GSA SmartPay2 Basic Charge Card Payment Reconciliation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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GSA SmartPay2 Basic Charge Card Payment Reconciliation


For more details, contact your JPMorgan Chase account manager * Reconciling interface files/mappers to statement invoices If paying based on cycle date ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: GSA SmartPay2 Basic Charge Card Payment Reconciliation

GSA SmartPay2 Basic Charge Card Payment
Perry Hampton Bradley Forrestel Office of Charge
Card Management (OCCM) 12th Annual GSA SmartPay
Training Conference August 10 12, 2010
  • Program Background Basics
  • The Importance of Payment Reconciliation
  • General Payment Reconciliation Step-by-Step
  • General Payment Reconciliation Best Practices
  • Resources
  • Questions

Value to the customer
  • After this course, participants should be able
  • Identify ways to improve payment reconciliation
    processes at your agency/organization
  • Understand how to apply payment reconciliation
    best practices to your charge card program
  • Collaborate with payment reconciliation experts
    who provide information/tools for enhancing
    payment reconciliation

Program Background Basics
Polling the Audience
  • How many audience members are
  • A. Level 1 A/OPCs
  • B. Level 2 A/OPCs
  • C. Level 3 A/OPCs
  • D. Im not an A/OPC
  • E. Unsure
  • Is your role as an A/OPC your
  • A. Primary Duty
  • B. Collateral Duty
  • C. Not Applicable

Polling the Audience
  • How many audience members are new to the GSA
    SmartPay Training Conference this year?
  • A. Yes, this is my first year
  • B. No, I have attended before
  • What business line are you affiliated with?
  • A. Purchase
  • B. Travel
  • C. Fleet
  • D. All
  • E. Unsure

GSA SmartPay2 Program Overview
DID YOU KNOW 943 was spent using Federal charge
cards every second in FY09
  • Enables over 350 Federal agencies/organizations
    obtain charge card products and services
    master contracts that GSA established
    three banks Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, and U.S.
  • Agencies/organizations issued task orders against
    these master contracts to obtain charge card
    products and services
  • Agencies/organizations pay no direct fees to use
    the program
  • Period of performance for existing contracts is
    through 2018

Office of Charge Card Management
  • Provide a comprehensive and flexible master
  • Offer strong customer orientation and frequent
    customer contact/support through
  • Test and share best practices
  • Engage in continuous market research and regular
    meetings with industry
  • Deliver Beyond Plastics strategy and
  • Provide balanced customer advocacy and program
  • Training workshops, guides and GSA SmartPay
    Annual Training Conference

GetSmart quarterly newsletters Monthly meetings Agency POCs Strong web presence Ad hoc working groups Customer satisfaction surveys Social Networking exploration
The Importance of Payment Reconciliation
Benefits of Payment Reconciliation
  • Why Reconcile?...especially if the
  • Is automated?
  • Avoid out of balance conditions between agencies/
    and issuers
  • Maximize refunds by ensuring payments are

    accurate and timely
  • Identify problems quickly and act upon them
  • Avoid hidden delinquencies
  • Frequent reconciliations lead to smooth program
  • Reconciling frequently is a best practice

Reconciliation Issues
  • Payment made to the wrong account
  • Checks recorded as a lesser or greater amount
  • than what was presented to the bank
  • Balance transferred to the wrong account
  • Payments taken from the bank account without the
    agencys/organizations knowledge
  • Rolling balances payment is applied to oldest
    balance first
  • Documentation is not retained, or lost
  • Payments posting to the transaction account
    versus the central account

Payment Reconciliation step-by-step process
Traditional Payment Reconciliation Process Flow
  • Account management and reconciliation process
    flows vary among agencies/ organizations due to
    different organizational structures,
    roles/responsibilities, and established

Polling the Audience
  • How does your agency/organization perform payment
  • A. Through an automated system
  • B. Through a manual system
  • C. Through a system that is automated,
    but includes manual components
  • D. I dont know

Polling the Audience
  • For those who use a manual system, how long (on
    average) does it take for your agency/organization
    to perform payment reconciliation?
  • A. 1 7 Days
  • B. 7 14 Days
  • C. 14 30 Days
  • D. 30 Days
  • D. I dont know

