Title: Public Health Surveillance Systems
1Public Health Surveillance Systems
- Adverse events surveillance
- Syndromic surveillance
- Registries
- Laboratory data
- Review purpose of surveillance
- Describe types of state and local surveillance
systems - Vital records
- Disease reporting
- (morbidity data)
- Surveys
- Sentinel surveillance
- Zoonotic disease
- surveillance
- Provide example of public health actions
resulting from surveillance data
3Purpose of Surveillance
- Collecting surveillance data has many purposes
- Monitoring disease trends
- Detecting outbreaks
- Providing information to plan public health
interventions - Stimulating research
4Purpose of Surveillance
- Specific uses of surveillance data vary depending
on organization or agency - National agencies
- Monitoring disease trends over time to inform
policy - State and local agencies
- Assuring accurate diagnosis and treatment of
infected persons - Managing people exposed to disease
- Detecting outbreaks
- Guiding public health prevention and
control programs
5Types of State and Local Surveillance Systems
- Surveillance systems used to monitor disease
trends and plan public health programs - Vital statistics, disease reporting, surveys
- More specialized systems
- Sentinel surveillance, zoonotic disease
surveillance, adverse events surveillance,
syndromic surveillance, disease registries,
laboratory surveillance - Some types more useful for certain diseases than
others each fills a specific need
6Vital Statistics
- Records of births and deaths a basic but
critical cornerstone of public health
surveillance - Mortality data over past century show decrease in
rate of deaths due to infectious diseases rate
of death from non-infectious causes remain steady
- Infant mortality rate (number of deaths among
infants per 1,000 births) long used as indicator
of overall population health - Birth data used to monitor incidence of preterm
birth, risk factor for variety of adverse health
7Vital Statistics
- In United States, vital statistics available from
- National Center for Health Statistics
- State vital records offices
- CDC WONDER online system containing data on
births, deaths, many diseases from Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) -
8Disease Reporting (Morbidity Data)
- Disease reporting required internationally by
World Health Organization through International
Health Regulations - Smallpox
- Wild-type poliomyelitis
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
- Human influenza caused by new subtypes
- Any public health emergency of international
concern - Broad definition used to capture any disease,
condition, event that could represent
international risk
9Disease Reporting (Morbidity Data)
- In the United States, disease reporting mandated
by state law - List of reportable diseases varies by state
- States report nationally notifiable diseases to
CDC on voluntary basis - List of notifiable diseases updated regularly by
Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
and CDC -
- Especially useful for monitoring chronic diseases
and health-related behaviors - Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) asks high
school students about substance use, sexual
behavior, physical activity, nutrition - Results used to monitor trends in health
behaviors, plan public health programs, evaluate
public health policies at national and state
levels -
Percent of high school students who reported
smoking in the 30 days prior to the survey,
United States, 1997-2007Â
- YRBS shows decline in youth smoking from 36 in
1997 to 20 in 2007
- Other national surveys conducted by CDC
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
(BRFSS) - National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
- Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System
(PRAMS) - National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
13Sentinel Surveillance
- Alternative to population-based surveillance,
- Involves collecting data from sample of reporting
sites (sentinel sites) - Example Selected health care providers report
number of cases of influenza-like illness to
state health department on weekly basis - Allows states to monitor trends using relatively
small amount of information
14Sentinel Surveillance
Percentage of visits for influenza-like illness
reported by US sentinel provider network,
2006-2007, 2007-2008
- Graph indicates peak of influenza activity during
2007- 2008 season in late February and
early March (Weeks 7-9)
15Sentinel Surveillance
- Sentinel providers also used to gather more
specific information - Example sentinel provider network in British
Columbia, Canada, used in a study of vaccine
effectiveness during 2005-2006 influenza season -
16Zoonotic Disease Surveillance
- Surveillance of zoonotic diseases (diseases found
in animals that can be transmitted to humans)
often involves system for detecting infected
animals - Example 2001 Florida surveillance for West Nile
Virus (WNV) - Web site and telephone hotline to report dead
birds, some collected and tested for WNV - Mosquitoes collected and tested for WNV in 10
counties - Blood collected from 3-12 sentinel chickens in
each of 212 flocks up to 4 times per month,
tested for antibodies to WNV - Veterinarians asked to test horses with
neurologic symptoms consistent with WNV - Health care providers reminded of reporting and
diagnostic criteria for possible human cases of
17Zoonotic Disease Surveillance
- Surveillance systems allowed public health
authorities to determine intensity of WNV by
geographic area - Detection of WNV led to public health control
measures - Advising public to protect against mosquito bites
- Intensifying mosquito abatement efforts
18Adverse Events Surveillance
- Surveillance system focusing on patient safety
Adverse Events Reporting System (AERS), operated
by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - Negative effects experienced by people who
received approved drugs, therapeutic agents - Voluntary reports from health care providers
(physicians, pharmacists, nurses) and public
(patients, lawyers) - Health care providers/patients may report events
directly to product manufacturer manufacturer
required to report event to AERS - FDA uses AERS to identify possible safety
concerns associated with approved products
19Adverse Events Surveillance
- Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)
