Title: Inheritance
- Inheritance is a fundamental object-oriented
technique is which enhances software design and
promotes reuse - We will focus on
- deriving new classes
- creating class hierarchies
- the protected modifier
- polymorphism via inheritance
- inheritance used in graphical user interfaces
2The Three Pillars of OOP
- The Three Pillars of OOP
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Every class in Java extends some other class.
- If you don't explicitly specify the class that
your new class extends, it will automatically
extend the class named Object.
- By creating a class e.g. Student - and storing
in that class all the variables and methods
associated with a student in our program we are - Encapulating within the Student class all data
pertaining to a student - Thus later changes to a student profile can all
be done in one place in class
4Class Hierarchy
- Java uses a class hierarchy to organize its
classes. -
- Thus, all classes in Java exist in a class
hierarchy where the class named Object forms the
root of the hierarchy. - Some classes extend Object directly, while other
classes are - subclasses of Object further down the hierarchy.
- Inheritance allows a software developer to derive
a new class from an existing one - The existing class is called the parent class, or
superclass, or base class - The derived class is called the child class or
6UML OR Unified Modeling Language is used in to
model an applicationS structures, behavior and
even business processes
- As the name implies, the child inherits
characteristics of the parent. - That is, the child class inherits the methods and
data defined in the parent class - This means that all child classes have access
to the methods and data.
- Inheritance relationships are shown in a UML
class diagram as solid arrow with an unfilled
triangular arrowhead pointing to the parent class
- Proper inheritance creates an is-a relationship,
- meaning the child is a more specific version of
the parent
- Class Car is a subclass of Vehicle and it
- inherits state and behavior and from its parent
- An objects state is in the form of instance
variables and - its behavior in the form of methods.
- The child inherits both from all of its
ancestors. -
10Class Vehicle extends Object // data //
methods ( functions) Class Car extends
Vehicle // data - // methods (
functions) //some data and methods can be
inherited from Vehicle
ClassVehicle Method 1 Method 2 Method 3
Class Car Inherits all of the above methods and
can add methods of its own
- A programmer can tailor a child class as needed
by adding new variables or methods, - or by modifying the inherited ones
- Software reuse is the fundamental benefit of
- By using existing software components to create
new ones, - we capitalize on all the effort that went into
the design, implementation, - and testing of the existing software
14Class Account deposit()
Class SavingsAccount Inherits deposit ()
Class SeniorAccount Inherits deposit()
- This leads to smaller and easier to understand
systems. - WHY?
- Class components can be reused, promoting the
concept of code reusability.
- Inheritance cuts redundancy as descendant classes
only implement functionality that is particular
to them. - ///MOST IMPORTANT
- When changes are made on the parent information,
all child classes automatically are changed also. - .
- Thus the models that are created are
- easier to modify and
- easier to implement
18Concepts to Review
WHAT IS AN ISA Relationship? What is
Encapsulation? What are the benefits of
Inheritance? What does Code Reuse mean in
terms of efficiency? What effect does a code
change in the parent class have on a child
19Sub or Child Classes
- In Java, the reserved word extends is used to
establish an inheritance relationship - To declare a subclass you would write
- class subclass extends SuperClass . . .
or, - class Dictionary extends Book
- A Java class can have only one direct superclass.
20Sub or Child Classes
- class ParentClass // the super class
- protected int num // instance variable
- public ParentClass(int num) // constructor
- this. num num
21- class ParentClass
- protected int num // instance variable
- public ParentClass (int num) // constructor
- this. num num
- class ChildClass extends ParentClass
- private float num1 // instance variable
- public ChildClass(int newnum, float num1) //
Constructor -
- super(newnum) // calls parent class
constructor - this.num1 num1
- TO create an instance of the Childclass we use
- Childclass child new Childclass( 20, 30)
- This code call the parent class constructor and
sends it two parameters which are integers that
will be stored in newnum and
num1 - ( header for the Parent Class constructor)
- public ParentClass(int newnum, float num1)
23Deriving Subclasses
- In Java, we use the reserved word extends to
establish an inheritance relationship - class Car extends Vehicle
- // class contents
24Controlling Inheritance
- Visibility modifiers determine which class
members get inherited and which do not - Variables and methods declared with public
visibility are inherited, and - those with private visibility are not
- But public instance variables violate our goal
of encapsulation - (DO NOT USE THEM IN THIS COURSE!!!)
