Medicare Learning Collaborative - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Medicare Learning Collaborative


... gov/medicare/bni/ Medicare Beneficiary Notice Initiative This CMS website indicates that the purpose of the CMS Beneficiary Notices Initiative ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Medicare Learning Collaborative

Medicare Learning Collaborative
  • Focus on HINNs
  • Presented by Alice Vallar, RN, BSN, MPS
  • Senior Director, IPRO
  • March 22, 2005

This is a MEDICARE collaborative learning
  • Although we have received questions on various
  • Todays session is NOT about
  • Billing Questions
  • Medicare Advantage
  • Medicaid FFS
  • Medicaid Managed and Commercial Managed Care
  • Medicaid HINNs
  • Code 44 inpatient to outpatient status
  • Notice of Discharge

  • Our topic is New York Focus on MEDICARE HINNs
  • The OBJECTIVE of todays session is
  • To respond to questions about HINNs that the
    Hospital Community in New York has submitted to
    their Hospital Associations.

Aug. 1, 2002 July 31, 2003
Aug. 1, 2003 July 31, 2004
Aug. 1, 2004 March 4, 2005
  • http//
  • Medicare Hospital Manual
  • Section 290.2 AND 290.3 Availability and
    Appropriateness of Other Facilities and Services

  • http//
  • Medicare Hospital Manual
  • Section 414.3 QIO monitoring of HINNs
  • Section 414.4 Hospital issuance of HINNs
  • Section 414.5 Acknowledgment of Receipt
  • Section 414.6 Inappropriate HINN
  • Section 414.7 Beneficiary liability
  • Section 414.11 Model letters

  •  http//
  • Medicare Beneficiary Notice Initiative  
  • This CMS website indicates that the purpose of
    the CMS Beneficiary Notices Initiative BNI is
    to wed consumer rights and protections with
    effective beneficiary communication so that
    beneficiaries are given the opportunity to timely
    exercise their rights and protections in a
    well-informed manner. 
  • Model notices with instructions can be found

  • http//
  • Medicare Skilled Nursing Facility Manual
  • Section 214 Covered Services

Question 1
  • Please provide an overview of the different types
    of HINNs and when they are issued (i.e.,
    preadmission/admission and continued stay).
    Please also include a discussion of physician
    concurrence and describe the process for issuing
    notices when a physician is not in agreement. Is
    physician agreement required when issuing an
    admission HINN?

Answer 1
  • According to the Medicare Hospital Manual
  • A.  Preadmission/Admission Notices of
    Noncoverage issue a notice of noncoverage when
    you determine that the admission is not medically
    necessary, is inappropriate, or is custodial in
    nature. You need not obtain the attending
    physicians concurrence or the QIOs prior to
    issuing the preadmission or admission notice of

Answer 1 (cont)
  • B.    Continued Stay Notices of Noncoverage. You
    may issue a continued stay notice of noncoverage
    when you determine that a beneficiary no longer
    requires continued inpatient care and either the
    attending physician or the QIO concurs. Before
    you can issue a continued stay notice of
    noncoverage, you must consider the admission to
    be covered.

Answer 1 (cont)
  • 1.    Attending Physician Concurs. If the
    attending physician concurs in writing (e.g.,
    written discharge order) with your determination
    that the beneficiary no longer requires inpatient
    care, you may issue a notice of noncoverage to
    the beneficiary.

Answer 1 (cont)
  • 2.    Attending Physician Does Not Concur. Issue
    a notice to the beneficiary (or his/her
    representative) (Exhibit 10) when the
    beneficiarys physician disagrees with your
    proposed notice of noncoverage and the QIO is
    requested to review the case. You may use your
    own letterhead, but may not alter or change the
    language. Give the notice to the beneficiary (or
    his/her representative) concurrently when you
    request the QIOs review.

Question 2
  • Can the patient designate a representative to
    accept the HINN even if they are alert and
    oriented and have decisional capacity?
  • YES, The beneficiary can complete the
    authorized representative form, CMS-1696-U4,
    which can be found at the CMS website.
  • http//

Question 3
  • If the patient has designated a family member as
    an authorized representative, can another family
    member or the patient appeal the HINN?
  • YES. The beneficiary can appeal. If a family
    member calls, IPRO will accept the call
    requesting the HINN review. However,
    information about IPROs review determination
    will be sent only to the beneficiary or to the
    authorized representative.

