Chi-Square Part II - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chi-Square Part II


Chi-Square Part II Fenster Chi-Square Part II Let us see how this works in another example. Chi-Square Part II It has been argued that people with favorable attitudes ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chi-Square Part II

Chi-Square Part II
  • Fenster

Chi-Square Part II
  • Let us see how this works in another example.

Attitudes towards Research Attitudes towards Research Attitudes towards Research
Attitudes Towards Statistics Favorable Neither favorable nor unfavorable Unfavorable Row Totals
Favorable 9 26 13 48
Neither favorable nor unfavorable 19 75 83 177
Unfavorable 16 56 110 182
Col. Totals 44 157 206 407
Chi-Square Part II
  • It has been argued that people with favorable
    attitudes towards research tend to have favorable
    attitudes towards statistics.
  • Question If we knew the attitudes towards
    research of a respondent, can we predict the
    attitude toward statistics?

Chi-Square Part II
  • Step 2
  • H1 Knowledge of attitudes toward research does
    help us predict attitudes towards statistics.
  • Step 1
  • HO Knowledge of attitudes toward research does
    not help us predict attitudes towards statistics.

Chi-Square Part II
  • Selecting a significance level Lets use ?.05.
    This gives us a ?2 critical of 9.488. Your book
    says the ?2 critical of 9.5.
  • Step 4 Collect and summarize sample data.
  • We will use the chi-square test with 4 degrees of
  • Why four? df(r-1) X (c-1)
  • We have 3 rows and 3 columns.
  • so we get df (3-1) X (3-1) 2 X 24

Chi-Square Part II
  • If we find a ?2 greater than or equal to 9.5 we
    reject the null hypothesis and conclude that
    attitudes towards research can predict attitudes
    towards statistics.
  • If we find a ?2 less than 9.5 we fail to reject
    the null hypothesis and conclude attitudes
    towards research cannot predict attitudes towards

Calculation of Expected Frequencies
  • Expected frequencies (Row total) X (Column
  • Grand Total

Calculation of Expected Frequencies
  • Cell a Favorable attitudes towards both
    research and statistics.
  • (44) X (48) 5.18
  • 407

Calculation of Expected Frequencies
  • Cell b Neither favorable or unfavorable
    attitudes towards research, favorable attitudes
    towards statistics.
  • (157) X (48) 18.51
  • 407

Calculation of Expected Frequencies
  • Cell c Unfavorable attitudes towards research,
    favorable attitudes towards statistics
  • (206) X (48) 24.29
  • 407

Calculation of Expected Frequencies
  • Cell d Favorable attitudes towards research,
    neither favorable or unfavorable attitudes
    towards statistics
  • (44) X (177) 19.13
  • 407

Calculation of Expected Frequencies
  • Cell e - Neither favorable or unfavorable
    attitudes towards both statistics and research
  • (157) X (177) 68.27
  • 407

Calculation of Expected Frequencies
  • Cell f Unfavorable attitudes towards research,
    neither favorable or unfavorable attitudes
    towards statistics
  • (206) X (177) 89.58
  • 407

Calculation of Expected Frequencies
  • Cell g Favorable attitudes towards research,
    unfavorable attitudes towards statistics
  • (44) X (182) 19.67
  • 407

Calculation of Expected Frequencies
  • Cell h - Neither favorable or unfavorable
    attitudes towards research, unfavorable attitudes
    towards statistics
  • (157) X (182) 70.20
  • 407

Calculation of Expected Frequencies
  • Cell i Unfavorable attitudes towards both
    research and statistics
  • (206) X (182) 92.11
  • 407

So we set up our chi-square table
Cell f observed f expected f observed-f expected (i.e., RESIDUALS) (f observed-f expected)2 (f observed-f expected)2/f expected
a 9 5.18 3.82 14.59 2.81
b 26 18.51 7.49 56.1 3.03
c 13 24.29 -11.29 127.46 5.25
d 19 19.13 -0.13 0.17 0.008
e 75 68.27 6.73 45.29 0.6
f 83 89.58 -6.58 43.29 0.5
g 16 19.67 -3.67 13.46 0.67
h 56 70.20 -14.2 201.64 2.87
i 110 92.11 17.89 320.05 3.5
Total 407 407.00 0.00 20.2
Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
  • Step 5 Making a decision
  • ?2 observed 20.2
  • ?2 critical 9.488.
  • Decision REJECT HO, and conclude that attitudes
    towards research allow us to predict attitudes
    towards statistics.

Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
  • Notes about chi-square
  • (1) S (f observed - f expected)0.
  • If S (f observed - f expected) does not equal
    zero (within rounding error), you have made a
    calculation error. Recheck your work.

Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
  • The chi-square test itself cannot tell us
    anything about directionality. One way to get
    directionality in the chi-square is to look at
    the (f observed- f expected) column. We see that
    certain cells occur much less frequently than we
    would expect.

Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
  • For example cell c (unfavorable attitudes towards
    research but favorable attitudes towards
    statistics) occurs much less frequently than we
    would expect on the basis of chance.

