Title: Jalisco, Jalisco What do you see?
1Jalisco, JaliscoWhat do you see?
- Written and Designed
- by
- Karen Cardenas
- May 2009
2I see Guadalajara looking at me.
- Guadalajara it is the
- capital of Jalisco. Did you
- know it is one of the most
- popular cities of Mexico?
- Guadalajara,
- Guadalajara.
- What do you see?
3I see 79,085km(30,534.9sqmi) looking at me.
- 79,085km (30,534.9mi)
- is the area of Jalisco.
- 79,085km,
- 79,085km.
- What do you see?
4I see June 2,1531 looking at me.
- June 2,1531 is the day
- when Jalisco became
- a state in Mexico.
- June 2,1531,
- June 2,1531.
- What do you see?
5 I see Guadalajara looking at me.
- Guadalajara is the biggest
- city of Jalisco. It is also
- the capital of Jalisco. The
- 2008 population there was
- 4,095,715 people.
- Guadalajara,
- Guadalajara.
- What do you see?
6I see Volcan Pico de Orizaba looking at me.
- Volcan Pico de Orizaba is
- the highest elevation of
- Jalisco. Volcan Pico de
- Orizaba is 5,700 meters.
- Volcan Pico de Orizaba,
- Volcan Pico de Orizaba.
- What do you see?
7I see Laguna Salada looking at me.
- Laguna Salada is the
- lowest point in Jalisco.
- It is 10 meters.
- Laguna Salada,
- Laguana Salada.
- What do you see?
8I see Pesos looking at me.
- Pesos are a kind of
- money people in
- Jalisco and Mexico
- use.
- Pesos,
- Pesos.
- What do you see?
9I see relaxing beaches looking at me.
- Relaxing beaches are
- really famous in Jalisco.
- Even people from the USA
- come to take a vacation to
- relax in hotels in the
- beaches.
- Relaxing beaches,
- Relaxing beaches.
- What do you see?
10I see La Virgin de Guadalupelooking at me.
- The day of the Virgin
- de Guadalupe is a
- feast celebrated on
- December 1st-12th.
- Virgin de Guadalupe,
- Virgin de Guadalupe.
- What do you see?
11I see Lake Chapala looking at me.
- Lake Chapala is one
- of the the famous
- landmarks in Jalisco.
- Lake Chapala,
- Lake Chapala.
- What do you see?
12I see Karen looking at me.
- Karen Cardenas wrote
- and designed this
- book. I had a great
- time making it. I hope
- you did too.