Load balancing in IP protocols - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Load balancing in IP protocols


Capacity Based Load Balancing 2/2 If capacity based load balancer is used, and capacity of Peer 1, Peer 2, Peer 3 and Peer 4 is 1, 2, 3 and 4; ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Load balancing in IP protocols

  • Load balancing in IP protocols
  • Author Sunesh Kumra
  • Supervisor Prof Raimo Kantola
  • Instructor Michael Zhidovinov
  • Work was carried out Nokia Networks, Helsinki
  • Thesis number 1023 2004
  • Presentation Date Aug 31, 2004

Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Research Problem
  • Stateless Load Balancer
  • Stateful Load Balancer
  • Dynamic Addition and Removal of Nodes
  • Capacity Based Load Balancing
  • Overload Control
  • Conclusion

Introduction- Context
  • The diagram below shows a Network Element that is
    build with many loosely, coupled server nodes.
    The load balancer is responsible for distributing
    traffic to these server nodes.

Research Problem Requirements
  • The most important functional requirement of the
    load balancer is to ensure that all the traffic
    pertaining to one call goes to the same CPS
  • Performance The LB is he single point of entry
    in the cluster (NE) and hence has to be fast
    enough without becoming the bottleneck of the
  • Scalability More nodes can be added to LB (load
    balancer) at the run time. A load balancer should
    be able to scale both statically and dynamically.
  • Awareness of load at the nodes where the traffic
    is being routed. Ideally, the load balancer must
    be adaptive.
  • LB should be able to handle failures of internal
    nodes. The aim is not to make sure that the LB
    can handle all kinds of faults, but it should be
    able to handle basic fault situation such as the
    case when an internal node crashes.

Introduction- types of load balancers
  • Network-Based load balancing This type of load
    balancing is provided by IP routers and DNS
    (domain name servers) that service a pool of host
    machines. For example, when a client resolves a
    hostname, the DNS can assign a different IP
    address to each request dynamically based on
    current load conditions.  
  • Network-Layer based load balancing The load
    balancer may balance the traffic based on the
    source IP address and/or port of the incoming IP
    packet. This type of load balancing does not take
    into account the contents of the packet, so is
    not very flexible.
  • Transport-Layer based load balancing The load
    balancer may choose to route the entire
    connection to a particular server. This type of
    load balancing is very useful if the connections
    are short-lived and are established frequently.
  • Application-Layer/Middleware based load balancing
    This type of load balancing is performed in the
    application-layer, often on a per-session or
    per-request basis.

Introduction- classes of load balancers
  • Non-adaptive load balancer A load balancer can
    use non-adaptive policies, such as simple
    round-robin algorithm, hash-based or
    randomization algorithm.
  • Adaptive load balancer A load balancer can use
    adaptive policies that utilize run-time
    information, such as amount of CPU load on the
    node to determine the server to route the request
  • Load Balancers and Load Distributors are not the
    same thing. Strictly speaking non-adaptive load
    balancers are load distributors.

Research Problem categories from LB perspective
  • UDP based protocols
  • TCP based protocols where each session/call lasts
    for a very long time.
  • TCP based protocol where each session/call is
    short lived or a mix of short and medium duration

Research Problem criteria of load balancing
stateful applications
  • Incase the applications are stateful the load
    balancer has to make sure that all the messages
    pertaining to one call are routed to the same
    node (This is the most usual case). Notice in the
    figure below that all messages from the same call
    (denoted by the same color) end up at the same

Research Problem criteria of load balancing
stateless applications
  • Incase the applications are stateless, the load
    balancer may route the incoming message to any
    node. It is the responsibility of the application
    to replicate the call state. We can see in the
    figure below that the messages from one call
    (denoted by the same color) end up at different

Stateless Load Balancer LB via NAT
  • The advantage of the load balancing via NAT is
    that nodes can run any operating system that
    supports TCP/IP protocol, internal nodes can use
    private Internet addresses, and only one
    externally visible IP address is needed for the
    load balancer.
  • The disadvantage is that the scalability of the
    virtual server via NAT is limited as all the
    traffic passes through it.

