Title: Cal/OSHA Electroplating Update
1Cal/OSHA Electroplating Update
- Grace Delizo
- Area Manager
- Cal/OSHA Consultation Service
- 619.767.2060
2 Cal/OSHA Organization
- Employee Complaint
- Citations/Fines
- Unannounced
- Public Information
- Employer Request
- No Citations/Penalties
- Invitation
- Confidential
3What Triggers an Inspection
- 60 Complaints
- 15 Accidents
- 20 Programmed Inspections
- 5 Follow-ups
4Top Ten Most Cited Standards
- Respirators
- Clear Electrical Access
- Field Sanitation
- Exposed Conductors
- Air Tank Permit
- IIPP - Construction
- HazCom
- Fire Extinguishers
- Reporting Fatalities
5Cal/OSHAS Most Cited Hazards for SIC 3471 -
ElectroplatingData for October 2007 September
3203 Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
3480 Vats, Pans and Tanks
5194 Hazard Communication
6151 Portable Fire Extinguishers
342 Reporting Work-Connected Fatalities and Serious Injuries
461 Permits to Operate (Air Tank)
5162 Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment
14300.29 Forms (Cal/OSHA 300, 300A, and 301 forms for recordable injuries and illnesses)
3273 Working Area
3382, 3383 Eye and Face Protection, Body Protection
6 Employee Injury and Illness
Prevention Program
Eight Elements of the IIPP
- Responsibility
- Enforcement
- Communication
- Hazard ID
- Incident Investigation
- Hazard Control
- Training
- Documentation
7IIPP Structure
8Cal/OSHA Recognition Programs
- Golden Gate (Not an exemption program)
- SHARP (Fixed and Non-Fixed Sites exemption
program) - VPP (Fixed and Non-Fixed Sites exemption program)
9Golden Gate Recognition
- An entry-level program for high-hazard
employers and is site specific. Employers must
have an established, minimally effective IIPP in
order to receive recognition. The Golden Gate
program does not offer inspection exemptions. - Open to high hazard employers
- Recognition is in the form of a letter
- The evaluation is conducted by the local Cal/OSHA
Consultation Area Office - Only good at the worksite to be evaluated
- Recognition for day of evaluation only.
- One letter of recognition per site per year.
10SHARP (Safety and Health Achievement Recognition
- A mid-level recognition program that may
offer eligible employers an exemption from
Cal/OSHA Enforcement programmed inspections. - California offers two SHARP programs
- Cal/SHARP for high-hazard employers with fixed
and mobile worksites, except construction
worksites and - Cal/SHARP Construction, a pilot program for
contractors working at construction sites.
11California Voluntary Protection Program (VPP)
- VPP Benefits (Fixed Non-Fixed sites)
- Company is recognized as a safety and health
leader by Cal/OSHA and industry. - All worksites are removed from Cal/OSHA
programmed inspections. - May receive a letter in lieu of citation during
complaint inspections when possible - Complaint accident inspections are normally
limited to specific area
12(No Transcript)
13For Additional Information
14Contact Nearest Consultation Office
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