Title: NHMRC Careers Scholarships Postdoctoral Awards Career Development Awards
1NHMRC CareersScholarshipsPostdoctoral
AwardsCareer Development Awards
2Rule 1
Understand the system (know the enemy)
3Rule 2
Follow the guidelines (to the letter) eligibility
4Rule 3
Know the Scoring Matrix (format your application
5NHMC Research Training Awards
BSc, MBBS etc
Postgraduate Scholarships
Training Awards
Postdoctoral Fellowships
0 - 5 yrs (since PhD)
Career Development Awards
3 - 9 yrs
Career Fellowships
gt9 yrs
6Career Support Path
No more than 2 yrs post-doc (at application)
2-5 yrs post-doc
3-9 yrs post-doc
Usually more than 9 yrs post-doc
7Training Awards
8NHMRC Training AwardsScholarships
- Features
- Designed for a recent graduate
- a medical graduate with further clinical
training, - enrolled in combined PhD/MBBS,
- from a nursing or allied health professional
background. - 3 yr funding (6 month extension possible)
- Apply in August each year
- 2250 in direct research costs
- Research Scholarships available in
- Biomedical Science 19,231 - 21,231 pa
- Clinical Medicine 24,817 -
26,817 pa - Public Health 28,600 -
30,600 pa
9NHMRC Training AwardsScholarship Types
1. Biomedical (Dora Lush) Postgraduate Research
Scholarship 2. Medical and Dental Postgraduate
Research Scholarship (including Gustav Nossal
Scholarship) 3. Training Scholarship for
Indigenous Health Research 4. Public Health
Postgraduate Research Scholarship 5. Primary
Health Care Postgraduate Research Scholarship 6.
The Pharmacy Guild of Australia Scholarship 7.
John Shaw Scholarship (MSD)
10NHMRC Training AwardsTraining Fellowships- a)
Australian Full-time
- Features
- Up to 2 yrs post PhD at application
- Institution and supervisor must be different from
PhD (limited exceptions) - 4 years in an Australian Institution
- Training Support Package Level 1 - 59,750
5,000 pa. in Direct Research Costs - Apply in July each year
- Three types
- Biomedical - Peter Doherty
- Clinical - Aust Clinical Research
- Public /Population Health
- - Public Health Australia
11NHMRC Training AwardsTraining Fellowships- b)
- Features
- Up to 2 yrs post PhD at application
- 2 years overseas
- 2 years back in Australia
- Up to 2 years suspension permitted
- Must be in Aust in Dec of year before apply
- Training Support Package Level 1 - 62,250 O/S
allowances (5000 direct res costs). - Four types
- Biomedical - C.J Martin
- Clinical - Neil Hamilton Fairley
- Public Health - Sidney Sax
- INSERM - exchange with France
12NHMRC Training Awards Training Fellowships- c)
Australian Part-time
- Features
- Preferably 2 yrs post PhD at application
- Connected to Health Professional activity
relevant to research/ special circumstances - Up to 1 year suspension permitted
- Training Support Package Level 1 - 62,250
5,000 pa. DRCs. - 50 - 70 (incl. DRCs)
- Two types
- Health Professional Research training - Clinical
and Population Health (4 yrs) - Australian Part-time (in any category). For
compassionate reasons only (4 yrs)
13NHMRC Training AwardsOther Fellowships - Howard
Florey Centenary
Provides a vehicle for Australian researchers
working overseas to return to Australia and
continue with a biomedical/health related
research career
- Features
- 2 to 5 yrs post PhD at application
- Must be overseas at time of application
- 2 years in an Australian Institution
- Training Support Package Level 2 - 73,750
- Resettlement Allowance - 5,000 (one-off)
- Direct research costs - 10,000 pa
14NHMRC Training AwardsOther Fellowships -
Industry Research
Industry Research Fellowships target outstanding
researchers who will spend up to two years in
industry and two years in a research institution.
