Lab animal welfare course Working Group - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lab animal welfare course Working Group


... Lab Animal Welfare Course IACUC Chair – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lab animal welfare course Working Group

Lab animal welfare course Working Group
  • CITI Program Update

Meeting CD
L.A.W. Course Contents
1 Working with the IACUC Modules Working with the IACUC Modules
2 Essentials for IACUC Members Modules Essentials for IACUC Members Modules
3 Post-Procedure Care of Mice and Rats in Research Reducing Pain and Distress Modules Post-Procedure Care of Mice and Rats in Research Reducing Pain and Distress Modules
4 Aseptic Surgery Modules Aseptic Surgery Modules
5 Antibody Production Modules Antibody Production Modules
6 Refresher Courses Refresher Courses
1 Working with Animals In Biomedical Research - Refresher Course Modules
2 Working with Cats in Research - Refresher Course
7 The Responsible Conduct of Research with Laboratory Animals Modules The Responsible Conduct of Research with Laboratory Animals Modules
L.A.W. Course Contents
8 Species / Model Specific Courses Species / Model Specific Courses
1 Working with Amphibians in Research Settings Modules
2 Working with Mice in Research Settings Modules
3 Working with Rats in Research Settings Modules
4 Working with Hamsters in Research Settings Modules
5 Working with Gerbils in Research Settings Modules
6 Working with Guinea Pigs in Research Settings Modules
7 Working with Ferrets in Research Settings Modules
8 Working with Rabbits in Research Settings Modules
9 Working with Cats in Research Settings Modules
10 Working with Dogs in Research Settings Modules
11 Working with the Laboratory Dog CD-ROM Basic and Advanced Lessons Modules
12 Streaming Videotape (Video CD)- Working With the Laboratory Dog Modules
13 Working with Swine in Research Settings Modules
14 Working With Non-Human Primates in Research Settings Modules
15 Streaming Videotape- Working Safely with Nonhuman Primates Modules

Old BusinessL.A.W. Course Content
  • Fish Module
  • NOAA Investigator
  • Field Studies Module

CITI Course Site Usage
  • 10-1-2009

CITI Program Membership
Subscriber Breakdown
Category Non-US
University 36 3
Med. Center 18 2
Veterans Affairs 14
HealthCare 7
Res, Institutes 7
Small Colleges 6
Government 6
Industry 3
Commercial IRB 2
Professional Society lt1
Monthly Site Usage
2004 2005 2006
2007 2008
2009 2010
New Learners/day
2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010
Courses completed per day
2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010
Lab Animal Welfare Course Site Usage
sites CRs CR per month increase
2009 311 42,807 4,506 32
2008 271 40,908 3,409  

2009 CITI Course site usage Courses completed
Course Year sites CRs CR per month increase From 2008
LAW 2009 311 42,807 4,506 32
RCR 2009 222 23,361 2,596 65 
GCP 2009 285 19005 2001 66
HIPS 2009 152 9301 979 52
HSR 2009 1324 352,664 37,122 22
Total 2009 1324 447138 47,067 33
LAW Courses Completed10-1-2009
Working with the IACUC 11692
Working with Mice in Research 7657
Working with Rats in Research Settings 4948
Reducing Pain and Distress in Laboratory Mice and Rats 4361
Working with the VA IACUC 3701
Essentials for IACUC Members 2033
Aseptic surgery 1250
Institution specific, specialized courses 1411
Working with Swine in Research Settings 1120
Working with Rabbits in Research Settings 896
Working With Animals In Biomedical Research - Refresher Course 788
Working with Amphibians in Research Settings 712
Working with Nonhuman Primates in Research Settings 612
Working with Dogs in Research 468
Working with Guinea Pigs in Research Settings 362
Working with Hamsters in Research Settings 318
Working with Cats in Research Settings 269
Working with Gerbils in Research Settings 208
All species specific courses completed 22,719
CITI Support Staff
Not shown Pablo Velascelo and Ryan Roelans
User Satisfaction Survey Data
  • Data for September 2009
  • 440 responses