also focused on patient safety operated by CDC
with FDA - Like AERS, but for negative effects experienced
by people who have received licensed vaccines - Used in 2003 for smallpox vaccines to health care
and public health professionals in preparation
for bioterrorist attack - gt100 adverse events reported after smallpox
vaccination, 16 suspect and 5 probable cases of
myocarditis or pericarditis - Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
recommended ending vaccination after health
care and public health response teams
20Adverse Events Surveillance
- Passive surveillance systems may be limited by
underreporting or biased reporting, cannot be
used to determine whether a drug or vaccine
caused a specific adverse health event - (See FOCUS Volume 5, Issue 5 for definitions of
active and passive surveillance) - Used as early warning signals
- Possible associations between drugs or vaccines
and adverse events examined using well designed
epidemiologic study, appropriate action based on
21Syndromic Surveillance
- Relatively new surveillance method, uses clinical
information about disease signs and symptoms,
before diagnosis is made - Often use electronic data from hospital emergency
rooms -
22Syndromic Surveillance
- Example New York City operates syndromic
surveillance system using emergency department
chief-complaint data from approximately 44
hospitals - Data monitored electronically for beginning of
disease outbreak - In 2002, system detected higher than usual number
of diarrheal and vomiting symptoms - Health department notified hospital emergency
departments of possible outbreak and collected
stool specimens, several tested positive for
23Syndromic Surveillance
- Example New York City (continued)
- Similar outbreak later that year not detected by
the system - Failure to detect attributed to incorrect coding
of chief complaint by emergency departments - Illustrates potential benefits of syndromic
surveillance, areas where changes needed to
increase usefulness of system
- Surveillance system used for particular
conditions - Often established at state level to collect
information about persons diagnosed with
condition - Example cancer registries collect information
about type of cancer, anatomic location, stage of
disease at diagnosis, treatment, outcomes - Used to improve prevention programs
- Example women in rural areas diagnosed with
breast cancer later than women in urban areas
choose to promote mammography screening
in rural areas using mobile van
25Laboratory Data
- Public health laboratories routinely conduct
tests for viruses, bacteria, other pathogens - In US, labs participate in National Salmonella
Surveillance System through electronic reporting
of Salmonella isolates - 2006 gt40,000 isolates reported
- Lab serotyping provides information about cases
likely to be linked to common source - Serotypes are useful for detecting local, state,
or national outbreaks
26Laboratory Data
- Another lab system PulseNet by CDC and
Association of Public Health Laboratories to
monitor foodborne illness outbreaks - Enables labs across US to compare pulsed-field
gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns of bacteria
from ill persons and determine similarity - Allows scientists to determine whether outbreak
is occurring, even at geographically distant
locations - Can decrease time required to identify outbreaks
of foodborne illness and causes
27Public Health Actions Resulting From
Surveillance Poliomyelitis
- Global example monitoring progress toward
eradication of poliomyelitis
- Dramatic decrease in paralytic poliomyelitis in
US following licensure of inactivated polio
vaccine (1955), oral polio vaccine (1961)
Number of cases of paralytic poliomyelitis by
year, United States, 1967-1997Â
28Public Health Actions Resulting From
Surveillance Poliomyelitis
- Global example monitoring progress toward
eradication of poliomyelitis (continued) - Using data from countries around world, World
Health Organization implemented intensive
vaccination programs where decline not as
significant -
29Public Health Actions Resulting From
Surveillance HIV/AIDS
- Example surveillance for HIV/AIDS ongoing since
detection of disease in the US in 1981 - Data on incidence and prevalence among population
subgroups, geographic areas important to guide
prevention, control efforts - 2003-2006 estimated number of cases increased
among men who have sex with men, remained steady
among heterosexuals, decreased among injection
drug users - Suggests that prevention programs working more
effectively in some groups than others  Â
30Public Health Actions Resulting From
Surveillance HIV/AIDS
- Mapping rates shows clear pattern of higher risk
in southeastern states than in rest of nation - Suggests need for more prevention measures in
Rates of diagnosed HIV/AIDS, by area of
residence, United States, 2006Â
- Many sources of public health surveillance data
at local, state, national levels - Knowing where to look for different types of data
can save time and resources - Data used for variety of purposes
- Guiding prevention strategies and targeting
resources - Detecting disease outbreaks of local, national,
international significance - Evaluating control measures
- National Vital Statistics System
- Data on births, deaths, marriages, divorces,
fetal deaths from all 50 states, 2 cities
(Washington, DC, and New York City), 5
territories (Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam,
American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern
Mariana Islands) much of information available
online - http//www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss.htm
- User-friendly query system providing public
health information on births, deaths, cancer
incidence, HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis,
vaccinations, census data - http//wonder.cdc.gov/
- Nationally Notifiable Infectious Diseases
- List of diseases recommended for states to report
to CDC - http//www.cdc.gov/ncphi/disss/nndss/phs/infdis.ht
- Birkhead GS, Maylahn CM. State and local public
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Update adverse events following civilian
smallpox vaccination United States, 2003. Morb
Mortal Wkly Rep. 200453(5)106-107. - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
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