Utility Savings Estimation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Utility Savings Estimation


Utility Savings Estimation WEBINAR 1: METHODOLOGY AND ASSUMPTIONS Olga Livingston, Rosemarie Bartlett, Doug Elliott Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Utility Savings Estimation

Utility Savings Estimation
  • Webinar 1 Methodology and Assumptions
  • Olga Livingston, Rosemarie Bartlett, Doug Elliott
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • PNNL-SA-95757

Utility Savings Estimator
  • The objective is to develop a generic tool that
  • estimates potential energy savings from increased
    compliance with energy codes
  • utilizes well-understood definitions of
  • provides easily understood results that can be
    compared across several utilities or several
    segments within utility coverage area or
    aggregated to the national level

Utility Savings Estimator
  • Generic tool will contain defaults for
    code-to-code savings, commercial and residential
    floor space forecasts and projected code adoption
  • Utilities can overwrite defaults in the generic
    computational algorithm with their own
    utility-specific assumptions, where applicable
    (for example, floor space growth in a particular
    segment of the utility coverage area)
  • Estimation for commercial and residential
    buildings follows one methodology, but the
    computation is implemented in separate files

Webinar Objectives
  • Webinar 1 objectives
  • Introduce computational methodology.
  • Introduce definitions of compliance used in the
  • Introduce and discuss adoption and compliance
    assumptions, including implicit adoption and
    effects of learning on compliance.
  • Obtain feedback on methodology and assumptions
    from participants.
  • Webinar 2 Introduce and discuss the proposed
  • Webinar 3 Present the review version of the
    Utility Savings Estimator.

Methodology Overview
  • The basic methodology is the same as that used
    for the U.S. Department of Energy Building Energy
    Codes Program (BECP) to assess national
  • Estimate nominal energy savings
  • Select base (or reference) year
  • Apply savings estimates for code-to-code changes
  • Determine applicable floor space subject to code
  • Adjust nominal energy savings by
  • code adoption status
  • code compliance levels
  • Analyze multiple code compliance scenarios
  • Aggregate residential and commercial savings
  • 1. Belzer DB, SC McDonald, and MA Halverson. 
    2010.  A Retrospective Analysis of Commercial
    Building Energy Codes 1990 2008. PNNL-19887.
    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland,

Methodology Overview (cont.)
Default Inputs
  • 2010 is suggested as the reference year
  • Code-to-code savings are grouped by end use and
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory conducted
    extensive simulations to compare code-to-code
    savings for various versions of residential and
    commercial energy codes
  • Simulation results are the same set as utilized
    in the U.S. DOE determination process, as well as
    in state-by-state cost-effectiveness analysis
  • Savings for future code editions will be
    developed as part of the U.S. DOE Building Energy
    Codes Program effort

Default Inputs Floor Space
  • The estimator is pre-populated with residential
    and commercial construction projections by state.
  • Residential construction permit data by county
    and place is available from the United States
    Census Bureau.
  • Lagged permit data to convert permits to
    completions for historical, state-level data.
  • Applied AEO (Annual Energy Outlook from EIA)
    growth forecast to state-level Census data to
    obtain projections of households by state.
  • Used time series of AEO and RECS-based average
    floor space per household to convert households
    to floor space.
  • Scaled up for additions.

Default Inputs Floor Space (cont.)
  • Commercial construction information is available
    from McGraw-Hill Construction Dodge data
  • Lagged construction data to obtain historical,
    state-level time series
  • Applied AEO growth forecast to state-level data
    to obtain projections of floor space by state
    (new construction and additions)
  • State shares based on multi-year average to avoid
    short-term distortions due to economic downturn
  • Alterations incorporated via a state-level
    scalar, based on multi-year ratio of new
    construction and additions to alterations

Code Adoption
  • Tracked historical code adoption and effective
    code data by state
  • Performed analysis of jurisdictional adoption for
    home-rule states, which included contacting code
    officials at the municipal and county levels to
    verify the energy code versions in effect
  • Divided the states into five adoption categories
    based on historical adoption patterns, their
    respective regulatory review cycles and recent
    legislative activity related to energy codes

Code Adoption (cont.)
  • Code adoption scenarios also consider implicit
    adoption when states do not explicitly adopt an
    energy code, but building practices are
    nevertheless changing under influence from within
    the state or surrounding states
  • utilities and regional energy efficiency
    organizations (REEOs) running programs across
  • construction contractors and architect firms with
    operations in multiple states
  • Implicit code adoption is assumed to occur within
    10 years of the code version year
  • Future code adoption is projected based on
    observed differences in
  • historical adoption lags across different code
  • current code cycles across various states
  • If interested in analyzing only a particular
    code version, overwrite future adoption
  • for the rest of the code versions with a year
    outside of analysis period (gt2045)

