Title: Marriage and Family
1Marriage and Family
Chapter 7
2Sixteen top American Scholars on Family Life
Why Marriage Matters,Twenty-Six Conclusions from
the Social Sciences
- Institute for American Values, 1841 Broadway,
Suite 211, NY, New York 10023
3Fundamental ConclusionsMarriage is an Important
Social Good
- Marriage is important for public well-being it
is associated with a range of economic, health,
educational, and safety benefits that help local,
state, and federal governments serve the common
Institute for American Values, 1841 Broadway,
Suite 211, NY, New York 10023
4Marriage in a Global Context
- There is powerful evidence, not just that
marriage is important to society, but that human
beings are in some basic sense made to be
Maggie Gallagher The Moral and Social
Significance of Marriage in the Global Context,
IIFWP Assembly 2000, p. 4.
5- The well-being of society and children depends
on the health of our marriage culture.
Marriage and the Law A Statement of
Principles, Institute for American Values New
York, NY, Web www.americanvalues.org
6Family Essential for Society
- As far back as our knowledge takes us, human
beings have lived in families. We know of no
period where was not so Again and again human
societies have reaffirmed their dependence on the
family as the basic unit of human livingthe
family of father, mother and children.
Margaret Mead and Ken Heyman, Family (New York
Macmillan, 1965) p. 77-78.
- I would like to see India free and strong the
individual, being pure, sacrifices himself for
the family. The family for the village, the
village for the district, the district for the
province, the province for the nation, the nation
for all. I want Khudai Raj, which is the same
thing as the Kingdom of God on earth.
Raj Ghat, Eastern Gate, New Delhi, India
8Where does Peace Begin?
- the individual, being pure, sacrifices himself
for the family
9The Mission of Religion
Religions should not only focus on the individual
as the center of salvation (moksha, nirvana), but
must also understand and support the family as
the key to solving social problems.
10Religion The Center of Civilization
Moral Values
11The Purpose of Marriage
? To resemble God ? To perfect love (individual
perfection) ? To give ownership of your sexual
organ to your partner (love is experienced and
perfected through a partner).
12Absolute Sexual Purity
Palace of Love, Life and Lineage
Gods Ideal of True Love
Seed from a True Father
Womb of True Mother
(Body of True Love)
(Seed of True Love)
(Lineage of True Love)
13Universal Family Values
- 1st Abstinence
- Brahmacharyia
- 2nd Be Faithful
- Grihastha
14Peace Message 10
- There is an absolute requirement that all people
must fulfill, no matter who they are. This is the
requirement of maintaining their purity, which is
the model of absolute sexual morality - The first stage is maintaining absolute sexual
purity prior to getting married Second is the
model of absoluteness in the love of husband and
Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, Peace Message 10,
November 21, 2006
15Three Responsibilities
Families of True Love
Character ofGoodness
Societies of Co-prosperity
The greatest among the Three Responsibilities is
the Marriage Blessing.
16Four Great Realms of Heart
God -
4. Heart of a Parent
3. Heart of a Couple
Father Mother
Perfected Man
Perfected Woman
2. Heart of Siblings
True Husband
True Wife
True Sister
True Brother
Filial Son
Filial Daughter
1. Heart of Children
Husband / Wife Love
Parents Love
Childrens Love
Brother / Sister Love
18Importance of an Ideal Family
- The family is the framework and environment for
human growth.
Moon, Dr. Rev. Sun Myung. (2005). The
Providential Path to True Liberation and Complete
Freedom. Washington D.C. IIFWP.
19Social HarmonyLearned in the Family
- Parental love ? Respect for Children
- Sibling love ? Respect for Friends
- Filial piety ? Respect for Elders
- Conjugal love ? Respect Human Sexuality
20Family Contribution to Human Development
- The family plays a key role in developing good
character. - Develops conscience.
- Learn to live for others (to sacrifice).
- Sets proper priorities Family well-being gt
individual - Experience the co-existence of love and law.
Many of the goals are directly connected to the
family but the institutions of marriage and
family are overlooked.
22The Value of Marriage Family
- These are essential social values
- Free speech,
- Private property,
- Free enterprise,
- Public education,
- Health care,
- Equal protection of the law, and
- Democratic elections
- But the institutions of marriage and family are
more important!
23Mans Last Revolution
- There have been many revolutions
- Industrial, Political, Religious, Cultural
Revolution - Solve problems? No!
- Unified Peaceful World? No!
- World of Happiness? No!
- Why not?
- Revolutions centered on Power or Control a
violation of Human Responsibility.
24Mans Last Revolution
What weapons will we use? True Love and Principle
flowing from Shimjung. Last Revolution ?
Centered on Shimjung (Roots) ? True Love
(Flowers, fragrance) ? True Character (Fruit) ?
Revolution of Absolute Sex (True Family)
Revolution of True Family Values ? Absolute
Sexual Purity
25Thank you !