Polling the Audience
  • For those who use an automated system, how long
    (on average) does it take for your
    agency/organization to perform payment
  • A. 1 7 Days
  • B. 7 14 Days
  • C. 14 30 Days
  • D. 30 Days
  • D. I dont know

Depending on A/OPC diligence, automated
processes generally takes less time than a manual
process (several days to several weeks, rather
than months)
Sample Timeline - Payment Reconciliation Process
Flow (Manual)
Notification Day 1 Review 2-5 Days Reconciliation 4-6 Days Transmission 3-10 Days Payment 2-8 Days
Send transaction statements to cardholders. Stamps date of receipt (date serves as the prompt payment start date) with 30 days to make payment. Reconciles transaction invoices against bank statements. Verifies all matched transactions. Prepares packets containing transaction invoices and bank statements and mails to Payment Office. Certifies all documents and makes payments to the bank.
Sample timeline
  • Sample TOTAL TIME 12 - 30 days
  • Manual reconciliation process takes several weeks
    up to a month or more
  • Manual processing for payment reconciliation is a
    common practice and can be cumbersome by nature
  • Potential risk of human error in manual
    processing could delay payments

Sample Timeline - Payment Reconciliation Process
Flow (Automated)
Notification Day 1 Review 1-3 Days Reconciliation 1-3 Days Transmission 1-3 Days Payment 2-8 Days
Sends transaction statements to cardholders. System acknowledges date of receipt (date serves as the prompt payment start date) with 30 days to make payment. System reconciles transaction invoices against bank statements. Verifies all matched transactions. System automatically submits transaction invoices and bank statements to Payment Office. Certifies all documents and make payments to the bank.
Sample timeline
  • Sample TOTAL Time 6 18 days
  • Depending on A/OPC diligence, automated processes
    generally takes less time than a manual process (
    6 18 days versus 12 30 days)
  • System automation and increased training helps to
    improve and streamline the payment reconciliation
  • Success is highly dependent on the diligence of
    individual A/OPCs and availability of time
    devoted to payment reconciliation

Polling the Audience
  • True or False there are penalties for delinquent
    accounts that are not paid on time.
  • A. True
  • B. False

ANSWER TRUE. According to the Prompt Payment
Penalty Act (PL 97-177), there are penalty
implications for not reconciling in a timely
manner, which can lead to delinquent
accounts. Did you knowThe frequency of payment
reconciliation greatly reduces the risk of
  • The Prompt Payment Penalty Act (PL 97-177) states
    that interest penalty must be paid if payment is
    not made within 30 days of receiving a proper
  • Agencies/organizations are required to pay the
    interest rate under criteria established by the
    Renegotiation Act (PL 92-41)
  • There are penalties for delinquent accounts, and
    the frequency of payment reconciliation greatly
    reduces the risk of delinquencies

Late Payment Penalty Letters
  • Required to pay off outstanding balances on
    government accounts within 30 days of their due
  • The date stamping of invoices is a key step in
    determining the prompt payment status of an
  • This largely manual process can be inconsistently
    practiced, leading to uncertainty and/or disputes
    about when interest payments are due and the
    period used to calculate interest
  • When payments are not made in a timely fashion,
    interest penalty letters and non-payment interest
    claims may be generated
  • Interest accrues on accounts starting 31 days
    past the prompt payment start date based on the
    Applicable Federal Rate (AFR)
  • Interest penalty letters are generated by the
    bank (timeline for generating interest penalty
    letters vary depending on agency/organization)
  • Non-payment can place agencies/organizations at
    financial and legal risk

Applicable Federal Rate (AFR) refers to the
interest rate published by the US Treasury to
calculate imputed interest charges
Polling the Audience
  • Does your agency/organization have a Prompt
    Payment Act (PPA) process established?
  • A. Yes
  • B. No
  • C. I dont know

