Title: Transfer Pricing
1Seminar on Income Tax Northern India Regional
Council Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Transfer Pricing A Perspective
By Aseem Chawla Partner, Amarchand
Mangaldas aseem.chawla_at_amarchand.com
May 21, 2011
Key Concept
Legislative Overview
Form 3CEB Accountants Report
Dispute Resolution Mechanism
Indian Judicial Update
OECD Update, 2010
Direct Taxes Code, 2010
Points for Consideration
3Key Concept
Transfer Pricing Keeping it at Arms Length
4Key Concept (Contd)
Circular No. 14/2001 dated 27-11-2001 55. New
legislation to curb tax avoidance by abuse of
transfer pricing- 55.1 The increasing
participation of multi-national groups in
economic activities in the country has given rise
to new and complex issues emerging from
transactions entered into between two or more
enterprises belonging to the same multi-national
group. The profits derived by such enterprises
carrying on business in India can be controlled
by the multi-national group, by manipulating the
prices charged and paid in such intra-group
transactions, thereby, leading to erosion of tax
Objectives of Transfer Pricing
5Scope of Transfer Pricing Regulations
Key Concept (Contd)
6Legislative Overview
- Legislation introduced effective from April 1,
2001 - Provisions applicable only if
- There is an international transaction(s) Section
92B between - Two or more associated enterprises Section 92A
- Deeming provisions Section 92B(2)
- Transaction between an enterprise and a person
(other than an associated enterprise) shall be
deemed to be a transaction between two associated
enterprises, if there exists a prior agreement or
the terms of such a international transaction are
in substance determined between one of these
entities and the associated enterprise of the
other contracting entity
7Legislative Overview (Contd)
- Computation of Arms Length Price by applying the
most appropriate method out of - Comparable Uncontrolled Price (CUP)
- Resale Price Method (RPM)
- Cost Plus Method (CPM)
- Transaction Net Margin Method (TNMM)
- Profit Split Method (PSM) Section
92C - Mandatory contemporaneous documentation
requirements Section 92D - Stringent Penal Consequences on Non-compliance /
TP adjustments
8Legislative Overview (Contd)
- Recent Amendments Finance Act, 2011
- Change in computation of arms length range
Notification of an allowable variation for
different business activities and types of
transactions - Expanded powers of transfer pricing officer
(TPO) - TPO would now have powers to conduct a
survey for enquiry and verification as provided
under 133A of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (Act) - Further, where any other international
transaction other than that referred comes to the
notice of the TPO during the course of the
proceedings before him, he may include those in
his transfer pricing audit - Transactions with notified tax havens - An entity
located in a notified tax haven will be now
deemed to be an associated enterprise
9Documentation Rule 10D
- Documentation requirements Rule 10D of Income
Tax Rules, 1962 - The statute requires information/ documents in
relation to an international transaction to be - kept and maintained in by every person
- List of documents prescribed in Rule 10D
- kept and maintained for a prescribed time 9
years - furnished within 30 / 60 days of Revenues
10Documentation Rule 10D (Contd)
11Form 3CEB - Accountants Report
- Section 92E requires every person who has entered
into an international transaction to obtain a
report from an accountant - Rule 10E prescribes the requisite repot to be in
Form 3CEB - Accountant shall give in his report declaration
about - Examination of accounts records
- Maintenance of prescribed information documents
- Factual accuracy of contents mentioned in
annexure to form 3CEB - Scope of examination Guidance Note of Institute
of Chartered Accountants of India - Restricted examination of books related to
international transaction only - Not an audit for expression of opinion
- Reconciliation between figure mentioned in 3CEB
general purpose financial statements -
12Form 3CEB - Accountants Report (Contd)
- While certifying in the Report, Accountant should
consider the following - Rely upon judicial pronouncement about inclusion
exclusion of any information - If conflict of judicial opinion- mentioned the
view followed - Follow Accounting standard, Guidance notes
standard on Auditing issued by ICAI - Obtain details of Associated Enterprise (AE) of
taxpayer and all the transaction between them - Obtain written representation from taxpayer in
