Title: Lung Function Testing in School-Age Children
1Lung Function Testingin School-Age Children
- Paul Aurora
- Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children,
- Institute of Child Health,
- London
2Structure of talk
- Why bother?
- What do we need from a lung function test?
- What tests are available?
- Spirometry
- Other tests
3Why bother?
- LFTs aid diagnosis and prognosis, so are of
benefit clinically and epidemiologically - Early identification of lung disease allows
monitoring of progression - LFTs can be used as outcome measures to evaluate
4What is the test for?
- For the researcher, lung function tests need to
show differences between groups, at
cross-section, and over time or with
interventions - For the clinician, lung function tests need to
discriminate between individuals, or to monitor
change in an individual over time or with
5Airway function in infants with CF vs prospective
healthy controls
Ranganathan et al Lancet 2001 AJRCCM 2002
Average reduction of 22 in FEV0.5 in infants
with CF vs healthy infants after adjustment
for body size, age, sex etc
USA healthy London CF London healthy
6So, what do we need to know first?
- Precision usually expressed as coefficient of
variation - Variability/repeatability
- Between subjects
- Within subject, between occasions
- Reference data
- Standardisation
7Between occasion repeatability
8Between occasion repeatability
Chan E, Thorax. 2003 Apr58(4)344-7.
9Accurate anthropometry essential for meaningful
interpretation of results
How often do you calibrate your stadiometer?
10Quality control
- Study by Arets et al (ERJ 2001) reported
spirometry in 446 school-age children who were
experienced in the test - Only 60 met ATS and ERS adult criteria for start
of test - Only 15 met the criterion for forced expired
time - Only 80 met the criteria for reproducibility
- Conclusion adult QC criteria are not
appropriate for children
11Commonly used techniques
- Spirometry
- tells you about airflow limitation and lung
volumes - Plethysmography
- tells you about airway resistance, total lung
size, and trapped gas - Transfer factor
- Tells you about alveolar function (also affected
by pulmonary blood supply VQ matching)
12Less commonly used techniques
- Gas washout tests
- Tell you about gas mixing (small airway function,
heterogenous changes in compliance) - Interrupter resistance (Rint)
- Tells you about airway resistance
- Oscillometry
- possibly tells you about small airways
13Diagnosing asthma
- Change in lung function
- After bronchodilator
- After bronchoconstriction (exercise, dry air,
methacholine) - Commonly use spirometry as outcome measure, but
can use any airway test (eg airway resistance,
gas washout)
14Airway inflammation
- Exhaled NO
- Exhaled breath condensate
- Induced sputum
15Exercise tests
- Maximal tests (eg bicycle ergometer)
- Monitor VO2, VCO2, lactate production etc
- Submaximal tests (6-min walk, 3-min step,
shuttle) - Monitor walk distance, SpO2, HR, breathlessness
16Other specialised tests
- Fitness to fly (ask child to breath 15 O2,
monitor SpO2) - Skin allergen testing (skin prick, skin patch)
18What is a forced expiratory manoeuvre?
- Breathe in to desired volume
- exhale as fast as possible to RV
- volume-time or flow-volume plots
- easy for adults and children gt 6, difficult for
younger children, infants need assistance
19What is measured from forced expiration?
- Volume-time
- Timed expired volumes, FEVt
- MEF75-25
- Flow-Volume
- Flow at fixed volumes, MEF
20Flow-volume and volume-time plots
21Forced Expiratory Flow-Volume Curve
Flow (L.s-1)
Expired Vital Capacity ()
22What does the flow-volume curve tell you?
- Flow-volume curves
- maximal (MEFV) from TLC
- partial (PEFV) from lower volume
- slope of descending limb
- inverse of time-constant of emptying
- shape conveys information
23Why measure forced expiration?