- Features
- foster closer interaction between Australian
researchers and high technology industries - Intermittent time between with industry partner
as expertise developed (up to 50) - Award can be in marketing,IP, business
development, IT, formulation, chemistry,
toxicology, clinical devlt etc - 4 year fellowships
- package is 90,500 pa including direct research
15Scholarship and Fellowship Assessment and Scoring
- Assessors consider
- Selection Criteria and Eligibility
- All applicants ranked within their category
- Generic scoring matrix
16Scholarship and Fellowship Assessment and Scoring
- A generic scoring matrix is used. The assessment
teams consider - - Selection Criteria and Eligibility is determined
- All applicants are ranked against each other
within their category - Scoring and Ranking Key criteria
- undergraduate record
- research experience
- publications (papers/chapters/abstracts/patents)
- quality, quantity and originality - professional skills and potential to succeed
- postgraduate/professional training (for some
categories) - research project and potential benefits
- supervisor and institution
- referees reports
- The Howard Florey Centenary Fellowship has its
own scoring matrix.
17NHMRC Training AwardsScoring matrix -
Criteria Undergraduate / Honours / Other degree Research experience Professional skills Potential to succeed Prizes / lectures / conferences organised / courses Points
Total 40
- Get involved
- Highlight your major research achievements
- Join ASMR other professional societies
- Volunteer to give lectures (scientific lay)
- Organise symposia
- Ask to be nominated for prizes
18NHMRC Training AwardsScoring matrix -
Postdoctoral (cont)
Criteria Component 1 Quality of project and potential benefits Points
Criteria Component 2 Supervisor / institution
Total 20
- Review other successful applications
- Clear, concise research plan (2 pages)
- Highlight significance, outcomes, deliverables
- Choose a strong supervisor/institution
highlight strengths
19NHMRC Training AwardsScoring matrix -
Postdoctoral (cont)
Criteria Quality and quantity Originality Points
Total 40
TOTAL (Parts ABC) 100
- Track Record
- Current impact factors
- Ask to co-author reviews/book chapters
- Present your work widely (nationally/internation
20Scholarship and Fellowship Referees
- Choose supportive, highly regarded referees
- Referees comment on
- quality of the project,
- research environment, and
- capacity and potential of the applicant
- Fellowships (arranged by applicant)
- personal referee (applicant-nominated)
- independent referee (different institution)
- proposed supervisor
- The supervisors report and the independent
referee report are critical.
21Scholarship and Fellowship Referees
- Referees are broadly asked to comment on the
quality of the project, the research environment,
and the capacity and potential of the applicant. - Scholarships
- Applicants should arrange for an independent
referee and a supervisors report. Both are
critical to the assessment. - Fellowships
- Applicants should arrange for 3 referee reports
one personal referee (applicant-nominated), one
independent referee, and a report from the
proposed supervisor. While each is important, the
supervisors report and the independent referee
report are critical to the applicants
assessment. - Independent Referee - should have had no
substantive professional or private contact with
the applicant, or the applicants recent or
future supervisors, and should not be from the
same institution.
22How to make your application more competitive
- Read the scoring matrix and frame application
according to the weighting. - Prioritise successesrecent rather than earlier.
- Clearly indicate your research record.
- Dont inflate your application with non-events.
- Be enthusiastic about your project and your
career plans. - Make sure your planned supervisor/referee "sells"
you. - Think beyond refereed publications Impact in
Australia is highly regarded across all three
areas. For Public Health Researchers government
reports with high impact are valuable, for
Clinical Researchers changes in practice
recognised by your profession are valuable. - Fully document your claims when arguing not to
transfer institutions, or if you claim to have
less than two years research despite a PhD which
is more than two years old.
23How Many Scholarships / Training Fellowships were
Awarded (for 2006)?
