Title: Directional Ultra Wideband (UWB) Channel Characterization
1 forward-looking
- Directional Ultra Wideband (UWB) Channel
By Dr. Ali Hussein Muqaibel
King Fahd University of Petroleum
Minerals Electrical Engineering Department 1st
CIT research Open Day 30-Mar-08
- Definition
- Advantageous
- Applications
- Prototypes
- Modulation
- Multiple Access UWB Communication
- UWB Coexistence Issues
- Channel Measurements
- Channel Modelling (Temporal / Directional)
- Research Areas in UWB Communication
- Research groups Companies
UWB is an old technology with the potential
to significantly impact the traditional way of
managing the spectrum
3What is UWB ?
- An UWB transmitter is defined as an intentional
radiator that, at any point in time, has a
fractional bandwidth of greater than or equal to
0.2 or occupy a bandwidth greater than 500 MHz
regardless of the fractional bandwidth FCC. - Generally exhibits a transient impulse response.
- Impulse Radio-UWB Communication uses fairly short
(sub-nano) pulses instead of continuous waves to
transmit information. - OFDM-UWB.
4Channel Capacity of UWB
- Shannons Channel Capacity Theorem
Computed Bandwidths
5Historical Perspective on Ultra-Wideband (UWB)
- Todays Environment
- Scarcity of available spectrum for new
applications - Proliferation of digital consumer electronics
devices - Advances in microprocessor power
- Numerous improvements in process technology (such
as SiGe, CMOS and GaAs)
- UWB Revolution
- By 2000 Large companies had applied UWB to
networking applications - UWB meets requirements for high throughput
applications - Recycles scarce spectrum
- History
- lt1900 Hertz generated pulsed spark discharge
- In 1940s used for radar
- In 1970s matured as solution for covert military
communications - In 1990s developed for location and positioning
6Promised! UWB System Advantages
- New technology considerable development
potential. - Nearly "all-digital", with minimal RF
electronics. - An LPD signature produces minimal interference
to proximity systems , minimal RF health hazards
and is hardly interceptible. - Extremely high data rate performance in
multi-user network applications. - Can provide very fine range resolution and
precision distance and/or positioning measurement
capabilities. - Relativity immune to multipath cancellation
effects as observed in mobile and in-building
environments. - Low Power Consumption
- Coexistence (FCC)
- Multi-user capability
- Real world performance
- Implementation complexity
- Cost and competitiveness
- Connectivity with narrowband systems
Do many UWB devices operating within a small area
cause serious interference to existing licensed
services ?
8Some UWB Applications
- Wireless USB
- Digital Video Networks
- Short range radios
- High Speed (tens Mb/s) WLANs, microphones, etc.
- Precision Geo-location Systems
- Industrial RF Monitoring Systems
- Collision Avoidance Sensors
- Motion and Intrusion Detection Radar
- Automobile and aircraft proximity radar,
including precision automatic landing - Subsurface in-ground penetration radar
- Personal Area Networking (PAN), connecting cell
phones, laptops, PDAs, cameras, MP3 players. - Much higher data rates than Bluetooth or 802.11.
- Can be integrated into automotive in-car services
and entertainment. - Download driving directions from PDA/laptop for
use by on-board navigation system using GPS. - Download audio and videos for passenger.
10UWB Radar
- Radar signal changes as it travels and is
reflected and absorbed (causing additions,
subtractions, differentiations and integrations). - Conventional Radar uses sinusoidal and
quasi-sinusoidal signals - These changes cause amplitude and time shift
- UWB radar uses pulses
- These changes cause amplitude and time shifts
but also change in the shape of the waveform - Many possible levels of complexity depending on
the application. - More information can be extracted with more
complex processing.
11Vehicular Short Range Radar (SRR)
- UWB radar allows detection of moving targets
without using Doppler effect. - Ability to measure both stationary and moving
objects on and nearby the road. - Calculation of the cartesian position of the
objects requires a high ranging accuracy as well
as target separation capability necessitating
large bandwidth. - Different materials and environments distort of
pulses differently. This information could be
used for better object identification. (Need for
accurate channel models). - Reduce post detection signal processing, esp. for
some radar applications that require fast Fourier
and inverse fast Fourier transforms, because of
the time resolution of the UWB system.
12Information Services
- Info-station concept
- Road side markers containing UWB transmitters.
- Short burst of very high rate data (100s of Mbps
for 1-3 sec at a time) - Messages could contain road conditions,
construction, weather advisories. - Allow for emergency assistance communication.
