Image Analysis Boundary Detection Dr. Ziya Telatar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Image Analysis Boundary Detection Dr. Ziya Telatar


Image Analysis Boundary Detection Dr. Ziya Telatar * link criteria: 1). the pixels belonged to one of the set of pixels linked according to the highest count 2). no ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Image Analysis Boundary Detection Dr. Ziya Telatar

Image Analysis Boundary Detection
Dr. Ziya Telatar
Digital Image Processing
Image Analysis
  • Feature Extraction
  • Spatial Features
  • Transform Features
  • Edges and Boundaries
  • Shape Features
  • Moments
  • Texture
  • Segmentation
  • Template Matching
  • Thresholding
  • Boundary Detection
  • Clustering
  • Quad-Trees
  • Texture matching
  • Classification
  • Clustering
  • Statistical
  • Decision Trees
  • Similarity Measures
  • Min. Spanning Trees

Image Analysis Preview
  • Feature extraxtion is the first and important
    step for succesfully analysis
  • Segmentation is to subdivide an image into its
    constituent regions or objects.
  • Segmentation should stop when the objects of
    interest in an application have been isolated.
  • Classification is closely related to segmentation

Principal approaches
  • Segmentation based feature extraction algorithms
    generally are based on one of 2 basis properties
    of intensity values
  • discontinuity to partition an image based on
    abrupt changes in intensity (such as edges)
  • similarity to partition an image into
    regions that are similar according to a set of
    predefined criteria.

Detection of Discontinuities
  • detect the three basic types of gray-level
  • points , lines , edges
  • the common way is to run a mask through the image

Point Detection
  • a point has been detected at the location on
    which the mark is centered if
  • R ? T
  • where
  • T is a nonnegative threshold
  • R is the sum of products of the coefficients with
    the gray levels contained in the region
    encompassed by the mark.

Point Detection
  • Note that the mark is the same as the mask of
    Laplacian Operation
  • The only differences that are considered of
    interest are those large enough (as determined by
    T) to be considered isolated points.
  • R ? T

Line Detection
  • Horizontal mask will result with max response
    when a line passed through the middle row of the
    mask with a constant background.
  • the similar idea is used with other masks.
  • note the preferred direction of each mask is
    weighted with a larger coefficient (i.e.,2) than
    other possible directions.

Line Detection
  • Apply every masks on the image
  • let R1, R2, R3, R4 denotes the response of the
    horizontal, 45 degree, vertical and -45 degree
    masks, respectively.
  • if, at a certain point in the image
  • Ri gt Rj,
  • for all j?i, that point is said to be more likely
    associated with a line in the direction of mask

Line Detection
  • Alternatively, if we are interested in detecting
    all lines in an image in the direction defined by
    a given mask, we simply run the mask through the
    image and threshold the absolute value of the
  • The points that are left are the strongest
    responses, which, for lines one pixel thick,
    correspond closest to the direction defined by
    the mask.

Edge Detection
  • the most common approach for detecting meaningful
    discontinuities in gray level.
  • we discuss approaches for implementing
  • first-order derivative (Gradient operator)
  • second-order derivative (Laplacian operator)
  • Here, we will talk only about their properties
    for edge detection.

Basic Formulation
  • an edge is a set of connected pixels that lie on
    the boundary between two regions.
  • an edge is a local concept whereas a region
    boundary, owing to the way it is defined, is a
    more global idea.

Ideal and Ramp Edges
Thick edge
  • The slope of the ramp is inversely proportional
    to the degree of blurring in the edge.
  • We no longer have a thin (one pixel thick) path.
  • Instead, an edge point now is any point contained
    in the ramp, and an edge would then be a set of
    such points that are connected.
  • The thickness is determined by the length of the
  • The length is determined by the slope, which is
    in turn determined by the degree of blurring.
  • Blurred edges tend to be thick and sharp edges
    tend to be thin

First and Second derivatives
Second derivatives
  • produces 2 values for every edge in an image (an
    undesirable feature)
  • an imaginary straight line joining the extreme
    positive and negative values of the second
    derivative would cross zero near the midpoint of
    the edge. (zero-crossing property)
  • quite useful for locating the centers of thick

Noisy Images
  • First column images and gray-level profiles of a
    ramp edge corrupted by random Gaussian noise of
    mean 0 and ? 0.0, 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0,
  • Second column first-derivative images and
    gray-level profiles.
  • Third column second-derivative images and
    gray-level profiles.

