Title: Frameworks
- http//www.lucs.lu.se/Ikaros/
- http//www.ikaros-project.org/
- http//yarp0.sourceforge.net/
- http//yarp0.sourceforge.net/specs/dox/
- Libraries
- Intel Open CV
- http//www.intel.com/technology/computing/opencv/i
ndex.htm - http//opencvlibrary.sourceforge.net/
- Ffmpeg
- http//ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu
- An event-driven framework
- Each module has a tick method which is called
once per input visual/audio data frame - Modules use vectors of real numbers as inputs
outputs - Inputs can be taken from sources including visual
or audio (e.g., Quicktime video files) - Inputs and outputs are named by the modules when
the modules are initialized - Modules connected together in networks
- Network (XML format) files used to specify how
modules connect together using input output
names of modules - Browser interface used for visualization
3IKAROS examples
- In this section on Frameworks, the IKAROS modules
are from IKAROS/Modules in - http//www.cprince.com/PubRes/EpiRob06/examples.tg
4Example Network File
- lt?xml version"1.0"?gt
- lt!-- Simple example network file in IKAROS --gt
- ltnetworkgt
- ltmodulesgt
- ltmodule
- class "SimpleExample_Input"
- name "input"
- /gt
- lt/modulesgt
- ltconnectionsgt
- lt/connectionsgt
- ltviewsgt
- lt/viewsgt
- lt/networkgt
5Quick IKAROS How To
- IKAROS is run from the command line
- For the details of running IKAROS, incorporating
a new module, and compiling the module, see - http//asip.lucs.lu.se/IKAROS/Documentation/HowToW
6IKAROS Module Definitions
- Each module is a C class and typically has the
following methods - Module SimpleExample_InputCreate(char name,
Parameter p) - SimpleExample_InputSimpleExample_Input(char
name, Parameter p) - void SimpleExample_InputSetSizes()
- void SimpleExample_InputInit()
- SimpleExample_InputSimpleExample_Input()
- void SimpleExample_InputTick()
7Simple ExampleInput Module
- Purpose
- Generates 2D matrix input data of particular
width and height per tick - Three output types Random, sequential, default
- XML and C code files
- SimpleExample/SimpleExample1.xml
- SimpleExample/SimpleExample_Input.cc
- SimpleExample/SimpleExample_Input.h
- Running code
- 1) In the SimpleExample directory, type from the
Terminal - IKAROS -W8000 SimpleExample1.xml
- 2) Then, run a compatible web browser (e.g.,
Firefox), and type the URL - http// (then, click on View 0)
- ltnetworkgt
- ltmodulesgt
- ltmodule
- class "SimpleExample_Input"
- name "input"
- width "100"
- height "100"
- output-type "sequential"
- /gt
- lt/modulesgt
- ltconnectionsgt
- lt/connectionsgt
- ltviewsgt
- lt!-- Due to a peculiarity of the way the
IKAROS grayscale conversion - works (see WebUI.cc), if there is no
variation in the image, - the grayscale display turns all black. My
workaround for this is - to just use the RGB type of output.
9SimpleExample1.xmlBrowser Output
10Simple ExampleProcessing Module
- Purpose
- Illustrate two modules one connected to the
output of the other - On each tick, SimpleExample_Processing copies
input to output, except for border which is
assigned pixel value 0 on the output - XML files and C code
- IKAROS/SimpleExample/SimpleExample2.xml
- SimpleExample/SimpleExample_Processing.cc
- SimpleExample/SimpleExample_Processing.h
- Running example
- 1) In the SimpleExample directory, type from the
Terminal - IKAROS -W8000 SimpleExample2.xml
- 2) Then, run a compatible web browser (e.g.,
Firefox), and type the URL - http//
- lt?xml version"1.0"?gt
- lt!-- Simple example network file in IKAROS --gt
- ltnetworkgt
- ltmodulesgt
- ltmodule
- class "SimpleExample_Input"
- name "input"
- width "100"
- height "100"
- output-type "sequential"
- /gt
- ltmodule
- class "SimpleExample_Processing"
- name "processing"
- border-size "5"
- /gt
- lt/modulesgt
12SimpleExample2.xmlBrowser Output
13IKAROS Audio/Video Files
- Quicktime
- Apple supported API and file format for audio and
video files - IKAROS Quicktime input and output modules
- InputQTMovie, InputQTAudio, OutputQTAudioVisual
- Pixels represented as real numbers
- That is, to have a module read image frames from
another module, such as the InputQTMovie, the
module reads those frames as matrixes of pixels
represented as floats - Range 0.0 to 1.0
- Audio samples are also represented as real
numbers - Range -1.0 to 1.0
Mac OS X only
14IKAROS ExampleVisualExample
- Purpose
- Demonstrate reading from a Quicktime video file