13Information Services
- Info-station concept
- Service station
- While, pumping gas, latest video or other content
could purchased for download and viewing later at
home or by passengers in the vehicle.
14Vehicular Radar
- Collision Avoidance/Detection
- Driver aid/alert to avoid collisions.
- Aid for airbag/restraint deployment
- Resolution to distinguish cars/people/animals on
or near road
Image from presentation by Prof. Dr. Knoll of
SARA at 2nd Workshop on introduction of Ultra
Wideband Services in Europe
15Collision Avoidance Example
- 600 MHz instantaneous BW
- High-speed, dual tunnel detector
- Range
- 1 - 50 feet against human target
- 1 - 200 feet against pickup truck
- Clutter resistant
- Extremely low false alarm rate
Reference Fontana, R. Ultra Wideband Technology
- The Wave of the Future? ITC/USA 2000, Oct.
16Vehicular Radar
- Road Conditions Sensing
- UWB radar has the resolution to sense road
conditions (i.e. dips, bumps, gravel vs.
pavement). - Information to dynamically adjust suspension,
braking, and other drive systems.
17Communication Prototypes
- Time Domain has built several prototypes
including the following - A full duplex 1.3 GHz system with an average
output power of 250 microWatts, and a variable
data rate of either 39 kbps or 156 kbps. The
radio has been tested to beyond 16 kilometers (10
miles). - A full duplex 1.7 GHz walkie-talkie with an
average output power of 2 milliWatts, a data rate
of 32 kbps and a range of 900 meters. The unit
was also capable of measuring the distance
between radios with an accuracy of 3 cm (0.1 ft).
- A simplex 2.0 GHz data link with an effective
average output power of 50 microWatts, a data
rate of 5 Mbps at bit error rate (BER) of 0 with
no forward error correction (FEC) and a range of
10 meters (32 ft) through two walls inside an
office building.
18UWB Products, Location
- Aether Wire Locations (AWL)
- Development of pager-sized units that are capable
of localization to submeter accuracy over
100-meter distances in networks of up to a few
hundred localizers. - A prototype localizer consists of two chips
- Actual size TX (Driver2) RX
(Aether5) - with Dime
Reference http//www.aetherwire.com/
19Trinity Chip Set
- Xtreme Spectrum Inc. has released Trinity chip
set. - Data rates of 25, 50, 75 and 100 Mbps.
- MAC, baseband processor, RF transceiver, LNA, and
antenna - Streaming video applications.
- Wireless Fast Ethernet, USB2, and 1394.
20PulsON ASICs
- Time Domain Corporation is marketing PulsON
family of UWB silicon products. - Indoor wireless networking, 100's Mbps
- Indoor personnel and asset tracking systems.
- Precision measurement systems for surveying and
measurement. - Radar, 20 cm accuracy
- Through wall sensing.
- Industrial sensing for robotic controls.
- Automotive sensing for collision avoidance.
- Security bubbles for home and industrial security
Image from Kelley, D., Reinhardt, S., Stanley,
R., Einhorn, M. PulsON Second Generation Timing
Chip Enabling UWB Through Precise Timing, Proc.
of the IEEE Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems
and Technology 2002.
21UWB Products, Communications
- MultiSpectral Solutions Inc.
- Communications, Mobile ad hoc Network (MANET)
- 128 kbps voice, 115.2 kbps data or 1.544 Mbps
(T1) - Range 1-2 km (node-to-node) with omni antennas
Reference Fontana, R. Ultra Wideband Technology
- The Wave of the Future? ITC/USA 2000, Oct.
22UWB Products, Location
- MultiSpectral Solutions Inc.
- High resolution, geolocation system, 3-D
positioning - Sub-foot resolution
- Range
- Up to 2 km outdoors
- Up to 100 meters indoors
- UWB Geopositioning Example
Reference Fontana, R. Ultra Wideband Technology
- The Wave of the Future? ITC/USA 2000, Oct.
Reference Fontana, R. Ultra Wideband Technology
- The Wave of the Future? ITC/USA 2000, Oct.
23Received Signal
- Multiple Access, when the physical layer is UWB,
is achieved by using time hopping codes - When the number of users is Nu , the received
signal is
24Pulse Position Modulation
25Gaussian, Monocycle and Doublet Waveforms
- 2GHz (gt1Mhz) , noise like.
- fc typically 650 MHz 5MHz.