- SO -------
- There is a third visibility modifier that helps
in inheritance situations protected
26The protected Modifier
- The protected visibility modifier allows a member
of a base class to be inherited into the child
class - The protected visibility modifier provides more
encapsulation than public does. - Encapsulation requires that we protect as much as
possible our instance variables from outside
27Class Book
- //------------------------------------------------
------------------- - // Class Book serves as a parent class for
class Dictionary - //------------------------------------------------
------------------- - class Book
- protected int pages 1500
- //
- // Prints a message using the value of an
instance variable. - //
- public void page_message ()
- System.out.println ("Number of pages "
pages) - // method page_message
- // class Book
28- //------------------------------------------------
------------------- - class Dictionary extends Book
- private int definitions 52500
- //
- // Prints an instance variable declared in this
class and - // an instance variable one that it inherited
from Book - //
- public void definition_message ()
- System.out.println (" of definitions "
definitions) - System.out.println ("Definitions per page
" - definitions/pages)
- // method definition_message
- // class Dictionary
29Class Words
- //
- // Instantiates a child class and invokes its
inherited methods. - //
- public static void main (String args)
- // create object of Dictionary class(child
of Word Class) - Dictionary webster new Dictionary ()//
- webster.page_message() // method defined
in Book class - webster.definition_message() //method in
Dictionary class - // method main
- Number of pages 1500
- of definitions 52500/1500 Definitions
per page "
30Default Constructor
- In the previous slide, we created an object of
the Dictionary class. - Dictionary webster new Dictionary ()
- But the Dictionary class has no coded
constructor. - How can this be? All classes must have a
constructor - Answer The default constructor is called if a
class has no coded constructor. This happens
when instance variables already have a value.
31The super Reference
- Constructors are not inherited, even though they
have public visibility !!!! - Yet we often need to call the parent's
constructor to give values to the instance
variables in the parent class - The super reference refers to the parent class,
- It calls the parent class constructor.
32- //------------------------------------------------
---------- - // Class Book s constructor initializes pages
- //------------------------------------------------
------------ - class Book 2
- protected int pages // instance variable
- //
- // Sets up a book with the specified number
of pages. - //
- public Book 2(int num_pages)
- pages num_pages // sets number of
pages - // constructor Book
- // class Book2
33- ////
//prints out the number
of pages in a book - //
- public void page_message ()
- System.out.println ("Number of pages "
pages) - // method page_message
- // Close class Book2
34- //
- // Class Dictionary demonstrates the interaction
between the constructors of parent and child
classes. - //
- class Dictionary2 extends Book 2
- private int definitions
- //
- // CONSTRUCTOR USES the super reference to
call parent class
Book's constructor. - //
- public Dictionary2 (int num_pages, int
num_definitions) -
- // super calls parent class constructor and
sends the number of pages - super (num_pages)
- definitions num_definitions // sets of
definitions - // constructor Dictionary
35Dictionary2 class
- //
- // Prints an instance variable declared in this
class and - // an instance variable one that it inherited
from Book - //
- public void definition_message ()
- System.out.println (" of definitions "
definitions) - System.out.println ("Definitions per page
" - definitions/pages)
- // method definition_message
- NOTE that pages is inherited from the parent
----------// Driver class that creates an
object of the Dictionary2 class.
- class Words2
- public static void main (String args)
- /// Dictionary2 is child of class Book2
- Dictionary2 webster new Dictionary2 (1500,
52500) - //webster calls method from the parent Book
class - webster.page_message()
- // webster calls method from Dictionary
class - webster.definition_message()
- // method main
- // class Words2
- I want to create an object of the child class
Dictionary2 - Dictionary2 inherits the number of pages from its
parent Book 2 - HOW Did I GIVE A VALUE TO the inherited variable
Num_Pages? - How do I create an object of Dictionary2?
- How many parameters do I use for the constructor
38Class Diagram for Words
39The Super Reference - Rules
- In Words2.java, The Dictionary2 class uses the
super reference to call the parent constructor so
that the number of pages can be set. - Java requires that a child class must call the
parent class constructor using super IF and
ONLY IF - the parent class constructor has one or more
- parameters.
