Title: Aim: What is
1Aim What is Southernization?
- The Civilized World 600 - 1450
2Do Now Write your own introduction to the
question, How useful is the idea of
Southernization to historians? on HW sheet
3How useful is the idea of Southernization to
- The Big Idea, presented the development of
advanced culture, technology and economy in
certain zones, defined - Narrowing Shaeffers thesis her definition of
Southernization - Thesis Your answer to the question asked
4Southernization Zones
- India, and the Indian Ocean world
- China, especially as it expanded southward
- Dar al-Islam
- The Mongol Khanates
5Characteristics of Southernization
6Indian Ocean Trade Routes
Powered by the Monsoon Winds
7Trans-Saharan Trade Routes
8Gold Slaves for Salt Luxury Manufactured Goods
9The Mali Empire - 13th century
10Expansion of the dar al-Islam
11Mongol Khanates, late 13th century
12Travels of Marco Polo - 13th century
13Travels of Ibn Battuta - 14th century
14(No Transcript)
15Voyages of Zheng He, early 15th century
16Zheng Hes ships, compared to Columbus