Title: AC-DC Synchronous Rectifier IC Driver, IR1168S
1AC-DC Synchronous Rectifier IC Driver, IR1168S
The IR1168S is a dual smart secondary-side
rectifier driver IC designed to drive two
N-Channel power MOSFETs used as synchronous
rectifiers in resonant converter applications.
The IC can control one or more paralleled N
MOSFETs to emulate the behavior of Schottky diode
rectifiers. The drain-to-source voltage for each
rectifier MOSFET is sensed differentially to
determine the level of the current and the power
switch is turned ON and OFF in close proximity of
the zero current transition.
- Features
- Secondary-side high speed controller for
synchronous rectification in resonant half-bridge
topologies - 200V proprietary IC technology
- Max 500 kHz switching frequency
- Anti-bounce logic and UVLO protection
- 4A peak turn off drive current
- Microcontroller start-up and ultra low quiescent
current - 10.7V gate drive clamp
- 70 ns turn-off propagation delay
- Wide VCC operating range
- Direct sensing for both synchronous rectifiers
- Minimal component count
- Simple design
- Lead-free
- Advantages
- Ruggedness and noise immunity are accomplished
using an advanced blanking scheme and
double-pulse suppression that allows reliable
operation in fixed and variable frequency
applications. - Supply circuitry is not necessary because the
supply comes from the output voltage or from the
winding from the transformer. - The IR1168S is efficient even at light load
because it is compatible with the burst mode. - The IR1168S senses the current across the MOSFET
which ensures accurate turn on and turn off. - An IR1168S based solution shows an efficient
improvement of a standard 240W LCD TV SMPS by
1.5, together with a reduction of rectifier
devices by 25?C.