40SUPER and Constructors
- This insures that the parent classs instance
variables are given values. - If the parent class constructor has no
parameters, - the child class is not required to call it.
- A default constructor is called for the parent
class instead.
41Key Terms to Review
- Visibility modifiers protected
- The Super Reference
42Super Reference - A review
- When we create the constructor for a child class,
we invoke the constructor for the super class. - Do this in the first line of the sub class
constructor - The parameter list must match the parameters in
the argument list of the superclass
constructor.e.g. -
- super(num_pages) // initializes the of
pages in parent class
- We might have a constructor for a Rectangle class
with one parameter - public Rectangle(int width)
- .. Initialize instance variables
44Overloaded Constructors
- Another constructor that could be defined by
Rectangle with two parameters - public Rectangle(int length, int width)
- this.length length // shortcut assignment
- this.width width //
- Both constructors share the same name, Rectangle,
but they have different parameter lists.
- The compiler determines which constructors to use
based on the number and types of the parameters
to the constructor. E.g - // uses constructor with one parameter
- Rectangle rect new Rectangle(20)
- Rectangle rect2 new Rectangle(20,30)
- Each Rectangle object, rect and rect2, call a
different constructor
46Overloading Methods similar to overloaded
- Method overloading is the process of using the
same method name for multiple
methods. - The signature of each overloaded method must be
unique - The signature is based on the number, type, and
order of the parameters.
47Method Overloading
- The compiler must be able to determine which
version of the method is being invoked by
analyzing the parameters. - The return type of the method is not part of the
48Overloading Methods
49Overloaded Methods
- The println method is overloaded
- println (String s)
- println (int i)
- println (double d)
- etc.
- The following lines invoke different versions of
the println method - System.out.println ("The total is")
- System.out.println (total)
50Overriding Methods
- A child class can override the definition of an
inherited method in favor of its own. - This is different from the overloading that we
used in constructors. - A child can redefine a method it inherits from
its parent.
51Overriding Methods
- The new method must have the same signature as
the parent's method, - but can have different code in the body
- Same signature same number and type of
parameters etc.
52- //
- // Contains a method that is overridden in a
child class. - //
- class Thought
- public void message()
- System.out.println ("I feel like I'm
diagonally parked " "in a parallel
universe.") - // method message
- // class Thought
53- //
- // Class Advice overrides the message method.
- //but keeps same method name and number of
parameters - //
- class Advice extends Thought
- // This method overrides the parent version,
- public void message()
- System.out.println ("Warning Dates in
calendar are " "closer than they appear.") -
- // method message
- // class Advice
54- ///
- // Driver class that creates objects of parent
and child //classes. - //
- class Messages
- public static void main (String args)
- Thought parked new Thought() // create
Thought object - Advice dates new Advice()// create
Advice object - parked.message() // calls method in
Thought class - dates.message() // calls method in Advice
class - // method main
- // class Messages
55Overloading vs. Overriding
- Don't confuse the concepts of overloading and
overriding - Overloading deals with multiple methods in the
same class with the same name but
different signatures - Overriding deals with two methods, one in a
parent class and one in a child class, that have
the same signature
56Overloading VS Overriding
- Overloading lets you define a method
- in different ways for different data
- in the same class
- Overriding lets you define a method in a child
class - That has the same signature as the parent class
version but - Implements it differently from the parent class
57Overriding Methods
- To overload a method, you must duplicate the
method name, but use a different argument list. - To override a method, you must match the entire
method signature - same argument list
58Class Hierarchies
- Two children of the same parent are called
siblings. - Good class design puts all common features as
high in the hierarchy as is possible.
