Latest Findings on Development Effectiveness: Lessons Learned - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Latest Findings on Development Effectiveness: Lessons Learned


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Latest Findings on Development Effectiveness: Lessons Learned

Latest Findings on Development Effectiveness
Lessons Learned
  • Presentation by Ajay Chhibber, Director and
  • Patrick G. Grasso, Adviser, Independent
    Evaluation Group, World Bank
  • DCF-Vienna High Level Symposium
  • April 19-20, 2007
  • Vienna, Austria

Three Core Questions on Development Effectiveness
and Poverty Reduction
  • How effectively has economic growth translated
    into poverty reduction? What factors have
    affected these results?
  • What factors have led to high-quality results in
    sectors that deliver services to the poor?
  • What measures have helped raise the
    accountability of public institutions responsible
    for delivering and sustaining results?
  • What is happening to Aid Flows and Aid

Convergence Narrowing gap between OECD and
developing countries
Average annual per capita income growth
OECD average 1980-2006
Source World Bank
But There Is Strong Cross-country Variability In
Growth Performance
  • Growth has improved in most Bank borrowing
    countries over the past five years, but achieving
    sustained growth remains a challenge.

Growth is a Major Factor in Poverty Reduction
There Are Still Over 1 Billion People Living In
Extreme Poverty
Poverty Reduction Remains A Significant
Challenge Even In Countries With Positive Growth
Positive Per Capita Income Growth between the mid-1990s and early-2000s did not always lead to Poverty Reduction in 25 countries reviewed by IEG

Note High growthaverage annual per capita GDP growth rate of gt2.5, moderate growthaverage annual per capita GDP growth of 0-2.5, low growth average annual per capita GDP growth lt0 between household survey years in the mid-1990s and 2001-05. Country group includes all countries for which IEG carried out a CAE or CASCRR in FY03-06 and for which comparable poverty data is available in DECRGs Povcal database for mid-1990s and 2001-05 Source ARDE 2006
Income Distribution Has Affected Poverty
Reduction (1)
  • Growth was an important driver of poverty
    reduction, but even small changes in income
    distribution either dampened or reinforced
    growths effects on poverty in 25 countries
    reviewed by IEG.

Income Distribution Has Affected Poverty
Reduction (2)

Poverty reduction requires attention to both
growth and opportunities for the poor
  • Growth is necessary but not sufficient for
    poverty reduction. Extent to which the poor
    participate in growth depends upon
  • literacy
  • health
  • infrastructure, environment
  • initial income inequality
  • job creation
  • access to credit
  • Burkina Faso Modest annual growth delivered
    impressive poverty reduction based
    mainly on increases in farm production
  • Strategies need to take account of
  • where the poor live and how they earn their
  • what constrains growth in those areas and sectors
  • constraints to inter-sectoral mobility such as
    low skills or lack of access to capital,
    infrastructure or markets

Rural Poverty Reduction Requires More Attention
  • Rural poverty remains more pervasive than
    urban poverty in many countries.

What factors have led to better service delivery
to the poor
  1. Improve the policy environment
  2. Integrate complementary actions from different
  3. Adapt to political and capacity realities
  4. Combine short- and long-term objectives

Good policies and successful projects go together
  • The 18 countries with the best overall policies
    had 82 of projects rated satisfactory
  • Sector policies matter, as well as the overall
    policy framework. Individual projects have more
    impact if anchored in an appropriate and
    country-owned sector strategy.

2. Integrate complementary actions
  • Achieving the MDGs requires multiple actions
    aimed at the targeted outcomes
  • Improvements in one sector often require removing
    constraints in another sector
  • Bangladesh girls secondary schooling and rural
    electrification contributed to reductions in
    child mortality
  • Vietnam trade liberalization and infrastructure
    investments helped fuel agricultural growth that
    reduced rural poverty
  • Poverty Reduction Strategies are designed to
    integrate actions for both physical and human
    capital. As implemented they need to put more
    emphasis on infrastructure and rural development.

3. Adapt to political and capacity realities
  • Reforming public sector institutions requires
    broad political support.
  • Bolivia and Yemen Technocratic civil service
    reforms couldnt overcome traditions of political
  • If broad support is lacking, an incremental
    approach can get results.
  • Senegal Successful reforms in telecoms and
    water built on politically acceptable
    intermediate solutions. But planned reforms in
    power and urban transport were too
    all-encompassing, and failed
  • Modernization and reform efforts must match
    implementation capacity.
  • Malawi a health service pilot operation with
    modest objectives has achieved more than an
    ambitious public sector overhaul program
  • Some countries health systems have been
    overstretched by the demands of global disease
    control programs.

