The Planck Satellite Mission - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Planck Satellite Mission


The Planck Satellite Mission ... Constrainning Cosmology in the Planck Era From Planck-HFI page From Planck-HFI page SPOrt is an Astrophysical Project aimed at ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Planck Satellite Mission

The Planck Satellite Mission
  • Pekka Heinämäki
  • Tuorla Observatory,Finland

Tartu Workshop August, 15-19, 2005
PlanckThe Cosmic Background Anisotropy Mission
  • Planck is a space observatory designed to image
    the temperature anisotopies of the CMB over the
    whole sky, with unprecedented sensitivity DT/T2
    x 10-6 and angular resolution lt 10
  • ? allow the determination of fundamental
    cosmological parameters with a few percent
  • - Mapping of Cosmic Microwave Background
    anisotropies with improved sensitivity and
    angular resolution
  • - Testing inflationary models of the early
  • - Measuring amplitude of structures in Cosmic
    Microwave Background

Mission Overview
  • Very wide frequency coverage
  • Extreme attention to suppression of systematic

Mission Overview
  • 1.5 m aperture Gregorian telescope with carbon
    fibry technology (Danish Consortium)
  • Field of view offset by 85 degrees from
    spin-axies maitaind in antisun direction to cover
    full sky in half year

  • Guiana Space Centre, Kourou, French Guiana, in
    July 2007 by an Ariane-5 launcher.
  • together with ESA's Herschel spacecraft.
  • After a journey lasting between four and six
    months, Planck will make a major manoeuvre to
    enter its operational orbit, a small Lissajous
    orbit around L2, 1.5 million kilometres away from
    the Earth.

  • The two vehicles will separate shortly after
    launch and proceed independently to different
    orbits about the second Lagrange point of the
    Earth-Sun system (L2).

Herschel (FIRST)
  • It will performe imaging photometry and
    spectroscopy in the far-Infrared and
    Submillimetre part of the spectra
  • HIFI (high resolution spectrographs), PACS
    (Photoconductor Array Camera and Specrometer),
    SPIRE (Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver)
  • ? will cover the 60 670 micron waveband
  • Formation and evolution of galaxies and stars,
    ISM physics and chemistry, solar system bodies

Worlds largest space mirror polished at Tuorla
The mirror will be unique in many ways. When the
mission is launched in 2007, it will be the
largest ever sent to space. It will be the first
SiC mirror used in a telescope, and of course
the first to be used in space as well. It will be
the first mirror polished to operate at both
short radio wavelengths and long infra-red
wavelengths. Herschel will be the first entirely
European space telescope.
The High Frequency Instrument or HFI
  • 48 bolometers sensitive to 100-850 GHz (split
    into 6 channels)
  • Actively cooled to 0.1K
  • Best angular resolution 5 and temperature
    sensitivity 5 microK

The High Frequency Instrument The High Frequency
Instrument (HFI) is an array of 48 bolometric
detectors which will be placed in the focal
plane of the Planck telescope, and will image the
sky in six frequency channels between 100 and
857 GHz. The HFI is being designed and built by a
Consortium of scientists led by Jean-Loup Puget
(PI) of the Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale in
Orsay (France), and Francois Bouchet (Deputy PI)
of the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris. The
other main institutes involved in the HFI
Consortium are California Institute of
Technology, in Pasadena (USA) Canadian Institute
for Theoretical Astrophysics, in Toronto (Canada)
Cardiff University, in Cardiff (UK) Centre
d'Etudes Spatiales des Rayonnements, in Toulouse
(F) Centre de Recherche sur les tres Basses
Temperatures, in Grenoble (F) College de France,
in Paris (F) Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique,
in Gif-sur-Yvette (F) Danish Space Research
Institute, in Copenhagen (DK) Imperial College,
in London (UK) Institut d'Astrophysique de
Paris, in Paris (F) Institut des Sciences
Nucleaires, in Grenoble (F) Institute of
Astronomy, in Cambridge (UK) - Planck page
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in Pasadena (USA)
Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire, in Orsay
(F) Laboratoire d'Etude du Rayonnement et de la
Matiere en Astrophysique, in Paris, (F)
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik, in
Garching (D) - Planck Page Mullard Radio
Astronomy Observatory, in Cambridge (UK)
National University of Ireland, in Maynooth (IR)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, in Chilton (UK)
Space Science Dpt of ESA, in Noordwijk (NL)
Stanford University, in Stanford (USA)
Universite de Geneve , in Geneva (CH)
Universidad de Granada, in Granada (E)
University La Sapienza, in Rome (I)
The Low Frequency Instrument or LFI
  • Consists of four arrays of 56 HEMT-based radio
    receivers, between 30 and 100 GHz
  • Operated at 20K
  • Best angular resolution 10 and temperature
    sensitivity 12 microK

