Methodological summary of flood frequency analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Methodological summary of flood frequency analysis


Methodological summary of flood frequency analysis A.Zempl ni (E tv s Lor nd University, Budapest) 13.04.2004 Analysis of extreme values Classical methods: based ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Methodological summary of flood frequency analysis

Methodological summary of flood frequency
  • A.Zempléni
  • (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
  • 13.04.2004

Analysis of extreme values
  • Classical methods based on annual maxima
  • Peaks-over-threshold methods utilize all floods
    higher than a given (high) threshold.
  • Multivariate modelling
  • Bayesian approach (dependence among parameters)
  • Joint behaviour of extremes

Extreme-value distributions
  • Let be independent, identically distributed
    random variables. If we can find norming
    constants an, bn such that
  • has a nondegenerate limit, then this limit is
    necessarily a max-stable or so-called extreme
    value distribution.
  • The conditions are related to the smoothness of
    the density of the sample elements, are fulfilled
    by all of the important parametric families.

X1, X2,,Xn
max(X1, X2,, Xn)-an/ bn
Characterisation of extreme-value distributions
  • Limit distributions of normalised maxima
  • Frechet (xgt0)
  • is a positive parameter.
  • Weibull (xlt0)
  • Gumbel
  • (Location and scale parameters can be

Another parametrisation
The distribution function of the generalised
extreme-value (GEV) distribution
? location, ?? scale, ? shape parameters ?gt0
corresponds to Frechet, ?0 to Gumbel ?lt0 to
Weibull distribution
Examples for GEV- densities
Check the conditions
  • Are the observations (annual maxima)
  • independent? It can be accepted for most of the
  • identically distributed? Check by
  • comparing different parts of the sample. For
    details, see the next talk.
  • fitting models, where time is a covariate.
  • follow the GEV distribution?

Tests for GEV distributions
  • Motivation limit distribution of the maximum of
    normalised iid random variables is GEV, but
  • the conditions are not always fulfilled
  • in our finite world the asymptotics is not always
  • Usual goodness-of-fit tests
  • Kolmogorov-Smirnov
  • ?2
  • Not sensitive for the tails

  • Anderson-Darling test
  • Computation
  • where ziF(Xi). Sensitive in both tails.
  • Modification
  • (for maximum upper tails). Its computation

Further alternatives
  • Another test can be based on the stability
    property of the GEV distributions for any m ?N
    there exist am, bm such that F(x)Fm(amxbm) (x
  • The test statistics
  • Alternatives for estimation
  • To find a,b which minimize h(a,b)
    (computer-intensive algorithm needed).
  • To estimate the GEV parameters by maximum
    likelihood and plug these in to the stability

Limit distributions
  • Distribution-free for the case of known
    parameters. For example
  • where B denotes the Brownian Bridge over 0,1.
  • As the limits are functionals of the normal
    distribution, the effect of parameter estimation
    by maximum likelihood can be taken into account
    by transforming the covariance structure.
  • In practice simulated critical values can also
    be used (advantage small-sample cases).

Power studies
  • For typical alternatives, the test A-D seems to
    outperform B. The power of h very much depends on
    the shape of the underlying distribution.
  • The probability of correct decision (p0.05)

n Test 100 200 400 100 200 200 400
Distr. NB exp Normal
B 0.02 0.27 0.49 0.17 0.58 0.05 0.08
A-D 0.31 0.62 0.96 0.72 0.97 0.21 0.34
h 0.67 0.87 0.99 0.75 0.91 0.10 0.14
  • For specific cases, where the upper tails play
    the important role (e.g. modified maximal values
    of real flood data), B is the most sensitive.
  • When applying the above tests for the flood data
    (annual maxima windows of size 50), there were
    only a couple of cases when the GEV hypothesis
    had to be rejected at the level of 95.
  • Possible reasons changes in river bed properties
    (shape, vegetation etc).

An example for rejection Szolnok water level,
Estimation methods
  • Maximum likelihood, based on the unified
    parametrisation (GEV) is the most widely used,
    with optimal asymptotic properties, if ?gt-0.5 (it
    is superefficient for -0.5gt?gt-1). We have applied
    it, with good results.
  • Probability-weighted moments (PWM)
  • Method of L-moments

Robustness of maximum likelihood estimators
  • The effect of small observations is limited in
    our case (negative shape parameters) halving the
    smallest 3 values, the difference in return level
    estimators was not more than 5-8.
  • However, for positive shape parameters the
    effect of smaller values seem to be larger.

Further investigations
  • Confidence bounds should be calculated, possible
  • based on asymptotic properties of maximum
    likelihood estimator
  • profile likelihood
  • resampling methods (bootstrap, jackknife)
  • Bayesian approach
  • Estimates for return levels, including confidence

Confidence intervals
  • For maximum likelihood
  • By asymptotic normality of the estimator
  • where is the (i,i)th element of the inverse
    of the information matrix
  • By profile likelihood
  • For other nonparametric methods by bootstrap.

