Special Formulas-Who, When, Where, Why and How? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Special Formulas-Who, When, Where, Why and How?


Protein Hydrolysate Formulas Partially Hydrolyzed Formulas Necrotizing Enterocolitis Elemental Formulas Elemental formulas Fat Modified Renal Pediatric ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Special Formulas-Who, When, Where, Why and How?

Special Formulas-Who, When, Where, Why and How? 
  • Margo Humenczuk MBA, RD, CSP, LD
  • The Magic of WIC
  • October 23, 2012

American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Breast milk is best-the gold standard
  • Milk banks growing, breast milk available to more
    infants, especially preemies
  • No soy formula until 6 months of age for
    premature infants-phytates can bind essential
  • Premature follow up formulas (Enfacare or
    Neosure) for first year, higher calcium and
    phosphorus for bone mineralization

Breast Milk in Tube Feedings
  • Mom must be taught safe storage and collection
  • Continuous drip is associated with appreciable
    fat losses
  • Fat separates and collects in infusion system
  • Loss of 20 of calories is typical
  • Residual milk flush may deliver fat bolus that
    may not be tolerated if impaired GI function
  • Potential loss of cholesterol, EFA,
    phospholipids, fat soluble vitamins

Breast Milk/Neosure 22 calorie/oz Comparison
  • 3 IU vitamin D per 100 calories (150 ml )
  • Neosure 70 IU in 100 calories, Enfamil 60 IU
  • Vitamin A 322 mg in breast milk, Neosure 470 mg,
    Enfamil 300 mg
  • Iron 0.1 mg, Neosure Enfamil Lipil 8 mg Fe
  • Supplement with 1 ml multivitamin with iron drops

Standard Cows Milk Formula
  • Suitable for most infants
  • Breast milk is very high in lactose but is well
    tolerated, however, low lactose formulas are
    popular and a better choice than soy for most
    infants with gassiness, colic, etc.

Formulas for Babies with GERD
  • Added starch in commercial formulas does not
    interfere with nutrient density or add extra
    calories but does not work well with meds that
    lower pH of stomach
  • Overfeeding or feeding practices such as bottle
    propping (air in stomach if nipple not full of
    formula) or tightening ring on nipple super tight
    can be as much a problem as medical issues.

Iron in Formulas
  • Does not affect constipation or fussiness
  • Low iron formulas off the shelf now, available
    only for those children with medical need for low
    iron formula

Soy Formulas
  • Children have grown and gained well on soy
    formulas for years but soy is not the first
    choice for infants unless they have a true milk
  • Should not be used just because other family
    members required soy.
  • 85of those children sensitive to milk formula
    will develop poor tolerance to soy.
  • Much less expensive than hydrolyzed formula

Follow-up formula for older premature babies.
  • 22 cal/oz, increased levels of certain vitamins
    (D) minerals Ca, P
  • Enfacare or Neosure
  • Do not use soy formulas for premature babies per

Protein Hydrolysate Formulas
  • Use for malabsorption-liver disease, short bowel
    syndrome, other malabsorptive states. Tolerated
    by some infants with cow milk and soy
  • Use for some inborn errors of metabolism such as

Partially Hydrolyzed Formulas
  • Pregestimil 55 fat from MCT
  • Ready to feed in liters and volu-feeds at 20
    calories/oz., in volu-feeds at 24
    kcalories-avoids use of powdered formula in some
  • Nutramigen with enflora LGG powdered, RTF and
    liquid concentrate- appropriate for galactosemia
  • Alimentum 33 fat from MCT
  • Ready to feed at 20 calories/oz, powder

Necrotizing Enterocolitis
  • Breast milk trophic feedings are best to preserve
    gut health.
  • Hydrolyzed formula from ready-to-feed product is
    the next safest product.
  • Avoid powdered formulas and Simply Thick gel
    thickener until more research is done.

Elemental Formulas
  • Able to be immediately absorbed as amino acids,
    simple sugars and mostly MCT.
  • Good for gut rest, severe allergy and post NEC
  • Neocate, Elecare Infant, Elecare JR, Neocate Jr.
    and Nutramigen Amino Acid.
  • Some children need elemental products long-term,
    other can be transitioned when well.

Elemental formulas
  • Taste and smell bad
  • Can be more difficult to mix
  • Not usually available on store shelves.
  • Very high osmolality
  • Short hang times

Fat Modified
  • Enfaport Lipil (formerly Portagen)
  • Used in chylothorax and Lymphangiectasia
  • Usually used acutely with transition to standard
    hydrolyzed protein formula longer term
  • Vivonex TEN-amino acid product very low in fat
    (3 of calories)

  • Similac PM 60/40 reduced Phosphorus, calcium and
    potassium, often used in combination with other
    formulas to just meet DRI of minerals.

