Title: Video Streaming
1Video Streaming
- Susan Weber
- sweber_at_langara.bc.ca
- AEMAC at Langara College
2- Video has the power to transform any lesson into
a memorable learning experience.
3Streaming MediaakaStreaming Video
4What are the options?
- Building up a DVD collection
- DVD is transitory
- DVD is fraught with technical problems
- Then transfer to
5 In 2006, 91 of Canadians aged 18 to 34
accessed the Internet, compared to only 69 of
Canadians aged 55 or older.
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7Decima study, Access to News Sources, May 2008
- 93 of Canadian households have broadband access
(95 in B.C.) - 74 of B.C. residents subscribe
- In 2007, over 50 downloaded videos from the
Internet - rev June 2008 http//www.crtc.gc.ca/Eng/media/rp0
8Types of Streaming
- True streaming(what AEMAC does)
- Live streaming
- Progressive download
- Download
- File is stored. View on-demand
- Video is viewed then it is gone (sports)
- YouTube
- File is sent to you to keep
9Advantages of True Streaming
- Instantly viewable
- Can advance to any point any time
- Multiple users have no effect
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15National Geographic
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17Media on Demand
- Buy a proprietary closed content system
- Issue Continue to pay or lose it
- Mostly K-12 content Mostly U.S.
- Problem lack of ability to upload your content
Cant customize search screens and modify
search parameters - Advantage Can usually make clips, mashups
18Media on Demand Systems
- Films Media Group
- Intelecom
- Learn 360
- MonD
- PowerMediaPlus
- Safari montage
- Unitedstreaming
19Media on Demand System
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21Delivering visual content
- Choose content independently
- Issue Server capacity, IT support
- License management
- Advantage Customizable
- Inexpensive
22Bandwidth, Bandwidth, Bandwidth! Staff IT
Support, Student Support Budgets/Funding The
right tools ERM or spreadsheet Cross platform
issues Windows Media on a Mac? Quicktime on
Windows? Happy medium Flash
23Adobe Flash
- 80 of online videos viewed worldwide are
delivered using Adobe Flash. - Flash Player is installed on 98 of
internet-connected desktops. - Playback, V2315, May 11,2009
- www.speakeasy.net/speedtest
- Results - bandwidth test
- TRU (1130 a.m.) - 33,285 kbps TRU (340
p.m.) - 24,085 kbps - COTR (720 a.m.) - 13,270 kbps
- COTR (400 p.m.) - 22,890 kbps
27Least costly solution
- IRIS Education, a division of Seattle Community
Colleges Television (SCCtv) - A non-profit
- Serving over 800 schools, colleges, universities
now - inexpensive
28Streaming speeds
- Lo-Res 200 kbps 320 x 240 pixels
- Hi-Res 500 kbps
- 640 x 480 pixels
29The B.C. solution
- AEMAC licenses provincially with producer
- Content is encoded for Flash
- URL Link provided to AEMAC
- AEMAC provides bib. record via Z39.50 with URL
imbedded in MARC 856 - Libraries upload MARC record modify with Proxy
30The B.C. solution
- Library catalogue displays item with link
- User clicks on link is directed to local proxy
server - After authentication, stream begins
- Current ver. Of Flash works best
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32Size of Hi-res videoin computer screen
33Size of Lo-Res video
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- Ask for perpetual license
- Accept 5 years as a compromise
- Discuss price with your colleagues
- Have ERM to manage licenses
- Have the IT and Systems Dept. on-side
36- Susan Weber
- Tel 604 323-5533
- Sweber_at_langara.bc.ca
- http//www.langara.bc.ca/aemac/