Revealing the Mode of Inheritance in Genetic Association Studies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Revealing the Mode of Inheritance in Genetic Association Studies


Revealing the Mode of Inheritance ... mt-carriers vs. non ... given that the more diseased subject has a higher mutational load Definition for bi-allelic ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Revealing the Mode of Inheritance in Genetic Association Studies

Medicine Laboratory of Biomathematics
  • Revealing the Mode of Inheritance in Genetic
    Association Studies

  • Genetics background
  • Genetics is the science that studies the heredity
    of traits
  • Genetic information is contained in DNA which
    consists of nucleotides
  • Gene is a sequence of nucleotides that translates
    a protein
  • Genes (through proteins) determine traits
  • A gene may have different forms called alleles
  • An allele can be mutant type-mt (change in
    nucleotudes) or wild type-wt
  • For each gene there are two alleles due to
    diploidy of humans (homologous chromosome pairs)
  • In an individual the genotype distribution of
    gene can be homozygous (wtwt or mtmt) or
    heterozygous (wtmt)

  • Genetic association studies (GAS)
  • The evaluation of possible associations between
    phenotypic traits (diseases) and genetic variants
    (gene polymorphisms) is carried out using GAS
  • In the case of a genetic variant with two alleles
    (mutant type-mt and wild type-wt), where mt is
    thought to be associated with a disease, GAS will
    collect information on the numbers of diseased
    subjects and control subjects with each of the
    three genotypes (wt/wt, wt/mt, mt/mt)

  • In an illustrative example of GAS with 8261/4374
    cases/controls investigated the association
    between ACE D/I (wt/mt) and CAD, the genotype
    distribution was
  • Genotype Cases with CAD Controls
  • mt/mt 1788 874
  • mt/wt 4145 2165
  • wt/wt 2328 1335
  • The association between disease status and the
  • genetic variant is tested using a chi-squared
    (x2) test
  • with (3-1)x(2-1)2 df

  • When the association is significant, various
    genetic models
  • of genotypes are tested by merging genotypes
  • These models include
  • additive model homozygous for mt vs.
  • homozygous for wt
  • recessive model homozygous for mt vs.
  • dominant model mt-carriers vs. non-mt-carriers
  • co-dominant model heterozygous vs. all

  • The significance of the genetic model is
    assessed using the respective odds ratio (OR) and
    its 95 confidence interval (CI).
  • The OR for the additive model is
  • For ORgt1 an mt subject has greater chance of
    being diseased than a wt subject
  • If the 95 CI does not include 1, then, the OR
    is significant (Plt0.05) (i.e. the variant is
    associated with the disease).

  • ACE D/I (wtD/mtI) vs. CAD
  • Genotype Cases with CAD Controls
  • mt/mt 1788 874
  • mt/wt 4145 2165
  • wt/wt 2328 1335
  • x29.42, Plt0.05
  • (http//
  • There is significant association between ACE D/I
    gene variant and development of CAD

  • But, what is the mode of inheritance,
  • or
  • what is the real genetic model?

  • Recessive model
  • Genotype Cases with CAD Controls
  • mt/mt 1788 874
  • mt/wtwt/wt 4145 23286473 216513353500
  • Since 1 is not included in the 95 CI, we
    conclude that the OR is significant (Plt0.05).
  • Since ORgt1, we conclude that homozygous for the
    mt allele have 11 greater risk for CAD than

  • Dominant model
  • Genotype Cases with CAD Controls
  • mt/mtmt/wt 178841455933 87421653039
  • wt/wt 2328 1335
  • Since 1 is not included in the 95 CI, we
    conclude that the OR is significant (Plt0.05).
  • Since ORgt1, we conclude that carriers of the mt
    allele have 12 greater risk for CAD than
    homozygous for the wt allele

  • Additive model
  • Genotype Cases with CAD Controls
  • mt/mt 1788 874
  • wt/wt 2328 1335
  • Since 1 is not included in the 95 CI, we
    conclude that the OR is significant (Plt0.05).
  • Since ORgt1, we conclude that homozygous for the
    mt allele have 17 greater risk for CAD than
    homozygous for the wt allele

  • Co-dominant model
  • Genotype Cases with CAD Controls
  • mt/wt 4145 2165
  • mt/mtwt/wt 178823284116 87413352209
  • Since 1 is included in the 95 CI, we conclude
    that the OR is not significant (P0.05).

  • Recessive model OR1.11 (1.01, 1.21),
  • Homozygous for the mt allele have greater risk
    than wt-carriers
  • Dominant model OR1.12 (1.03, 1.21), significant
  • Carriers of the mt allele have greater risk
    than non-carriers
  • Additive model OR1.17 (1.06-1.30), significant
  • Homozygous for the mt allele have greater risk
    than homozygous for the wt allele
  • Co-dominant model OR1.03 (0.96, 1.11), non-sign

  • Is the genetic model,
  • recessive,
  • dominant or
  • additive?
  • Mess!

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  • The source of the problem
  • The ORs of the genetic models
  • (recessive, dominant, additive, co-dominant)
  • are not independent
  • the testing of association between genotype
  • distribution and outcome (disease/controls) is
  • on 2 df (the df for the Chi-squared test)

  • How can we avoid the hash of possible genetic
    models making the interpretation of the results
    straightforward at the same time?

