Title: Gingival and Papillary lesions
1Gingival and Papillary lesions
2Gingival Lesions
- Epulis (epulides) non-specific term for any
solid growth arising from the gingiva or alveolar
ridge area - 3 Ps
- pyogenic granuloma
- peripheral giant cell granuloma
- peripheral ossifying fibroma
3Pyogenic Granuloma
- Benign growth of vascular, granulation tissue
- 75 occur on gingiva, but may occur anywhere in
oral cavity or on skin - Frequently seen in pregnant females (pregnancy
tumor) - Presents as painless reddish nodule, may be
ulcerated, may grow rapidly and mimic a malignant
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10Pyogenic Granuloma
- Treat by local excision and removal of local
irritants - Lesions in pregnant females may resolve following
delivery - 10-15 recurrence, especially for gingival lesions
11Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma
- Benign proliferation of vascular tissue, numerous
giant cells, hemosiderin - Alveolar/gingival mass only, adults 40-60 yrs
- Painless, bluish-red mass, may be ulcerated or
associated with local irritants, may cause
cupping of underlying bone - Excision, remove irritants 10-15 recur
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17Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma
- Proliferation of fibrovascular connective tissue
with variable calcifications - Thought to arise from PDL cells
- Gingival growth, young adults, anterior jaws,
females (21), often ulcerated - Excision, remove local irritants
- 10-15 recurrence
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21Fibroma (irritation fibroma)
- Most common growth of the oral cavity
- Excess collagen deposition secondary to chronic
trauma (biting) - Buccal/labial mucosa, tongue
- Smooth-surfaced, dome-shaped nodule
- Dense fibrous connective tissue
histopathologically - Conservative excision, remove irritants
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24Drug-Related Gingival Overgrowth
- Phenytoin (Dilantin) was first drug to be
associated with gingival enlargement - In the 1980s, nifedipine and the calcium
channel-blocking agents were determined to cause
gingival enlargement - Cyclosporine was added to the list shortly after
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28Drug-Related Gingival Overgrowth
- Confirm the use of a causative drug
- Good oral hygiene, chlorhexidine rinses
- Discontinue drugs or replace if possible
- Some regression may be seen with discontinuation
but not always (gingivectomy) - Synergistic effects may be seen between 2
different drugs
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30Gingival Cyst of the Adult
- Uncommon cystic lesion, derived from dental
lamina rests - Middle-aged adults 40-60 yrs
- Mandibular canine/premolar region most common
- Bluish-translucent swelling, often centered in
attached gingiva - Can look like mucocele
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36Gingival Cyst of the Adult
- Dx location excludes salivary gland origin
- Treat by local excision
- No tendency to recur
37Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis(NUG, trench
- Painful infectious disease of rapid onset,
primarily affects gingiva (can spread) - Certain bacteria (Fusobacterium nucleatum,
Borrelia vincentii) together with predisposing
factors - stress, immunosuppression, poor oral hygiene,
poor nutrition, smoking
38Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis(NUG, trench
- Adolescents, young adults
- Widespread involvement of superficial gingiva,
especially interdental papillae - punched-out papillae, bleeds easily
- Necrotic tissue gives a foul odor
- Low-grade fever, lymphadenopathy
39Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis(NUG, trench
- Dx clinical history and appearance
- Thorough gingival debridement with copious
irrigation, improve oral hygiene - Chlorhexidine or oral iodine rinses
- Systemic broad-spectrum antibiotics
- (i.e. tetracycline, metronidazole, erythromycin)
- Stop smoking, improve nutrition, evaluate immune
function status
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43Aggressive Periodontitis
- Rapid alveolar bone loss, often with little
clinical signs of inflammation - Any age, often first noted in teenage years
- Localized (often 1st molars and incisors) or
generalized presentations - Radiographic evidence of rapid bone loss,
vertical defects common in localized cases - Teeth may become mobile
44Aggressive Periodontitis
- Debridement, local and systemic antibiotic
treatment, submit tissue for microscopic
examination (biopsy) to rule out other pathologic
conditions - Extraction of hopeless teeth
- Majority of patients have a neutrophil
dysfunction - Prepubertal periodontitis associated with
systemic leukocyte dysfunction - A. actinomycetemcomitans, P.intermedia, P.
