Title: BLC Training for Instructors
1BLC Training for Instructors
- Presented By Banner Health Learning
Development Team
2Logging into the BLC
- Go to the BLC homepage https//learning.bannerhea
lth.com/ - Log in as an Instructor under the heading
Username Enter your Lawson ID Password Enter
your BLC password (same as you used prior to the
BLC upgrade) Click the LOGIN button. You will
see a message that says Please wait while we
validate your account.
3Adding a Course
- Click on Learning Objects
- Click on Courses
4Adding a Course - Continued
- The message Processing
- your Request will appear.
5Adding a Course - Continued
- A new page will appear.
- Click on New Learning Object
6Creating a Course
- This is where you will
- create your course. Please
- note that everything in red
- must be completed.
- Click on the Learning Object dropdownlist
- Select the class delivery mode from the list.
7Creating a Course - Continued
- Click on the Name field to add the class name
- Click on the Grading dropdown to select how
course will be graded
8Creating a Course - Continued
- Now you will select the
- learning and development
- catalog, where your course
- will be stored.
- Select appropriate catalog
- Banner Course Catalog
- LSA/SQL Course Catalog
- Click on the plus signs to
- drill down further within
- your selected catalog.
9Creating a Course - Continued
- Please note that all fields in
- gray are optional. The
- fields new to this version of
- the BLC are Credit
- Units, Credit Hours, and
- Test.
10Creating a Course - Test Functionality
- The test functionality
- applies only if a class test
- has been previously
- uploaded into the BLC.
- Click on the Add button to select correspondent
test. - Highlight the appropriate test and click on Add
Test Instance
11Creating a Course - Test Functionality Continued
The selected test will now appear in the Test
12Creating a Course - Test Functionality Continued
- To remove the test
- Highlight the test to be removed and click on the
Remove button. - The class will be deleted from the screen.
13Creating a Course - Continued
- Click on the Save
- button to complete adding
- the class.
- 2. A pop-up window will
- appear asking if you want
- to schedule class dates.
- 3. Click on Yes.
14Selecting Class Dates
- To select a class date, do
- the following
- 1. Go to Learning
- Object Instance Dates
- Header
- 2. Click in the LO Dates field and select a date
from the calendar - Select Start Time and End Time
- Select Time Zone
15Selecting Class Dates - Continued
To confirm your selected date, click on Add
Dates, under the heading Available Dates. Your
date will appear in the field. To delete that
date, click on the red X by the date.
16Selecting your Learning Object Instance Details
- To complete your class
- details
- Room Make your selection from the drop down
menu. - Max Students This field must have a numerical
value or the system will default to zero and will
prevent enrollment. - Instructor Select the class instructor.
- Status Select class status from the dropdown
Selecting the status scheduled, will allow
your class to be viewed.
17Using Include Waitlist
In the event your class is full, you can create
a Waitlist. If a student cancels, the first
person on the Waitlist will be enrolled
automatically. New enrollees will be added to
your class in the order of their place on the
18Setting up Class Availability
The Availability function specifies who has
viewing access to your class. For example, you
can set your class to be viewed only by your
facility and not the entire system.
19Setting Multiple Dates Automatic
- To set multiple class
- sessions automatically, go
- to the Multiple Learning
- Object Instances section
- of the screen.
- For classes that occur on a
- regular basis (for example,
- every Thursday of the
- month), check the Create
- Auto Multiple radio button
- and complete the following
- Frequency
- Recur Every
- Stop Date
- Remember to click on the Save button.
20Setting Multiple Dates Manual
- To set multiple class
- sessions manually, go to
- the Multiple Learning
- Object Instances section
- of the screen.
- To manually choose multiple class dates, click on
Create Manual Multiple radio button. - Click on the Date field to select the first date
from the drop down calendar. - Click on the Add button.
- To select a second class date, repeat steps 1
and 2. - To remove a date, click on the Remove button.
21Making Changes
- To make changes to your
- entries, once you have
- saved them
- Click on the Edit button and make your changes.
- Click on Save.
22Using the Audit Trail
The Audit Trail captures any changes made on the
BLC, including who made the changes and
when. To access it, click on the Audit Trail
23Viewing Rosters
- To access class rosters
- Return to the main page
- Highlight your class title.
- Click on the word View to see all offerings for
the selected class.
24Viewing Rosters - Continued
4. Select your specific class from the list. 5.
Click on View to access the roster.
25Viewing Rosters - Continued
From this screen you can make changes or update
your roster. Students can appear as Enrolled,
Pending or Waitlist. See legend at the bottom
of the screen for details.
26Adding Students to a Class Roster
1. Select your specific class from the list. 2.
Click on Add, under the Students heading to add
additional students.
27Adding Students to a Class Roster - Continued
- Select the students from the list, by checking
the box to the left of the students name. OR - You can also a access students name by entering
first name and last name in the search boxes,
then click on the Go button. - Click on the Add Attendees button.
28Printing Rosters
- To print a roster
- Highlight your class
- Click on the word Print
- You have completed the BLC instructor course.
- For further information, please see your BLC lead.