Title: Cesar Chavez High School Freshman Academy
1Cesar Chavez High School Freshman Academy
2Cesar Chavez Administrative and Counseling Team
- Will Nelson, Principal
- Traci E. Miller, Assistant Principal
- Joseph Martinez, Assistant Principal
- Josh Schroeder, Assistant Principal
- Mitch Jang, Assistant Principal
- Freshman Academy Counselors
- Mrs. Moore A L (D107)
- Mr. Nelson M Z (D107)
- Freshman Lead Teachers
- Mrs. Snyder E223
- Mrs. Reece E220
CCHS 933-7480
- Algebra 1-2
- English 40 credits
- History 30 credits
- World History - 10th grade
- US History - 11th grade
- Amer. Gov/Econ - 12th grade
- Math 20 credits
- Algebra required
- Science 20
credits Physical Science - Biological Science
- PE 20 credits
- Art/World Language 10 credits
- Drivers Ed./Health 5 credits
- Computer Ed 5 credits
- Electives 80 credits
6Required Courses for 9th Grade
- English
- PE 1-2 or Dance 1-2
- Earth Science
- Math Algebra 1-2 or Geometry
- Freshman Academy
7Required Courses for 10th Grade
- English 3-4
- World History
- Biology
- Math
- Health/Drivers Ed/Computer Ed
- Electives
8Required Courses for 11th grade
- English 5-6
- US History
- College Prep Courses
- Any required classes missed in 9th or 10th grade
- Electives
9Required Courses for 12th grade
- English 7-8
- American Government/Economics
- Electives
10 Four Year College requirements
- A-G course requirements
- SAT/ACT scores
- GPA - 3.0 for UC 2.0 for Cal. State
- Extra-Curricular activities
- Student Leadership
- After school Clubs
- Sports
- Band
- Choir
- Drama
- Community Service
- Work experience
11A G Courses for UC/State Universities
- 2 years of History
- 4 years of English
- 3 years of Math
- Alg 1-2
- Geometry
- Adv. Algebra
- 2 years of Lab Science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- 2 years of World Language
- 1 year of Visual/Performing Art
- 1 year of College Prep Elective
12SUSD High School Transcript
- Sophomore-55 credits
- Junior-110 credits
- Senior-165 credits
- Traditional way of obtaining credits
- BUT at CHAVEZ, you now get.
14Cesar Chavez SLC and Block Schedule
- 4 classes a Term
- Every class 10 credits x 2 Terms
- 80 credits for the year
- End of Freshman year 80 credits
- End of Sophomore year 160 credits
- End of Junior year 240 credits
- End of Senior year 320 credits
- Think of the possibilities!!!
- More elective choices,
- Job experience,
- College courses
- Internships,
- More college prep
- courses!
15Grading Periods for Term Two
- Progress Report 1st semester Feb 20thth
- Report Card 1st semester April 8th
- Progress Report 2nd semester May 8th
- Report Card 2nd semester June 10th
16Freshman Academy Teachers Constitution
- Article I We will enforce the dress code.
- Specifically no hoods, hats in the classrooms.
- Article II - We will forbid students from using
electronics in our classes. They are to
be off and put away. - Article III We will require class-work to be
done in - class. Class work is not homework. Class
work is due at the end of the class. - Article IV- We will always make late students
tardy. -
17Freshman intervention services
- Daily and weekly attendance checks
- Grade Checks
- Parent/Teacher conference with counselor
- 5th period tutoring
- AVID tutoring in classrooms during school day
- Smoking Cessation Classes
- Outside Referrals for community services
18Freshman Academy TeachersAll working together
- Cornell Notes in all classes
- Vocabulary word of the day
- Parents Observation invite
- Feb 10-20, April 6-10
- Positive phone calls home weekly
- Teacher Constitution/Pact
- Tardy Clipboard to start 2/1/09
19Up Coming Event
- Financial Aid and College Workshop at UOP for all
9-12th grade parents and students - Feb 8, 2009 900 to 110 am
- Registration forms here and Sign up tonight.
20Simple Rules to Success
- Be on time to class
- Attend every day
- No cell phones, IPODS
- No Red or Blue
- Treat others with respect
- Spend the next four years making the most of your
- Bring materials daily
- Set aside time daily to study
- Get involved in clubs, sports or school
activities - Parents actively communicate with teachers