- Expiratory flow-limitation is achieved with
reasonable effort during forced expiration
24Expiratory flow limitation
- Once a certain minimum effort has been exceeded,
maximum expiratory flow becomes independent of
the effort applied - the maximum flow is thought to reflect the
mechanical properties of the lungs and airways
25Demonstrating flow-limitation Isovolume
pressure-flow curves
- Series of forced expirations at different lung
volumes - Driving pressure must be measured
26Demonstrating flow-limitation
75 TLC
50 TLC
25 TLC
27Demonstrating flow-limitation
28Demonstrating flow-limitation
75 TLC
50 TLC
25 TLC
29Demonstrating flow-limitation
- Isovolume pressure-flow curves
- Increasing driving pressure
- overlay curves
- adding an oscillating pressure to jacket pressure
during squeeze - applying negative pressure
30NEP Equipment for assessing flow limitation
during RVRTC Jones et al 2000
31NEP to assess flow limitation - Jones et al
Flow limitation achieved
No Flow limitation
32Theories to explain flow limitation
- Equal pressure point (Mead et al. 1967)
- Starling resistor (Pride et al. 1967)
- Wave speed theory (Dawson et al. 1977)
33Spirometry in infants
34- Choose appropriate game
- Set appropriate target
- Allow sufficient trials
35Body Plethysmography
36Body plethysmography
- Airway resistance calculated from the
relationship between pressure difference and flow - Total lung volume can be calculated by breathing
against an occlusion
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38Multiple-breath washout
- Tidal breathing test
- The resident gas of the lung is washed-out
using air (eg SF6 or He washout), or oxygen
(nitrogen washout) - The ventilation required to dilute the resident
gas is a measure of (small) airway function
39(No Transcript)
40- A Wash-in phase
- B Disconnection
- C Washout
41Interrupter technique theory
- Based on assumption that change in transpulmonary
pressure observed immediately after sudden
occlusion of airway is entirely explained by
cessation of flow - Respiratory system resistance (Rrs) then
calculated from change in pressure (Prs) and flow
preceding occlusion - Assumes that pressure measured at mouth
equilibrates along airways immediately after
occlusion - Can now be measured by inexpensive portable device
42The interrupter technique
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44Impulse oscillation / Forced oscillation theory
- The mechanical characteristics of a system may be
calculated by relating the applied stress to the
resultant deformation - During breathing, pressure is generated by the
respiratory muscles to produce deformation of the
lung - If transpulmonary pressure is varied in a
frequency domain different from that of
respiratory muscle activity, we can study
mechanics related to the applied transpulmonary
45Impulse oscillation technique
- Signal of 6Hz or greater generated by computer,
delivered through one or more loudspeakers placed
at the mouth, at the chest or via a headbox
(headbox aims to reduce upper airway artefact) - Measure angular velocity and frequency of applied
pressure and resultant flow. From this can
calculate the mechanical impedance of the
respiratory system - (Zrs, Prs / Vrs)
- Pressure and flow are normally measured at same
point (input impedance, Zrs,in)
46Forced Oscillation Technique
standard generator
head generator to minimize upper airway
47Nitric Oxide levels within the airway
- NO formed in upper lower respiratory tract
- Diffusion into lumen conditions exhaled gas with
NO - Alveolar NO is very low as NO taken up by
haemoglobin in pulmonary capillaries - Nasal NO is high and may contaminate exhaled
samples - Ambient NO may be very high. Measurement
technique needs to prevent contamination of
exhaled sample
48Inhale (NO free air)
- Exhale to RV
- Inhale to TLC over 2-3s
- No nose clip (unless subject cannot avoid nasal
inspiration)Inspired air passes through a
scrubber to eliminate ambient NO recommend
FINO lt 5 ppb
49Exhaled NO signal profiles
- Flow 45-55 ml/sduration gt 6s
- NO profile- washout phase- transition-
plateau lasting gt3s ?NO lt 10 or if NO
lt5ppb, ?NO lt 1ppb - Pressure 5-20 cmH2O.
- Allow gt 30s quiet breathing between tests
- Repeatability ? 2 tests with NO plateau within
10 of the mean
50Offline exhaled NO circuit
51Key points
- Spirometry still the mainstay of the lung
function lab, but - Other tests may be more sensitive
- It may be possible to measure inflammation
52Key points
- Whatever test you use, remember
- What is the test for?
- What is precision, variability?
- Quality control is essential
- What are your reference data?