Keep in mind
  • fairly little noise can have such a significant
    impact on the two key derivatives used for edge
    detection in images
  • image smoothing should be serious consideration
    prior to the use of derivatives in applications
    where noise is likely to be present.

Edge point
  • to determine a point as an edge point
  • the transition in grey level associated with the
    point has to be significantly stronger than the
    background at that point.
  • use threshold to determine whether a value is
    significant or not.
  • the points two-dimensional first-order
    derivative must be greater than a specified

Gradient Operator
  • first derivatives are implemented using the
    magnitude of the gradient.

Gradient direction
  • Let ? (x,y) represent the direction angle of the
    vector ?f at (x,y)
  • ? (x,y) tan-1(Gy/Gx)
  • The direction of an edge at (x,y) is
    perpendicular to the direction of the gradient
    vector at that point

Gradient Masks
Diagonal edges with Prewitt and Sobel masks
Sobel masks have slightly superior
noise-suppression characteristics which is an
important issue when dealing with derivatives.
Laplacian of Gaussian
  • Laplacian combined with smoothing as a precursor
    to find edges via zero-crossing.

Mexican hat
positive central term surrounded by an adjacent
negative region (a function of distance) zero
outer region
the coefficient must be sum to zero
Linear Operation
  • second derivation is a linear operation
  • thus, ?2f is the same as convolving the image
    with Gaussian smoothing function first and then
    computing the Laplacian of the result

a). Original image b). Sobel Gradient c). Spatial
Gaussian smoothing function d). Laplacian
mask e). LoG f). Threshold LoG g). Zero crossing
Zero crossing LoG
  • Approximate the zero crossing from LoG image
  • to threshold the LoG image by setting all its
    positive values to white and all negative values
    to black.
  • the zero crossing occur between positive and
    negative values of the thresholded LoG.

Zero crossing vs. Gradient
  • Attractive
  • Zero crossing produces thinner edges
  • Noise reduction
  • Drawbacks
  • Zero crossing creates closed loops. (spaghetti
  • sophisticated computation.
  • Gradient is more frequently used.

Edge Linking and Grouping
  • Define what it means for a group to be good.
  • Usually this involves simplifications
  • Search for the best group.
  • Usually this is intractable, so short-cuts are

Parametric Grouping Grouping Points into Lines
  • Basic Facts about Lines

  • (x,y) is on line if (x,y).(a,b) c
  • ax by c
  • Distance from (x,y) to line is
  • (a,b).(x,y) ax by

Line Grouping Problem
This is difficult because of
  • Extraneous data Clutter
  • Missing data
  • Noise

RANSAC Random Sample Consensus
  • Generate a bunch of reasonable hypotheses.
  • Test to see which is the best.

RANSAC for Lines
  • Generate Lines using Pairs of Points
  • How many samples?
  • Suppose p is fraction of points from line.
  • n points needed to define hypothesis (2 for
  • k samples chosen.
  • Probability one sample correct is

RANSAC for Lines Continued
  • Decide how good a line is
  • Count number of points within e of line.
  • Parameter e measures the amount of noise
  • Other possibilities. For example, for these
    points, also look at how far they are.
  • Pick the best line.

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Some comparisons
  • Complexity of RANSAC nnn
  • Complexity of Hough nd
  • Error behavior both can have problems, RANSAC
    perhaps easier to understand.
  • Clutter RANSAC very robust, Hough falls apart at
    some point.
  • There are endless variations that improve some of
    Houghs problems.

