Title: Desert: leave, run away from, abandon, not fulfill duty
1(No Transcript)
2Desert leave, run away from, abandon, not
fulfill duty
Dont desert God by following a different gospel
Dont desert God by sinning to please other people
3Desert leave, run away from, abandon, not
fulfill duty
Dont desert God by following a different gospel
Dont desert God by sinning to please other people
Walk by faith, and you wont desert God
- Gal. 36-7, 11 Abraham walked by faith, so we
- Gal. 313-14, 16 must be in Christ to walk by
- Gal. 322 promise given to those who believe
- Gal. 326-28 when baptized sons of God, faith
in Jesus
- Gal. 329 belong to Christ, descendants, heirs,
- Gal. 46 we have the Spirit of God (Gal. 428,
4Desert leave, run away from, abandon, not
fulfill duty
Dont desert God by following a different gospel
Dont desert God by sinning to please other people
Walk by faith, and you wont desert God
Walk by the Spirit, and you wont desert God
- Gal. 31-5 if you walk by faith, then you walk
by the Spirit
- Gal. 51-25 in Christ, faith working through
love, we walk by the Spirit
- Gal. 220 crucified flesh, live by faith
- Gal. 614 world crucified to us
5Desert leave, run away from, abandon, not
fulfill duty
Dont desert God by following a different gospel
Dont desert God by sinning to please other people
Walk by faith, and you wont desert God
Walk by the Spirit, and you wont desert God
Fulfill the law of Christ, and you wont desert
- walk by faith and the Spirit and will fulfill
law of Christ
- Gal. 62 bear one anothers burdens
- Gal. 618 have grace of Christ when we fulfill
His law