Question 4
  • Please identify the parties that should receive
    the HINN. 
  • The model letters in the Medicare Hospital Manual
    indicate that the notice , which is addressed to
    the beneficiary , is delivered to the beneficiary
    /Representative with a cc to the QIO and the
    Attending Physician. 
  • The HINN Fact Sheet General Guidelines which
    was prepared and distributed by GNYHA in 2001
    also indicates that copies are sent to the
    medical record, UR department files and Hospital
    Billing office.

Question 5
  • Please describe the additional levels of appeal
    once the QIO has issued its determination and in
    your explanation please include who is eligible
    to exercise these further levels of appeal.

Answer 5
  • According to the Medicare QIO Manual A
    beneficiary dissatisfied with the QIOs denial
    determination may obtain a reconsideration of the
    following issues
  • Appropriateness of the setting in which the
    services were, or are proposed, to be furnished.
    (See 1154(a)(1)(c) of the Act.)
  • Reasonableness, medical necessity and
    appropriateness of the services furnished or
    proposed to be furnished (e.g., whether treatment
    was appropriate for the condition). (See
    1862(a)(1) or (9) and 1154(a)(1)(A) of the
  • The Hospital/physician can also request a

Answer 5 (cont)
  • Beneficiaries may appeal any medical necessity or
    appropriateness of setting determination
    reconsideration determination made by QIO to an
    administrative law judge (ALJ) where there is at
    least 100 or more at issue. (See 42 CFR 473.40.)
    The Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) of the
    Social Security Administration (SSA) conducts
    these hearings.
  • The Hospital/physician can request an ALJ hearing
    regarding liability for payment where there is at
    least 100 at issue.

Question 6
  • Please outline the timeframes associated with the
    HINN process.  
  • Source Medicare QIO Manual
  • Hospital preadmission notice -- If the
    beneficiary or his/her representative disagrees
    with the hospital preadmission notice, he/she may
    request a QIO immediate review, by telephone or
    in writing, within 3 calendar days of receipt of
    the HINN. 

Answer 6 (cont)
  • If admitted, the beneficiary or his/her
    representative may request QIO review at any
    point during the stay.  
  • In either situation the QIO reviews the case
    within 2 working days following the beneficiary's
    or his/her representative's request and receipt
    of requested medical record information, and
    issues either a denial notice or a notice
    explaining that the care would be, or is,

Answer 6 (cont)
  • IF the QIO agrees with the HINN, the beneficiary
    liability for payment is based on the time and
    date of the beneficiarys receipt of the
    Hospitals notice.  
  • Review After Discharge or When Beneficiary Was
    Not Admitted to Hospital -- The beneficiary or
    his/her representative may request review within
    30 calendar days after receipt of the notice.
    Complete this review within the timeframe
    specified for any retrospective review

Answer 6 (cont)
  • Continued-stay HINN -- The beneficiary or his/her
    representative may request QIO review when the
    hospital issues a continued-stay notice of
    non-coverage with the concurrence of the
    attending physician.
  • Beneficiary Request for QIO Immediate Review of a
    HINN -- If the beneficiary or his/her
    representative disagrees with the HINN and
    remains in the hospital, he/she may request (not
    later than noon of the first working day after
    the day the notice was received) an immediate
    review by the QIO. This request for review may be
    made by telephone or in writing.

Answer 6 (cont)
  • The hospital must provide the medical records by
    close of business of the first working day after
    the date that the beneficiary receives the
  • The QIO completes the requested review and
    notifies the beneficiary or his/her
    representative, the attending physician, and the
    hospital of your determination (whether adverse
    or favorable) within one full working day after
    the date of receiving the request and the
    required medical records.

Answer 6 (cont)
  • If the QIO agrees with the HINN, the beneficiary
    is liable for payment on the day AFTER the QIO
    notifies the beneficiary of its determination.
  • Other Review While the Beneficiary Is In the
    Hospital If the beneficiary or his/her
    representative does not request your review by
    noon of the first working day after receipt of
    the HINN and remains in the hospital, he/she may
    still request QIO review at any point during the
    stay. The request may be made by telephone or in
    writing. The QIO reviews the case within 2
    working days following the beneficiary's or
    his/her representative's request.