relation to Business of AE and from taxpayer to
the effect that all international transactions
have been properly disclosed - Verify computation of Arm length price
13Dispute Resolution Mechanism
- In the recent past, the use of alternative
dispute resolution practices has been growing in
importance and popularity world wide, having
resolved both international conflicts and
domestic arrangements - In the international tax scenario, an impetus was
provided with the introduction of the Mutual
Agreement Procedures in the bilateral tax
treaties - With this expansion of new methods of dispute
resolution worldwide, a need arose for such a
mechanism in India to facilitate speedy
resolution of numerous pending tax disputes - Section 144C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (Act)
was introduced vide Finance Act, 2009 to set up
the mechanism of reference to DRP with effect
from October 1, 2009
14Dispute Resolution Mechanism (Contd)
- On receipt of the draft order, eligible assessee
has an option to - File acceptance to the proposed variations
- Take no action
- File objections to the proposed variations
- Collegium of 3 Commissioners to constitute DRP
subordinate to CBDT - Manner of filing objections
- Objection to the proposed variation to be
furnished in Form 35A in quadruplicate, within 30
days of receipt of draft order, alongwith a copy
to the AO
15Dispute Resolution Mechanism (Contd)
- Manner of filing objections (Contd.)
- Objections to state factual / legal arguments
against the proposed variation - Objections to be filed against entire order
both corporate tax issues and transfer pricing
issues - Additional evidence to be filed through a
separate application - DRP has the power to confirm, reduce or enhance
the variations or issue directions to the AO to
cause further enquiry - Power of further enquiry by AO restricted -
Requirement to be reported to DRP and directions
of DRP are binding - Directions shall be issued within nine months
from the end of month in which draft order is
16Indian Judicial Update
- Serdia Pharmaceuticals v. ACIT (2011) 44 SOT 391
- The arms length price for importing active
pharmaceutical ingredients from related
enterprises should be determined on the basis of
price at which locally manufactured generic API
are sold in the domestic market - Provides guidance on several important aspects of
transfer pricing jurisprudence preference of CUP
over TNMM, irrelevance of customs valuation,
persuasive value of foreign rulings, economic
importance of an intangible like patent and the
requirement to select the most appropriate method
under the relevant rules - Cheil India (P) Ltd. vs ACIT
- ITA No. 767/Del/2010
- Pass-through costs that are incurred for non
value-added purposes should not form a apart of
the cost base while determining mark up - Tax administration should not depart from its
previous position on the same set of facts
17Indian Judicial Update (Contd)
- DHL Express India (P) Ltd. vs ACIT
- I.T.A. No. 7360/Mum./2010
- Where enough comparables are available, companies
with segmented results should not be accepted - Only those items that have something to do with
the business shall be included in the operational
income for the purpose of transfer pricing
analysis, thereby clarifying and specifying the
parameters required for a valid and acceptable
transfer pricing study
18Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) Update, 2010
- Significantly expanded guidance on application of
the TNMM and the Transactional Profit Split
Method. - Completely new chapter on Comparability including
a typical process that can be followed when
performing a comparability analysis. - A nine-step process is outlined in the
Guidelines. - Recognition that the TNMM may be applied if
non-unique intangibles exist for which
comparables can be found. - Detailed guidance on the use of commercial
databases, foreign comparables, limitations in
available comparables, selecting or rejecting
potential comparables, etc. - Detailed Guidelines of Business Restructuring
Attribution of Profits
19Direct Taxes Code, 2010
- Concept of Advance Pricing Arrangements (APA)
introduced in order to eliminate uncertainty over
determination of arms length price - APA provides for determination of arms length
price of an international transaction entered
into by a person through an advance pricing
agreement by the Central Board of Direct Taxes - APA shall be valid for specified period as
mentioned in the agreement (not exceeding 5