The Low Frequency Instrument The Low Frequency
Instrument (LFI) is an array of 56 tuned radio
receivers which will be placed in the focal plane
of the Planck telescope, and will image the sky
in three frequency channels between 30 and 70
GHz. The LFI will be designed and built by a
Consortium of scientists led by Reno Mandolesi of
the Istituto Fisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica
(IASF) in Bologna (Italy) - Planck Page. The
other main institutes involved in the LFI
Consortium are Chalmers University of
Technology, in Goteborg (S) Danish Space
Research Institute , in Copenhagen (DK) - Planck
Page Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, in
La Laguna (E) Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria,
in Santander (E) Istituto CAISMI, in Firenze (I)
Istituto IASF (CNR), in Milano (I) Istituto di
Fisica del Plasma IFP (CNR), in Milano (I)
Istituto IFSI, in Roma (I) Jet Propulsion
Laboratory , in Pasadena (USA) Max-Planck-Institu
t fuer Astrophysik , in Garching (D) - Planck
Page Millimetre Wave Laboratory, in Espoo (FI)
Jodrell Bank Observatory, in Macclesfield (UK)
Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, in Padova
(I) Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, in
Trieste (I) - LFI's DPC home page SISSA, in
Trieste (I) Space Science Dpt of ESA , in
Noordwijk (NL) Theoretical Astrophysics Center,
in Copenhagen (DK) University of California
(Berkeley), in Berkeley (USA) University of
California (Santa Barbara), in Santa Barbara
(USA) Universite de Geneve, in Geneva (CH)
University of Oslo, in Oslo (N) Universita Tor
Vergata, in Roma (I)
Estimated Planck Instrument Performance Goals Estimated Planck Instrument Performance Goals Estimated Planck Instrument Performance Goals Estimated Planck Instrument Performance Goals Estimated Planck Instrument Performance Goals Estimated Planck Instrument Performance Goals Estimated Planck Instrument Performance Goals Estimated Planck Instrument Performance Goals Estimated Planck Instrument Performance Goals Estimated Planck Instrument Performance Goals Estimated Planck Instrument Performance Goals Estimated Planck Instrument Performance Goals Estimated Planck Instrument Performance Goals Estimated Planck Instrument Performance Goals Estimated Planck Instrument Performance Goals

Center Frequency (GHz) 30 44 70 100 100 143 143 217 217 353 353 545 545 857
Detector Technology HEMT radio receiver arrays HEMT radio receiver arrays HEMT radio receiver arrays Bolometer arrays Bolometer arrays Bolometer arrays Bolometer arrays Bolometer arrays Bolometer arrays Bolometer arrays Bolometer arrays Bolometer arrays Bolometer arrays Bolometer arrays
Detector Temperature 20 K 20 K 20 K 0.1 K 0.1 K 0.1 K 0.1 K 0.1 K 0.1 K 0.1 K 0.1 K 0.1 K 0.1 K 0.1 K
Cooling Requirements H2 sorption cooler H2 sorption cooler H2 sorption cooler H2 sorption 4K J-T stage Dilution H2 sorption 4K J-T stage Dilution H2 sorption 4K J-T stage Dilution H2 sorption 4K J-T stage Dilution H2 sorption 4K J-T stage Dilution H2 sorption 4K J-T stage Dilution H2 sorption 4K J-T stage Dilution H2 sorption 4K J-T stage Dilution H2 sorption 4K J-T stage Dilution H2 sorption 4K J-T stage Dilution H2 sorption 4K J-T stage Dilution
Number of Unpolarised Detectors 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Number of Linearly Polarised Detectors 4 6 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 0 0 0
Angular Resolution (arcmin) 33 24 14 9.5 7.1 7.1 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Bandwidth (GHz) 6 8.8 14 33 47 47 72 72 116 116 180 180 283 283
Average DT/T per pixel 2.0 2.7 4.7 2.5 2.2 2.2 4.8 4.8 14.7 14.7 147 147 6700 6700
Average DT/T per pixel 2.8 3.9 6.7 4.0 4.2 4.2 9.8 9.8 29.8 29.8
Sensitivity (1 ) to intensity (Stokes I)
fluctuations observed on the sky, in
thermodynamic (x10-6) temperature units, relative
to the average temperature of the CMB (2.73 K),
achievable after two sky surveys (14 months).
  • ?Maximize the ability to discriminate between
    different cosmologial models, substract
    foregrounds minimize the susceptibility to
    systematic errors pointing strategy, frequency