Answer 6 (cont)
  • IF the QIO agrees with the HINN, the beneficiary
    liability for payment is based on the time and
    date of receipt of the Hospitals notice.  
  • Review After Discharge -- If the beneficiary is
    discharged from the hospital, he/she or his/her
    representative may still request review within 30
    calendar days after receipt of the HINN or at any
    time, for good cause. The QIO completes this
    review within 30 calendar days of receipt of the
    medical records, and issues either a denial
    notice or a notice explaining that the care is

Answer 6 (cont)
  • IF the QIO agrees with the HINN, the beneficiary
    liability for payment is based on the time and
    date of receipt of the Hospitals notice.

Answer 6 (cont)
  • Continued Stay HINN--Attending Physician Does Not
  • The hospital is required to give a notice to the
    beneficiary (or his/her representative) when the
    beneficiary's physician disagrees with the
    hospital's proposed notice of noncoverage and
    requests the QIO to review the case. (See
    414.11 of the Hospital Manual, Exhibit 10.) The
    hospital may use its own letterhead, but may not
    alter or change the language. The notice must be
    given to the beneficiary (or his/her
    representative) concurrently when the hospital
    requests QIO review. The hospital may request,
    either by phone or in writing, that you review
    the case immediately. The QIO completes review
    within 2 working days of receipt of medical
    records. If the QIO concurs with the hospital's
    decision, the Hospital may issue its HINN .

Question 7
  • Please explain the financial ramifications to the
    consumer when the patient/family fails to appeal
    in a timely manner.
  • For a Continued Stay HINN, when the beneficiary/
    Rep does not appeal by noon of the next working
    day after receipt of the HINN misses the noon
    deadline, the beneficiarys liability is based
    on the date of the beneficiarys/Reps receipt of
    the HINN if the QIO agrees with the HINN.

Question 8
  • Similarly, please explain how the date related to
    financial responsibility changes when the
    provider fails to promptly submit the medical
  • The timeframe for QIO review is based on the date
    of receipt of the medical record from the
    hospital. Delaying delivery of the medical
    record could affect the establishment of the
    beneficiary liability for payment date.

Answer 8 (cont)
  • For example, if the medical record for an
    immediate review of a continued stay HINN should
    have been sent by the hospital to be received at
    IPRO by March 22nd, 2005 but was not received
    until March 24th, IPROs review determination
    would be due by March 25th and, if we agree with
    the HINN, liability for payment by the
    beneficiary would be established as March 26th.

Question 9
  • If the patient has designated an authorized
    representative and the authorized representative
    is not available to receive the HINN, please
    describe the other options and associated
    timeframes for delivering the HINN to the
    representative. When does financial liability

Answer 9 (cont)
  •  Source Medicare Hospital Manual
  • Acknowledgment of Receipt.--Document the date and
    time of the beneficiarys (or his/her
    representatives) receipt of the HINN. Obtain an
    acknowledgment of receipt (including date and
    time) signed by the beneficiary (or his/her
    representative). A copy of this acknowledgment is
    to be kept in the medical records.
  • If the beneficiary (or his/her representative)
    refuses to sign the acknowledgment, immediately
    write on the HINN that the patient refused to
    sign and prepare a report for your files (i.e.,
    medical records). The date of refusal is then
    considered the date of receipt.

Answer 9 (cont)
  • You the Hospital are responsible for
    determining whether the beneficiary, upon
    admission, is mentally competent and capable of
    transacting business (as opposed to being
    incapable of handling his/her own affairs, unable
    to sign and negotiate checks). Develop procedures
    to use when the beneficiary is incapable or
    incompetent and you the Hospital cannot obtain
    the signature of his/her representative through
    direct personal contact. When you the Hospital
    mail the notice to the beneficiarys
    representative, phone the beneficiarys
    representative simultaneously. The date of the
    phone conversation is the date of receipt of the

Answer 9 (cont)
  • When direct phone contact cannot be made, send
    the notice to the representative by certified
    mail, return receipt requested. The date that
    someone at the representatives address signs (or
    refuses to sign) the receipt is the date of
    receipt. In considering the different procedures
    that each postal station may have in handling
    "return receipt requested mail," the following
    procedure used by hospitals is considered
    acceptable. For a HINN sent by certified mail,
    return receipt requested, which is returned to
    the hospital with no indication of a refusal
    date, the hospital determines the beneficiarys
    liability starting on the second working day
    after the hospitals mailing date (postmarked by
    the postal station). For example. Postmark date
    March 22nd Tuesday . Beneficiary liability
    date March 24th Thursday.