- Tightly controlled pulse-to-pulse interval.
- Pulse width 0.2 1.5 nanoseconds.
- Pulse-to-Pulse interval 100-1000 nano-seconds.
26Co-existence Issue Reply Comments
- Wide agreement that this technology is very
promising, there is a very broad applications
range - Strong concern to allow the UWB devices operate
below 2 GHz or even below 3 GHz. - they should be licensed !
- This technology should not use (re-use the paid
spectrum by others) the spectrum for free ! - This technology is still immature and we dont
know what the interference problems may rise - Extend the period of time to complete the
interference tests - Worldwide regulation
27Regulatory Issues
- FCC has released First Report and Order (RO)
permitting the manufacture of UWB devices (April
22, 2002). - Defined 3 types of UWB devices
- Imaging Systems.
- Communications and Measurement Systems.
- Vehicular Radar.
- Below 960 MHz, all types must meet FCC 15.209
28FCC Mask for Vehicular Radar
- Must have a center frequency greater than 24.075
GHz. - Requires use of a directional antennas or other
method that will attenuate the emissions 38
degrees or higher above the horizontal plane in
the 23.6-24.0 GHz band by additional 25 dB - High enough in frequency to permit the use of an
antenna small enough to be mounted on an
automobile. -FCC RO
29FCC Mask for Comm/Meas
- Transmit only will operating with a receiver.
- Indoor
- Must show that they will not operate when taken
outside (ex require AC power). - Handheld (outdoor)
- Operate in a peer-to-peer mode without location
30FCC Mask for Imaging (Low Freq)
- GPR, wall imaging, through wall imaging.
- -10 dB bandwidth below 960 MHz
- Use restricted to those licensed under Part 90
rules and complete a coordination procedure with
the Government.
31FCC Mask for Imaging (Mid Freq)
- Through-wall and surveillance systems
- -10 dB bandwidth between 1.99 and 10.6 GHz
- Use restricted to those licensed under Part 90
rules and complete a coordination procedure with
the Government.
32FCC Mask for Imaging (High Freq)
- GPRs, wall, and medical imaging devices
- -10 dB bandwidth between 3.1 and 10.6 GHz
- Must complete a coordination procedure with the
33Channel Measurement
- Propagation for communications and radar system.
- Interference to narrowband communications and
other electronics. - Resistance of UWB to interference.
- Must understand channel effects to fully exploit
the unique properties of UWB. - Affects communications waveform/modulation/receive
r design. - Material/shape/range of objects affect radar
34Measurement Metrics
- Path loss
- Impact of environment
- Impact of signal type/frequency band
- Multipath characteristics
- Number of multipath components
- Multipath amplitude distribution
- Multipath Delay distribution
- Spatial variation (fading)
- Spectral Characteristics
- Impact of modulation, center frequency, distance
- Material penetration/attenuation measurements
- Drywall, concrete, windows, office partitions,
etc. - Angle (Direction of Arrival)
35Channel Measurement Environments
- Indoor
- Within a room (LOS, NLOS), Between rooms/floors,
Down hallways - Will investigate the impact of
- distance
- Rx/Tx Antenna Height
- antenna polarization
- Indoor-to-outdoor
- Outdoor
- Campus environment
- Rural, Hilly, Impact of foliage
- Urban
- Low altitude
- Impact of distance (up to 1km)
- Mobility (Pedestrian, Vehicular)
- In Vehicle
- Automotive, airliner
Ex Indoor Measurements
Ex Outdoor Measurements
36Time Domain (TD) Measurement Setup
Tektronics 11801/HP 54120A Digitizing
Running LabView 6.0i
LN Amplifiers
Data Acquisition Unit
trigger input
Balun and wideband transmitting antenna
Balun and wideband receiving antenna
Pulse Generator Pico-second Pulse Labs model
Step Generator Driver
37Bandpass Pulse Sounder
38Frequency Domain (FD) Measurement Setup
39Directional UWB Simulator
- Includes the Transfer Function of the Transmit
antenna the receive antenna. - Utilize IEEE802.15 model (temporal)
40Antennas and Radiated Measurements
Antenna1 TEM Horn
41Multipath Angle and Pulse Shape
- Sources and Antennas Characterization
- Compare and test the measurement setups
- Maximum and average power measurements and
dynamic range. - Evaluate the ringing and mismatch.
- Understand the effect of the antenna on the
radiated pulse shape. - Characterization bandwidth.