? Instrument noise
etc. TOD ? HEALPIX also "electric" and
"magnetic" parts of the the polarization field ?
To remove contaminating foreground signals
Secondary anisotropies! Show how much T
varies from to point to point on the sky ?Values
of cosmological parameters can be determined by
comparing model and observed temperature power
A simulation of the CMB anisotropies at an
angular resolution and sensitivity level typical
of what can be achieved by Planck.
German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory
  • The Planck Simulator
  • The Planck Simulator provides synthetic sky maps
    of the Cosmic Microwave Background. The Planck
    Simulator allows to enter a variety of parameters
    which describe the assumed cosmology and allows
    to include a number of foreground emission
    processes. A detailed description of the
    available options can be found here.

  • WOMBAT is dedicated to understanding sources of
    microwave foreground emission and providing the
    cosmology community with estimates of foreground
    emission as well as uncertainties in those
    estimates. http//

  • Analysis Packages
  • HEALPix  
  • SpICE
  • MADCAP Microwave Anisotropy Dataset Computational
    Analysis Package
  • CMBFit CMBfit is a software package for
    ultra-fast calculation of likelihoods from the
    Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data
  • GLESP Gauss-Legendre Sky Pixelization for CMB
  • C(l) Computation
  • CMBFAST The CMBfast software can be used
    for the computation of the theoretical spectra of
    CMB anisotropy. The HEALPix synfast program reads
    in the output of this routine to allow one to
    generate random realisations of the observable
    CMB sky.
  • CAMB Code for Anisotropies in the Microwave
  • CMBEASY CMBEASY is a software package for
    calculating the evolution of density fluctuations
    in the universe
  • DASh CMBEASY is a software package for
    calculating the evolution of density fluctuations
    in the universe

Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelisation
of the sphere
Characterizing the microwave background sky
  • Cosmological information is encoded in the
    statistical properties of the maps, hot and cold
  • To find out how much anisotropy is there on
    different spatial scales -gt a map of temperature
    fluctuations on a sphere conventionally described
    in terms of spherical harmonics.
  • IF fluctuations in the early Universe obey
    Gaussian statistics, as expected in most theories
    each of the coefficients alm is independent and
    so the power spectrum provides a complete
    statistical description of the temperature

  • The shape of the angular power spectrum is very
    sensitively dependent on fundamental
    cosmological parameters
  • First peak (position) shows the universe is close
    to spatially flat total energy density
  • First peak (hight) depends upon the matter and
    baryon density (both depend on the Hubble
  • Constraints on the second peak indicate
    substantial amounts of dark baryons
  • Third peak will measure the physical density of
    the dark matter
  • Damping tail will provide consistency checks of
    underlying assumptions
  • curvature of the universe the position of the
  • Ilt100 plateau indicate Scale-invariant density
    fluctuations, tilting the primordial power
    spectrum raising the right side relative to the
    left side

(taken from W. Hu's web page)
  • Temperature (TT) results are consistent with
    ACBAR and CBI measurments
  • Cross-power spectrum (TE) ? adiapatic initial
    conditions, isocurvature models predict a dominat
    peak at l 330 and subdominant peak at l 110.
  • Defect models do not have multiple acoustic peaks
    ? no vector component