  • Zintzaras (2010, Stat Appl Genet) introduced the
    concept of a generalized odds ratio (ORG) as a
    metric for describing the association between
    disease status (disease vs. healthy or disease
    progression) and genotype (biallelic or

  • The ORG is a single statistic that utilizes the
    complete genotype distribution and provides an
    estimate of the overall risk effect
  • General definition
  • The ORG is the probability of a subject being
    more diseased relative to the probability of
    being less diseased, given that the more diseased
    subject has a higher mutational load

  • Definition for bi-allelic variant and binary
  • phenotype
  • ORG is the probability of a subject being
    diseased relative to probability of being free of
    disease, given that the diseased subject has a
    higher mutational load than the non-diseased
  • When ORGgt1 then an increased genetic exposure
    (mutational load) implies disease

  • ORGGASMA a software for implementing the
    generalized odds ratio methodology for the
    analysis and meta-analysis of GAS
  • The software ORGGASMA (together with
    instructions how to operate it) is freely
    available and it can be downloaded form the web
    site http//

  • ACE D/I (wtD/mtI) vs. CAD
  • Genotype Controls Cases with CAD
  • mt/mt 1788 874
  • mt/wt 4145 2165
  • wt/wt 2328 1335
  • Assumption Subjects who are homozygous for I
    allele have the highest mutational load, those
    homozygous for D allele have the lowest, and
    heterozygous have an intermediate level.
  • ORG1.13 with 95 CI (1.08-1.19),

  • ORG1.13 with 95 CI (1.08-1.19)
  • For any two subjects, diseased and healthy, the
    probability of being diseased is 13 higher
    (relative to the probability of being
    non-diseased) given that the diseased subject has
    higher mutational load than the healthy one.

  • Disease progression
  • ADH2 2/1 Controls Alcoholics
  • liver disease
  • 1/1 188 874 321
  • 2/1 145 265 456
  • 2/2 238 135 231
  • ORG 1.37 (1.10-1.72) Risk of disease
    progression is related to mutational load
  • A subject has 37 higher risk of being more
    diseased (relative to the risk of being less
    diseased) given that the subject has a higher
    mutational load.
  • Multiallelic variant
  • APOE Controls CAD
  • e2/e2 23 44
  • e2/e3 45 65
  • e2/e4 28 35
  • e3/e3 32 21

  • The ORG is a good solution, but,
  • it is not enough!
  • Zintzaras and Santos (2010, Stat Med) provided
    the whole solution!
  • Problem The ORs of the genetic models
  • (recessive, dominant, additive, co-dominant)
  • are not independent
  • Solution Inferences should be based solely on
  • the additive and co-dominant models

  • Instead of talking for
  • recessive,
  • dominant,
  • additive,
  • co-dominant models
  • we could talk for
  • Dominance and Co-Dominance
  • or even better for
  • Degree of dominance

  • Co-dominance
  • In the extreme case where there is co-dominance
    (i.e., perfect additivity), the heterozygote wtmt
    lies exactly in the middle of the two
    homozygotes, with mtmt having the maximum
    susceptibility of being diseased and wtwt having
    the least
  • Co-dominant model is non-significant (Pgt0.05)
  • Additive model is highly significant (Plt0.01)

  • Dominance
  • The heterozygote wtmt lies towards mtmt or wtmt

Co-dominant model is significant
(Plt0.05) Additive model can be significant
(Plt0.05) or non-significant (Pgt0.05)
Degree of dominance
  • The degree of dominance could be derived from
    the ratio of the logarithms of the OR of
    co-dominant vs. the OR of the additive model
  • the sign of ln(?co) determines the direction of
    dominance, and the value of ln(?co) relative to
    the absolute value of ln(?a) the magnitude of
    dominance deviation (i.e. deviation from the

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  • -1lthlt0 wtmt is expected to have a risk of being
    diseased somewhere in between the middle of the
    two homozygotes and towards to wtwt
  • 0lthlt1 wtmt is expected to have a risk of being
    diseased somewhere in between the middle of the
    two homozygotes and towards to mtmt
  • hgt1 wtmt has a higher risk of being diseased
    than mtmt
  • hlt-1 wtmt has least chance of being diseased
    than wtwt

  • Once significance in dominance is detected (i.e.
    co-dominant model has Plt0.05) and h is obtained,
    the degree of dominance is inferred as follows

  • To summarize, inferences regarding any
  • degree of dominance are obtained from the
  • following order
  • If the co-dominant model is non-significant and
    the additive model is significant (i.e.
    co-dominance), the risk of disease for the
    heterozygote is in the middle of the two
  • If the co-dominant model is significant (i.e.
    dominance), we then test for the direction of
  • If 0lthlt1, wtmt has a risk of disease closer to
    mtmt or wtwt according to the sign ( or -,
    respectively) of h
  • If hgt1 is significant then, there is over- or

  • ACE D/I (wtD/mtI) vs. CAD
  • Genotype Cases with CAD Controls
  • mt/mt 1788 874
  • mt/wt 4145 2165
  • wt/wt 2328 1335
  • The co-dominant model is not significant (P0.05)
    and the additive model is significant (Plt0.05)
    the risk of disease for the heterozygote is in
    the middle of the two homozygotes.

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  • A GAS investigating the association between the
    alleles ADH21 and ADH22 with alcoholism
    produced the following genotype distributions
  • Both co-dominant and additive models are
    significant. Since the co-dominant model is
    significant, we proceed to inquiry about the
    degree of dominance, which here is
  • indicating that the risk-associated allele 1 is
    dominant, or that dominance exists.

  • In other words, the homozygous 1/1 (mt/mt)
    has a greater risk of being alcoholic than the
    homozygous 2/2 (wt/wt), and the heterozygote
    2/1 has a risk of alcoholism closer to the
    homozygote 1/1 than to the midpoint between the
    two homozygotes.

Ancient Theater of Larissa
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