- Some degree of prolapse seen in up to 50 of
parous women in a clinic setting although many
are asymptomatic. - The aetiology of pelvic organ prolapse is complex
and multi-factorial.
- Risk factors include pregnancy, childbirth,
congenital or acquired connective tissue
abnormalities, denervation or weakness of the
pelvic floor, ageing, menopause and factors
associated with chronically raised
intra-abdominal pressure .
- Symptoms, only some of which are directly related
to the prolapse, include pelvic heaviness,
dragging sensation in the vagina, bulge/lump or
protrusion coming down from the vagina, and
backache. - Symptoms of bladder, bowel or sexual dysfunction
are frequently present. These may be directly
related to the prolapsed organ, eg poor urinary
stream when a cystocoele is present, or
obstructed defecation when a rectocoele is
- They may also be independent of the prolapse, eg
symptoms of detrusor overactivity when a
cystocoele is present.
- Treatment of prolapse depends on the severity of
prolapse and its symptoms, and the woman's
general health. - Options available for treatment are conservative,
mechanical and surgical. - Generally, conservative or mechanical treatment
is considered for women with a mild degree of
prolapse, for those who wish to have more
children, and the frail or those unwilling to
undergo surgery.
- An extensive range of mechanical devices have
been described for the treatment of prolapse. - Pessaries need to be removed regularly and the
vaginal mucosa checked for erosions although the
optimum frequency for this has not been
- Some patients will be able to remove and replace
the pessary themselves, which may lengthen the
intervals between gynaecological examinations. - The role of local estrogens in preventing
complications has not been established. - Mechanical devices are cheap and complications
are rare, but their efficacy in the management of
prolapse is unknown.
- The aims of mechanical treatment in the
management of pelvic organ prolapse include - To prevent the prolapse becoming worse.
- To help decrease the frequency or severity of
symptoms of prolapse. - To avert or delay the need for surgery.
- The era of modern surgery has witnessed a steady
decline in pessary use as well as a decline in
instruction in the use of pessaries,such that for
many physicians, pessaries have become a medical
curiosity. - This trend was promoted by much quoted article
from 1961 that attributed a number of
complications, including vaginal malignancy,
vaginal ulceration, fistulas, and pelvic
cellulitis to the use of pessaries.
- This has led some authors to describe pessaries
as obsolete and even dangerous. - Differences of opinion regarding pessary use are
even clearer when more specific criteria for
pessary use are considered. - Some authors consider vaginal pressure ulcers a
contraindication to pessaries, while others
recommend them to permit the healing of vaginal
pressure ulcers.
- There are no level I or level II data addressing
the indications, or appropriate choice of pessary
for different support defects. - There is one prospective study addressing the
effectiveness of pessary use and the impact of
clinical characteristics including stage of
prolapse, hormone replacement, and perineal
support on the success of pessary use.
13Pessary Efficacy in Improving Prolapse Symptoms
- Only a few studies have evaluated the efficacy
and patient satisfaction of pessaries in
relieving symptoms of prolapse. - Clemons et al followed 100 women fitted with
pessaries for stage II prolapse for changes in
prolapse and urinary symptoms. - At 2 months, 92 of women fitted with a pessary
were satisfied.
14Pessary Efficacy in Improving Prolapse Symptoms
- Nearly all prolapse symptoms (bulge, pressure,
discharge, and splinting) had resolved and
concurrent urinary symptoms (baseline stress
incontinence, urge incontinence, and voiding
difficulty) had improved in approximately half of
patients. - However, among women with no urinary symptoms at
baseline, 21 complained of occult (de novo)
incontinence with pessary use.
15Pessary Efficacy in Improving Prolapse Symptoms
- Many clinicians have noted the decrease in
prolapse stage after long-term pessary use and
the successful role of pessaries in preventing
progression of prolapse.
16Handa et 2002
- Suggested that there was a therapeutic effect of
wearing a supportive pessary as evidenced by an
improvement of stage of pelvic organ prolapse in
21 of patients followed for 1 year. - The mechanism of this improvement might be the
result of improved levator ani function, and that
pessary support of pelvic organs may allow for
recovery of passive stretch, thus improving
levator function and muscular support of pelvic
17Factors Effecting Successful Pessary Fitting
- Achieving optimal results and satisfaction with
pessary use requires accurate identification of
appropriate patient candidates and proper choice
of pessary type. - Successful pessary fitting rates range from 56
to 74.