59Single vs. Multiple Inheritance
- Java supports single inheritance, meaning that a
derived class can have only one parent class - Multiple inheritance allows a class to be derived
from two or more classes, inheriting the members
of all parents - This causes Collisions, such as the same
variable name in two parents, have to be resolved
60The Object Class
- The class Object is defined in the java.lang
package of the Java standard class library - All classes are derived from the Object class
- The Object class is therefore the
- ultimate root of all class hierarchies
61The Object Class
- The Object class contains a few useful methods,
which are inherited by all classes, e.g. - The toString method in the object class prints
out the name of the class and its memory address
- We override the toString method in OUR classes to
output the instance variables in OUR class
62Class Object
- The class Object defines the following methods
- clone()
- equals(Object obj) -- we use
- finalize()
- getClass() - we use
- hashCode() - sometimes
- notify()
- notifyAll()
- toString() -- we use
- wait()
- wait(long timeout)
- wait(long timeout, int nanos)
- As you can see, this list includes three
overloaded versions of the method named wait
(same name, different formal argument lists).
63Class Object
- Because every class is either a direct or
indirect subclass of Object, every class in Java
inherits these eleven methods. -
- Many of these eleven methods are intended to be
overridden for various purposes. - However, some of them, such as getClass, notify,
and wait, are intended to be used directly
without overriding. -
64The super Reference Revisited
- A method in the parent class can be invoked
explicitly using the super reference - To call a method in the parent class, the syntax
is - super.method(parameters)
65- public class Student
- protected String Firstname, Lastname
- protected int numCourses
- //---------------------------------------------
-------------------- - // Sets up a student with a name and number of
courses. - //---------------------------------------------
-------------------- - public Student (String Firstname, String
Lastname, int numCourses) -
- this.Firstname Firstname
- this. Lastname LastName
- this.numCourses numCourses
- (cond)
66To String method
- //------------------------------------------------
----------------- - // Returns information about this student as
a string. - // Used in System.out.println calls typical
toString - //---------------------------------------------
-------------------- - public String toString ()
- String result "Student name "
Firstname Lastname "\n" - result "Number of courses "
numCourses - return result
- (cond)
67- //method to compare two objects
- // Uses String class equals method to do
comparison - // String class overrides Object class equals
method - public boolean equals(Object other)
- boolean result false
- if (LastName.equals(((Student)other).LastName)
) - result FirstName.equals(((Student)other
).FirstName) -
- return result
68- public class GradStudent extends Student
- private String source // instance variables
- private double rate
- //-----------------------------------------------
----------- - // Sets up the gradate student using the
specified - // information. Parameter include values for
- // parent class instance variable
- //------------------------------------------------
------------- - public GradStudent (String Fastname, String
LastName ,int numCourses, String source, double
rate) -
- // call parent class constructor to
initialize its instance variables - super (Firstname, Lastname, numCourses)
- // initalize this classs instance variables
- this.source source
- this.rate rate
69ToString method
- //------------------------------------------------
----------------- - // Returns a description of this graduate
student as a string. uses super to call parent
class toString() - //------------------------------------------------
----------------- - public String toString ()
- // call parent class toString method and
store in result - String result super.toString()
- result "\nSupport source " source
"\n "Hourly pay rate " rate - return result
70- class Academia
- //-----------------------------------------------
----- - // Creates objects of two student types, prints
some //information about them, then checks them
for equality. - //-----------------------------------------------
------ - public static void main (String args)
- Student susan new Student ("Susan", James,
4) - GradStudent Paul new GradStudent
("Paul",McCartney , 1,Govt, 10.00) - System.out.println (susan) // uses
toString method in Student - System.out.println (Paul) /// uses
toString method in GradStudent -
- // calls equals method in Student which compares
last and first names - - if (!susan.equals(Paul))
- System.out.println ("These are
two different students.") -
- What is overloading - for Constructors, for
class methods - What is overriding
- How do they differ
- What does equals method in Object class do.
- What does equals method in your class do
- What does toString method in Object class return
- What does toString method implemented in your
class return
- An object reference can refer to an object of its
class, or to an object of any class related to it
by inheritance - For example, if the Holiday class has a child
class called Christmas, - then a Christmas reference could actually be
declared to be a Holiday object. CONFUSING?
