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Al 5-lea Seminar National de Nano , Academia Rom n , 2 februarie 2006 1Gh.V.Cimpoca, 1I.Bancuta, 2Gh.Brezeanu, 3Ileana Cernica, 3Maria Cimpoca, 4I.Grozescu – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Al 5-lea Seminar National de Nano, Academia
Româna, 2 februarie 2006
Thermoelectric Microgenerators with Nanometric
1Gh.V.Cimpoca, 1I.Bancuta, 2Gh.Brezeanu, 3Ileana
Cernica, 3Maria Cimpoca, 4I.Grozescu
1Valahia University of Targoviste 2Politehnica
University of Bucharest 3National Institute for
RD Microtechnology, Bucharest 4National
Institute for RD Electrochemical Materials,
Proiect finantat prin programul MATNANTECH,
contract 250/2004
A thermoelectric in-plane
micro-generator with nanometric films has been
fabricated using compatible standard
semiconductor technologies (MEMS). The active
material is a nanolayer polycrystalline silicon
material laid on a dielectric membrane sustained
by a silicon frame. Hicks and Dresselhouse
predicted a huge increase of figure of merit ZT
if the dimensionality of the electron system in
thermoelectric materials is redused from 3D
behaviour in bulk materials to 2D behaviour via
nanoscaled layers. Reduced dimensionality offers
one strategy for increasing ZT relative to bulk
values 1-2. The use of
low-dimensional systems for thermoelectric
applications is of interest because low
dimensionality provides (1) - a method for
enhancing the density of states near EF, leading
to an enhancement of the Seebeck coefficient
(2) - opportunities to take advantage of the
anisotropic Fermi surfaces in multi-valley cubic
semiconductors (3) - opportunities to increase
the boundary scattering of phonons at the
barrier-well interfaces, without as large an
increase in electron scattering at the interface,
(4) - opportunities for increased carrier
mobilities at a given carrier concentration when
quantum confinement conditions are satisfied 3.
What makes a good Thermoelectric Material?
  • Figure of Merit ZT (a2s/K)T
  • T Absolute Temperature
  • a2 (Seebeckcoefficient)2
  • Tells how much average thermal energy is
    transported by each carrier
  • s electrical conductivity
  • Tells how much the carriers can transport energy
    without Joule loss
  • K thermal conductivity
  • Tells how small is the reverse flow of heat from
    the cold-side to the hot-side, opposing the
    electron-transport of heat
  • Minimize thermal conductivity and maximize
    electrical conductivity
  • Has been the biggest dilemma for the last 40
  • Can the conflicting requirements be met by
    nano-scale material design?

Efficiency versus ZT and DT
Big Jump in ZT with the Phonon-Blocking,
Electron-Transmitting Structures
With Advanced Semiconductor Materials?
  • ZT need to improve over 1.3 at 300K for a major
    impact in electronics cooling and around 2.5 for
    a revolutionary impact in air conditioning, and
    power from waste - heat

Some of Approaches
  • New Bulk Materials
  • Skutterudites (Rensselaer, Oak Ridge, JPL, 1992)
  • Cage structures with ratting atoms to scatter
  • Novel Chalcogenides and Clathrates (Michigan
    State and Arizona, 1994)
  • Complex Variations of Bi2Te3 to reduce phonon
    mean-free paths
  • Nano-scale Materials
  • Low-Dimensional Structures (MIT, Mit Lincon Labs,
  • Quantum confinement to Enhance Density of
    states which increase Seebeck coefficient
  • Nano-scale Superlattice (RTI, 1992)
  • Phonon blocking from acoustic mismatch between
    superlattice components but electron-transmitting
    due to negligible electron-energy offsets
  • Heterostructure Thermionics (UCSB, Oak Ridge,
  • Thermionic-like effects using energy barriers
    that can be controlled in hetero-structures

Some Bulk Material and Nano-Material Progress
  • Cs Bi4Te6(Michigan State University)
  • Bulk Materials with a ZT 0.8 at 225K but less
    than 0.8 at 300K (Science 287, 1024-1027, 2000)
  • Filled Skuterrudites (JPL)
  • Bulk materials with a ZT 1.35 at 900K(Proc. Of
    15th International Conf. On Thermoelectrics,
  • PbTe/PbTeSe Quantum-dots (Harman, MIT Lincoln
  • ZT 1.6 at 300K based on cooling data (Science
    297, Sep. 2002)
  • Bi2Te3/Sb2Te3Superlattices(RTI)
  • ZT2.4 at 300K in devices with all properties
    measured at the same place, same time, with
    current flowing and verified by two independent
    techniques (Nature, 597-602, Oct. 2001)

New Bulk Materials
  • The skutterudite structure was originally
    attributed to a mineral from Skutterud (Norway)
    with a general formula (Fe, Co, Ni) As3. The
    skutterudite structure (cubic space group Im3,
    prototype CoAs3) is illustrated in figure. The
    unit cell contains 8 AB3 groups. The unit cell is
    relatively large and contains 32 atoms which
    indicates that a low lattice thermal
    conductivity might be possible. For the state of
    the art thermoelectric materials such as PbTe and
    Bi2Te3 alloys, the number of isostructural
    compounds is limited and the possibilities to
    optimize their properties for maximum performance
    in different temperature ranges of operation are
    also very limited.

