to remain in your seat until I
    ask you to stand up and push your chair under the
    table near the end of the block. Remain
    standing behind your chair.
  • If you are in 4th block, I will ask you to stack
    your chair.

Class Expectations/Rules
  • All students are expected to
  • Please walk in quietly and go to your seat before
    the tardy bell.
  • Arrive to class on time.
  • Raise your hand when asking/answering questions.
  • Please do not talk during lecturing.

Menu of Consequences
  • Verbal reprimand (warning)
  • The look
  • Proximity
  • Sentences
  • Alternate seat assignment
  • Contact parents
  • Discipline referral
  • . . .and many more

IED - Introduction to Engineering Design
  • Text No textbook
  • Overview This course is designed to provide a
    background in basic design. It is an
    introductory course that teaches engineering
    fundamentals used by engineers, designers, and
    drafters it provides hands-on experience and
    career research for students interested in
    pursuing one of these fields as a post-secondary
  • Students will learn/utilize software (Inventor)
    to design and draft projects and then they will
    utilize power tools to actually manufacture the
    projects to facilitate and reinforce the

Technology Design and Application
  • Text Exploring Transportation, Goodheart-Willcox
  • Company, Inc. 2004
  • Overview This course is designed to engage
  • students in individual and/or team design
    activities in various
  • technological contexts. Students will apply the
  • design and problem-solving process, develop
    critical thinking
  • skills, and will identify/develop positive work
  • while completing activities. Projects are
    rigorous and are
  • intended for mature, motivated students only.
  • Activities will include researching, designing,
  • testing, and the modification of product(s).
    Students will learn
  • how to use power tools in order to complete
    design projects.
  • Students will also explore relevant
    post-secondary options
  • pertaining to this course as well.

POE (Principles of Engineering)
  • Text Engineering Technology, Delmar-Cengage
    Learning, Inc. 2010
  • Suggested prerequisite IED or Technology Design
  • Overview This course is designed to engage
  • students in individual and/or team design
    activities in various
  • technological contexts. Students will apply the
    design and
  • problem-solving process, develop critical
    thinking skills, and
  • will identify/develop positive work habits/ethics
  • completing activities. Projects are rigorous and
    are intended
  • for mature, motivated students only.
  • Activities will include researching, designing,
  • testing, and the modification of product(s).
    Students will learn
  • how to use power tools in order to complete
    design projects.
  • Students will also explore relevant
    post-secondary options
  • pertaining to this course as well.

Digital Photography
  • Text Photo Digital Imaging, Goodheart-Willcox
    Co., 2002
  • Overview This course takes a general look at the
    different photographic techniques through
    lighting and composition that separates
    photographs from pictures. The class will learn
    how to use the digital camera, and make prints
    using a variety of different styles of picture
    taking including the studio, outdoor photography,
    night/low light photography, and slideshow, etc.
    Students will use photo editing software to
    enhance and design the photos.
  • Fee 20
  • 3 ring binder with a clear cover on the front
  • USB drive or Skydrive
  • Camera Optional, limited class cameras.
  • Textbook fee

TSA (Technology Student Association)
  • The Technology Student Association is an
    international organization made up of technology
    education students from different schools and
    their advisors.
  • Forty-eight of the U.S. states and a handful of
    other countries are members of the organization.

TSA (Technology Student Association)
  • It is largely student-run, with students
    campaigning to be elected to offices at the
    chapter, state, and national levels (with
    national office being the highest position.
  • TSA is also highly focused on competing in local,
    regional, and state competitions with other TSA
    branches from all over the world.

  • What is the rule regarding personal technology
    (cell phones, iPods, etc.)?
  • What is the bathroom rule and how would you lose
    your privileges?
  • How will I get your attention discuss the
  • What do you do if you hear the tardy bell ring
    and you are not in class?
  • If you are in violation of the dress code, what
    is the policy procedure? List all three steps.

  • What is the ten-ten rule?
  • Name two of the four guidelines for success.
  • Where should you look for instructions, when
    first entering the room?
  • How do you obtain missed work when you are
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