Learner BreakdownLab Animal Welfare Course
IACUC Chair lt1
IACUC Community Member lt1
Institutional Official lt1
Veterinary Technician lt1
IACUC Coordinator 1
Animal Care Technician 2
IACUC Member 2
Masters Student 5
Co-investigator 8
Principle Investigator 11
Post-Doctoral Fellow 13
Ph.D. Student 13
Laboratory Research Staff 19
Undergraduate Student 25
L.A.W. Courses completed9-2009
Working with Cats in a Research Setting 1
Working with Hamsters in a Research Setting 1
Working with Dogs in a Research Setting 1
Working with gerbils in a Research Setting 1
Working with Guinea Pigs in a Research Setting 2
Working with Amphibians in a Research Setting 2
Working with Swine in a Research Setting 2
Working with Rabbits in a Research Setting 2
Working with Non-Human Primates in a Research Setting 3
Special Module provided by your Institution 6
Minimizing Pain and Distress in Mice and Rats 7
Essentials for IACUC Members 8
Working with Rats in a Research Setting 12
Working with Mice in a Research Setting 19
Working with the IACUC 32
of Responders
It was easy to register and enroll in the
appropriate course.
of Responders
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Course site navigation was easy and intuitive.
of Responders
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
The current course site presents the materials in
a way that is easy for me to understand and learn
of Responders
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
n 427
Although training in Laboratory Animal Welfare
issues is mandated by the Federal government and
by my institution, I believe that this training
is really not very useful for new faculty and
of Responders
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
For this type of instruction, I would prefer a
presentation model that would require the learner
to actively participate in games, videos or other
exercises designed to emphasize important
of Responders
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
About how many hrs did it take you to complete
your Lab Animal Welfare Course requirements?
of Responders
I think that the Internet is an appropriate tool
to deliver basic instruction in the ethical
conduct of research with animal subjects.
Assuming a similar time commitment, would you
prefer another vehicle for this mandated
of Responders
Does your institution rely exclusively on the
CITI Program to provide basic training in Lab
Animal Welfare?
of Responders
n 435
Scrolling through the content vs. click from
"page to page Please provide us with some
feedback regarding the current presentation
I DO NOT like the current presentation model another approach should be implemented. 3
The "page to page" is better because I could pause and reflect on important points in the content. 5
I prefer the "page to page" approach with interactive games or activities to break up the text. 6
I DO NOT recommend the "Page to Page" model as it would increase the time to complete the course. 10
The materials presented in the course are new to me. I like the current presentation model. 16
I am familiar with the content. The current approach permits an efficient review of the material. 20
The current approach enabled me to read through the content as if I where reading a book or journal. 40
Now that I have completed the CITI Lab Animal
Welfare Course, I feel that the time I invested
was time well spent.
of Responders
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
How do you rate the basic course, "Working With
the IACUC", you just completed?
of Responders
How do you rate the species / model specific
course you just completed?
of Responders
How do you rate the basic course, Essentials for
IACUC Members", you just completed?
of Responders
Joseph Wright (September 3, 1734 - August 29,
An Experiment on a Bird in The Air Pump by
Joseph Wright (1734-1797) British National
Gallery- London
Software and hardware updates
New CITI Hardware
  • Hardware 8-10-2009 - 33K
  • 4 new web servers
  • 2 new database servers.
  • 3Tb back up

CITI Software
  • Software update - Dr. Fallon and the VA software
  • Changes to the code and new hardware - 2,500
    concurrent users
  • Changes to the Learners Menu to be more user
  • Look Back utility is now fully functional
  • Institutions can give credit for modules
    completed previously at any time.
  • Installed French, Russian and Thai language
  • Portal system fully implemented.
  • 3 institutions are using the portal system,
  • 6 more are interested and are in the test phase
  • Content and registrations and user data from is being transferred to the platform.

Experiences of Mentors and MenteesSurvey
  • Paul Braunschweiger, Ph.D.
  • Ken Goodman, Ph.D.
  • Sergio Litewka, MD
  • CITI Program
  • University of Miami Ethics Program

The RCR Research Survey
  • Is provided to learner when the RCR Course is
  • Is approved by UM IRB.
  • Is voluntary and anonymous
  • 2590 CITI RCR course completed per month.
  • 787 voluntary RCR surveys submitted / month
  • 29 Response rate.

Working Hypotheses
  • Although mentoring is crucial to the social and
    professional development of students and young
    investigators, mentoring programs are not wide
    spread in academia.
  • The role of Mentor and Research advisor is often
  • Many people who mentors may be ill prepared for
    the job.