Stateless Load Balancer- LB using IP Tunneling
  • In the load balancing using IP tunneling, the
    load balancer schedules requests to the different
    nodes, and the nodes return replies directly to
    the external nodes.
  • The original IP packet is encapsulated in another
    IP packet and directed to a chosen internal node.
    At the internal node, the packet is decapsulated
    and the original packet is retrieved. The
    original packet has the source IP address and
    port where the packet originated and is used to
    establish a new connection back to the external

Stateless Load Balancer- LB using Direct Routing
  • Compared to the load balancing using IP tunneling
    approach, this approach doesn't have tunneling
    overhead (In fact, this overhead is minimal in
    most situations), but requires that one of the
    load balancer's interfaces and the internal nodes
    interfaces must be in the same physical segment.

Stateful Load Balancer properties 1/2
  • For every call instead of calculating the hash we
    use Round-Robin algorithm, ensuring an even load
  • For every message we have to read/write from/to
    the Call State machine. Reading from the Call
    State Machine would be at least twice as many
    times as writing to it. The Call State Machine
    may soon become the bottleneck of the load
    balancer. Call State Machines soon grow to a big
    size, taking up a lot of memory. Maintaining call
    state takes a lot of memory. For example in the
    worst case, if the load balancer is serving 20
    000 transactions/second and each transaction has
    a timeout of 3 minutes then it has to maintain
    180 x 20 000 3.6 million states at any time. If
    every state takes 20 bytes then the 68 MB memory
    is required just for maintaining call-states
  • The graceful addition and removal of the nodes
    is also very simple to implement in stateful load
    balancers. This is because if there were a few
    nodes added to the cluster, it will not change
    anything in the Call State Machine for the
    on-going calls.

Stateful Load Balancer properties 2/2
  • The stateful load balancer does not scale as well
    as the stateless load balancer as it has to
    access a common repository called the Call State
    machine for reading and writing states.
  • It is difficult to implement redundancy model in
    stateful load balancers like hot-active standby.
    The amount of data to be replicated to the
    standby node depends on the number of calls
    served by the load balancer. Without providing
    redundancy for the load balancer, it becomes the
    single and biggest point of failure for the
    cluster. To provide a fault tolerant load
    balancer the call states need to be replicated to
    a standby unit, the larger the Routing Table the
    more the data to replicate. In the example that
    we considered where every state took 20 bytes to
    store, we would need to replicate a table of size
    68 MB, which is an overhead. To replicate these
    20 000 states to the standby unit we need a good
    internal replication mechanism, because 20 000 x
    20 390 kilobyte of data would need to be
    transferred every second.

Dynamic Addition and Removal of Nodes - problem
  • Typically the stateless load balancer uses the
    hash-algorithm to route a message. In the
    following cluster the hash for a certain call ID
    yields node 1.
  • Now if an additional node is removed, for the
    same call, the hash returns node 3.

Dynamic Removal of a node 1/3
  • At startup
  • Node 2 sends a notification to the LB to stop
    sending new requests to it. It also sends a list
    of its on-going calls. The LB thus maintains a
    list of active calls in the node, which has to be
    taken out of service, gracefully. The LB marks
    the node 2 as a gray node, a node to which no new
    calls should be sent, shown in the table above.

Dynamic Removal of a node 2/3
  • When a request comes to the LB from the outside
    world and the routing-function generates 3, which
    has gray Service Node ID corresponding to it
    then the LB checks to see if the Call ID of the
    incoming request exists in the pending calls for
    the node. If yes, it sends it to node 2, else it
    sends it to node 3.
  • When a response comes to the LB from outside
    world and the routing-function generates 3, which
    has gray Service Node ID corresponding to it
    then the LB checks to see if the Call ID of the
    incoming response exists in the pending calls for
    the node. If yes, it sends it to node 2, else it
    sends it to node 3.

Dynamic Removal of a node 3/3
  • When all the ongoing sessions in the node 2 are
    finished, node 2 sends an event to the load
    balancer and the load balancer updates the
    routing table as shown in the table below.

Capacity Based Load Balancing 1/2
  • In all the discussion above we assumed that the
    internal nodes had an equal processing capacity.
    In reality this may not be the case. For example
    in a cluster running Diameter, SIP and COPS
    applications, there could be very easily be a
    case where some nodes are running all the three
    protocols, some nodes are just running a
    dedicated protocol, or yet different
    combinations. The message is that the load
    balancer cannot distribute traffic to the
    internal entities assuming that they have equal
    traffic-handling capacity.
  • Assume that today the standard CPU speed is 1600
    MHz, and two year later when we want to add more
    nodes (new hardware) into the cluster, maybe the
    commonly available CPU speed then is 2400 MHz,
    then the traffic cannot be evenly distributed
    amongst the internal nodes because different
    nodes have different processing capacity. Hence
    the need for capacity-based load balancer.
  • Peer Capacity is the parameter of interest for
    us, for the capacity based load balancer. For
    example, if a cluster typically has every node
    with processor with 1600 MHz speed and each node
    has two processors, and then Peer Capacity may
    have values from 1 to 4. A value of 1 would mean
    that the Peer is designed to consume half of one
    processor and the value of 4 would mean that the
    Peer should consume both the processors fully.