consecutive financial years) - APA shall be binding only on the taxpayer, the
Commissioner the IT authorities subordinate to
him only in respect of the transaction in
relation to which APA has been entered into
20Direct Taxes Code, 2010 (Contd)
- Code proposes safe harbor rules in determination
of arm length price - It intends to specify tolerable mark up to the
cost of the goods or service for the taxation
authority to accept the transfer price computed
by the assessee as such - Adoption of Safe Harbour rules, absolves the
taxpayers from the burden of a detailed
benchmarking analysis for transfer pricing while
retaining the onus to maintain documentation for
intra-group transactions - The TPO may determine the ALP in relation to the
best of his judgment, if the assessee does not
co-operate or comply with his directions - The Assessing Officer shall make the assessment
of the tax base of the assessee after taking into
account the order of the TPO
21Points for Consideration
- Application of deeming provisions under Section
92B(2) - Cherry picking of comparables exclusion of
loss making low turnover comparables - Disregarded transaction wise analysis in case of
low profit/loss at net margin on a company wide
level - Dispute on allocation of common costs in case
of segmental date in TP analysis - Application of CUP method using comparative
prices of localised vis-à-vis Import price
22Points for Consideration
- Inherent conflict between customs and income tax
laws - Objectives different
Higher Price for higher customs duty
Customs Department
Lower Price for higher taxable income
Income Tax Department
There is no art which one government sooner
learns from another than that of draining money
from the pockets of the people Adam
Smith (Father of Modern Economics)
24- NOTE This presentation is for discussion and
general guidance purposes, prepared on the basis
of information available. It may not be used for
any other purpose, or distributed to any other
party, without seeking our prior written consent.
No party should rely on this presentation without
taking necessary prior professional advice
25Comparable Uncontrolled Price Method
- CUP method compares the price transferred in a
controlled transaction to the price charged in a
comparable un-controlled transaction - CUP method is the most direct and reliable way to
apply the arms length principle
26Resale Price Method
- The resale price method begins with the price at
which a product is resold to an independent
enterprise (IE)by an associate enterprise - X sold to AE at Rs. 1000 (profit 300)
- AE sold to an IE at Rs. 2000
- (profit of Rs. 500 for relevant IE)
- Arms length price 2000 - 500 1500
27Profit Split Method
- PSM is used when transactions are inter-related
and is not possible to evaluate separately - PSM first identifies the profit to be split for
the AE. The profit so determined is split between
the AE on the basis of the functions
28Cost Plus Method
- In CP method, first the cost incurred is
determined. An appropriate cost plus mark-up is
then added to the cost to arrive at an
appropriate profit. The resultant figure is the
arms length price
29Associate Enterprise Section 92A
- Direct Control/Control through intermediary
- Holding 26 of voting power
- Advance of not less than 51 of the total assets
of borrowing company - Guarantees not less than 10 on behalf of
borrower - Appointment of more than 50 of the BoD
- Dependence for 90 or more of the total raw
material or other consumables
30International Transactions Section 92B
- Transaction between two or more AE of which
either both or anyone is a non-resident - Transactions
- Purchase/Sale/Lease
- Provision of service
- Lending or borrowing
31Arms Length Price
- Price which two independent firms would agree on
- Price which is generally charged in a transaction
between persons other than associated enterprises
32Transactional Net Margin Method (TNMM)
- TNMM is adopted in cases of transfer of
semi-finished goods, distribution of finished
products (where resale price method (RPM) cannot
be adequately applied) and transactions involving
the provision of services - TNMM compares the net profit margin relative to
an appropriate base (sales, assets or costs
incurred) of the tested party with net profit
margin of the independent enterprises in similar
transactions after making adjustments regarding
functional differences and risk involved
33Deemed International Transactions
Arrangement (non-related parties)
ABC Finance Corporation
XYZ Branch India
Benchmarked at Arms Length as Deemed
International Transaction