18Factors Effecting Successful Pessary Fitting
- The two studies with the highest rates of success
used similar protocols. - Patients were first fitted with ring pessaries
and, if expelled, a space-filling pessary such as
the Gellhorn was then attempted.
19Factors Effecting Successful Pessary Fitting
- Important in the discussion of successful pessary
fitting is to speculate which patients are likely
to choose pessary management over surgery or
expectant management. - A study evaluating the clinical factors that
affect a patient's treatment choice for
symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse found that
older patients (age 70 12 years) were 10 more
likely to choose pessary over surgery.
20Factors Effecting Successful Pessary Fitting
- History of prior pelvic surgery, on the other
hand, was the strongest predictor of a patient
choosing surgery as their form of treatment.
21Factors Effecting Successful Pessary Fitting
- Clemons et al fitted 100 women with pessaries for
symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse and found that
no patient demographic or comorbidity could be
identified as a risk factor for an unsuccessful
pessary fitting trial. - However, this study did find an association with
shorter vaginal length (lt6 cm) and wider vaginal
introitus (4 finger breaths) on pelvic
examination predicted an unsuccessful pessary
fitting trial.
22Factors Effecting Successful Pessary Fitting
- Interestingly, stage III or IV prolapse in each
compartment (anterior vaginal wall, posterior
vaginal wall, and vault/uterine prolapse) was not
a risk factor for an unsuccessful fitting.
23Factors Effecting Successful Pessary Fitting
- A similar study also evaluated variables, which
would diminish a patient's ability to retain a
pessary. - In this particular study, physical examination
findings that predicted a patient's inability to
retain a pessary were absence of sacral reflexes,
inability to Kegel, higher stage of prolapse, and
an enlarged genital hiatus (greater than 4 cm).
24Factors Affecting Continued Pessary Use
- Factors that affect a patient's likelihood to
continue with pessary use have been evaluated by
several studies. - Clemons et al found that 72 of women satisfied
with their pessary after 2 months continued to
use their pessary after 1 year and 64 continued
use after 2 years.
25Factors Affecting Continued Pessary Use
- In their study, older age (gt65 years) was the
strongest predictor of continued pessary use
after a successful fitting. - Stage III and IV posterior wall prolapse was
associated with discontinued use of the pessary. - This finding is not surprising because
anecdotally, women with large posterior wall
defects are less likely to experience relief of
their prolapse symptoms with pessary use.
26Factors Affecting Continued Pessary Use
- Initial desire for surgical management of
prolapse symptoms was also found to be associated
with discontinued use of pessaries. - Brincat performed a retrospective chart review of
136 current users versus nonusers (women who
stopped wearing the pessary during the study
period) to determine clinical variables
predicting continued pessary use.
27Factors Affecting Continued Pessary Use
- The authors reported that women with prolapse and
incontinence or prolapse alone were more likely
to continue with long-term pessary use than women
with isolated incontinence. - Their most significant finding of this study was
that long-term pessary use was acceptable to
sexually active women.
28Indications for Pessary use
- Indications for pessary use are
- Primary therapy for prolapse symptoms.
- Diagnosis and preoperative evaluation of patients
with pelvic prolapse. - Temporary treatment of prolapse symptoms.
- Urinary incontinence and obstetric indications.
29Diagnosis and preoperative evaluation of patients
with pelvic prolapse.
- Occult incontinence, urinary retention, and
pelvic pain are conditions that should be
evaluated preoperatively to allow for
comprehensive counseling as to the best surgical
or nonsurgical form of treatment.
30Lazarou et al
- Addressed the question of whether preoperative
reduction of the anterior vaginal wall in
patients with urinary retention PVR gt100 cc
with a pessary would predict voiding function
after reconstructive surgery. - concluded that pessary reduction of the anterior
vaginal wall in patients with urinary retention
has good sensitivity, specificity, and positive
predictive value for postoperative voiding
31Temporary treatment of prolapse symptoms.
- Preoperatively, a pessary can be useful in the
healing of vulvar erosions secondary to a large
prolapse. - Second, mechanical devices can be used as an
interim measure while a patient prepares for
surgery and considers nonsurgical options for
relief of symptoms. - Younger women will benefit from the symptomatic
relief of their prolapse symptoms as they wait to
complete childbearing.