Boundary Extraction
  • Boundaries are linked edges that characterize the
    shape of an object
  • Connectivity
  • Boundaries can be found by tracing the connected
  • On a rectangular grid, a pixel is said to be 4-
    or 8-connected when it has the same properties as
    one of its nearest 4 or 8 neighbors, respectively

Neighbors of Pixels
  • 4- Neighborhood
  • (x1,y) (x-1,y) (x,y1) (x,y-1)
  • 8- Neighbor with diagonal pixels
  • (x1,y1) (x1,y-1) (x-1,y1) (x-1,y-1)

Boundary Extraction
  • Contour Following
  • Contour-following algorithms trace boundaries by
    ordering successive edge points.
  • Some example of algorithms are
  • Edge Linking and Hueristic Graph Search
  • Dynamic programming
  • Hough Transform

Boundary Extraction
  • Edge Linking
  • edge detection algorithm are followed by linking
    procedures to assemble edge pixels into
    meaningful edges.
  • Basic approaches
  • Local Processing
  • Global Processing via the Hough Transform
  • Global Processing via Graph-Theoretic Techniques

Boundary Extraction
  • Local Processing
  • analyze the characteristics of pixels in a small
    neighborhood (say, 3x3, 5x5) about every edge
    pixels (x,y) in an image.
  • all points that are similar according to a set of
    predefined criteria are linked, forming an edge
    of pixels that share those criteria.

Boundary ExtractionLocal Processing
  • Criteria
  • the strength of the response of the gradient
    operator used to produce the edge pixel
  • an edge pixel with coordinates (x0,y0) in a
    predefined neighborhood of (x,y) is similar in
    magnitude to the pixel at (x,y) if
  • ?f(x,y) - ?f (x0,y0) ? E

Boundary ExtractionLocal Processing
  • Criteria
  • the direction of the gradient vector
  • an edge pixel with coordinates (x0,y0) in a
    predefined neighborhood of (x,y) is similar in
    angle to the pixel at (x,y) if
  • ?(x,y) - ? (x0,y0) lt A

  • A point in the predefined neighborhood of (x,y)
    is linked to the pixel at (x,y) if both magnitude
    and direction criteria are satified.
  • the process is repeated at every location in the
  • a record must be kept
  • simply by assigning a different gray level to
    each set of linked edge pixels.

Boundary Extraction Hough Transformation (Line)
Accumulator cells
  • (amax, amin) and (bmax, bmin) are the expected
    ranges of slope and intercept values.
  • all are initialized to zero
  • if a choice of ap results in solution bq then we
    let A(p,q) A(p,q)1
  • at the end of the procedure, value Q in A(i,j)
    corresponds to Q points in the xy-plane lying on
    the line y aixbj

b - axi yi
  • ?90? measured with respect to x-axis
  • problem of using equation y ax b is that
    value of a is infinite for a vertical line.
  • To avoid the problem, use equation x cos ? y sin
    ? ? to represent a line instead.
  • vertical line has ? 90? with ? equals to the
    positive y-intercept or ? -90? with ? equals to
    the negative y-intercept

where D is the distance between corners in the
Generalized Hough Transformation
  • can be used for any function of the form
  • g(v,c) 0
  • v is a vector of coordinates
  • c is a vector of coefficients

Hough Transformation (Circle)
  • equation
  • (x-c1)2 (y-c2)2 c32
  • three parameters (c1, c2, c3)
  • cube like cells
  • accumulators of the form A(i, j, k)
  • increment c1 and c2 , solve of c3 that satisfies
    the equation
  • update the accumulator corresponding to the cell
    associated with triplet (c1, c2, c3)

Edge-linking based on Hough Transformation
  1. Compute the gradient of an image and threshold it
    to obtain a binary image.
  2. Specify subdivisions in the ??-plane.
  3. Examine the counts of the accumulator cells for
    high pixel concentrations.
  4. Examine the relationship (principally for
    continuity) between pixels in a chosen cell.

The Hough Transform for Lines
  • A line is the set of points (x, y) such that
  • Different choices of q, dgt0 give different lines
  • For any (x, y) there is a one parameter family of
    lines through this point. Just let (x,y) be
    constants and q, d be unknowns.
  • Each point gets to vote for each line in the
    family if there is a line that has lots of
    votes, that should be the line passing through
    the points

Mechanics of the Hough transform
  • Construct an array representing q, d
  • For each point, render the curve (q, d) into this
    array, adding one at each cell
  • Difficulties
  • how big should the cells be? (too big, and we
    cannot distinguish between quite different lines
    too small, and noise causes lines to be missed)
  • How many lines?
  • count the peaks in the Hough array
  • Who belongs to which line?
  • tag the votes
  • Can modify voting, peak finding to reflect noise.
  • Big problem if noise in Hough space different
    from noise in image space.