Question 10
  • Can the hospital issue the HINN by facsimile
    or via Fedex or other express messenger service
    and if so, how would this affect the date that
    the providers enters on the HINN whereby the
    beneficiary would be financially responsible?

Answer 10 (cont)
  • The Medicare Hospital Manual also indicates
    Employ other procedures that have been reviewed
    and approved by the QIO and when needed for
    review, provide the QIO with proof of proper
    notification. This directive applies when the
    Hospital employs other methods of delivery as
    described in the above question. Simply sending
    the HINN notice by fax or leaving a message on
    voicemail is not acceptable. There must be
    documented evidence that the Representative
    received the HINN notice when sent via Fedex or
    messenger. Evidence could be the dated signature
    of the Rep on the Fedex receipt, or dated
    signature of the Fedex/messenger with the
    statement that the addressee refused to
    sign/accept the package.

Answer 10 (cont)
  • Liability date for payment by the beneficiary is
    based on the notification date. For example, if a
    continued stay notice was faxed by Hospital to
    the Rep and the Rep signed it on March 22nd, then
    beneficiary liability for payment would begin
    March 25th. If the Rep contacted IPRO for a
    review of the HINN, the hospital would be
    required to provide evidence that the Rep signed
    the notice on March 22nd for example, a copy of
    the signed/dated notice that was faxed back to
    the Hospital in order to establish that the
    notice was delivered appropriately.

Question 11
  • Do weekend days affect the timing?
  • YES. Beneficiaries can request immediate review
    by the next WORKING day after receipt of HINN.
    For example, if a beneficiary receives the HINN
    on Friday, an immediate review can be requested
    by noon on Monday. If Monday is a holiday, then
    by noon on Tuesday.

Answer 11(cont)
  • QIO review timeframes are based on WORKING days.
    For example, if a medical record is received on
    Friday and review timeframe is 2 working days,
    determination is due by close of business on

Question 12
  • If a HINN is issued to a patient on Thursday and
    the patient appeals the decision prior to noon of
    the next business day, that is Friday, when does
    financial responsibility begin? (this assumes the
    hospital submits all necessary information to
    IPRO by Friday for its review) 
  • IPROs review should be completed and the
    beneficiary is notified on Monday. If IPRO
    agrees with the HINN, beneficiary is responsible
    for payment on Tuesday.

Question 13
  • Same question with the caveat that if Monday is a
    holiday, what date should the hospital enter on
    the HINN informing the patient that if he/she
    remains in the hospital, he/she will be
    financially responsible? Is it Monday, Tuesday or
  • If the hospital issued the HINN to the
    Beneficiary on Friday, the hospital indicates
    that the liability for payment would begin on
    Monday (Holiday). If the beneficiary did not
    call IPRO on Tuesday for an immediate review and
    remained in the hospital, the liability for
    payment would begin on Monday.

Question 14
  • Is IPRO available to conduct HINN appeals on
    weekends and holidays?
  • As per current Medicare regulations, IPRO
    conducts HINN review during regular business
    hours on working days.

Question 15
  • To ensure an appeal is attended to timely when
    the patient files a HINN appeal, what mailing
    address should hospitals use when sending the
    medical record and associated correspondence to
    IPRO? Should it be sent to the attention of
    someone in particular?

Answer 15
  • All envelopes including the outside envelope
    should be addressed as follows for all medical
    records and requested documentation that is sent
    related to immediate HINN reviews 
  • IPRO
  • 1979 Marcus Avenue
  • Lake Success, NY 11042

Question 16
  • A hospital is seeking placement in a nursing
    facility for a Medicare Beneficiary who is
    receiving skilled services. In this case, the
    nursing facility admission would be Medicare
    covered. As a requirement for admission/ offering
    a bed, can a nursing facility require "financial
    information related to a secondary payer" from
    the Medicare beneficiary/ Representative?