Post-Graduate Scholarships (Australia-based only,
access to Travelling Awards) 153 of 331
Success rates 30-50
Training (Postdoctoral) Fellowships (4 yrs in
Aus, or 2 yrs OS 2 yrs in Aus) 115 of 325
Industry Fellowships (2 yrs in industry OS or Aus
2 yrs in research institution in Aus) 6 of 15
Howard Florey Centenary Fellowship (2 yrs
Aus-based only, returning from OS) 9 of 28
Career-Development Awards (5 yrs Australian-based
only) 48 of 222 applicants
Practitioner Fellowships (5 yrs Australian-based
only) 6 of 21 applicants
Research Fellowships (5 yrs Australian-based
only) 27 of 101 applicants
24Career Development Awards(CDAs)
25NHMRC Career Development Awards(Formerly
- Features
- Researchers moving towards independence
- In the 3 - 9 years postdoctoral range
- Are for 5 years
- Apply in April each year (outcome end Oct)
- CDAs are available in
- Biomedical Science 89,000 pa including direct
research costs - Clinical Medicine FT or 30 - 70
- Population Health FT or 30 - 70
- Support Enhancement Option (SEO) - (10,000) for
Health Practice or Industry linkages
26CDAs- Assessment
- Highly Competitive
- Full and Part-time (30-70)
- Biomedical (3)
- Clinical/Pop Health (1)
- Assessment
- Research objectives,
- research proposal,
- research support,
- detailed CV
27NHMRC Training AwardsScoring matrix - Career
Development Awards
Criteria Points
Academic Record Postgraduate Training Research and/or Professional Experience and Publications Research Project Suitability of the Supervisor and Institution The Applicant 25 10 30 10 5 20
Total 100
- Track Record is Everything
- Current impact factors
- Citation rates (if relevant)
- Ask to co-author reviews/book chapters
- Present your work widely (nationally/internation
28NHMRC Career Development Awards
Commencing in 2007
Number of Applications 186 Category Applied Aw
arded Biomedical 141 37 Clinical 24
7 Population Health 21 6 Incl Partnerships
with Diabetes Aust, National Heart Foundation
(2), National Breast Cancer Foundation,
Alzheimers Aust, ANZ Nephrology Society, Kidney
Health Aust
29NHMRC Career Development Awards
Year of Career Development Award No of Applications Male Female Break up of Applications Breakup of Awards Number of awards Male Female
Start of Scheme 2002 136 100 Biomedical 19 Pop Health 17 Clinical 16 06 05 26 20 6
2003 136 70 66 99 Biomedical 21 Pop Health 16 Clinical 25 06 08 39 16 23
2004 148 75 73 88 Biomedical 38 Pop Health 22 Clinical 24 10 07 41 20 21
2005 170 100 70 120 Biomedical 32 Pop Health 18 Clinical 26 07 05 42 27 11
2006 222 124 98 154 Biomedical 36 Pop Health 32 Clinical 30 08 06 44 23 21
2007 186 103 83 141 Biomedical 21 Pop Health 24 Clinical 37 06 07 50 36 14
Success rates 20-30
For 2007, 45 applicants were female while only
28 of recipients were female
30Recent Developments
- CDAs are extremely competitive
- Difficult for early CDAs to compete with more
experienced applicants - RC approved two CDA levels for 2007
- lt 7 years post-doc (research active years)
- 7-12 years post-doc (research active years)
31Research Fellowships
32Aims of the ResearchFellowships Scheme
- Aims of the Research Fellowship Scheme
- Develop and support highly productive Australian
biomedical and health research scientists - Provide researchers with a career structure
- Foster an intellectual environment supporting
training - Encourage translation of research outcomes into
health practice - Facilitate interaction with industry
33Research Fellowships
- Features
- Long-term career structure possible if maintain
standards of excellence - Available from about 9 yrs postdoc
- 5 years, renewable in Open Competition with
Initial Applicants every 5 years - Automatic 6th yr if not renewed
- 7th yr Grant-In-Aid possible if not renewed
- 100 inital apps pa 45-65 renewals pa
- Four levels of RF
- SRFA Senior Lecturer
- SRFB Senior Lecturer
- PRF Assoc Prof
- SPRF Prof, Personal Chair
34Research Fellowships
- Features
- HIGHLY competitive scheme
- Only for full-time researchers
- Part-time appointments on case-by case basis (eg
parental responsibilities, illness) - Part-time for those with active Clinical or
Public Health Practice - whose research and
practice don't strongly link - Most Initial Appointments are at SRF levels, to
maintain a career path - Senior, tenured academics or Institute Directors
generally ineligible to apply - Honorary Fellows can obtain leave of absence up
to 5 yrs for another award - Promotion - at Renewal or in yrs 2-3 of existing
35Peer-Review Process
- Applications assigned to one of three Peer Review
Advisory Panels (PRAPs) - 65-70 per panel - Only competitive applicants proceed to interview
(cull) - Panels seek external assessors
- Interviews (50 per panel) non-negotiable dates
19-24 June - Ranking
- Outstanding (top 5)
- Excellent (top 10)
- Very Good (but not top 10 internationally)
- Good (some reservations)
- Fair (major reservations)
- Funding available to Outstanding and 45 of
Excellent - Recommendations go to Research Committee
36Numbers of Research Fellows in Scheme (1998-2007)
Block Funding
37How Many Get Appointed?
