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Mirror, Mirror


Jose Manuel Merello s Don Quixote s Melancholy and Don Quixote http://www.spanishpaintersfromspain.com/ Octavio Ocampo s Visions of Quixote (1989) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror
  • HUM 2052 Civilization II
  • Summer 2010
  • Dr. Perdigao
  • May 25, 2010

Jose Manuel Merellos Don Quixotes Melancholy
and Don Quixote
Octavio Ocampos Visions of Quixote (1989)

Octavio Ocampos Friendship of Don Quixote (1999)

Don Quixote in Images
  • http//www.donquijote.org/vmuseum/paintings/variou
  • http//beinart.org/artists/octavio-ocampo/

  • Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616)
  • Enlisted in Spanish fleet, captured by pirates,
    prisoners at Algiersheld as slave for ransom
  • Freed in 1580, then began writing plays, pastoral
    romance Galatea
  • Story behind Don Quixote that it was conceived
    while he was in prison in Seville
  • Part I (1605), Part II (1615)became popular
    success but only later recognized as an
    important work of literature (2218)
  • Forms at time epic, tragedy, pastoral romance
  • As parody, caricature of a literary type (2218)
    to satirize the romances of chivalry (2218)
  • Text presents an individual deciding to live by
    the standards of that world in a modern and
    realistic context (2218)

Cervantes World
  • Ferdinand and Isabella (1479-1516), strengthen
    monarchy, reformation of the church, crusade
    against Muslims
  • By 16th century, purity of blood and orthodoxy
    of faith became necessary for, and synonymous
    with, Spanish identity (Perry 375) persecution
    of Muslims and Jews, church tribunal, the
    Inquisition Columbus voyage in New World, North
    and South America, 1519 with Cortés in Mexico
  • Charles V (1516-1556), 1519 elected Holy Roman
    Emperor, but weaknesses, due in part to Lutheran
    Reformation in Germany, struggle between Catholic
    Spain and Protestant Europe (Perry 376)
  • Philip II (1556-1598), being truly Spanish meant
    being Christian in faith and blood (Perry 376),
    exclusive class of Old Christians
  • Spanish Armada sent from Lisbon in 1588, in holy
    crusade against Queen Elizabeth, met crushing
    defeat, strengthens Protestant cause, golden
    age of Queen Elizabeth (1558-1603)

Contextualizing Quixote
  • Epic, tragedy, pastoral romance as conventional
    genres DQ crosses boundaries as modern text,
    satirizing conventions of chivalric romance
  • All epics as questsDQ as new form of the epic
  • Deciding to live by the standards of that world
    in modern and realistic context,
  • revitalizing the chivalric code in modern times
  • Appearance and reality reality and illusion
    reason and imagination reason and madness
  • Who am I?

Mirroring Ourselves
  • Chivalry as an ideal, searching in life is
    defining spiritual
  • Theological and spiritual quest of DQ
  • Picaresque novel corrupt society, hero from
    lower class
  • Earthiness
  • Idealism
  • Nobleness, higher notion of chivalry
  • Objective vs. subjective
  • Identification with DQbest and worst in human

Madness or Creativity?
  • Stagnancy of his existence
  • Age 50midlife crisis
  • Question of generation and regeneration
  • Genesis, Adamic creation, with naming of self,
    horse, love
  • Is he crazy from reading novels or does he read
    to prevent going crazy?
  • Creates another reality to place himself within
  • Windmill jousts his inner need to impose
    concerns on external reality

  • Madness compels him to lifenot out
  • New life is richer than his present existence
  • Ways in which reality changes to beholder
  • The books existencepreceding this text, as
    original text (in romance tradition)
  • Part IIcomment on the existence of the self
  • Hall of mirrors within the text, like Velasquezs
  • Psychology of DQ places you in and out of self

Precursor to Postmodernism?
  • Alienation within textreminder it is only a
    textnot trapped in illusionsaesthetic,
    emotional, rhetorical distances vital to reading
  • Prologue about not writing a prologue
  • Self-referential world, story about storytelling,
    fiction within fiction, as metafiction
  • Through madness, he goes sane
  • All the worlds a stage and we are merely

Merely Players?
  • Illusion
  • conjuring image
  • Allusion
  • referring to something
  • Elusion
  • escaping
  • All is play-acting
  • Enchantmentdisenchantment
  • Illusiondisillusion
  • How does one reach realitythrough illusion?
  • What is real?

