Title: Bow the Knee Meaningful Worship
1Bow the KneeMeaningful Worship
- When Worship Works
- Revelation 411
2Introduction (2Chronicles 714)
- What does it mean, seek my face?
- We were created to worship God, to bring Him
pleasure (Revelation 411) - But do we? Especially in our worship?
- Meaningful worship worries about whether GOD gets
anything out of our lives Out of our time at
Church! - I so want us to WANT to bless the Lord
- But how? What has to be changed in you and me?
What different way should we see our worship,
that will help us to bless our precious Lord?
3My Saviour Pleases God (2Peter 117)
- Just His very Person impresses God (John 829)!
- His Punishment on the cross blessed God (Isaiah
534-6,10) - His Relations please God (Hebrews 211) thats
every born again child of God folks! Hes not
ashamed of his family, IF you are in it!!! - You had better KNOW Him, not just know ABOUT Him!
- Are you in His family? Are you His child? Is He
your Saviour, or is He just an icon, a picture,
an image on a wall?
4My Position Pleases God (Luke 189-14)
- Humbled at the bottom no demands
- It is more than reverence (Psalm 14710,11)
- It is good to know that ALL of us are on the
same level before God Even if you are a king
(1Kings 310) - The BOTTOM is the only place that God blesses!
- God is not talking about being pitiful, and
wimpy, and a push-over! No, no, NO! - Humility is being passionate about others, and
not worrying about yourself at all!!! - Folks, at the root of all problems, and
contentions, whether in your home, at this
church, in your heart is what? Pride! (Pr 1310)
5My Panting Pleases God (Psalm 421,2 631,2)
- Worship comes from an intense desire for God,
instead of for things! - A hunger, desire, thirst, dependence just on God
- No other gods the first commandment demands!
NONE! - There is something pleasant when we desire to
please Him only to do the things that make HIM
happy, that bless Gods heart! - Oh that men would desire to find ALL their help
in Him alone not as the last one you finally
call on when everything else has failed! What
6My Purity Pleases God (Psalm 292 Titus 214)
- Worship occurs only when I am seeking my life to
be clean, and holy. - Every person in the Bible who came and worshipped
the Lord, KNEW their lives were a mess - But they came with the desire to be washed, and
cleansed, and pure, and made whole - Worship does not come from perfection, but from
yieldedness to His work in your life - You CANNOT worship God with a heart full of sin
(especially hidden sins), but you most certainly
CAN worship God with a heart that is seeking to
be cleansed! - Some Examples
7My Patience Pleases God(Luke 811-15)
- Our patience with God proves DEPTH to our
relationship with Him - God promises that He is working, and will finish
His work, and make all things beautiful, but
only IN HIS TIME - What we have is a very impatient generation.
8The Lord has a lot to say about our need for
- For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have
done the will of God, ye might receive the
promise. (Hebrews 1036) - Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with
so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside
every weight, and the sin which doth so easily
beset us, and let us run with patience the race
that is set before us. (Hebrews 121) - Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him.
(Psalms 377)
9The Lord has a lot to say about our need for
- I waited patiently for the LORD and he inclined
unto me, and heard my cry. (Psalms 401) - Better is the end of a thing than the beginning
thereof and the patient in spirit is better than
the proud in spirit. (Ecclesiastes 78) - But we glory in tribulations also knowing that
tribulation worketh patience And patience,
experience and experience, hope. (Romans 53,4)
- Rejoicing in hope patient in tribulation
continuing instant in prayer (Romans 1212)
10The Lord has a lot to say about our need for
- For whatsoever things were written aforetime were
written for our learning, that we through
patience and comfort of the scriptures might have
hope. (Romans 154) - Now the God of patience and consolation grant you
to be likeminded one toward another according to
Christ Jesus (Romans 155) - Strengthened with all might, according to his
glorious power, unto all patience and
longsuffering with joyfulness (Colossians 111)
11The Lord has a lot to say about our need for
- And the servant of the Lord must not strive but
be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient. (2
Timothy 224) - That ye be not slothful, but followers of them
who through faith AND PATIENCE inherit the
promises. (Hebrews 612) - Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed.
(Psalm 253)
12My Place of Service Pleases God (1Corinthians
- Being Part of a Body (assembled)
- Our place will be a place of
- Contentment wherever God has placed me
- Concern - about OTHERS and their needs instead of
myself - Consistency reliability - not undependable, but
always there for others, like your leg is there
for you! Arent you glad your lips dont fall out
with your nose and fall off and run away until
they feel better?
13Conclusion (Revelation 411)
Six key areas that need to be nurtured in our
lives if our worship is to be meaningful to the
One we are worshipping!!!
- Personal Relationship
- Position Low
- Panting
- Purity
- Patience
- Place of Service