Success Driven Project Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Success Driven Project Management


Our new forecast (estimate at completion): Project Finish - 15.05.2002 15:09 Project Cost - 24028.09 Resource Analysis - 1st week Success Probability Analysis ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Success Driven Project Management

Success DrivenProject Management
  • Vladimir Liberzon

  • Modern project management methods and tools
    developed and used in Russia have many advantages
    that are yet unknown to the international project
    management community.
  • Some of them will be described in this

  • We will discuss the proven methodology of project
    planning, performance analysis and project
    control that we call Success Driven Project
    Management (SDPM).
  • This methodology integrates scope, time, cost,
    and risk management and may be of particular
    interest for the Critical Chain theory supporters
    because both approaches have some common

  • We will also discuss some notions and methods of
    project planning and performance analysis that
    are common in Russia and necessary for SDPM
  • We will illustrate the approaches described in
    this presentation using project management
    software package Spider Project that is most
    popular professional PM tool in Russia.

  • We shall start with the definitions and the first
    of them is the definition of the Critical Path.
  • We use the term Resource Critical Path (RCP) to
    specify our interpretation of the classical PMBOK
    Guide definition.
  • We believe that project Critical Path, Resource
    Critical Path and Critical Chain
  • a) imply the same set of activities and
  • b) the traditional interpretation of the critical
    path is not correct.

Critical Path
  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of
    Knowledge? defines the Critical Path as those
    activities with float less than or equal to a
    specified value, usually zero.
  • Float is the amount of time that an activity may
    be delayed from its early start without delaying
    the project finish date.
  • Early start is the earliest possible point in
    time at which the uncompleted portions of an
    activity (or the project) can start, based on the
    network logic and any schedule constraints.

Critical Path
  • Project schedule constraints include resource
    constraints, finance and supply constraints,
    calendar constraints and imposed dates.
  • The float should be calculated with all schedule
    constraints as well as the network logic taken
    into account.
  • The total float determined by most PM packages
    shows the time reserve for the execution of
    activity, however the availability of resources
    is completely ignored.
  • It is not the actual activity float as defined by
    A PMBOK Guide?.

Resource Critical Path
  • True critical path should account for all
    schedule constraints including resource and
    financial limitations.
  • We call it Resource Critical Path (RCP) to
    distinguish it from the traditional
    interpretation of the critical path definition.
  • The calculation of RCP is similar to the
    calculation of the traditional critical path with
    the exception that both the early and the late
    dates are calculated during forward and backward
    resource (and material, and cost) levelling.

Resource Critical Path
  • It appears that by adding financial and supply
    constraints to the Critical Chain definition as
    well as the way of the Critical Chain
    calculation, we will obtain something very
    similar to RCP.
  • RCP can consist of activities that are not linked
    to each other. Traditional critical path approach
    assumes that this may be due to the different
    activity calendars and imposed dates. In case of
    RCP calculation, it can also be due to resource
    constraints and financial and supply limitations.

Activity Volume
  • Projects are often planned (especially in the
    construction and manufacturing) basing on the
    federal, local, industrial or corporate norms and
  • These standards usually refer to resource
    productivity on the certain activity types, costs
    and materials per unit of activity volume (volume
    of work to be done on activity).
  • Usage of these norms affects the planning of
    project activities.

Activity Volume
  • Activity volume can be measured in meters, tons,
    etc., planned work hours, percents or any other
  • Activity volume is often used as an initial
    activity information instead of duration. If
    assigned resource productivity is defined in
    volume units per hour then activity duration may
    be calculated during project scheduling.
  • Activity volume does not depend on assigned

Resource Productivity
  • Calculation of activity duration basing on
    assigned resource productivity has many
    advantages. We have already mentioned the
    possibility of applying corporate norms. Changing
    the norm we change the planned duration of all
    activities of certain type.
  • It is especially useful for the forecasting of
    project duration and estimating uncertainties.