  • And
  • Wb consistent with abundance measurments
  • Wm clusters dark matter estimates
  • WD supernova data
  • H0 HST Cepheid measurments
  • Concordance model (built up last few years using
    many different data sets)
  • Inflation predicts Universe is flat ? requires
    cosmological constant
  • Inflation predicts Gaussian fluctuations and
    scale-invariant scalar
  • spectral index n_s1
  • Baryon density and dark matter densities, Hubble
    constant are defined with 5
  • accurarcy
  • BUT t/n_s degeneracy !

?Precision cosmology
  • Planck has the ability
  • Detect much smaller temperature variations
    (about ten times WMAP) in the CMB than previous
  • Perform CMB measurements with a higher
    angular resolution than ever before (about twice
    better than WMAP)
  • Measure over a wider band of frequencies to
    enhance the separation of the CMB from
    interfering foreground signals
  • (ifrequency coverage about ten times larger
    than WMAP)

(taken from W. Hu's web page)
Hu's web page
  • The main difference between Planck and MAP lies
    in the quality of the CMB data taken, and
    therefore, in the accuracy with which the
    cosmological parameters can be determined
    polarization properties

  • Thomson scattering of temperature anisotropies on
    the last scattering surface generates a linear
    polarization pattern on the sky. Polarisation
    pattern can be separated into electric' (E) and
    magnetic' (B) components.
  • As polarization is generated only at last
    scattering, it probes last scattering in a more
    direct way than anisotropies alone
  • Observations of polarization provide an important
    tool for reconstructing the model of the
    fluctuations from the observed power spectrum ?
    breaking the degeneracy between certain parameter
  • Different sources of temperature anisotropies
    (scalar, vector and tensor) give different
    patterns in the polarization both in its
    intrinsic structure and in its correlation with
    the temperature fluctuations themselves.
  • Polarization power spectrum provides information
    complementary to the temperature power spectrum.
    This can be of use in breaking parameter
    degeneracies and thus constraining cosmological
    parameters more accurately.
  • Timing of reionization

  • The absence of a Lyman alpha abrorbtion
    trought in the spectra of high redshift quasars z
    gt 6 shows that the intergalactic medium must have
    been reionoized
  • BUTThe re-ionization could not have been
    earlier than z 30, or there would be a
    suppression of the first Doppler peak in the
    angular fluctuation spectrum of the Cosmic
    Microwave Background (Tegmark Zaldarriaga 2000
    De Bernardis et al. 2000).
  • WMAP led to the estimate tau 0.17-0.04.
    WMAP accuracy is not enough for discrimination
    between models (Naselsky, Chiang 2004).
  • Double reionization models Cen 2003, Wythe,
    Loeb 2003, period of extended reionization Haima
    n, 2003, but more complex pictures are possible

  • Tau is only mildly constrained by Cl_t. WMAP
    ET-correlation spectrum and the E-polarization
    spectrum Cl_E contain independent information on
    tau. The majority of this information is conveyed
    by the spectral components with llt30.
  • Cosmic variance.
  • Large angles polarization data can be used to
    discriminate between different reionization
    histories. CMB (polarization) experiments will be
    indispensable for shedding light on those details
    of the reionization process that can be inspected
    through this observational window (Colombo 2004).

  • Contraining inflation Initial peturbations
    comprise a contribution from tensor modes
    (gravity waves) in addition to scalar modes
    (density peturbations)? contribute on lasrge
    scales (rT/S).
  • Differentiating between tensor and scalar
  • Scalar perturbations produce a pure E-mode
    polarisation pattern
  • Vector perturbations (generated in
    topological defect models) generate mainly a
    B-mode polarisation pattern
  • Tensor modes (gravity wave) generate an
    admixture of E- and B-modes

  • The E-mode polarization greatly exceeds the
    B-mode then scalar fluctuations dominate the
    anisotropy. Conversely if the B-mode is greater
    than the E-mode, then vectors dominate. If
    tensors dominate, then the E and B are
    comparable.These statements are independent of
    the dynamics and underlying spectrum of the
    perturbations themselves