Pediatric Formulas for Children
Nutren Jr, Pediasure, Pediasure 1.5 Kid Essentials Kid Essential 1.5 Carnation Breakfast Essentials Standard oral or tube feeding supplement Pediasure comes in 30 and 45kcal/oz with and without fiber. Pediasure contains some soy protein, Nutren Jr does not. Kid Essentials come 30 and 45 kcal/oz, with and without fiber, 3 flavors Carnation Instant Breakfast Essentials is a powder that is mixed with 8oz whole milk. More economical that other options Retail Pediasure, Kid Essentials Carnation Breakfast Essentials-need to mix with milk Nutren Jr (may be ordered from pharmacy at grocery store.
Pediatric Formulas
  • Resource Breeze-really an adult product, low in
    calcium, does not nutritionally match Pediasure
    or comparable milk-based products. NOT a
    complete feeding.
  • OK to use to supplement calories and protein,
    especially post op
  • Bright Beginnings Pediatric Soy-soy product very
    close to Pediasure in nutrient content.

Peptide Products
  • Shorter chain proteins, more MCT oil
  • For malabsorption, may be used with delayed
    emptying, trauma, high healing needs
  • some contain whey but no casein, may be tolerated
    by some milk sensitive children.
  • Good transition for those on an elemental infant
    formula to make a gradual change to a less fully
    hydrolyzed product

Peptide Formulas
  • Peptamen Jr, Peptamen Jr Pre-bio, Peptamen Jr
    with fiber
  • Peptamen Jr 1.5 with fiber
  • Pediasure Peptide 1.0 and 1.5 calorie options
  • Multiple flavors for both products
  • Use vanilla or unflavored for tube feeding

Blended Foods
  • Compleat Pediatric 1 kcal and 0.6 kcal/ml
  • Lower kcal product contains similar nutrition to
    1 kcal product but with 60 of the calories.
  • For those with retching, milk intolerance
    long-term formula intolerance and parents who are
    reluctant about the sugar in Pediasure. Does
    have traces of milk.
  • Tube feeding only, not good for oral consumption.

Blended Foods via G-tube
  • Good program at Cincinnati Childrens
    Hospital-developed for long-term retching in
    children with a fundoplication.
  • Should not be done in the community without
    medical supervision. Need to have a back up plan
    for times of illness, hospital admission, post
    op, etc.
  • Just what my other kids eat really isnt.
  • Avoid high nutrient supplements.

Blended Diet via G-tube
  • Very labor intensive
  • Bacterial contamination more likely than in
    commercial product.
  • Fluid content may be difficult to determine.

Thickeners in Formulas
  • Thickening increases safety of swallow and
    lessens risk of aspiration in laryngomalacia and
    other swallowing problems.
  • Thickeners may dilute calorie and nutrient
    content of beverage, or can increase calories,
    depending on the product used.

More on Thickeners
  • Recall of Simply Thick for preemies and infants
  • Cereal thickens beverages, but lowers fluid
    contribution of product and increases calories
    form cereal, may displace some nutrients.

Renal Formulas
  • Renal Formulas appropriate for children
  • Suplena, Nepro

When to Consider Transition from a Specialty
  • Child with milk sensitivity is eating yogurt,
    cheese, etc.
  • Preemie is a full year of age
  • Child can take a variety of foods from all food
  • therapeutic tastes of baby foods dont count as
    adequate nutrition, use some Pediasure in the
    interim as needed.

Transition to Other Formula
  • Infant was put on amino acid formula at a few
    weeks of age due to danger of NEC, no documented
    formula intolerances-work with PCP to make a
    determination on most appropriate product.
  • Some children at a year move from hydrolyzed
    product to peptide product to standard formula or
    cows milk.

Formula Mixing
  • Use full scoops of formula powder, level with lid
    of can
  • When altering recipes start with scoops of
    formula, not water volume, displacement differs
  • Most about 45 kcal/scoop, Nutramigen AA 23
    kcal/scoop, Neocate 20 kcal/scoop
  • Packed scoops for Nutramigen, Pregestamil, NOT
    for Nutramigen AA

Formulas from WIC
  • We appreciate your perseverance in teaching safe
    feeding practices and good nutrition.
  • Monitor bottles for cleanliness and safety
  • Constipation may be from low fluid intake,
    especially in very young, sleepy infants
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