45Periodontal Abscess
- Localized pus accumulation at base of periodontal
pocket - May be due to chronic periodontitis or acute
obstruction of pocket by foreign material
(popcorn husk) - Often painful or tender, erythematous, foul taste
may be reported, local pressure may release
purulence - Tooth usually vital
46Periodontal Abscess
- Drain purulence, debride area or remove foreign
body, analgesics as needed - Treat chronic periodontal disease, if present
47Parulis (sinus tract, gumboil)
- Associated with non-vital tooth (decay)
- Painless papule on gingiva or palate near apex,
reddish with occasional yellow center, pressure
may release pus - Extraction or RCT of affected tooth
- Cutaneous sinus, rare complication
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53Retrocuspid papilla
- Developmental papule(s), bilateral, lt 5mm
- Mandibular canine area, lingual gingiva
- Children, young adults (very common)
- Similar to giant cell fibroma microscopically
- Dx clinical appearance, no enlargement
- No Tx needed, may regress with time
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56Inflammatory Fibrous Hyperplasia
- Also known as denture epulis, epulis fissuratum,
or denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia - Results from chronic, low-grade irritation from
ill-fitting denture flange - May have central fissure
- Conservative excision re-make denture
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66Inflammatory Papillary Hyperplasia
- Denture papillomatosis maxillary complete
denture - Central region of hard palatal mucosa
- Numerous asymptomatic red papules
- Keeping denture out, red ? pink, but papules
remain - Excision may be needed
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71Squamous Papilloma
- Most common benign epithelial neoplasm seen
intraorally, associated with HPV infection - Solitary lesion, typically found on soft
palate/uvula, tongue, labial mucosa - Finger-like fronds, usually pedunculated, but may
be sessile - Range of color (reddish to white)
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77Papilloma - Treatment
- Conservative excision, including the base of the
lesion - Prognosis is excellent
- Recurrences are uncommon no risk of malignant
transformation - Very low transmission rate
78Verruca Vulgaris (common wart)
- Common, benign lesion caused by several strains
of HPV - Frequently affects children - hands and facial
skin. Less frequent orally than sq. papilloma - Can be transmitted, auto-inoculated
- Usually sessile, exophytic, papillary lesion
often multiple on skin but solitary in the mouth
(lips, gingiva, tongue, palate)
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83Verruca Vulgaris
- spontaneous regression is common in kids
- excision, cryotherapy, keratolytic agents
- recurrence not common, but possible
84Condyloma Acuminatum
- also known as venereal warts
- benign epithelial proliferation caused by several
strains of HPV, including types 6, 11, 16,18, 53
and 54 - oral lesions - multiple, exophytic sessile
mass(es), cauliflower surface, pink to white - Lips, soft palate, lingual frenum
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88Condyloma Acuminatum
- excision, cryotherapy, laser excision
- recurrence is common - 30 of patients have
recurrent lesions after each treatment episode - associated with squamous cell carcinoma of the
uterine cervix
89Verrucous Carcinoma
- Uncommon, low-grade variant of oral squamous cell
carcinoma - Represents less than 1-10 of oral SCC
- Usually develops in elderly male patients
- Smokeless tobacco is often mentioned as a
contributing factor, particularly in some
southern states. These VCs arise in the area
where the tobacco is placed. Can arise from the
high risk precancerous condition PVL
90Verrucous Carcinoma
- Clinically presents as an extensive, exophytic,
papillary mass or shaggy thick plaque, typically
white, crisp borders - Mandibular vestibule, gingiva, hard palate and
buccal mucosa are most frequent sites - Tends to grow slowly and laterally, not
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96Verrucous Carcinoma
- Wide surgical excision
- Rarely metastasizes
- Radiation therapy has been discouraged due to
sporadic reports of transformation of verrucous
carcinoma to a more aggressive squamous cell
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100Verrucous Carcinoma
- Prognosis fair-guarded - approximately 20-25 of
verrucous carcinomas, upon complete excision,
show foci of transformation to routine squamous
cell carcinoma