Title: FlowLab
1FlowLabA Virtual Fluids Laboratory
- CACHE / Fluent Presentation
- for AIChE Annual Meeting
2Presentation Outline
- Fluents interactions with universities
- CFD and undergraduate engineering education
- Overview of Fluent/FlowLab
- FlowLab templates
- University collaborations
- FlowLab availability
3Fluent University Program
- FLUENT, FIDAP, POLYFLOW at over 600 universities
worldwide - Fluent views universities as important strategic
partners - Advanced RD
- physics, computational methods technology
- consortia, funded research
- Expanded software capability
- industry funded
- technology transfer
- Applied CFD
- leading edge applications, validations
- Students CFD practitioners
- Use of CFD in the curriculum
4CFD Undergraduate Education
- CFD is a critical technology for industry
- Improve design
- Cut costs
- Understand equipment performance
- CFD in academia today
- Student projects
- Funded research
- Growing need to provide CFD exposure to
undergraduate engineering students - Difficult to deploy CFD tools in classroom
5Fluent/FlowLab Deploy CFD in the Classroom
- Built on top of GAMBIT and FLUENT
- Based on pre-defined, parameterized fluid
mechanics and heat transfer problems - Eliminates long learning curve
- Validated exercises tied to traditional
thermal/fluids curriculum - Customized or extended for individual instructor
needs - Targeted at undergraduate or MS level courses in
engineering science - Homework exercises
- Augment existing lectures
6FlowLab 1.1 Sudden Expansion Exercise User
Interface Summary
7FlowLab 1.1 Orifice Flow Exercise Geometry
Creation Axisymmetric Geometry
8FlowLab 1.1 Orifice Flow Exercise Boundary
Conditions and Material Properties
9FlowLab 1.1 Orifice Flow Exercise Meshing
10FlowLab 1.1 Orifice Flow Exercise Solving Flow
11FlowLab 1.1 Orifice Flow Exercise Post-Processing
12FlowLab 1.1 Orifice Flow Exercise Reports
13Time Dependent Analysis
New Feature Introduced in October, 2003
FlowLab showing contours of velocity for the
cylinder exercise at Re83
14Particle Tracking
New Feature Introduced in October, 2003
FlowLab showing streamline bands overlaid with
particles colored by velocity magnitude
introduced downstream of the orifice for the
orifice exercise at Re40,000
15Benefits of FlowLab
- Use visualization to reinforce fundamental fluid
dynamics concepts - Expand lab experience - easily and at low cost
- Stimulate interest in fluid mechanics
- Expose students to new job skills
Exploration of CFD principles
Fundamental fluids examples
Real-world applications
16FlowLab Exercises
- Developed in collaboration with university
professors - FlowLab template library
- http//flowlab.fluent.com/exercise/index.htm
- Free and web-accessible to FlowLab users
- Templates available include
- Developing Flow and Heat Transfer in a Pipe
- Fully Developed Pipe Flow
- Flow Around a Cylinder
- Sudden Expansion in a Pipe
- Lift/Drag on an Airfoil
- Flow Over a Heated Plate
- Heat Conduction
- Flow Through an Orifice
17FlowLab ExerciseCoronary Artery
Legallais Universite de Technologie de
Compiegne France
18FlowLab ExerciseTaylor-Couette Flow
TEMPLATE DEVELOPER Dr. Yanhui Hu and Dr. Rodney
Fox Iowa State University USA
19FlowLab ExerciseCenter Gated Disk
Charles Petty Michigan State University USA
20FlowLab Collaborators
- NSF Curriculum Development Project
- University of Iowa, Iowa State, Cornell, Howard
- Course Companion Materials
- John Cimbala, Penn State University
- Internet Course on Multiphase Transport Phenomena
- Charles Petty Steve Parks Michigan State
- Univ. of Tulsa, Univ. of Akron
- CACHE Corporation
- 2002 ASEE Summer School for Chemical Engineering
Faculty - Jennifer Sinclair Kim Hayden Purdue
21Snapshot of FlowLab Users
- U. S. Military Academy
- University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth
- Illinois Institute of Technology
- Clarkson University
- University of Oklahoma
- Case Western Reserve University
- Colorado State University
- Wayne State University
- University of Kansas
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- University of Nevada
- West Virginia University
- University of Delaware
- University of Maryland
- Illinois Institute of Technology
- Virginia Military Institute
- Purdue University
- Howard University
- Brigham Young University
- University of Yucatan
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de
Monterrey - FEI-Fundacao Educacional Inaciana Pe. Sabolia De
Mederios - FH Trier
- Montanuniversität Leoben
- Georg-Simon-Ohm Fachhochschule NĂĽrnberg
- Silesian Technical University
- Institut Superieur Meurice Ceria
- Technological Education Institute of Crete
- NED University of Engineering and Technology
- Politechnika Wroclawska
- Riydah College of Technology,
- Politechnika Wroclawska
- University of Patras
- Univeristy of Northumbria
- Universiteit Gent
- University of Glasgow
- CAE Risalpur
22Platform Support
- Support for Windows Operating Systems
- Windows XP, Windows 2000
- Support for Redhat Linux and compatible operating
systems - Redhat Linux versions 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 8.0
23Obtaining FlowLab
- Department license
- Allows a class direct access to the software
- 25 seats
- 1,000 / year
- Individual license
- Allows a professor to perform classroom
demonstrations - 1 seat
- 200 / year
- Trial license
- A six-month free evaluation will be provided upon
- Contact Information
- Website http//flowlab.fluent.com
- E-mail Inquiry flowlab_at_fluent.com
- Phone 1-800-445-4454 ext. 308
Let us know how we can help you !