Making global programs More Effective
  • Most have been donor-driven the voice of
    developing countries in their establishment and
    governance has so far been limited
  • Most are advocacy/technical assistance programs
    supporting national public goods although
    global public goods programs still command the
    major share of expenditures
  • Global-country linkages have been weak
    incentives to foster such linkages are

Donors need to develop a stronger approach to
support of regional programs
  • Regional programs are few in numberyet equally
    successful (above 80) in meeting their
    objectives as single-country programs
  • A regional hydropower project in the Senegal
    River Basin has succeeded in providing
    efficiently produced electricity for Mali,
    Mauritania, and Senegal
  • Donors and countries have overlooked
    opportunities for regional cooperation in country
    development strategies
  • They need greater peripheral vision to address
    such issues as water management, power,
    transport, and disease control.
  • Successful support of regional programs requires
    attention to three key issues
  • The achievement of equitably apportioned costs
    and benefits among all countries
  • Reliance for program coordination on broad
    regional institutions vs customized arrangements
    for specific topics
  • Accommodation of the need for performance-based
    aid allocations and financial incentives for
    countries to participate

4. Combine short- and long-term objectives
  • Need long term engagement to get results
  • Cambodia IDA projects helped build the Health
    Ministry from weak bystander to effective
    implementer of AIDS control programs.
  • Reform requires consensus-building. Combining
    short-term outputs with a long-term reform
    program helps deliver results
  • Ghana IDA Support for education combined policy
    reforms with funding for school buildings and
    teaching materials over 15 years. Physical
    improvements helped build support for difficult
    systemic reforms.

III. Strengthening Public Sector Accountability
  • Efforts to strengthen the accountability of
    public sector institutions have led to better
    government processes in some countries, but they
    have not yet resulted in improvements in the
    perceived quality of governance.
  • 35 Countries with Bank Assistance for Public
    Sector Reform
  • Government Process Quality Governance
  • Notes Quality of Government Process Indicators
    CPIA for budget and financial management, and for
    public administration 1999-2005.
  • Governance Indicators are Kaufmann, Kraay,
    Mastruzzi Indicators for 1996-2004.
  • Sample includes all countries for which IEG
    carried out a CAE or CASCRR in FY03-06, where the
    Bank provided support for public sector and
    governance reforms and for which CPIA and KKM
    indicators were available.
  • Source ARDE 2006

Governance Reforms Need Political Backing To
Deliver Results
  • Three factors attenuated the effectiveness of
    governance reforms through large-scale
    administrative reforms
  • 1. Reform initiatives have not always been
    aligned with political realities
  • Civil service reform in Bulgaria delivered
    results because it had strong political backing
    (prospects of EU accession), but civil service
    reforms in Yemen and Bolivia achieved limited
    results, because political support to end a
    system of patronage appointments was absent.

Three Factors Attenuated Effectiveness Of
Governance Reforms
  • The focus has been on adoption of legislation and
    establishment of institutions, but enforcement
    capacity has received insufficient attention.
  • Anticorruption agencies, for example, have only
    limited impact when they and their staff are not
    fully independent of those whose behavior they

Three Factors Attenuated Effectiveness Of
Governance Reforms
  • 3. Governance reforms have tended to
    insufficiently address the intersection between
    the public sector and private sector, even though
    regulatory reforms have often been effective
    against corruption.
  • Establishment of an independent regulator for
    electricity in Turkey enabled direct contracting
    between buyers and sellers of electricity and
    sharply limited opportunities for kick-backs to

There Is Improvement In The Transparency Of
Government Processes
  • Budget transparency
  • Turkey brought extra-budgetary funds that
    undermined fiscal discipline into the budget,
    subjecting them to budget and parliamentary
  • Public expenditure tracking surveys in Uganda
    drastically increased the share of spending that
    actually reaches schools.
  • Public procurement
  • Civil society representatives observe public
    tendering in the Philippines.
  • Uganda posts results of procurement audits,
    contract awards etc. on the web.
  • Customs administration
  • The South East European Trade and Transport
    Facilitation Project introduced standard
    electronic forms showing duties due, thus helping
    to reduced room for corruption.

Implications Basing Governance Reforms On A
Realistic Assessment Of The Political Economy
  • Reforms to improve the accountability of public
    sector institutions require broad-based political
  • When such support is absent, an incremental
    approach that allows momentum for reforms to
    build can help achieve results.

Governance Reforms Need A Realistic Assessment Of
The Political Economy
  • Thorough exploitation of sector-specific
    opportunities to improve governance brings
    results, even when anti-corruption is not the
    primary objective.
  • Reforms can be enhanced with efforts to foster
    local demand for accountability through increased
    transparency of government processes and resource

  1. Aid flows are not reaching scaling up commitments

Source OECD/DAC Database on Aid Activities
Note Regional breakdown not yet available for
Aid flows are not reaching scaling up commitments
Source OECD/DAC Database on Aid Activities
Source OECD/DAC Database on Aid Activities
Summing up
  • Independent Evaluation finds that development
    effectiveness improves when it
  • Focuses on the nature of growth
  • Integrates activities across sectors and sustains
    them over time
  • Supports and fosters a good policy framework in
    each country
  • Recognizes each countrys political and capacity
    realities and builds on deep country knowledge
  • Aid volumes and fragmentation source of concern

ARDE 2006 Website
  • http//
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