32Urinary incontinence and obstetric indications.
- Pessaries are an important conservative mode of
therapy used for urinary incontinence as well as
the use of pessaries in obstetrics for the
management of an incarcerated uterus or
incompetent cervix. - Pessaries designed to support the urethrovesical
junction with a knob or prongs may be successful
alternatives for surgery for the management of
stress incontinence with a success rate ranging
from 15 to 59 (Ferrell et al 2002).
33Urinary incontinence and obstetric indications
- In obstetrics, pessary use has been reported in
the first trimester for the treatment of
incarcerated uterus. - Rarely pessaries have been used in cases of
incompetent cervix.
34Urinary incontinence and obstetric indications
- A recent review of the use of pessaries in women
at risk for preterm delivery reports that they
might be helpful and seem to be without risks. - However, the existing data are limited by a lack
of inclusion criteria and selection bias. - The review recommends that pessaries be used as
an adjunct to cerclage and not to replace the use
of cerclages in the treatment of incompetent
35Health of the Vaginal Epithelium
- Evaluation for vaginal and vulvar atrophy
secondary to estrogen deficiency should be
assessed on examination. - Little to no data is currently available to
dictate whether vaginal atrophy is indeed a
contraindication for pessary fitting. - Wu and colleagues reported on their experience
and reported that hormone replacement therapy
(HRT) did not predict successful pessary fitting.
36Health of the Vaginal Epithelium Contd
- The health of the vaginal epithelium was recorded
in 75 of these women, and no correlation was
found between current hormone replacement status
and vaginal abrasions rates. - Most experts would advocate local estrogen
therapy in pessary users provided that there are
no contraindications to its use.
37Hendrix et al 2002
- Showed that oral HRT/estrogen replacement therapy
(ERT) provides no functional improvement of the
lower urinary tract. - To definitively answer the question of estrogen
use and pessaries, we need trials on type, route,
frequency, and so on.
38Cundiff et al 2000
- A two-page anonymous survey distributed to the
members of the American Urogynecologic Society. - The response rate was 48 (359 of 748).
39Cundiff et al 2000 contd
- Practice and number of years in practice and
questions regarding indications for a pessary in
patients with pelvic organ prolapse. - The impact of other factors hormonal status,
sexual activity, prior hysterectomy, and stage
and site of pelvic organ prolapse.
40Cundiff et al 2000 contd
- The choice of pessary for specific support
defects. The long-term management of pessaries. - 50 of respondents urogynecologists, while a
third obstetrician-gynecologists, and 10
41Cundiff et al 2000 contd
- Those who described themselves as gynecologists
tended to have been in practice longer (mean 20
years). - Only 4 of respondents described themselves as
42Cundiff et al 2000 contd
- 98 reported using pessaries in their practice.
77 used them as a first line of therapy for
pelvic organ prolapse, while 12 only offered
pessaries to women who were not surgical
candidates. - Gynecologists and urologists were less apt to use
pessaries as first-line therapy and more apt to
reserve them for nonsurgical patients than
obstetrician-gynecologists and urogynecologists.
43Cundiff et al 2000 contd
- Practitioners with more than 20 years in practice
were less likely to use a pessary as a first-line
therapy and more likely to reserve them for women
who could not undergo surgery. - Less than half of the respondents considered a
prior hysterectomy 42, or current sexual
activity 45 to be contraindications for a
pessary, while two thirds or 64 considered
hypoestrogenism to be a contraindication.
44Cundiff et al 2000 contd
- A variety of pessary removal regimens were
described with no clear prevailing regimen. - 53 of physicians reported teaching all their
patients to change their own pessary,while 45
reserved this approach for a subset of women
using support pessaries.
45Cundiff et al 2000 contd
- 94 recommended concurrent estrogen replacement
therapy and 61 asked patients to perform pelvic
muscle exercises while using a pessary.
46Pessary use by specialty including first-line use
and for patients declining surgery .
47(No Transcript)
48Wu et al
- 110 patients with a mean age of 65.
- patients were seen in follow up in 2 weeks.self
care was encouraged. - at each visit the pessary was removed,rinsed in
tap water and dried.the vagina was inspected by
speculum for evidence of abrasion or erosion.
49Wu et al contd
- the pessary was replaced if
- too stiff
- encrusted with secretion.
- developed defects.
- been used for 1 year.