Initial Applicants success rate (25)
Renewals success rate (76)
- Similar success rate to Project grants
- There are no set quotas for IA.
- Success depends on ranking in open competition
with renewals
- Distinction between top of CDA and entry to
Fellowships Scheme is blurry. Some have been
awarded both! - Consistent publications in the top journals in
your field/discipline. - Significant and sustained scientific
achievements. You need to show that your work
makes a difference. - Evidence that others listen to you - conference
invites, literature reviews, commentaries, awards - An active and vibrant plan for the next 5-years
is essential, not more of the same (new
directions, team building). - Give something back ASMR, peer review,
conference organisation etc. - Training and mentoring are very important.
- The application is not JUST a CV. Have your
colleagues look it over. - The interview is critical. No less important
than a job interview. Have a mock interview. - Bring CONCISE CV updates to interview.
- Interview can radically change ranking within a
category (and less so, between categories). - Get your case summarised early in the interview.
- Panels often focus on what they perceive as your
weaker points. Don't despair, they have not
forgotten your strengths! - At the interview end, you can point out what has
not been raised.
40Broad Scope of Panels (PRAPs)
- There are currently three PRAPS covering a broad
number of research fields. In general terms - Panel A includes the fields of Biochemistry,
Immunology, Virology, Cancer/Oncology,
Parasitology, Infectious Diseases and Genetics. - Panel B includes the fields of Neuroscience,
Pharmacology, Physiology and Endocrinology. - Panel C includes the fields of Epidemiology,
Health Innovation, Applied Statistics, Clinical
Sciences and all applications for Practitioner
Fellowships. - Note that due to the hump years in 2004-2005 most
applicants whose research involves "humans" were
in Panel C, whether clinical or not. Needed to
spread the work load.
41Peer-Review Process
- Applications assigned to one of three Peer Review
Advisory Panels (PRAP). Closing date 10 Feb
2006. - First stage review Only competitive applicants
proceed to interview - Panels seek external assessors
- Second stage review Interviews (non-negotiable
dates 18-23 June 2006 (DATE NOT FINAL-CHECK
WEBSITE) - Ranking
- Outstanding (top 5)
- Excellent (top 10)
- Very Good (but not top 10 internationally)
- Good (some reservations) - Fair (major
reservations) - Funding available to Outstanding and 45 of
Excellent - Recommendations go to Research Committee
42Position Classification Statements
- Lists which set out broad outlines of baseline
activities, attributes and achievements - Definitions are provided for each of the 4 levels
of the scheme - Considered relative to opportunity (explain in
your CV or write to chair of Fellowships
Committee) - Includes activities and attributes required of a
Fellow - Strongest applications will show breadth over
widest range of the descriptors - You don't just MEET these guidelines, you need to
43Research Performance Descriptors
- This is a set of guidelines on how to describe
your performance - Guidelines are indicative, not exhaustive
- A guide to what might be considered of higher
merit in - Publications
- Grants
- Peer Recognition (invitations to speak)
- Prizes and Awards
- Research translation (Commercialisation / Health
Practice) - Research training
- Professional activities
44Tips - The Application
- Distinction between top of CDA and entry to
Fellowships Scheme is blurry. Some have been
awarded both! - Publications must include consistent articles in
the top journals in your field/discipline. Not
everyone has published in Nature/Science/Lancet
(because these are not relevant to all
disciplines). - Scientific achievements must be significant, and
sustained. You need to show that/how your work
makes a difference. - Case is strengthened by evidence others listen to
you - hence conference invites, literature
reviews, commentaries, awards. - An active and vibrant plan for the next 5-years
is essential. "More of the same" is
insufficient. Show how you have increased
potential for next 5-years. Particular attention
to new directions and efforts at building team. - Must be giving something back to the discipline -
peer review, conference organisation etc. But
not necessarily in all areas. (Depends on
seniority). - Must be involved in training and mentoring.