73References and Inheritance
- I can do
- Holiday day new Holiday()
- Christmas day new Christmas()
OR Holiday day day new Christmas()
OR Holiday day new Christmas()
74References and Inheritance
- Assigning a child object to an ancestor reference
is considered to be a widening conversion,
performed by simple assignment - Assigning an ancestor(parent) object to child
reference can also be done, but it is considered
to be a narrowing conversion and must be done
with a cast - The widening conversion is the most useful
75Widening VS Narrowing Conversion
- The only direct legal way to do a conversion is a
widening conversion. - A child object may be stored in an parent object
as this is a widening conversion - A parent object may not be stored in a child as
it is a narrowing conversion - Legal parent child
- Error child parent
- Legal student
gradstudent(child) - Error gradstudent
student(parent) - (It is possible to store a child in a parent
under certain circumstances which we will address
in the homework).
- What is polymorphism?
- The meaning of the word polymorphism is something
like one name, many forms. -
- How does Java implement polymorphism?
- Polymorphism manifests itself in Java in the form
of multiple methods having the same name. - Also, assigning a child class object to a parent
class object -
- Some forms of polymorphism
- Method overloading
- Method overriding through inheritance
- Widening conversions
- Polymorphism through inheritance
79Polymorphism via Inheritance
- A polymorphic reference is one which can refer to
different types of objects at different times. - Inheritance can be used as a basis of
polymorphism - An object reference can refer to one object at
one time, - then it can be changed to refer to another object
(related by inheritance) at another time
80Class Account
balance double
deposit() double
withdraw() double
Class Senior Savings
deposit() double Overrides parent version
Inherits other parent methods and variables
81- public class Accounts
- // instance variables
- // two methods
- // public void deposit( double amount)
- public void withdraw (double amount)
- // close class
- class SeniorSavings class extends Accounts
- // overrides deposit in parent class
- public void deposit (double amount)
82- We create an array of Accounts objects.
- Accounts customer new Accounts10
- E.g.
- We create an object of the Senior_Savings class
- Senior_Savings Sam new Senior_Savings(Sam)
- We store Sam , a Senior_Savings object in the
Accounts array - customer5 Sam
- We create an Accounts object called Ricky and
store it in the array - Accounts Ricky new Accounts(Ricky)
- customer3 Ricky
- So the array of class Accounts holds both
Senior-Savings and regular Accounts because the
two classes are related by inheritance. - This is a polymorphic assignment
84- public class Bank
- public static void main(String args)
- Account customer new Account10
- for (int i0 ilt 3 i)
- System.out.print ("Name of customer)
- String name scan.next()
- System.out.print ("Type of Account S for
Senior, R for regular ")
- String type scan.next()
- if(type.charAt(0) 'S')
- customeri new Senior_Savings(Name,
acctype,accountnumber) -
else if (acctype 'R)
- customeri new Account(Name, acctype,
- // close for
85- When we call the deposit method in a loop ,
- the deposit method that is called depends on
whether the object in the array - belongs to the Account class or the
SeniorSavings class.
- if(acctype 'S')
customeri new SeniorSavings(name,
acctype, accnum) - customeri.deposit(45) // SeniorSavings
version called
else if (acctype
'R) -
- customer i new Account(name, acctype,
acctnum) - customeri.deposit(75) // Account version
87- Lets look at another example of polymorphism.
- Recall the classes we did earlier,
- classes Advice and Thought.
- Class Advice extends class Thought and
- overrides the message method
88Class Thought
- // Class Thought has one method
- /
- class Thought
- public void message()
- System.out.println ("Some people get lost
in thought " - "because it's
unfamiliar territory.") - // method message
- // class Thought
89Class Advice extends Thought
- /
- // class Advice is a child class of Thought and
over rides the parent version of Advice - /
- class Advice extends Thought
- public void message()
- System.out.println ("Avoid cliches like the
plague.") - // method message
- // class Advice
90- class Messages2
- public static void main (String args)
- Thought Territory new Thought()
- Advice Cliche new Advice()
- // call the message method in each class
- Territory.message() //
- Cliche.message()
- // Territory Cliché point to same address
they are aliases - Territory Cliche
- // the message method from the Advice class is
printed - Territory.message() //Territory now refers
to the Cliché class - // method main
- // class Messages
91Final Methods
- A final method cannot be overridden or
extended. - Declaring a method final prevents the derived
class from erroneously redefining a class method. - Declaring a method final allows the compiler to
perform inline optimization.
92Class Hierarchies
- A child class of one parent can be the parent of
another child, forming class hierarchies