The skutterudite unit cell of formula TPn3 (T-
transition metal, Pn - pnicogen).
Crystal type Chevrel
Experimental techniques and sample preparation
Modes Of Working
  • Two modes of working are anticipated for the
    in-plane thermoelectric micro-generator. The
    first mode of working (i.e. mRTG) is when the
    heat source is on the membrane (Fig. 2a). The
    silicon frame that sustains the membrane is the
    cold side. A large temperature difference along
    the thermoelectric legs should be created with
    small heat sources because the thickness of the
    area covered by the thermoelectric leg is thin
    (1250 nm) and its thermal conductivity is low
    (3.9 W.m-1.K-1). This large temperature
    difference is interesting to get high efficiency.

The second mode of working (i.e. BHPW) takes
advantage of the large surface-to-volume ratio of
the membrane to use it as a radiator, the hot
side being the silicon frame (Fig. 2b). The heat
source may be the heat generated by a living
creature while the coolant could be simply air.
The fabrication method
  • Low stress-silicon nitride and silicon dioxide
    sandwich layers were deposited on a
    lt100gt-oriented silicon wafer by low pressure
    chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD). A window was
    etched in the dielectric multilayer on the back
    of the silicon wafer by plasma etching. A
    polycrystalline silicon layer was deposited by
    LPCVD at 600C and patterned by wet etching, to
    define the position of the thermoelectric legs on
    the front side of the wafer. Selected legs were
    implanted with boron (p-type) while other legs
    were implanted with phosphorus (n-type).

Top view of a silicon-based thermoelectric
Figure 2. Section of microgenerator
  • Using the model proposed by Koslov, assuming a
    onedimensional heat transfer along the
    thermoelectric legs, an active material with a
    low figure-of-merit and neglecting the heat
    losses by radiation and convection, it can be
    easily demonstrated that the maximum electrical
    power produced by a mRTG, at a given heating
    power is obtained for a thermoelectric leg
    thickness calculated from
  • K1 d1 K2 d2
  • where K1, K2 and d1, d2 are the thermal
    conductivities and thicknesses of the dielectric
    membrane and of the thermoelectric material,
  • The optimum leg length is calculated from
  • l2/l11/3
  • where l1 is half of the self-standing membrane
    width and l2 is the thermoelectric leg length.

Polisilicon e KT mW/mK dT nm ZTm ?T K ?V V W mW
L 1,6 x 1,6 mm 50 couples P 1 mW vacuum 180 150 0,014 8,0 0,13 0,090
L 1,6 x 1,6 mm 50 couples P 1 mW air 150 190 0,016 5,1 0,084 0,058
L 1,6 x 1,6 mm 500 couples P 5 mW vacuum 270 140 0,014 9,9 1,6 0,58
L 1,6 x 1,6 mm 500 couples P 5 mW air 200 240 0,018 4,2 0,70 0,24
L 1,6 x 1,6 mm 500 couples P 10 mW vacuum 270 140 0,014 20 3,3 2,3
L 1,6 x 1,6 mm 500 couples P 10 mW air 200 240 0,018 8,4 1,4 0,98
Advantages of Superlattice Thermoelectric
  • Enhanced efficiency
  • Super-fast cooling and heating
  • Enhanced power density
  • Localized cooling/ heating technology

1/40,000th the actual TE material requirement
of bulk technology for same functionality low
recycle costs Eco-friendly technology
  • A new family of promising thermoelectric
    materials with the skutterudite crystal
    structure has been presented. The possibilities
    of finding candidates for a particular operating
    temperature are great in such a large family of
    materials. Initial results obtained on some of
    their representatives demonstrate the great
    potential of skutterudites for high ZT values as
    very high mobility and very low lattice thermal
    conductivity can be obtained with materials of
    the same crystal structure. In particular, that
    if the high mobility of the binary skutterudite
    compounds can be somewhat preserved, there are
    several approaches for large reductions in
    thermal could lead to ZT values substantially
    larger than 1.
  • In-plane thermoelectric micro-generators are
    very promising for powering micro-systems. A
    heating power of about 100 mW may be enough to
    produce 1 mW of useful electrical power in
    vacuum, using thin film technology.
  • Thermoelectric micro-generators based on
    thick-film technology will be able to work in
    air. They will take advantage of their large
    surface-to-volume ratios to improve the coupling
    between the heat reservoirs and the thermo
    elements. This makes it a very promising device
    to efficiently convert heat wasted by our body to
    electrical power. A compact thermoelectric device
    may be able to produce as much as 60 mW with an
    output voltage of about 1.5 Volt. Nevertheless,
    the electrical contact resistances have to be
    lowered to a satisfactory level, good
    thermoelectric materials have to be used and
    thermoelectric thick-film technology needs to be
    improved or developed to get films with good
    thermoelectric properties at an acceptable
    economical cost.

1 Hicks, L.D et al., Effect of quantum-well
structures on thermoelectronic figure of merit
Phys.Rev.B.Vol 47, No 19 (1993),
pp.12727-12731 2 Dresselhouse, M.S. et
al., Low Dimensional Thermoelectrics, Proc.16
th International Conference on termoelectrics,
Dresden, Germany, August 1997, pp 92-99 3
D.-J. YAO, C.-J. KIM, and G. CHEN Design of
thin-film thermoelectric microcoolers, in
HTD-Vol. 366-2, Proceedings of the ASME Heat
Transfer Division 2000, Volume 2, ASME
2000. 4 Gh.V.Cimpoca et all, Physics and
Modeling of Thermoelectric Microgenerators, 6 th
International Balkan Worckshop on Applied
Physics, Constanta, Romania, 5-7 July, 2005.
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