Title: Innovations in Rural Finance: A Conceptual Framework
1Innovations in Rural Finance A Conceptual
- By Wolday Amha, Director of the Association of
Ethiopian Microfinance Institutions (AEMFI) - A Technical Workshop of AFRACA on Innovations in
Addressing Rural Finance Challenges in Africa - Dare Salam, Tanzania
- November 25-26, 2008
2Innovations in financial institutions, mainly
banks and insurance companies
- Major causes of financial innovation
- Lower costs
- Higher profits
- Whenever the perceived benefits of innovation
exceed the costs, an incentive exists to engage
in innovation. - Some innovations can bring quantum leaps and
other s involve novel twists on old ideas
3Factors behind the rapid financial innovations
after 1960s include
- External factors behind the rapid financial
innovations after 1960s include - The availability of computer and information
technologies - Advances in telecommunication
- The avoidance of regulation
- High competition
- The volatility of prices, inflation, interest
rates and exchange rates - Advances in financial theory
- Internal factors
- Liquidity needs (financial innovations pioneered
over the last 20 years have targeted addressing
liquidity) - Risk aversions
- Governance issues (agency costs)
- Quantitative sophistication and management
training (business schools producing carbon copy
managers-the end of MBA programs
5Why do we need innovation in rural finance?
- Rural finance clients are located in dispersed
areas - Rural finance clients often demand relatively
small loans and saving accounts - Clients are heterogeneous with varying skill and
cultural background - Getting information of borrowers to repay often
takes time and money - The weak institutional capacity of rural finance
institutions affects their outreach and
efficiency - Rural finance is perceived to have high risk
- Rural finance lients have little acceptable
collateral - Poor communication systems and physical
infrastructure in rural areas - Inadequate regulation and supervision and weak
contract enforcement mechanisms - Inflation is a challenge in delivering financial
services - Competition is the key to innovations
7Innovations in rural finance
- Innovation in rural finance is a change in
product, process, system, regulation, etc to
address the problem of access to finance in rural
areas. The innovations include - Innovations in product development
- Innovations in lending methodologies
- Innovations in institution development
- Innovations in technology
- Innovations in risk management
- Innovations in regulation
- Innovations in human resource development
8Innovations in product development
- Woreda based saving mobilization in DECSI,
Ethiopia - Village phone loans in Ruwanda and Uganda (Uganda
Finance Trust) - Micro insurance by using AIG (Uganda Finance
Trust) - Saving mobilization using mobile van (Uganda
Finance Trust) - Value chain financing in Kenya (Agricultural
Finance Corporation) - Weather based crop insurance (Malawi, Ethiopia,
etc) - Money transfer in Ethiopia (DECSI and ACSI)
- Provide package of training such as family
planning and BDS in Ethiopia in Shashemene Edir
MFI - Provide loans in kind to promote dairy value
chain in Ethiopia by Wosassa MFI - Linking MFIs with cooperatives and the facilities
in Ethiopia - The MFI gives loan to a group and the group lends
to its members by taking the entire
responsibility in Ethiopia by Wasassa MFI
9Challenges in product development and innovations
- The regulatory framework influencing the type and
development products - The owner (mother NGO, government or
shareholders) defining the products - Absence of competition
- High risk and high cost developing new products
- Limited capacity of the institutions to develop
financial products
10Innovations in lending methodology
- Group lending methodology (Reducing the size of
the group to three clients in DECSI) - Village banking
- Islamic banking in Sudan
- On top of the group MFIs in Ethiopia use the
credit committee to monitor the activities of the
people taking loans in a community
11Innovations in institution development (systems,
procedures, etc
- Linking SACCOs with a community bank (Kilimanjaro
Community Bank) in Tanzania - Linking banks with MFIs in Ethiopia (CBE)
- Implementing social performance measurement in
Ethiopia by Bussa Gonofa MFI
12Innovations in technology
- The various MIS soft wares used by MFIs to track
financial and operational information - Automated teller machines (ATMs)
- Point-of-sale (POS) networks (devices in retail
outlets which use debit/credit cards to
facilitate electronic payments and transactions)
used in Ghana in Sinapia - Mobile phone banking
- Innovations in risk management
- Establishing credit information bureau in Uganda
- Innovations in regulation
- Developing the missing laws and regulations such
as foreclosure law in Ethiopia - Innovations in systems development and human
resource management, - Performance based annual increment for loan
officer in Ethiopia (Agar MFI) - Business Process Management (BPM) being
implemented in SFPI (Ethiopia) with the support
of Grameen Foundation
14Challenges of innovations
- What is the motive innovation in rural finance?
- Who should take cost of innovations?
- Should NGOs continue to be innovators?
- Who is the innovation behind Grameen and Prof.
Yunus? - Are innovations documented in Africa?
- Developing Innovative Products to Address the
Financial Needs of the Rural Population - Is innovation in rural finance sustainable?
15The way ahead
- In the long run,
- Competition, lower cost, and profit will be the
engine of innovation in rural finance - The finance providers should be the one who
promote innovation - In the short-run
- Donors, government and other development partners
should provide support to promote innovation in
order to increase outreach and reduce transaction
costs - Donors should help the finance providers in
selecting the right innovation - There is a need for financial education to use
the technology by the illiterate and rural poor - Build the capacity of technology providers to
provide backup services in a given country