Capacity Based Load Balancing 2/2
  • If capacity based load balancer is used, and
    capacity of Peer 1, Peer 2, Peer 3 and Peer 4 is
    1, 2, 3 and 4then the HashTable is initialized
    as shown in the following table.
  • So capacity based load balancer nicely spreads
    the traffic by merely changing the population of
    the HashTable, nothing else is changed.

Overload Control
  • The arguments in favor and against doing overload
    control entirely at the load balancer are given
  • Advantages
  • The load balancer is a front door for the
    cluster. The point of entry is a logical place to
    make sure that excess traffic does not enters the
  • There is no proprietary interface required
    between the Peers and the load balancer for
    receiving feedback from the nodes.
  • Disadvantages
  • The processing logic at the load balancer
    increases and thus would lower its performance.
  • The load balancer would have to keep track of
    load at the internal nodes, therefore bringing in
    state to it.
  • It is not possible to configure the load balancer
    to use the metrics of overload provided by the
  • It is not possible for the load balancer to
    detect the load at the internal nodes accurately.
    For example if an internal node is shared such
    that it is dedicated 20 for COPS, 30 for
    Diameter and 50 for SIP. If the load balancer is
    balancing traffic for, say Diameter and measuring
    the response time from the Peer to find out how
    loaded it is, then it might happen that the
    Diameter Peer starts consuming CPU allocated for
    other protocols. There is no way that the load
    balancer can know this.

Results and Conclusion-1/2
  • As IP Telephony becomes more popular and Call
    Processing Servers become more distributed, the
    demand for greater scalability and dependability
    is increasing. Distributed system performance and
    dependability can degrade significantly, when
    servers become overloaded by client requests. To
    alleviate such bottlenecks, load balancer must
    implement a congestion control algorithm. It
    should also be possible for the operator or
    service provider to add extra hardware to the
    system without interrupting the ongoing traffic. 
  • This paper lists four classes of load balancers
    for IP traffic, which were Network-Based load
    balancer, Network-Layer load balancer,
    Transport-Layer load balancer or the Application
    Layer based load balancer. All load balancer
    should follow in one of the above four
  • Performance and scalability are the most
    important requirements for any load balancer.
    However providing congestion control and the
    ability to add or remove servers from the load
    balancer at run time are very important
    functionalities as well. A load balancer, which
    can adapt to changing load in the servers or
    changing topology, is called as an adaptive load
    balancer. In the absence of the intelligence to
    adapt to changing conditions, a load balancer
    should rather be called as load distributor.

Results and Conclusion-2/2
  • While designing a load balancer care should be
    taken to keep its functionality as simple as
    possible. It is very important to have clear
    requirements before designing a load balancer.
    This is because a few minor requirements can
    change the way you want to design a load
    balancer. For example if there is a requirement
    that a load balancer must be designed to serve
    multiple clients which have a short-lived
    connection, then a transport layer or networking
    layer load balancer may be a suitable choice.
    However if a requirement states that a load
    balancer must be designed to serve some clients
    that have a very long-lived connection, then an
    application layer load balancer may be a suitable
    choice. So the approach towards load balancing
    solution can vary with every small requirement
  • A stateless load balancer has been argued to be
    better choice than stateful load balancers. A
    stateful load balancer is easier to design and
    can provide more flexibility like ease of
    removing or adding a server to the load balancer
    and congestion control.  
  • The traffic of any protocol should be distributed
    without modifying or extending the protocol
    itself. Even if the interoperability for a
    protocol is not an aim, then also it should be
    preferred to have a solution, which involves no
    modification to the existing protocol.
  • Before deciding on a load balancer policy all the
    alternatives should be considered which are
    stateful or stateless load balancer on either
    Layer 3, 4 or 7. The load balancer can further be
    adaptive or non-adaptive.

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