- Draws a horizontal line in an output frame to
demonstrate access to the image frames - Running example
- 1) In the VisualExample directory, type from the
Terminal - IKAROS -W8000 VisualExample.xml
- 2) Then, run a compatible web browser (e.g.,
Firefox), and type the URL - http//
Mac OS X only
16IKAROS ExampleAudioVisualExample
- Purpose
- Read visual frames and corresponding audio data
from a video file - Run the example
- 1) On the AudioVisualExample directory, type from
the Terminal - IKAROS -W8000 AudioVisualExample.xml
- 2) Then, run a compatible web browser (e.g.,
Firefox), and type the URL - http//
Mac OS X only
17(No Transcript)
- A framework that allows communication between
separate processes, separate computers, and
between devices - Provides a name server to allow for port
registration, to connect processes - The framework installs on Windows, Mac OS and
19A small test of your installation
- Yarp provides a few command line programs for
devices, the name server, and testing - First, a yarp name server must be running
- In a separate command line window, type
- yarp server
- Then, in three separate windows, do the following
20Window Action
1 yarp write /a
2 yarp read /b
3 yarp connect /write /read
You should now be able to type in the write
window and see the text in the read window
- In each of the following Yarp examples, a name
server must be running - In most of the examples, you also need to build
the example program using the following commands - cmake .
- make
22Yarp Simple Text Example Yarp/TextExample
- Purpose
- This example provides C program code
demonstrating the text send/receive just
demonstrated with the yarp command - Running example
- Start the sender and receiver, in separate
command line terminals - ./send --name /out
- ./receive --name /in
- Next, connect them together
- yarp connect /out /in
- You should now be able to type text in the send
terminal, and it should be received in the
receive terminal
23Yarp Image ExampleYarp/SimpleExample
- Purpose
- C code example of a program that sends images
on a port - Images have a circle shape moving from left to
right - Running example
- First start send program
- ./send --name /out
- Then run an image viewer
- yayarpview --name /in (Mac)
- yarpview --name /in (Windows/Linux)
- Then connect send program to viewer
- yarp connect /out /in
24Yarp Image ExampleYarp/SimpleExample2
- Purpose
- Same send program code as in the last example,
plus a receive program that reads images from a
port, and adds a horizontal red line, moving from
top to bottom - receive program also outputs to a new port
- ports are named ltnamegt/in and ltnamegt/out where
ltnamegt is the base name you supply when starting
the program - Running example
- First start send receive program in their own
terminals - ./send --name /out
- ./receive --name /receive
- Then run image viewer
- yayarpview --name /view (Mac)
- yarpview --name /view (Windows/Linux)
- Then connect send to receive program, receive
to viewer - yarp connect /out /receive/in
- yarp connect /receive/in /view
25Yarp Visual Example Yarp/VisualDisplay
- Purpose
- Reads from an AVI format video file using a yarp
OpenCV framegrabber, and writes this to a port
(/avi) - Display those visual frames using a yarp viewer
- Running example
- First, use the script startavi to start reading
the avi file - You will have to edit the name of the file in the
startavi script - Then run image viewer
- yayarpview --name /view (Mac)
- yarpview --name /view (Windows/Linux)
- Then connect AVI output to viewer
- yarp connect /avi /view
26Yarp Visual ExampleYarp/VisualExample
- Purpose
- Reads from an AVI format video file using a yarp
OpenCV framegrabber, and writes this to a port
(/avi) - Same receive program code as in the 2nd to last
example is used to read that data - ports are named ltnamegt/in and ltnamegt/out where
ltnamegt is the base name you supply when starting
the program - Running example
- First, use the script startavi to start reading
the avi file - You will have to edit the name of the file in the
startavi script - Then, start the receive program in its own
terminal - ./receive --name /receive
- Then run image viewer
- yayarpview --name /view (Mac)
- yarpview --name /view (Windows/Linux)
- Then connect AVI output to receive program,
receive to viewer - yarp connect /avi /receive/in
- yarp connect /receive/in /view