Profile likelihood
  • One part of the parameter vector is fixed, the
    maximization is with respect the other
  • l(?) is the log-likelihood function ?(?i , ?-i
  • Let X1,,Xn be iid observations. Under the
    regularity conditions for the maximum likelihood
    estimator, asymptotically
  • (a chi-squared distribution with k degrees of
    freedom, if ?i is a k-dimensional vector).

Use of the profile likelihood
  • Confidence interval construction for a parameter
    of interest
  • where c? is the 1-? quantile of the ?12
  • Testing nested models
  • M1(?) vs. M0 (the first k components of ? 0).
  • l1( M1 ), l0 (M0 ) are the maximized
    log-likelihood functions and D2l1( M1 )- l0
    (M0 ).
  • M0 is rejected in favor of M1 if Dgtc?
  • (c? is the 1-? quantile of the ?k2

Return levels
  • zp return level, associated with the return
    period 1/p (the expected time for a level higher
    than zp to appear is 1/p)
  • The quantiles of the GEV
  • where
  • Remark the probability that it actually appears
    before time 1/p is more than 0.5 (approx. 0.63 if
    p is small)

if ? ? 0
if ? 0
Return level plots
Continuous ? 0.2 broken ? -0.2
  • on a logarithmic scale
  • Linear if ? 0
  • Convex, with a limit
  • if ? lt 0
  • Concave, if if ? gt 0.
  • It can be used for diagnostics,
  • if the observed data points
  • are also plotted.

Example profile likelihood for 100-year return
level (Vásárosnamény)
Profile likelihood can be calculated (the return
level is considered as one of the parameters)
Investigation of the estimators
  • Backtest estimators based on data from a shorter
    window. Quite often too many floods are observed
    above the estimated level - simulation studies
    may confirm if this is a significant deviation
    from the iid case (for details see a later talk
    about resampling techniques).
  • Alternative model linear trend in the location
    parameter (the other parameters are supposed to
    be constant).
  • Centred time-scale is used t(t-50.5)

Some results with time-varying location parameter
Location, type Linear estimator for ? Increment of loglikelihood
Tivadar,h 509.30.761t 0.75
Tivadar,q 1225 1.774t 0.1
Namény, h 616.01.205t 4.18
Szolnok, h 644.41.321t 5.08
Polgár, h 520.8 1.190t 5.70
Polgár, q 1709 0.455t 0.01
Peaks over threshold methods
If the conditions of the theorem about the
GEV-limit of the normalised maxima hold, the
conditional probability of X-u, under the
condition that Xgtu, can be given as
  • if ygt0 and ,
  • H(y) is the so called generalized Pareto
  • (GPD).
  • is the same as the shape parameter of the
    corresponding GEV distribution.

Densities of GPD with ?1 solid ?0.5, dotted
?-0.1, dots-and-lines ?-0.7, broken ?-1.3
Peaks over threshold methods
  • Advantages
  • More data can be used
  • Estimators are not affected by the small floods
  • Disadvantages
  • Dependence on threshold choice
  • Original daily observations are dependent
    declustering not always obvious (see
    Ferro-Segers, 2003 for a recent method).

  • Similar to the annual maxima method
  • Maximum likelihood is to be preferred
  • Confidence bounds can be based on profile
  • Model fit can be analyzed by P-P plots and Q-Q
    plots or formal tests (similar to those presented
  • Return levels/upper bounds can be estimated
  • Our results for the flood data sometimes
    slightly lower return level estimators (reasons
    have to be analyzed) .

GPD fit Vásárosnamény, water level
shape-0.51, estimated upper endpoint940
cm the upper endpoint of its 95 conf. int.
1085 cm
Return level estimators by parts of the dataset
  • Our plans to incorporate
  • most recent data into
  • the analyzis
  • Plans for the future
  • (engineers)
  • to build temporal
  • reservoirs
  • to utilise our results in
  • levy construction
  • So we may hope to
  • prevent such events
  • to happen again.

Some references
  • Ferro, T. A.- Segers, J. (2003) Inference for
    clusters of extreme values. Journal of Royal
    Statistical Soc. Ser. B. 65, p. 545-556.
  • Kotz, S. Nadarajah, S. (2000) Extreme Value
    Distributions. Imperial College Press.
  • Zempléni, A. (1996) Inference for Generalized
    Extreme Value Distributions Journal of Applied
    Statistical Science 4, p. 107-122.
  • Zempléni, A. Goodness-of-fit tests in extreme
    value theory. (In preparation.)
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