Analysis of Residuals
Cell f observed f expected f observed-f expected (i.e., RESIDUALS) (f observed-f expected)2 (f observed-f expected)2/f expected
a 9 5.18 3.82 14.59 2.81
b 26 18.51 7.49 56.1 3.03
c 13 24.29 -11.29 127.46 5.25
d 19 19.13 -0.13 0.17 0.008
e 75 68.27 6.73 45.29 0.6
f 83 89.58 -6.58 43.29 0.5
g 16 19.67 -3.67 13.46 0.67
h 56 70.20 -14.2 201.64 2.87
i 110 92.11 17.89 320.05 3.5
Total 407 407.00 0.00 20.2
Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
  • We can also see that three cells that capture
    consistency of attitudes between research and
    statistics (cell a favorable attitudes for both,
    cell e neither favorable or unfavorable attitudes
    towards both, cell i unfavorable attitudes for
    both) all have a positive values for (f observed-
    f expected).
  • Those three cells are consistent with the
    (unstated and untested) hypothesis that
    individuals tend to have similar attitudes for
    both research and statistics

Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
  • Only by examining the (f observed- f expected)
    can we give any statement on the directionality
    of the relationship. We could also analyze the
    column percentages as we move across categories
    of the independent variable to give us insight on

Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
  • 3) In this example, why do we get statistical
    significance? We can say that the cells d, e, f
    and g do not contribute to the statistical
    significance of the overall relationship. The
    individual chi-square values for these four cells
    are all very small. The overall relationship is
    significant because of the other cells.

Analysis of Residuals
Cell f observed f expected f observed-f expected (i.e., RESIDUALS) (f observed-f expected)2 (f observed-f expected)2/f expected
a 9 5.18 3.82 14.59 2.81
b 26 18.51 7.49 56.1 3.03
c 13 24.29 -11.29 127.46 5.25
d 19 19.13 -0.13 0.17 0.008
e 75 68.27 6.73 45.29 0.6
f 83 89.58 -6.58 43.29 0.5
g 16 19.67 -3.67 13.46 0.67
h 56 70.20 -14.2 201.64 2.87
i 110 92.11 17.89 320.05 3.5
Total 407 407.00 0.00 20.2
Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
  • Chi-square allows us to decompose the overall
    relationship into its component parts. This
    decomposition allows us to assess whether all
    categories contribute to the significance of the
    overall relationship.

Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
  • Limitations for ?2
  • So far we have stressed the virtues for ?2 such
    as weak assumptions, and a statistical
    significance test appropriate for nominal level
    data. This is why chi-square is so popular.
  • There are two limitations for ?2, one minor and
    one major.

Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
  • Minor Limitation
  • When the expected cell frequency is less than 5,
    ?2 rejects the null hypothesis too easily. (Note
    this means the EXPECTED frequency and NOT the
    OBSERVED frequency).
  • Solution Use Yates' correction
  • Yates correction
  • Take the (f observed- f expected) -0.5

Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
  • Major Limitation
  • We have set up a null hypothesis that there is no
    relationship between two variables and have tried
    to reject this hypothesis.
  • We refer to a relationship as being statistically
    significant when we have established, subject to
    the risk of type I error, that there is a
    relationship between two variables.
  • But does rejecting the null hypothesis mean the
    relationship is significant in the sense of being
    a strong or an important one?
  • Not necessarily.

Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
  • Remember significance levels are dependent upon
    sample size.
  • Let us say that you wanted to investigate the
    relationship between gender and level of
    tolerance. You had no money to investigate this
    relationship, so you handed out questionnaires
    around UML and found the following

Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
Gender Gender
Attitudes towards racial tolerance Males Females Row Totals
High 24 26 50
Low 26 24 50
Column Totals 50 50 100
Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
  • Is there a significant relationship between
    gender and attitudes towards racial tolerance?
  • Let us use a.05.
  • We have one degree of freedom.
  • ?2 critical3.8. ?2 observed0.16.
  • Since ?2 observed (0.16) lt ?2 critical (3.8), we
    FAIL to reject the null hypothesis and conclude
    that gender does not help us predict to attitudes
    towards racial tolerance.

Now let us say you had an extremely ambitious
study and you found the following relationship
Gender Gender
Attitudes towards racial tolerance Males Females Row Totals
High 2400 2600 5000
Low 2600 2400 5000
Column Totals 5000 5000 10000
Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
  • Is there a significant relationship between
    gender and attitudes towards racial tolerance?
  • Let us use a.05.
  • We have one degree of freedom.
  • ?2 critical3.8, ?2 observed16.0.
  • Since ?2 observed (16.0) gt ?2 critical (3.8), we
    easily reject the null hypothesis and conclude
    that gender does help us predict to attitudes
    towards racial tolerance.

Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
  • ?2 is sensitive to the number of cases in the
    sample. Even though the proportions in the cells
    remain unchanged, the new ?2 is 100 times the old
    chi-square because we have 100 times the number
    of cases.

Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
  • Corrections for the sample size problem
  • Pearson's contingency coefficient (You can ask
    for the Contingency Coefficient with SPSS
    CROSSTABS output).

Hypothesis Testing with Chi-Square
  • C ?2
  • ?2 N
  • where Ntotal number of cases in sample
  • Problem with C Cannot attain 1.0 in perfect
  • As the syllabus says, there is no ideal solution
    to the sample size problem with chi-square.
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