Answer 16
  • The following answer has been provided to the QIO
    community. There are a number of regulations
    that address what a nursing home may require from
    an individual seeking placement. There does not
    appear to be any prohibition on requiring
    financial information related to a secondary
    payer. Please see the text of the following
  • 42 C.F.R. 489.22, which addresses special
    provisions applicable to prepayment requirements.
  • 42 C.F.R. 483.12 Admission, transfer and
    discharge rights. ?483.12 (d)(3) prohibits a
    nursing facility from charging, soliciting,
    accepting, or receiving any gift, money,
    donation, or other consideration as a pre-
    condition of admission or continued stay in the
    facility. and 42 C.F.R. 483.10(c) gives the
    resident the right to manage his or her financial

Question 17
  • What, if any, is the appropriate beneficiary
    notice to give if a patient is ready to be
    discharged from observation services, but the
    patient objects.  No admission is involved.

Answer 17 (cont)
  • The following answer to the above question has
    been provided to the QIO community.
  • The appropriate ABN to be used in an observation
    situation is the CMS-R-131-G, Advance Beneficiary
    Notice. The instruction for the CMS-R-131 can be
    found in section 40 and 50 of chapter 30 of
    publication 100-4 of the 'Internet Only Manual
    Medicare Claims Processing Manual.

Answer 17 (cont)
  • An excerpt from the above referenced chapter is
    printed below for informational purposes
  • 50.1.3 - Where to Obtain the ABN Forms
  • (Rev. 1, 10-01-03)
  • The online replicable copies of Form CMS-R-131
    forms in PDF format are available online
  • English Advance Beneficiary Notice ABN
    (CMS-R-131-G) for general use.
  • http//

Answer 17 (cont)
  • Spanish ABN (CMS-R-131-G) for general use.  
  • http//
  • English ABN (CMS-R-131-L) for laboratory tests.
  • http//
  • Spanish ABN (CMS-R-131-L) for laboratory tests.
  • http//

Answer 17 (cont)
  • See also the online ABN resources at the CMS
    Beneficiary Notices Initiative Web page at
    http// and at CMS
    Medlearn ABN Quick Reference Guide Web page at

  • While we have provided some regulatory
    information, given the of IPRO agreement with
    hospitals HINNs, the following questions are
    also referred to the hospital community for best
    practices discussion.

  • What needs to be documented in the chart when the
    decision is made to issue a HINN?
  • According to the Medicare Hospital Manual
    Continued Stay Notices of Noncoverage.--You may
    issue a continued stay notice of noncoverage when
    you determine that a beneficiary no longer
    requires continued inpatient care and the
    attending physician concurs in writing (e.g.,
    written discharge order) with your determination
    that the beneficiary no longer requires inpatient
    care, you may issue a notice of noncoverage to
    the beneficiary.

  • Can a HINN be issued in the following
    circumstance In developing a patients discharge
    plan, a hospital discharge planner assesses that
    the patient is to return to the home setting but
    will require private hire services. However, the
    patient refuses to cooperate with the hospital
    staff to make the arrangements so that a safe
    discharge plan can be put in place.
  • There should be documented evidence to
    demonstrate discharge planning efforts and
    involvement of the patient and the patients
    response. When the attending physician documents
    that the patient does not require the acute
    inpatient hospital level of care, in order for
    Medicare to continue coverage, the patient must
    be receiving skilled services and awaiting
    placement in an SNF. If these circumstances are
    not present, Medicare will not cover the
    continued stay in the hospital.

  • If a HINN has been issued but the patient returns
    to an acute level of care, please describe the
    process for reinstating Medicare coverage. Is
    there a special letter that should be issued?
  • The Medicare Manuals do not contain a required
    letter template for this issue.

  • Based on your experience, please highlight the
    circumstances where you observe that hospitals
    issue HINNs inappropriately.
  • No evidence of acknowledgement of receipt of
  • Patient is receiving skilled services and waiting
    for SNF placement.
  • Patient is receiving acute care services
  • Patient signed the HINN but the medical record
    documents that the patient is confused.

  • Members of the New York Hospital community can
    share their best practices online using JENY
    (http// under Payment Error and
    Case Review Initiatives.

  • If there are additional questions about HINNs,
    please submit them to your Health
    Care/Professional Associations so that the need
    for future learning sessions can be determined.

Upcoming Collaboratives
  • Coding Topic
  • April 14, 2005 11am 1230pm
  • Utilization/Admission Review Topic
  • May 11, 2005 8am 930am
  • Coding Topic
  • June 23, 2005 11am 1230pm

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