Title: The Hymen
1The Hymen
- C. Jill Poarch, BSN, RN, SANE-A, SANE-P
2All females are born with a hymen.
3Types of Hymens
4Annular Hymen
- An annular hymen has hymenal tissue
circumferentially encircling the entire vaginal
5Annular Hymen
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11Crescentic Hymen
- A crescentic hymen has a predominantly posterior
rim with hymenal attachments at the 1 and 11
oclock positions.
12Crescentic Hymen
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19Fimbriated / Redundant Hymen
- This hymen is characterized by multiple
projections and indentations along the edge of
the hymen, creating a ruffled or flowery
20Fimbriated/Redundant Hymen
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27Cuffed Hymen
- A redundant hymen which presents with abundant
circumferential tissue that folds back on itself
or protrudes much like the neck of a turtleneck
sweater is sometimes called a cuffed hymen.
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30Septate Hymen
- A septate is a band of tissue bisecting the
hymenal opening. Estrogen may lyse this band,
leaving opposing remnants.
31Septate Hymen
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40Incidence of Hymenal Shapes
- In one study of 147 females
- 53 had annular hymens
- 29.2 had crescentic hymens
- 14.9 had redundant hymens
- 2 had septate hymens
- One had an imperforate hymen
41Hymenal Changes with Relaxation
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44Hymenal Changes with Traction
45Labial TractionPull toward examiner not apart!!!
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48Hymenal Changes with Position
49The child should always be examined in two
different positions, especially if there are
abnormal findings.
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54Normal Variants
55Mounds or Bumps
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61Hymenal Notch / Cleft
- A hymenal notch / cleft is defined as an angular
or V-shaped indentation on the edge of the
hymenal membrane.
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67Hymenal Tags
- A hymenal tag is defined as an elongated
projection of tissue arising from the rim of the
hymenal membrane. They are commonly found in the
midline at the 6 oclock position.
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71Intravaginal Ridges
- Intervaginal ridges are narrow bands of mucosal
tissue on the vaginal wall which may be attached
to the inner surface of the hymen.
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74Periurethral Bands
- Periurethral vestibular bands are support
ligaments, which are lateral to the urethra and
connect periurethral tissues to the wall of the
vestibule. They are symmetrical in number and
create semilunar spaces adjacent to the urethra.
They may be located lateral to the hymen and
connect to the lateral vestibular wall
(perihymenal bands).
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77Incidence of Normal Variants
- 91.8 had periurethral / perihymenal bands
- 93.8 had intravaginal longitudinal ridges
- 3.4 had hymenal tags
- 34 had hymenal bumps or mounds
- 30.6 had a hymenal opening greater than 4mm
- 15.6 had labial adhesions
- 18.3 had partial posterior hymenal clefts
- 29.5 had posterior hymenal concavity
- 0 had a complete posterior hymenal cleft
78- From this study, the authors concluded that the
presence of clefts and notches posteriorly,
concavities, narrowing of the hymenal rim,
thickening of the hymen or irregularities, as
well as the exposure of the intravaginal
contents, should NOT be considered diagnostic of
sexual abuse.
79Hymens Across the Life Span
80Normal Newborn
- Estrogen effects from Mother
81No Estrogen Period
- Translucent or nearly so
- Limited mobility
- Limited distensibility
- Very sensitive!
823-year-old female with crescentic hymen
836-year-old female with crescentic hymen
84Although the first sign of puberty in the female
traditionally has been considered breast budding
increasing evidence indicates that the first sign
of puberty is found in the hymen.Sexual Assault
Victimization Across the Life Span A Clinical
Guide, 2003
- Puberty begins in females between approximately 8
and 13 years - Physical changes occur in an orderly sequence
- Genital changes D/T increasing estrogen
- Vaginal epithelium increases in thickness
- Vaginal secretions increase and acidify
- Labia majora and minora become larger and thicker
- Clitoris enlarges
- The hymen becomes larger, thicker, and redundant
and has blanched edges
86Partial Estrogenation
- Thickening
- Secretions
- Variable mobility
- Variable distensibility
- Variable sensitivity
879-year-old with crescentic hymen
8810 year old with annular hymen
89Mature / Complete Estrogenation
- Thick
- Fully mobile
- Redundant
- Protrudes toward vestibule
- No pain with palpation
90Adolescent Hymen
91Assessment of the Estrogenized Hymen
- All edges of the redundant hymen must be viewed /
assessed this can be challenging. - Techniques for assessment
- Moistened swab
- Foley catheter technique
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93Foley Catheter Technique
- A Foley catheter with a 30cc balloon is
inserted gently past the hymenal opening. The
balloon is inflated with air. Following
inflation of the balloon, the catheter is pulled
gently toward the examiner to expose the hymeneal
94- The Foley catheter technique is used ONLY with
estrogenized hymens!
95Foley catheter balloon technique for visualizing
the hymen in female adolescent sexual assault
victims by Jamie Ferrell Dec 1997 issue
Journal of Emergency Nursing
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107Decreased Estrogen Changes
- 3 5 years premenopausal
- Menstrual cycle changes/ceases
- Pubic hair thins
- Loss of fatty tissue and elasticity of labia
10880 year old female
109Postmenopausal Changes
- During and following menopause
- Skin and mucosal surfaces of the vulva become
thinner (as a result area may be more easily
traumatized) - Sebaceous glands produce less secretions
- Vaginal atrophy
- Epithelium of the hymen thins
- Labial folds thin
- Less lubrication
- Vaginal wall may appear light pink or pale and
appear thin and dry. Vagina loses some capacity
for expansion.
110Decreased estrogen increased injury
111Postmenopausal Trauma
- Genital trauma was found to be more frequent and
more severe in postmenopausal women (43 vs. 18) - More genital edema, abrasions, and lacerations
were found in postmenopausal women - Factors influencing the increased prevalence of
trauma in the older victim included - Connective tissue atrophy
- Lessening of soft tissue elasticity
- Atrophy of the vaginal epithelium
- Ramin et al. 1992
112Documentation re Pediatric Hymen Assessment
- Type of hymen (annular, crescentic, etc)
- Degree of estrogenation
- Transverse diameter of hymenal opening??
- Depth of posterior rim
- Presence of skin tags, notches, etc
- Presence of lacerations / tears,
- transections, abrasions, etc.
113Note degree of hymenal estrogenation No
(none) Partial Yes (complete)
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115Hymenal Opening Measurements(Transverse Diameter)
- Vary with technique of examiner
- Vary with position of child
- Depend on amount of relaxation
- Difficult to measure
- Measurements are not standardized
- No longer considered a definitive indicator of
sexual abuse
116Posterior rim of hymen lt1mm
- This finding was not seen in girls selected for
nonabuse in four separate studies - However, a rim estimated to be lt 1 2mm
was found in 22 of girls selected for nonabuse
in another study - It is very difficult to measure the posterior rim
of the hymen
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- Evaluation of the Sexually Abused Child by Heger
and Emans - A Practical Guide To The Evaluation Of Sexual
Abuse In The Prepubertal Child by Giardino,
Finkel, Giardino, Seidl and Ludwig - Color Atlas of Sexual Assault by Girardin,
Faugno, Seneski, Slaughter and Whelan
- The Anatomy of Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse
by McCann and Kerns CD-ROM - Sexual Assault Victimization Across the Life
Span A Clinical Guide by Giardino, Datner and
120Prepared by -C. Jill Poarch, BSN, RN, SANE-A,
do not reproduce without permission!!
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