- Description of rocks
- Classification of rocks
- Theories on how these rocks formed
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4- Cooling Rates
- Cooling rates influence the texture if the
igneous rock - Quick cooling fine grains
- Slow cooling coarse grains
- Crystallize from molten material
- Magma - below the Earth's surface
- Lava - erupts onto the Earth's surface through a
volcano or crack (fissure) - Lava cools more quickly because it is on the
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- Terbentuk di permukaan bumi.
- Pembentukan mineral berjalan cepat
- Kristalisasi tidak terjadi/kurang sempurna
- Ukuran mineral tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata.
- Tekstur halus
7INTRUSIF/PLUTONIK (Batuan Beku Dalam)
- Terbentuk jauh di dalam bumi.
- Pembentukan mineral berjalan lambat
- Kristalisasi sempurna
- Ukuran mineral dapat dilihat dengan mata.
- Tekstur kasar
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9Igneous textures
- Glassy instantaneous cooling
- Obsidian (volcanic glass)
10- Aphanitic - fine grain size (lt 1 mm) result of
quick cooling - Basalt
- Rhyolite
- Andesite
11- Phaneritic - coarse grain size visible grains
(1-10 mm) result of slow cooling - Granite
- Diorite
- Gabbro
12- Vesicular - contains tiny holes called vesicles
which formed due to gas bubbles in the lava or
magma. Very porous. May resemble a sponge.
Commonly low density may float on water.
13Composition of Igneous Rocks
- Felsic (granitic or Sialic )
- Intermediate (or andesitic)
- Mafic (or basaltic)
- Ultramafic
14Felsic (granitic or Sialic )
- Dominated by silicon and aluminum (SiAl)
- Usually light in color
- Characteristic of continental crust
- Rock types include Granite, Riolite
- Accecories mineral potassium feldspar (generally
pink or white) , Na-plagioclase feldspar
(generally white) , quartz (generally gray or
colorless) , biotite
15Intermediate (or andesitic)
- Intermediate in composition between sialic and
mafic - Rock types include
- Andesite (aphanitic)
- Diorite (phaneritic)
- Accecories mineral
- plagioclase feldspar, amphibole, pyroxene,
biotite, quartz
16Mafic (or basaltic)
- Contains abundant ferromagnesian minerals
(magnesium and iron silicates) - Usually dark in color (dark gray to black)
- Characteristic of Earth's oceanic crust, Hawaiian
volcanoes - Forms a runny (low viscosity) lava
- Rock types include Basalt, Gabbro
- Almost entirely magnesium and iron silicates
(ferromagnesian minerals) - Rock types include
- Peridotite (phaneritic)
- dominated by olivine - the birthstone is Peridot,
which gives its name to Peridotite - Minerals commonly present include
- Olivine is dominant. (Olivine is olive green).
- may have minor amounts of pyroxene and
18Order of crystallizationby Dr. N.L. Bowen
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20GABBROThis is a mafic igneous intrusive
21DIORITEThis speckled coarse-grained specimen is
an intermediate composition igneous intrusive
22GRANITE This is a felsic intrusive rock.
23BASALTThis typically dark, mafic to ultramafic
volcanic rock is apparently featureless. The
presence of olivine suggests it is ultramafic.
24RHYOLITEThe lighter colour is indicative of the
felsic composition of this extrusive rock.
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28Kelompok Batuan Beku
- Rhyolit Granit
- Trachit- Syenit
- Dasit-Kwarsa Dasit
- Andesit-Diorit
- Gabro-Basalt