- The effect of the angle of transmission and angle
of arrival on the captured pulse shape.
H-Scan (Azimuth Angle)
E-Scan (Elevation Angle)
42Acquired Signals
- The transmitted signal could get differentiated
before it is decoded - Multiple reflection cannot be avoided
43Measurements in Hand (or through web)
Photo for location 4C with cubical partitions
Hallways in Durham Hall, location 2B
Blueprint for the fourth floor of Durham Hall
44Multipath Scenarios
- System models
- path loss estimation
- appropriate for link budget analysis and
interference prediction - perhaps similar to Hata model for cellular
- Receiver models
- multipath statistical characterization
- appropriate for receiver design
- perhaps similar to Hashemi model or
Saleh/Valenzuela model for wideband indoor
46Path Loss Model
- The commonly used Friis transmission formula may
give misleading or incorrect results when applied
to UWB systems. - Friis, or "path loss," formulas predict that the
received signal power will decrease with the
square of increasing frequency. - UWB signals span a very large bandwidth such that
change in received power over the bandwidth
cannot be ignored as in narrowband systems. - This will distort the frequency spectrum of UWB
pulses and thus distort the pulse shape.
Reference Sweeney, D. Towards a Link Budget for
Ultra Wideband (UWB) Systems. Presented to VT
UWB Working Group, June 2002.
47Different Measurements
Source 1
Source 2
Network Analyzer (ifft)
Antenna 1
Antenna 2
48Marital Pictures (Bricks, Blocks, Styrofoam)
w 8.53542 cml 19.8 cm h 5.82676 cma
3.5179 cm b 4.15036 cmd1 1.905 cm d2 2.159
a 12.2 cm b 12.5 cm c 4.8 cm d 3.7 cm e
3.2 cm
49More Materials
Sample Door
Structure Wood
Office Partition
TDL Reinforced Concrete Pillar
Whittemore 3rd floor Reinforced Concrete Pillar
50Transient Insight
Bricks wall
- Applicability of matched filter receiver
(LOS/NLOS). - Effect of multiple reflections inside the wall.
- Extended time-domain response.
Blocks wall
51- Model Deconvolution
- The impulse response of the NB propagation
channel is often modeled as - Does not fit the UWB channel because the delta
function at the receiver implies a wide channel
bandwidth relative to the bandwidth of the
excitation pulse. - Deconvolution is need!
52Subtractive Deconvolution
(a) Received profile, (b)reconstructed with
zero-insertion, (c) reconstructed with
subtractive deconvolution
53Energy capture
- Goal "best" values for the amplitude, delay and
template shape (angles) such that the synthesized
waveform is well matched to the received
waveform. Energy capture, EC,
54Energy capture using zero-insertion and
subtractive deconvolution
55Energy capture for different number of reference
56Extracted angle distribution for LOS and NLOS
57Current Conclusions on Directional UWB
The captured energy increases by more than 10
when using five directional correlators rather
than one. The use of subtractive deconvolution
rather than zero-insertion used by previous
authors allowed for resolving overlapping
components and increased the captured energy.
Further extension of the work would include
optimizing the choices of reference templates
based on extensive antenna measurements.
58Areas in UWB Research Communication
- Interference Measurements
- Antenna Design
- Spread Spectrum Techniques
- Multiple Access Techniques
- Multi-user detection
- Time Hopping Codes
- System Performance Evaluation under different
channel conditions (Gaussian, Raleigh) - Coding and Diversity Applications
- Pulse Shaping and Modulation
Signal Processing Receiver Design
59Working Towards UWB Wireless Communication
Dr. Ali Hussein Muqaibel muqaibel_at_kfupm.edu.sa Kin
g Fahd University of Petroleum
Minerals Electrical Engineering Department
60Research Groups
- Ultra Wideband Working Group (UWBWG) www.uwb.org
- Ultra Lab Web ultra.usc.edu/ulab/
- University of Texas, Center of Ultra Wideband
Research and Engineering sgl.arlut.utexas.edu/asd/
Cure/impulse.html - Time Domain Laboratory (VT) tdl.ece.vt.edu
- Time Domain www.time-domain.com
- Bibliography Of Ultra-wideband Technology
www.aetherwire.com/CDROM/General/biblio.html - Presentations from the 1st European Ultra
Wideband Workshop www.cordis.lu/ist/ka4/mobile/uwb
_workshop.htm - Ultra Wideband (UWB) Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) www.multispectral.com/UWBFAQ.html