Resource Analysis
  • Resource analysis is an essential part of project
    execution analysis. It is vital for project time
    analysis to be able to forecast resource
  • Monitoring of the actual resource performance
    allows to determine trends and to make necessary
    adjustments of resource productivity databases.

Resource Analysis
  • The usage of project resources varies at the
    different project phases. The forecasting that
    accounts for these differences is considerably
    more accurate than the methods of Earned Value
  • Methods of risk analysis and simulation should
    include estimations and simulations of activity
    volumes, resource productivity, resource
    availability, etc.

Resource Analysis
  • The main problem with the traditional methods of
    risk simulation is their initial assumption that
    cost and duration deviations of different
    activities are independent of each other.
  • Activities performed by a set of resources will
    have correlated duration. Not taking this into
    consideration leads to producing wrong risk
    simulation results.

Sample Project
  • Lets illustrate the basic concepts described
    earlier using sample project consisting of only
    three independent activities and two resources.
  • Project data are shown at the next slide.

Sample Project - Data
Sample Project - Critical Path
  • At this slide you see project schedule before
    resource leveling. Activity 1 is critical. Other
    activities have 5 day float.

Sample Project - RCP
  • After resource leveling activities 2 and 3 became
    critical while activity 1 has 20 day float
    (resource float).
  • So RCP consists of activities 2 and 3.

Activity Resource Float
  • Activity resource floats have one large advantage
    over the total floats calculated by most PM
    software. This advantage is feasibility.
  • Traditional total float shows the period for
    which activity execution may be postponed if
    project resources are unlimited.
  • Activity resource float shows the period for
    which activity execution may be postponed within
    the current schedule with the set of resources
    available in this project.

Risk simulation
  • Our experience of project planning shows that the
    probability of successful implementation of
    deterministic project schedules and budgets is
    very low.
  • Therefore project planning technology should
    always include risk simulation to produce
    reliable results.
  • We will describe the approach to project planning
    that is supported by Spider Project.

Project Planning
  • The project planner obtains three estimates
    (optimistic, most probable and pessimistic) for
    all initial project data.
  • These data are used to calculate optimistic, most
    probable and pessimistic project schedules and
  • The most probable and pessimistic project
    versions will usually contain additional
    activities and costs and employ other resources
    and different calendars than the optimistic

Desired Data
  • The planner should define desirable probabilities
    of meeting target dates, costs, and material
    consumption rates at major project milestones.
  • Basing on these probabilities, the package
    calculates corresponding desired project target
    dates, costs, and material requirements.
  • These desired data form the basis for contract
    negotiations and decision making.

Target Data
  • Negotiations may result in establishing new
    target data.
  • Spider Project helps to negotiate by answering
    the questions on probability to meet any
    restrictions on time and on budget.
  • Probability of meeting target data (cost, time,
    quantity) is called Success Probability.
  • Success Probability is the BEST indicator of the
    current project status.

Target Schedule
  • In addition, the package calculates the target
  • Target Schedule is the backward project resource
    constrained schedule with the most probable
    activity duration, material requirements and
    costs and target milestone dates.
  • Lets apply the described approach to our sample

Risk simulation for Sample project
  • We will make very simple assumption
  • Optimistic productivity of assigned resources is
    20 higher and pessimistic is 20 lower than the
    planned ones.
  • Lets assume that we have no other risks )).

Desired Data
  • We want to be on time with 70 probability and
    under budget with 75 probability.
  • The package will identify the desired finish date
    and the required project budget

Desired Data
Target Data
  • Lets assume that after negotiating the contract
    we established project target finish date and
    target budget.
  • The package will calculate the probability of
    meeting target parameters and we will see that we
    were lucky with time and should be very cautious
    with the project budget

Most Probable Data
  • Lets assume that the most probable version of
    our project was defined as the project baseline.
  • The initial probabilities to meet most probable
    project parameters

Most Probable Data
  • These probabilities are high because we did not
    simulate risk events.
  • We will track the probabilities of meeting
    baseline data (24000) and contract budget

Project Execution
  • Now lets simulate Sample project execution.
  • Lets assume that the actual resource 1
    productivity was 10 higher than expected (0.55),
    while the actual resource 2 productivity was 10
    lower (0.27).
  • Lets assume that the productivity of these
    resources did not change during project
  • Our task - to estimate project performance, to
    forecast future project results, and to decide if
    corrective action is necessary.

