Title: Diapositiva 1
1Standard English (as defined by David Crystal)
A variety of English with no local base.
SE is not a matter of pronunciation (it is spoken
in a variety of accents)
2Standard English
SE is the variety of English which carries most
prestige within a country.
SE is the Egnlish used by the powerful (James
3RP Received Pronunciation AKA Queens (or
Kings) English, Oxford English, BBC English
The starndard accent of English as spoken in the
South of England (OCD)
4The Speech Accent Archive
5British vs. American slang
624 English accents in 6 minutes
7Global English (Globish)
A simplified, non-idiomatic variety of English
for International communication
Jean-Paul Nerriere decaffeinated
English, English-lite
8Lingua Franca
A language that is used beyond the boundaries of
its original community as a second language for
communication between communitites
9World Englishes
Localised varieties of English
Especially those developed in countries formerly
colonised by Great Britain and the United States
10Braj Kachrus model of World Englishes