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  • based on computing the distance between
    disconnected pixels identified during traversal
    of the set of pixels corresponding to a given
    accumulator cell.
  • a gap at any point is significant if the distance
    between that point and its closet neighbor
    exceeds a certain threshold.

link criteria 1). the pixels belonged to one of
the set of pixels linked according to the highest
count 2). no gaps were longer than 5 pixels
Boundary Representation
  • Proper representation of object boundaries is
    important for analysis and synthesis of shape
  • Shape analysis is often required for detection
    and recognition of objects in a scene.
  • Shape synthesis is useful in computer-aided
    design (CAD) of parts and assemblies, image
    simulation applications such as video games,
    cartoon movies, environmental modeling of
    aircraft-landing testing and training, etc.

Methods for Boundary Representations
  • Chain Codes
  • The direction vectors between successive boundary
    pixels are encoded.
  • Fitting Line Segments
  • Staright-line segments give simple approximation
    of curve boundaries.
  • Approximate the curve by the line segment joining
    its end points.
  • If the distance from the farthest curve point to
    the segment is greater than a predetermined
    quantitiy, join the points to line ends.
  • B-Spline Representation
  • Piecewise polynomial functions that can provide
    local approximations of contours of shapes using
    a small number of parameters.
  • B-Splines are used in shape synthesis and
    analysis, computer graphics, and recognition
    parts from boundaries.
  • Fourier Descriptors
  • Effect of Geometric Transformations
  • Boundary matching from FD
  • Autoregressive Models
  • For arbitrary class of object boundaries, we have
    an ensemble of boundaries that could be
    represented by a stochastic model.

Example Boundary superimposed
Region Representation
  • The shape of an object may be directly
    represented by the region it occupies
  • Run-length codes
  • Quad-trees
  • Projections

Moment Representation
  • The theory of moments provides an interesting and
    sometimes useful alternative to serious
    expansions for representing shape of objects
  • Moment representation theorem
  • Moment matching
  • Orthogonal moments
  • Moment invariants
  • Translation
  • Scaling
  • Rotation and Reflection

  • In many computer vision applications, the objects
    in a scene can be characterized satisfactorily by
    structures composed of line or arc patterns like
    handwritten or printed characters, circuit
    diagrams and engineering drawings, etc.
  • Transformations useful for analysis of structure
    of patterns
  • Medial Axes Transforms
  • Skeleton Algorithms
  • Thinning Algorithms
  • Morphological Transforms

Shape Features
  • The shape of an object refers to its profile and
    physical structure
  • These characteristics can be represented by the
    boundary, region, moment, and structural

Shape Features
  • Shape Representation

Regenerative Features - Boundaries - Regions -
Moments - Structural and Syntactic
Measurement Features
Geometry - Perimetry - Area - Max-min Radii
and eccentricity - Corners - Roundness - Bending
Energy - Holes - Euler Numbers - Symmetry
Moments - Center of Mass - Orintation - Bounding
Rectangle - Best-Fit Ellipse - Eccentricity
  • Texture is observed in the structural patterns of
    objects such as wood, grain, sand, grass, and
  • A texture contains several pixels, whose
    placement could be periodic, quasi-periodic or
  • Natural textures are generally random
  • Artificial textures are often deterministic or
  • Texture are classified into two main categories
    Statistical and Structural.

  • Classification of Texture

Statistical - ACF (Autocorrelation Function) -
Transforms - Edge-ness - Concurrence Matrix -
TextureTransforms - Random Field Models
Random - Edge Density - Extreme Density - Run
Periodic - Primitives - Gray Levels - Shape -
Homogeneity - Placement Rules - Period -
Adjacency - Closest Distances
Mosaic Models
Scene Matching and Detection
  • A problem of much significance in image analysis
    is the detection of change or presence of an
    object in a given scene
  • Methods
  • Image Subtraction
  • Template Matching and Area Correlation
  • Matched Filtering
  • Direct serch
  • Two Dimensional Logarithmic search
  • Sequential Search
  • Hiearchical Search
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