Title: Foreign Nationals in English Prisons
1Foreign Nationals in English Prisons
- Amy J Bushell
- Senior Operating Manager,
- Her Majestys Prison Service
2My Background
3Foreign Nationals as part of the wider population.
2.5 X the size of the Female population 10 X the
size of the Juvenile population An increasing
number kept beyond sentence expiry.
4Foreign Nationals in Prison
5Journeys of Foreign Nationals
6Challenges Facing Prison Service
- Staff often need to be up skilled in FNs.
- Effective use of translation aids.
- Good working relations with Home Office
imperative. - Engagement with specialised third sector needed.
- Establishing an understanding of nationality,
cultural, ethnic and religious differences - New Approach to Risk Management / Rehabilitation
assessments needed. - Centres of Excellence V Integration
7Specific Foreign Nationals Issues
- Language Barriers
- Immigration Status ? ? Wellbeing
- Health / Mental Health ? appropriate treatment?
- Resettlement Needs
- Specific Learning Needs
- Communication with family/ friends
- Nationality V Ethnicity V Cultural Identity
- Religious Activities ?? Core Day
- Ownership by receiving Governments
8 Solutions?
Building relations with other governments
Time to understand the individuals situation.
Decisions over individuals future made and
communicated in a timely manner.
If Deportation is to occur this is done in a
timely manner, minimising sentence expired
In a time of rapid privatisation, specific FN
stakeholders should be identified.