Title: Atrial Septal Defect: from A to Z
1Atrial Septal Defect from A to Z
- Sulafa KM Ali FRCPCH, FACC
- Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist
- 5-10 of all CHD
- 40 of patients with CHD have ASD as part of
their congenital defect. - More in females (3 times males)
3 Types
- Secundum ASD 50-70
- Primum ASD 30 (Atrioventricular septal defect
AV canal)
5- Sinus venosus ASD 10. Associated with partial
anomalous pulmonary venous drainage. - Coronary sinus ASD
6Green Secundum ASD 70 Red Primum
ASD 20 Orange Sinus venosus ASD 6-8 Blue
Coronary sinus Rare defect (unroofed CS)
Diagram of the Interatrial Septum Viewed from the
Right Atrial Side
7Anatomy ASDII
- Single /multiple
- Fenestrated
- AS Aneurysm
8ASD Rims
SP Superior posterior (4CV) SA Superior
anterior (aortic)(SAV) IP Inferior posterior
(IVC)(SUBCOSTAL) IA Inferior, anterior(4CV)
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10Low secundum ASD
- MV prolapse
- Partial anomalous PVD
- Other
12 TEE 3-D TEE
13Intracardiac Echo
14Primum ASD
- Primum ASD is an atrioventricular septal defect
(AVSD-AVC) - A common AV junction with abnormal AV valve
- The AV valves are named left and Rt AVV
15Common AV Valve
16Primum ASD
- Look carefully at the short axis
- Papillary muscles rotated anti clockwise
- Large pseudo cleft
17Sinus Venosus ASD
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19 Size
- PFO less than 5 mm with a flap valve.
- Small ASD lt 8 mm in size , no dilatation of the
right heart chambers. - Moderate-large ASD gt 8 mm with dilatation of the
right atrium and ventricle.
20Pathophysiology of ASD
- The shunt through the ASD depends on
- 1. The size of the defect
- 2. The compliance of the right and left
ventricles (age)
21Pathophysiology of ASD
- RV compliance is better than LV so
- L R shunt occurs.
- Increased blood flow to the main pulmonary artery
through the RA and RV. - Dilatation of the RA, RV and main PA
- No increased pressure transmitted through ASD
22Pathophysiology of ASD
- With increasing age LV compliance becomes worse
and the shunt increases. - Dilatation of RA and RV
arrhythmias - Increased pulmonary blood flow
signs of heart failure. - Changes in pulmonary vascular bed
Eisenmengers physiology.
23Clinical Presentation
- Asymptomatic in infants and children
- Children usually discovered because of a heart
murmur. - Presentation with heart failure, palpitations
(atrial fibrillation) in 30-40 years of age. -
24- Presentation due to associated mitral
regurgitation (MV Prolapse in ASD II) or left AVV
regurg in primum ASD can bring patients earlier.
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26Clinical Examination
- Patients usually have normal growth.
- Ejection systolic murmur at the pulmonary area
due to increased flow across the pulmonary
artery. - Wide fixed splitting of S2
- Tricuspid flow murmur (diastolic)
27- CXR Cardiomegally (RV, RA )
- Increased pulmonary arterial markings
- Dilated main pulmonary artery
- LV and LA are not dilated
- RSr pattern
- RVH in moderate-large ASD
- Superior QRS axis in primum ASD.
- Arrhythmia in adults.
- Superior P wave axis in sinus venosus ASD.
29Echo Assessment
- Anatomy
- Size in mm
- Color Doppler
- RV Volume overload
- Associations
- Is it suitable for cath closure?
- No treatment needed in infants
- Moderate/large ASDs need to be closed.
- Timing for closure 4-5 years of age
31Transcatheter Closure
- Size of the defect
- Shape of the defect
- Size of the patient (length of the interatrial
septum - Trans oesophageal echo (TEE)
32- Can be done under transthoracic echo
Schubert S, Kainz S, Peters B, Berger F, Ewert
P Interventional closure of atrial septal defects
without fluoroscopy in adult and pediatric
patients. Clin Res Cardiol. 2012
33Choosing the device size
34 Carlson KM.Transcatheter atrial septal defect
closure modified balloon sizing technique to
avoid overstretching the defect and oversizing
the Amplatzer septal occluder.Catheter Cardiovasc
Interv. 2005 Nov66(3)390-6
35Amplatzer occluder Occulotech Lifetech Starway
36Complications (8)
- Short term
- Embolization
- Malposition
- Thrombus on LA
- Bleeding/tamponad perforation (size)
- Arrhythmias
- Need for urgent surgery 2.3
- Long term (rare)
- Peripheral embolization
- AV block
- Sudden death (0.2)
37Surgery for complicated cath closure
- Three hospital deaths (mortality 5.4).
- Complications leading to surgery included
- thrombosis/thrombo-embolism
- residual shunt
- aortic or atrial perforation/erosion .
- haemopericardium with tamponade
European Congenital Heart Surgeons
38Hybrid techniques
- Mini thoracotomy
- Not open heart surgery
- Device closure under TEE
39 40When should we Refer to the Surgeon?
- Defects larger than ?35 mm
- Defects relatively large for the size of the
patient - Deficient more than one rim
- ASDs other than secundum
41Minimally Invasive Sx
- Sub mamary
- Axiallary
- Robotic
42 Pros and Cons
- Success rate of 95
- - Minor complications in 1-2
- - Less post -operative complications
- -No scar
- -Shorter hospital stay of 24 hours
- Success rate approaching 100
- Open Heart Surgery.
- - Longer hospital stay of 5-7 days
- -Post operative complications
43The cost is the sameabout 3000 USD
44PFO to Close or not to Close????
45- PFO implicated in cryptogenic stroke (migraine)
- If R to L shunt is demonstrated PFO closure may
be indicated - Poor evidence
. Irwin B, Ray S Patent foramen ovale-assessment
and treatment. Cardiovasc Ther. 2012
Jun30(3)e128-35 Davis D, Gregson J Patent
Foramen Ovale, Ischemic Stroke and Migraine
Systematic Review and Stratified Meta-Analysis of
Association Studies. Neuroepidemiology. 2012 Oct
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47ASD and Pregnancy
- Patients usually do not deteriorate unless they
have Eisenmengers - Risk of paradoxical embolism.
- ASD is a disease that is asymptomatic in infants
and children. - ASD should be closed in children before school
age - Transcatheter closure is feasible in almost all
moderate and large size secundum ASDs.