Adoption Categories
  • States with Criteria Exceeding MEC/IECC. These
    states have historically developed their own
    codes, which are generally more advanced than the
    most recent MEC/IECC standards.
  • States with Rapid Adoption Rate. Many of the
    states in this category have regularly reviewed
    and adopted energy codes. Many of the states have
    begun to follow a systematic 3-year review
    cycle and some have passed legislation that
    mandates regular adoption.
  • States with Medium Adoption Rate. These states
    have demonstrated a willingness to adopt a
    state-level energy code, but their review cycle
    and adoption activities often lag behind the
    rapid adopters.
  • States with Slower Adoption Rate. These states
    are judged to have taken little action from 1990
    to 2010 to adopt a new or update an existing
    energy code applying to buildings without
    substantial DOE support.
  • States without a Statewide Energy Code. Some
    states still have not adopted a mandatory
    state-level code. In terms of the analytical
    approach, these states reflect no direct,
    historical impact from the BECP however, due to
    additional assistance from the American Recovery
    and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA 2009) and
    assistance from the BECP, most of these states
    are expected to adopt the IECC or an equivalent
    model energy code within five years.

Adoption Assumptions by State
Adoption Category States
1. Exceeding MEC/IECC California, Oregon, and Florida
2. Rapid Adoption Rate Georgia, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Utah, Vermont, and Washington
3. Medium Adoption Rate Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin
4. Slow Adoption Rate Arkansas, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Texas, Tennessee, and West Virginia
5. No Statewide Code (b) Alabama, Alaska, Arizona,(a) Colorado,(a) Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wyoming
a. Although no statewide energy code exists in these home rule states, the overall adoption category is based on the level of activity at municipal and county levels. Thus, some level of energy savings from explicit code adoption occurred in these states. a. Although no statewide energy code exists in these home rule states, the overall adoption category is based on the level of activity at municipal and county levels. Thus, some level of energy savings from explicit code adoption occurred in these states.
b. Construction practices are assumed to eventually meet an older code, but with a substantial lag. The acceleration impact of the BECP program is assumed to reduce the lag. b. Construction practices are assumed to eventually meet an older code, but with a substantial lag. The acceleration impact of the BECP program is assumed to reduce the lag.
Code Compliance
  • Two aspects of energy code compliance
  • compliance in legal terms, which is defined as
    meeting all of the provisions of the code
  • compliance in energy terms, which accounts for
    energy savings in buildings that only partially
    meet the requirements of the new energy code

Full code-to-code savings
Partial code-to-code savings
Code Compliance (cont.)
  • Compliance is modeled as the weighted average
    compliance in energy terms is weighted by the
    compliance in legal terms

Code Compliance (cont.)
  • Time dimension of compliance
  • Initial compliance vs. compliance after 10 years

Interpolate from 44 to 60 over 10 years
  • Time dimension of compliance captures effects of
    utility programs targeting compliance, as well as
    learning by doing

Code Compliance (cont.)
  • Sensitivity study for various aspects of

Code Compliance Levers
  • Increase the initial legal compliance fraction
    of the construction fully compliant with the
    energy codes
  • Increase initial compliance in energy terms
    fraction of savings in buildings that only
    partially meet the code requirements
  • Newer code and initial higher compliance are not
    the only levers in the model
  • Model allows accounting for increased compliance
    with existing code version over time

Methodology Summary
  • Estimate nominal energy savings
  • Select base (or reference) year
  • Apply savings estimates for code-to-code changes
  • Determine applicable floor space subject to code
  • Adjust nominal energy savings by
  • code adoption status
  • code compliance levels
  • Analyze multiple code compliance scenarios
  • Aggregate residential and commercial savings
  • Compute code savings scenarios by segment and
    aggregate to the utility/program coverage area

Savings from Increased Compliance Alternative
Scenario Base Case
Results Provided by the Estimator
  • Energy savings as a result of increased
    compliance (multiple aspects of compliance are
    considered), by fuel type, by year and cumulative
    over the analyzed time frame
  • Emissions savings, by year and cumulative over
    the analyzed time frame
  • Consumer savings, by year and cumulative over the
    analyzed time frame
  • The estimator handles multiple code versions. If
    interested in analyzing compliance with a
    particular code version only, overwrite future
    adoption for the rest of the code versions with a
    year outside of analysis period (gt2045).

  • Utility Savings Estimator is a straightforward
    framework to analyze savings from increased
  • Common definitions of compliance and estimation
    methodology enable comparison across different
    segments of the utility coverage area.
  • Common framework and definitions also allow
    comparison of results across different players
    and programs targeting energy code compliance.
  • In turn, utility-level studies based on a common
    model will provide a more sound foundation for
    national codes benefits analysis.

Contact Information
  • Rosemarie Bartlett webinar registration and
  • rosemarie.bartlett_at_pnnl.gov
  • Olga Livingston overall feedback, assumptions,
    estimation algorithm, tool interface
  • olga.livingston_at_pnnl.gov
  • Doug Elliott floor space projections, tool
  • douglas.elliott_at_pnnl.gov

Future Webinars
  • As a follow-up to todays webinar, each attendee
    will be sent a set of assumption tables.
  • Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
  • July
  • Webinar 2 Introduce and discuss the proposed
  • August
  • Webinar 3 Present the review version of the
    utility savings estimator.
  • All participants in this webinar will be sent
    invitations to the next webinars.
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