Merely Players?
  • I know who I am and who I may be, if I choose
  • La Mancha
  • Alonso Quejana
  • Rocinante
  • Dulcinea del Toboso
  • Episodes
  • Innkeeper
  • Andres/Juan Haldudo
  • Housekeeper, niece, curate, barber problem with
  • Sancho Panza, promise
  • Windmills (2247)
  • Friars, Biscayan
  • Chapters 8-9 loses historical account, missing

  • The Ballad that Antonio Sang (2263-2264) as
    metafictional text
  • Shattered his illusions (2273)tale told by
    Ambrosioend the tragedy
  • Grisóstomos story as parallel Grisóstomos
    Song (2275-2277)
  • As pastoral in Part Iwith songs telling DQs
    story in another context
  • The Life of Ginés de Pasamonteunfinished textas
    life (2290)that it will cast into the shade
    Lazarillo de Tormes and all others of that sort
    that have been or will be written (2289), 15th
    century picaresque novel
  • God as judge, disavows laws of state (2290-91),
    frees prisoners and renames himself Knight of the
    Mournful Countenance (2291)impossible so instead
    says Credos and Hail Marys, robbed
  • Goatherd hears DQ and recognizes stories from
    books (2293)
  • Turns against Catholic faith (2295)
  • Homecoming story by the end of Part I

The Book Within
  • Put into a BookCarrasco telling them of the
    success of part I makes no sense to them because
    of timeframe of the story (the blood of the
    enemies he had slain was not yet dry on the blade
    of his sword and here they were trying to tell
    him that his high deeds of chivalry were already
    circulating in printed form (2301))
  • If it was true that such a history existed,
    being about a knight-errant, then it must be
    eloquent and lofty in tone, a splendid and
    distinguished piece of work and veracious in its
    details (2301) reference to Cid Hamete
  • Tells of important adventureswindmills, fulling
    mill, sheep, burial, freeing of slaves,
    Benedictine giants and Biscayan (2302-3)
  • You may be sure that Aeneas was not as pious as
    Vergil would have us believe, nor was Ulysses as
    wise as Homer depicts him (2303)
  • That is true enough . . . But it is one thing to
    write as a poet and another as a historian. The
    former may narrate or sing of things not as they
    were but as they should have been the latter
    must describe them not as they should have been
    but as they were, without adding to or detracting
    from the truth in any degree whatsoever (2303)

Shattering the Illusion
  • Knight of the Wood (2307 Pt. II, Chapter
    12)then Chapter 15, Knight of the
    Mirrorsintroduces Casildea de Vandalia (his
    version of Dulcinea), squire (2310), says he
    defeated Don Quixote (2317)
  • Play with self-referentiality, the text within
    the text as characters discuss their stories with
    their mirrors
  • Don Quixote says to Sancho holding up a mirror
    for us at each step that we take, wherein we may
    observe, vividly depicted, all the varied aspects
    of human life and I may add that there is
    nothing that shows us more clearly, by
    similitude, what we are and what we ought to be
    than do plays and players (2307).
  • Transform the Knight of the Mirrors to Sansón
    Carrascolike windmill adversary, under
    enchantment but really Tomé Cecial (Sanchos
    neighbor) with him
  • In response to Tomé, Sansón says, the one who
    cannot help being crazy will be so always, while
    the one who is a madman by choice can leave off
    being one whenever he so desires (2324). Story
    of plot to bring Don Quixote back revealed (2324)
  • Sir Knight of the Mournful Countenance Knight of
    the Lions Knight of the Green-colored Greatcoat
  • Break in the story (2335) mirror wherein all
    the valiant of the world may behold
  • themselvesrelating the story of his death,
    then return to action

  • Knight of the White Moon Sancho brokenhearted
    because all this was something that was
    happening in a dream and that everything was the
    result of magic (2341) own hopes whirled away
  • Now Knight of the White MoonSansón Carrasco,
    seeking return of DQ whose
  • madness and absurdities inspire pity in all of
    us (2341)after defeat, DQ must return home for
    a year
  • Don Antonio most charming madman Do you not
    see that the benefit accomplished by restoring
    Don Quixote to his senses can never equal the
    pleasure which others derive from his vagaries?
  • Sansón composing pastoral or courtly verses or
    whatever may come to mind, by way of a diversion
    for us (2344)
  • Finally, presence of Godhis sins (2347), returns
    to self like Sansón but Sansón
  • encourages illusion
  • he is a sane man (2348)
  • I was Don Quixote de la Mancha, and now I am, as
    I have said, Alonso Quijano the Good (2348)
  • Apology to Cervantes with disavowal of the story,
    to author of false sequel

The Sense of an Ending
  • Denouement as spiritual conversion, from
    knight-errantry to Christianity (Perceval?)
  • Happy ending in spiritual sense
  • No reason for his death except his melancholy
  • DQ ultimately realizes who he is and denies all
    doings on deathbed as illusions,
  • dies a Christian death
  • Quixote is not mad but sane and artistically
    cruel, enjoying the madness he
  • creates, play-acts for power
  • Is conversion play-acting? (connection to
  • Quixote to be loved or shunned?

Last Act(s)
  • Is society or the individual insane?
  • Is quixotic quest inherent to human condition,
    thus showing us the flaws in
  • ourselves?
  • Dulcinea in center of piece like Velasquezs king
    and queen, but never seen
  • play with inside and outside
  • For Montaigne, illusion finally breaks
    downquestion of Who am I?
  • remains the greatest madness man can be guilty
    of in his life is to die without
  • good reason (2348).
  • Sancho and Quixote in process of education, to
    teach each other
  • Denounces books but returns with one last heroic
    tale in final verses
  • Last reference to Cid Hamete Benengeli as
    original author
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