Title: Cartoons
- Victor Vashi,
- Hongaarse cartoonist
2Red Primer for Children and Diplomats
- This is Victor Vashi's magnum opus, an historical
account of the rise of the Soviet Union from
3Through all these perilous times, the Soviets
worked hard to protect a peaceful image, but
usually managed to reveal where they really stood.
4The Communist apparatus formed rings around the
earth, made up of assorted political idealists,
sicial misfits, bonafide spies, traitors and
pleaders of the Fifth Amendment. All served the
Kremlin cause in one way or another.
5First of all the Soviets had to protect the newly
gained freedom of these peoples from enslaving
efforts of the West.
6The glorious Red Army liberated Poland,
Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Albania,
Bulgaria, the eastern part of Germany and the
eastern half of Austria. the Soviets have given
these people full membership in the Soviet Empire
with no strings attached.
7Peaceful coexistence has its economic side too.
Vigorous import-export activities began
immediately after liberation. Trains, loaded with
goods and goodies, rolled back and forth between
the Soviet Union and the countries, bringing the
benefits of the great Soviet culture and
civilization, and much needed economic aid.
8They developed industries in these countries and
solved the problem of marketing by milking these
industries of most of their products.
9And behind the iron Curtain, the satellites grew
in their understanding that lemonade is very
healthy, but not for the lemon.
101948 Also for the love of peace, the Soviets
encouraged Markos to liberate Greece from the
yoke of the West. But, after the alleged
defection of Yugoslavia's Tito from the Kremlin
line, this project had to be abandoned. Thousands
of Greek children who were kidnapped are still in
Iron Curtain countries.
11June, 1948 To show how thoroughly they honored
treaties, in case anyone had any doubts, the
Soviets threw a blockade around Berlin. the West
responded to the Soviet whistle with the air-lift
dance, and politely let the Soviets have complete
control of the ground routes to Berlin
121949 Big postwar changes began to show in
Asia. With the bessings of the world and the help
of the Soviets, China was liberated by agrarian
reformers. Their first concern was the
fertilization of the soil, and they began by
underplowing countless millions of Chinese
13The ultimate goal, of course, remains the same.
Whether it will be carried out under the rule of
Moscow or of Peiking, or at all, remains to be
seen. But try they will, as they always have.
14From time to time, the Soviets took time out to
daydream about the ultimate goal -- all the
people of the world peacefully and happily united
under Communist rule
15The economic and cultural developement of
underdeveloped countries was a pet project of the
Soviets. A heavy flow of aid constantly poured
into them.
16The Soviets were naturally irritated by the
protests of the Western Allies about the repeated
Soviet blockades of the Berlin land routes. So
they established the sovereign East German
Socialist Republic to give the West an authority
to turn to concerning blockades and similar
17East Germany was a full sack, but it had a leak.
Day after day thousands were foolish enough to
choose the West in preference to Communist