Did you knowestablishing a Prompt Payment Act
(PPA) process at your agency/organization is a
best practice.
Sample Penalty Letters and Claims Monitoring
Prompt Payment Act (PPA) Initial Penalty Letter Final Penalty Letter Claims
PPA starts when the date of receipt is stamped on the bank invoice At 60 days, SP2 contractor bank sends initial penalty letter to the Contracting Officer and A/OPC A/OPCs work with bank to resolve penalty letters Bank sends list of all outstanding penalty letters and claims to A/OPC and Contracting Officer After about 60 days (at 120 days), bank sends final penalty letter to the Contracting Officer and A/OPC At 180 days, bank files a non-payment interest claim on the interest penalty letter Contracting Officer works with Payment Office to resolve claims Bank terminates delinquent accounts at 210 days
  • Note the PPA process can differ among
    agencies/organizations depending on the
    established policies and procedures they have
    with their SP2 contractor bank
  • Agencies/organizations with a strong PPA process
    have a greater change of alleviating a
    non-payment interest claim to the government

General Payment Reconciliation Best Practices
Best Practices
  • Reconcile frequently ideally weekly, but at
    least once a month
  • Reconcile interface files/mappers to statement
  • Confirm payment by Designated Billing Office
    (DBO) and generate invoice status reports
  • Review payment reconciliations to ensure
    agency/organization and bank records agree
  • Notify GSA SmartPay2 contractor bank of disputes
    as quickly as possible, and monitor the status of
    disputed transactions
  • Contact your GSA SmartPay2 contractor bank to
    learn about the tools they provide you with to
    assist in the payment reconciliation process

Mappers are used in JPMorgan Chases PaymentNet
system and can be customized. For more details,
contact your JPMorgan Chase account manager
Reconciling interface files/mappers to statement
  • If paying based on cycle date (once per month),
    mapper file to statement/invoice
  • Generate Account Statement and Summary Report
  • Notify issuer of any discrepancies
  • If paying semi-monthly, weekly, daily, etc.,
    reconcile mappers to statement/invoice generated
    at cycle
  • Ensure totals match including dollar amount and
    transaction counts
  • Notify issuer of any discrepancies
  • Confirming payment
  • Generate Invoice Status Report
  • Confirm Payment and follow up with Designated
    Payment Office

Managing Disputes
To avoid reconciliation issues when managing
agencies/organizations should allow the
dispute process to work as designed
  • Under the GSA SmartPay2 Master Contract,
    cardholders must
    notify the issuer of dispute within 90 calendar
    days from the transaction date
  • The bank provides a temporary provisional credit
    for a charge that is under dispute while the bank
    simultaneously researches the dispute upon
  • If dispute is settled in favor of the cardholder
    the provisional credit(s) remains issued to the
  • If dispute is settled in favor of the merchant,
    the provisional credit(s) is removed and the bank
    will bill the cardholder by applying a debit
  • Avoid deducting disputed transactions from the
    balance due as provisional credit will be or has
    been issued
  • Note refer to your agency/organization policies
    on the process for reconciling disputed

General Resources
  • GSA SmartPay Website
  • For a listing of definitions as they related to
    the Master Contract, see section C.1.4
    Definitions (available on the GSA SmartPay
  • Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)
  • Agency/organization specific policies and
    established procedures
  • Bank Contact Info
  • Citibank http//
    1-800-790-7206 (customer service)
  • JP Morgan Chase https//
    1-888-297-0781 (customer service)
  • U.S. Bank https//
    1-888-994-6722 (customer service)

Other Reconciliation-related Courses being
offered at Conference
  • Reconcile Now, Relax Later (JPMorgan Chase)
  • DTS (Defense Travel System) CBA Reconciliation
    Module Training (Citibank)
  • CBA Reconciliation (U.S. Bank)
  • Department of the Navy (DON) Purchase Card
    Managing Delinquencies and Credit Balances
  • Delinquency and Dispute Management (U.S. Bank)
  • WEX Online Data Analysis Reporting Tools

Other GSA SmartPay Courses being offered
  • GSA SmartPay2 Purchase Card Basics
  • GSA SmartPay2 Travel Card Basics
  • GSA SmartPay2 Fleet Card Basics
  • GSA SmartPay2 Master Contract Basics
  • GSA SmartPay Program Update
  • GSA SmartPay in More than One Flavor Innovative
    Products Services
  • Effective Oversight of Your GSA SmartPay Program
  • Navigating the GSA SmartPay Website

Question Answer Session
Thank you! Contact Us Perry Hampton, Bradley Forrestel, GSA SmartPay Program
Support Phone (703) 605-2808 E-mail gsa_smartp
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