Title: Meiosis
2You have 46 Chromosomes
- Each of your body cells has 46 chromosomes, or 23
pairs. - Each pair is made of HOMOLOGOUS CHROMOSOMES
Homo same These chromosomes contain the same
genes in the same order
3You have 46 Chromosomes
- Half of your chromosomes (23) came from your mom
- Half of your chromosomes (23) came from your dad
Each parent gave you one chromosome from a
homologous pair.
4Homologous Pairs
From Mom From Dad
From Mom From Dad
- When your BODY cells (autosomal) divide, they
make exact copies - Results two cells with the same type and number
of chromosomes as the parent cell. - Many animals reproduce ASEXUALLY through
mitosis - ex flatworms, sponges, jellyfish
6This is a problem for most other animals.
- If humans were created through mitosis
- 1st generation
- 46 from mom 46 from dad 92 chromosomes for
baby - then
- 2nd generation
- 92 from mom 92 from dad 184 chromosomes for
baby - And so on, and so on, and so on
- A second type of cell division that occurs in the
SEX CELLS (gametes sperm and egg) - Division creates four cells with half the number
of chromosomes as the parent cell.
8Haploid vs Diploid
- Body cells (autosomal cells) are DIPLOID
- DI 2 Each cell has 2 copies of each chromosome
- These are considered 2n
- n is the chromosome number
- Sex cells are HAPLOID
- Each sex cell has HALF the normal number of
chromosomes - These are considered n
9Sperm and Egg
- Sperm are the sex cells in males
- Eggs are the sex cells in females
- Both are produced through MEIOSIS
Any reproduction that involves SPERM and EGGS is
10Steps of Meiosis
- Prophase I
- Metaphase I
- Anaphase I
- Telophase I
- Prophase II
- Metaphase II
- Anaphase II
- Telophase II
First Division Second Division Meiosis
contains TWO divisions whereas Mitosis only has
one! Similar to MitosisMeiosis does
experience interphase. Chromosomes are
replicated during S phase.
11Steps of Meiosis
- Prophase I
- Chromatin coil and condense, chromosomes are
visible. - Spindle form
- Homologous chromosomes line up gene by gene to
form a tetrad. - Tetrad two homologous chromosomes made of two
sister chromatids paired tightly - Crossing over occurs.
12Crossing Over
- Occurs between two non-sister chromatids.
- Can happen many times or not at all
- Average 2 to 3 crosses per each pair of
homologues. - Results in genetic variation
- Explains why siblings look alike but not
13(No Transcript)
14Interphase All 23 pairs of chromosomes
duplicate. Prophase begins.
15Steps of Meiosis
- Metaphase I
- Spindle fibers attach to centromere of each
chromosome. - Tetrads pulled to the center
- Line up beside each other
- In Mitosis they line up end to endnot paired.
16Meiosis Chromosome line up beside their
homologous pairs. Mitosis Chromosomes line up
end to end
17Steps of Meiosis
- Anaphase I
- Homologous chromosomes separate
- Head to opposite sides of cell
- Centromeres do not split
- Unlike mitosis
- Ensures that each new cell will receive one
chromosome from each homologous pair
18Meiosis Sister Chromatids stay
together Mitosis Sister Chromatids
19Steps of Mitosis
- Telophase I
- Prophase Reversed
- Cytokenisis Occurs
- Still has one chromosome from each homologous
pair - Start the division process over again!
20Meiosis Still have one chromosome from each
homologous pair need to separate them in order
for each sex cell to have ½ of the genetic
21Steps of Meiosis
- Prophase II
- Chromosomes Condense
- Spindle Form and attach to centromere
- NOTICE.did not undergo inerphase therefore the
chromosomes did not replicate again! - Metaphase II
- Chromosomes line up at the equator
- End to end this time.like mitosis
- Anaphase II
- Sister chromatids split apart and move to
opposite poles - Telophase II
- Nuclei reform
- Spindle Breaks down
- Cytokenisis
22Meiosis I Meiosis II
23Results of Meiosis
- Four haploid cells
- Contains 1 chromosome of each kind
24Meiosis Animation
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vD1_-mQS_FZ0