Sample Project Execution - 1st week
  • We will use Resource analysis, Success
    Probability analysis, and Earned Value analysis.
  • We assume that estimates were done each week and
    will analize trends.
  • Initial baseline data (estimate at completion)
  • Project Finish - 10.05.2002 1600
  • Project Cost - 24000.00

Sample Project Execution - 1st week
  • After the first week

Resource Analysis - 1st week
  • Providing Resource Analysis we shall decide if
    the actual deviations in resource productivity
    are accidental or the planned productivity should
    be adjusted.
  • Lets adjust them raising productivity of
    resource 1 by 5 (0.525) and lowering the
    productivity of resource 2 by the same 5
  • Our new forecast (estimate at completion)
  • Project Finish - 15.05.2002 1509
  • Project Cost - 24028.09

Resource Analysis - 1st week
Advice your project may be late and over budget
Success Probability Analysis 1st week
Success Probability Analysis 1st week
  • The cost probability trends are positive, timely
    performance probability trend is negative.
  • Advice pay attention to resource productivity.

Earned Value Analysis 1st week
Advice everything is fine. Your project will finish early and under budget Advice everything is fine. Your project will finish early and under budget

ACWP 3200
BCWP 3280
BCWS 3200
CV 80
SV 80
CPI 1.025
SPI 1.025
Resource Analysis - 2nd week
  • New performance data show that the planned
    resource productivity should be adjusted again.
  • Lets adjust them raising productivity of
    resource 1 to 0.5375 and lowering the
    productivity of resource 2 to 0.2775).
  • Our 2nd forecast (estimate at completion)
  • Project Finish - 17.05.2002 1035
  • Project Cost - 24107.63

Resource Analysis - 3rd week
  • New performance data show that the planned
    resource productivity should be made equal to the
    actual because they did not change from the
    project start.
  • Our 3rd forecast (estimate at completion)
  • Project Finish - 20.05.2002 1226
  • Project Cost - 24242.44

Resource Analysis - 3rd week
Resource Analysis
  • These forecasts will not change later. The
    forecasts based on resource analysis might be
    very accurate but are not easy to make and
    require detailed performance reports.
  • Besides they do not consider project risks that
    depend on factors other than resource

Success Probability Analysis
  • Success Probability shows current project status,
    Success Probability trends show project manager
    if corrective action is needed.
  • Success Probability trends for our Sample project
    is shown in the next slide.
  • In the same slide you will see Earned Value data
    for the Sample Project.

Success Probability Analysis
Success Probability Analysis
  • Success probability trends show us that the
    project will be
  • certainly late and
  • probably over budget of 24000
  • though certainly under budget of 25000.

Earned Value Analysis
  • Earned Value Analysis data do not show problems
    with our project too long. Quite contrary it
    shows that everything is fine till the end of the
    execution of activity 1.
  • Trends of Earned Value data are shown in the next

Earned Value Analysis
Parameter 04.03.2002 11.03.2002 18.03.2002 25.03.2002 01.04.2002 08.04.2002 15.04.2002 22.04.2002 29.04.2002
ACWP 3200 6400 9600 12800 16000 18109.1 19309.1 20509.1 21709.1
BCWP 3280 6560 9840 13120 16400 18480 19560 20640 21720
BCWS 3200 6400 9600 12800 16000 19200 20400 21600 22800
CV 80 160 240 320 400 370.89 250.89 130.89 10.89
CV 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.05 1.3 0.64 0.05
SV 80 160 240 320 400 -720 -840 -960 -1080
SV 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 -3.75 -4.12 -4.44 -4.74
CPI 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1
CPI 102.5 102.5 102.5 102.5 102.5 102.05 101.3 100.64 100.05
SPI 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.95
SPI 102.5 102.5 102.5 102.5 102.5 96.25 95.88 95.56 95.26
SDPM Project Management Technology
  • We recommend using the optimistic project version
    for setting tasks for project implementers while
    the calculated contingency reserves should be
    used by the PM team for the management purposes.
  • Start (finish) contingency reserves (buffers) are
    calculated as the difference between activity
    start (finish) time in the optimistic and target
  • Contingency reserves are also calculated for the
    activity cost and material requirements.