Considered highly. Small teams can do well too,
but if small they need greater strength in other
45Tips - The Interview
- Put considerable effort into the application.
Its not JUST a CV. Have your colleagues look it
over. Annotate, explain, expand... - The interview is crucial. No less important than
a job interview. - Bring CONCISE updates on your CV to the interview
(8 copies). Bring documents to support claims
(in press papers, new grants). Unsupported
claims occasionally cause problems. - Interview can radically change your ranking
within a category (and less so, between
categories). - Get your case summarised early in the interview.
- Panels may focus interview on percieved weaker
points. Don't despair, they have not overlooked
your strengths! The focus is to help you bring
out anything they may have overlooked. - At end of interview, you can point out what has
not been raised. - Interview does not cover SEO application - to RFC
46 Practitioner Fellowships
47Aims of the PractionerFellowships Scheme
- Aims of the Practioner Fellowship Scheme
- Strengthen clinical and public health by
- Providing opportunity to combine research with
professional career - Facilitate translation of research outcomes into
practice - Contribute to evidence-based practice and policy
48Practioner Fellowships
- Features
- Provide evidence of Clinical/Health Practice
- 5 years, part-time 30 - 70
- A second five-year appointment is now possible
(immediately or after a break). - Scheme provides "protected" research time
- Targetted at mid-career clinician-researchers
- Essential to show link between research
activities and clinical practice - translation
(if not linked, can now apply for part-time RF
instead) - Very competitive 20-30 applicants pa for up to
10 Fellowships pa - Two levels of PF
49How Many Practioner Fellowships were Awarded (for
Post-Graduate Scholarships (Australia-based only,
access to Travelling Awards) 152 of 308
Training (Postdoctoral) Fellowships (4 yrs in
Aus, or 2 yrs OS 2 yrs in Aus) 106 of 325
Industry Fellowships (2 yrs in industry OS or Aus
2 yrs in research institution in Aus) 8 of 21
Howard Florey Centenary Fellowship (2 yrs
Aus-based only, returning from OS) 9 of 28
Career-Development Awards (5 yrs Australian-based
only) 48 of 222 applicants
Practitioner Fellowships (5 yrs Australian-based
only) 6 of 21 applicants
Research Fellowships (5 yrs Australian-based
only) 27 of 101 applicants
50How Many Practitioner Fellows Are There?
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Total 7 14 21 31 37 38 44
PF Level 1 7 13 19 25 31 29 32
PF Level 2 0 1 2 6 6 9 12
- Scheme started in Jan 2001
- Scheme just completed its first 5 year cycle for
51NHMRC KEY Dates for 2007 Round
- Applications open Dec 7th
- Project Grants
- Applications due Mar 16th
- Program Grants
- Intent to apply Jan 12th
- Applications due Feb 9th
- Fellowships
- Applications due Feb 9th
52NHMRC KEY Dates for 2007 Round
- CDAs
- Applications open Mar
- Applications due May
- Postdoc fellowships Aug