50Wu et al contd
- in the 1st year following insertion following was
scheduled at 3 month intervals. - if the patient remaind free of complications,the
follow up interval was extended to 6 months in
the 2nd and subsequent year. - Patients using cube pessaries were managed using
a different protocol.
51Wu et al contd
- Current hormone replacement therapy use did not
predict successful pessary fitting. - The incidence of abrasions increased sig as the
mucosa became thinner.
52Wu et al contd
- There was no correlation between the hormone
replacement status and the abrasion rate. - The highest rate of pessary discontinuation was
in the first year.
53Wu et al contd
- Minor vaginal abrasions usually were managed with
vaginal estrogen cream. - Those patients were reexamined after shorter
follow-up intervals. - Vaginal discharge were common and were managed
successfully in the majority of patients by
periodic douching and / or the use of Trimo-San.
54Complications and Contraindications
- Pessary complications are rare occurrences in
medically compliant patients. - The most common complications are pessary
expulsion, urinary incontinence, and rectal pain,
depending on the type of pessary.
55Complications and Contraindications
- Vaginal discharge is common.
- A study comparing pessary users with nonusers
found that the presence of a foreign body
increased the risk for bacterial vaginosis by
4-fold. - If the patient is symptomatic, bacterial
vaginosis may be treated, but vaginal cultures
are not recommended.
56Complications and Contraindications
- Vaginal estrogen is generally recommended to
patients who are noted to have vaginal atrophy or
areas ulceration or abrasions from pessary use. - Typically, if ulceration occurs, the pessary is
left out and the patient is advised to use
intravaginal estrogen cream daily (0.5-1.0 g/d)
for 2 to 3 weeks.
57Complications and Contraindications
- If the ulcerations have healed, the pessary can
be replaced, and it is recommended that the
patient continue to use the vaginal cream 2 to 3
times per week. - If ulcerations recur, despite estrogen therapy,
it may be best to discontinue pessary management
and consider biopsy of the site.
58Complications and Contraindications
- More serious complications associated with
pessary use are generally attributable to a
neglected device. - Pessaries may become impacted. This is more
commonly seen with space-filling pessaries such
as the Gellhorn and cube pessary. - These pessaries are more likely to cause vaginal
erosions. - Applying estrogen cream to an impacted pessary
will generally aid in its removal (Poma et al
59Complications and Contraindications
- However, an impacted pessary can require surgical
removal. - Other less common serious complications have been
described in case reports. - These include incarceration of the cervix, small
bowel prolapse and incarceration, vesicovaginal
fistula, and urosepsis.
60Complications and Contraindications
- what these reports all share in common is that
the patient had not been examined by a physician
for several years. - This highlights the importance of evaluating
patient compliance in the initial evaluation.
61Evidence for Pessary Use (Cochrane)
- In 2004, 2 Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews
were performed on the topics of Mechanical
Devices for Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Women and
Conservative Management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
in Women.
62Evidence for Pessary Use (Cochrane)
- The review of mechanical devices concluded that
currently there is no evidence from randomized
controlled trials (RTC) upon which to base
treatment of women with pelvic organ prolapse
through the use of mechanical devices/pessaries.
- Likewise, the review of conservative management
came to a similar conclusion that there was no
evidence from RTC regarding conservative
interventions in the management of pelvic organ
63Evidence for Pessary Use (Cochrane)
- The conservative management review reported that
evaluating the effectiveness of pelvic floor
muscle training (PFMT) in treating pelvic
prolapse is the most pressing research need, in
that it is a costly management option. - A feasibility study is currently underway that
has an ultimate goal of progressing to a
multicenter randomized trial (Pelvic Organ
Prolapse Physiotherapy POPPY).
64Evidence for Pessary Use (Cochrane)
- Two other randomized studies were identified by
the Cochrane database that evaluated the
effectiveness of PFMT in conjunction with surgery
for symptomatic prolapse. - One of the studies continues to recruit patients,
and the other has been completed and awaiting
- There is insufficient evidence to allow a
practitioner to know which patients are likely to
accept and continue pessary use. - There is no strong evidence to guide the
management of a patient with a pessary.
- All patients with symptomatic prolapse should be
offered conservative management of prolapse using
pessaries. - It is difficult to control for various aspects of
HRT and its role in maintaining healthy vaginal
epithelium with pessary use.
- Patients at risk for poor follow up should be
considered poor candidates for pessary management.