Success Probability
  • But the most valuable indicators of project
    performance are Success Probabilities -
    probabilities of meeting target project
  • Trends of Success Probabilities show project
    manager if the corrective action is needed.
  • The value of Success Probability shows current
    project status better than any other project

Project Control Parameters
  • Project manager obtains the following estimates
    necessary for effective project control
  • Probabilities of meeting target project
    parameters (success probabilities),
  • Target activity start and finish dates, resource
    and material requirements and cost,
  • Planned activity start and finish dates, resource
    and material requirements and cost in the current

Project Control Parameters
  • Activity resource floats that show the time for
    which activity execution may be postponed without
    delaying project finish date in the current
  • Activity contingency reserves (buffers) for time,
    cost and materials calculated as the difference
    between the corresponding optimistic and target
  • The following slide shows the optimistic and
    target schedules, and other scheduling and risk
    analysis information for our Sample project.

Project Control Parameters
SDPM tips for the project control
  • Plan day-to-day activities using the optimistic
    estimates but pay special attention to resource
    floats and to contingency reserves.
  • Include the causes of delays in activity
    completion and cost overruns in performance
  • Regularly update the estimates in the optimistic,
    most probable and pessimistic project schedules.
  • Regularly recalculate the success probabilities
    and analyse trends.

SDPM and Critical Chain - common
  • You may notice that SDPM and Critical Chain
    approaches have a lot in common.
  • Resource Critical Path is the same as Critical
  • Therefore Critical Chain project buffer may be
    regarded as an analogue of SDPM contingency time
  • feeding buffers are similar to resource floats.
  • Both the SDPM and Critical Chain approaches
    recommend to use the optimistic estimates for
    setting the tasks for project implementers.
  • But there are differences too.

SDPM and Critical Chain - different
  • We cannot agree with the Critical Chain theorys
    assumption that one should always avoid
  • Usually there are many subcritical activities
    belonging to the different network paths and even
    the minor delays in the execution of subcritical
    activities can lead to the changes in the RCP.
    This comes into conflict with the Critical Chain
    theorys assumption that the Critical Chain never
    changes during the project execution.
  • The assumption that only one project drum (in our
    terminology - critical) resource exists is also
    dubious. Our experience shows that critical
    resources are different at the different phases
    of project lifecycle.

SDPM technology steps 1
  • Assess risks and create optimistic, pessimistic
    and expected estimations of activity duration and
    volumes, resource productivity and quantity,
    activity and resource cost, calendars, etc.
  • Estimates are usually based not only on expert
    judgement but also on regulatory or corporate

SDPM technology steps 2
  • Calculate optimistic, most probable, and
    pessimistic resource and cost constrained project

SDPM technology steps 3
  • Calculate project and each phase desired finish
    dates and costs (with the desired probability of
    successful execution).

SDPM technology steps 4
  • Negotiate and define target finish dates and

SDPM technology steps 5
  • Calculate target schedule with the most probable
    activity duration but target finish dates
    (backward resource constrained schedule).

SDPM technology steps 6
  • Determine time and cost buffers, and
    probabilities of meeting target parameters.

SDPM technology steps 7
  • Use the optimistic schedule as a plan for the
  • Using optimistic estimates, we increase our
    chances to obtain the reports on any deviations
    from the proper activity execution. This
    information is necessary for quality and risk

SDPM technology steps 8
  • Control risks and regularly recalculate necessary
    time buffers and success probabilities.

  • We would appreciate your comments on this
  • We invite everybody interested in developing
    common approaches to contact Moscow PMI Chapter
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