Who are the study subjects?
Research Integrity Officer 1
Compliance Coordinator 1
Faculty Mentor 2
Research Advisor 2
Research Administrator 5
Post-Doctoral Fellow 5
Laboratory Research Staff 9
Ph.D. Student 15
Faculty Investigator 17
Masters Student 21
Undergraduate Student 22
n gt 8900
Which course in the Responsible Conduct of
Research (RCR) did you complete?
The Social and Behavioral Sciences RCR Course 46
The Biomedical Sciences RCR Course 37
The Physical Sciences RCR Course 6
The Humanities RCR Course. 6
The RCR Course for Research Administrators 4
I now plan to take a more active role in
promoting ethical research practices by
Add a research ethics module to my course. 9
Take an advanced research ethics course. 16
Encourage my institution to adopt RCR education. 16
Becoming a mentor. 24
Attending more ethics related seminars. 34
Status quo nothing more 40
If you DO NOT have a mentor at this time, choose
all that apply to you.

Mentoring was a rather unproductive experience. 5
I had a mentor early in my career. We don't communicate very much any more. 8
A mentor would be a waste of time at this point. 9
I think that I have been missing out on a major resource. I intend to find someone who can mentor me. 22
The module on mentoring helped me understand importance of mentoring for scientists in training. 56
Please respond to the following statement. "My
mentor has been instrumental in providing the
foundation to conduct research at the highest
ethical standard.
strongly disagree
strongly agree
As a student or fellow, what research topics did
you and your mentor discuss most frequently?
Responsible peer review 5
Conflicts of Interest 6
Research misconduct 9
Responsible authorship 9
Collaborative Research 14
Didn't discuss research ethics 25
Data acquisition and management 33
Responders n4706 59 of all responders
Which Res. ethics topic do you and your mentor
discuss? Didn't discuss research ethics
of Responders
Data acquisition and management most frequent
As the MENTOR, which research ethics topic do you
discuss most often with your trainees?
Lab animal welfare 4
Financial responsibility 4
Haven't discussed ethics very much. 5
Responsible peer review 9
Conflicts of interest 11
Research misconduct 12
Responsible authorship 12
Collaborative research 12
Human subjects protections 12
Data acquisition and management 19

As mentors what research ethics topic do you talk
about most with your mentees? Research ethics
were not discussed very much.
Most Frequent - Data Management
of Responders
If you are mentoring students and post docs in
research ethics or the responsible conduct of
research, what background do you have to teach
these topics to students?
I have attended conferences on how to teach research ethics and the RCR to student and fellows. 3
I have attended seminars or conferences on research ethics. 12
I have taken other courses in research ethics, and/or read about mentoring. 17
Many years of experience teaching and advising students. 18
I am now passing along to my students the wisdom I gained from my mentor. 18
n 3551
Background to be a Mentor.conferences, seminars,
courses on mentoring
of Responders
Sometimes the research advisor serves a dual role
of mentor and research supervisorWhich choice
most closely describes your situation.
Is your mentor and res. advisor the same
of Responders
Assuming that a faculty-student mentor may
require a skill set that is different from that
of the research adviser, how well prepared do you
think that you are to serve as an effective
Poorly Prepared

well prepared
Does your institution or organization have an
official program specifically designed to match
students and new faculty with more senior level
faculty interested in mentoring?
Does your institution or organization have an
official program specifically designed to match
students and new faculty with more senior level
faculty interested in mentoring?I DONT KNOW!
of Responders
  • Data management is the most common research
    ethics topic discussed by mentors and mentees
  • 25 of students say discussions on research
    ethics with mentors are rare events.
  • Only 5 of mentors say that discussing research
    ethics with students is a rare event.
  • Rather low of people who mentor students have
    specific training.

  • For gt 2/3 of students the mentor and res. advisor
    are the same person.
  • Majority of survey subjects didn't know if their
    institutions had a mentoring program.
  • most pronounced in student groups

  • 32 growth for CITI-Lab Animal.
  • Excellent product that exceeds the federal
  • Member institutions recognize the value of the
  • Learners recognize value of the program.
  • Concerns
  • 40 of institutions use CITI exclusively.
  • IACUC members course not rated as highly as
  • We could / should take advantage of the survey
    tool to ask some questions about how learners
    interact with their IACUC.
  • Need to implement refresher courses before the
    next meeting.
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