Secondary effects Broad frequency coverage
(from 30 to about 900 GHz) ? detailed nature of
various astrophysical foregrounds -gt must be
corrected -gt but also byproducts
  • Cluster of galaxies kSZ-effect and tSZ-effect
  • Extragalactic sources
  • Galactic studies dust properties, magnetic
    field, distrb. Of the ionized vs. interstellar

1.In the low frequency channels ( 30 to 90 GHz),
are expected to detect mainly radio-loud,
flat-spectrum radiogalaxies and QSOs, blazars,
and possibly some inverted-spectrum radiosources.
2. In the millimetre channels (90 to 300 GHz),
the predominant extragalactic sources will be
rich clusters of galaxies detected via the SZ
effect. 3.In the sub-millimetre channels (300 to
900 Ghz), are expect to detect many thousands of
infra-red luminous galaxies (both normal and
starbursting) and (mostly radio-quiet) AGNs, and
a few high-redshift galaxies and QSOs. 4. In
sub-mm and mm wavelengths maps of the emission
from Galactic
Some scientific areas addressed by Planck Some scientific areas addressed by Planck Some scientific areas addressed by Planck

Component Area Highlights
CMB Cosmology origin of structure Initial conditions for structure evolution Origin of primordial fluctuations Testing and characterizing inflation Testing and characterizing topological defects Constraints on the nature and amount of dark matter Determination of fundamental parameters  0, H0,   to 1  b, Qrms, ns to a few
Sunyaev-Zeldovich Cosmology structure evolution Measurement of y in gt104 clusters Estimate of H0 from y and X-ray measurements Cosmological evolution of clusters Bulk velocities (scales gt300 Mpc) out to z1 with  v 50 km/s
Extragalactic sources Cosmology structure formation Source catalogues of IR and radio galaxies AGNs, QSOs, blazars inverted-spectrum radio sources Far-infrared background fluctuations Evolution of galaxy counts
Dust emission Galactic studies Dust properties Cloud and cirrus morphology Systematic search for cold cores
Free-free and synchrotron Galactic studies Determination of spectral indices Cosmic ray distribution Magnetic field mapping
All Channels Solar System studies Asteroids Planets Comets Zodiacal emission
Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect
  • The thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect arises from
    the frequency shift when CMB photons are
    scattered by the hot electrons in the
    intra-cluster gas. Observations of the SZ effect
    provide information on the hot intra-cluster gas
    that is complementary to that derived from
    observations at X-ray wavelengths
  • The kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect Peculiar
    velocities of the hot intra-cluster gas lead to a
    Doppler shift of the scattered photons which is
    proportional to the product of the radial
    peculiar velocity and the electron density
    integrated along the line of sight through the
    cluster -gt possible to measure cluster peculiar
  • The frequency dependence of the TSZ distortion is
    characterised by three distinct frequencies 217
    GHz, where TSZ vanishes 150 GHz which gives the
    minimum decrement of the CMB intensity and 350
    GHz which gives the maximum distortion.

The Thermal SZ effect
High signal to noise and angular resolution are
essential to studying higher order effects and
cross-correlating CMB maps with observations at
other wavelengths.
Input SZ simulation
WMAP 4yr
Planck 1yr
From Martin White talkConstrainning Cosmology in
the Planck Era
  • The SZ effect probes the intra-cluster gas
    temperature whereas the X-ray emission is more
    sensitive to the density distribution.

From Planck-HFI page
  • Maps of the sum of primary CMB and secondary SZ
    anisotropies. YSZ is for the thermal SZ effect
    and KSZ is for the kinetic effect. The maps are
    obtained from hydrodynamical simulations of
    structure formation. The SZ effect anisotropies
    induce additional power at small angular scales.

From Planck-HFI page
  • The combination of spatially resolved X-ray
    temperature and flux profiles, and measurements
    of the thermal SZ effect in the CMB, can be used
    to estimate the true spatial dimensions of rich
    clusters of galaxies and hence to estimate the
    Hubble constant
  • Observations of the SZ effect provide information
    on the hot intra-cluster gas that is
    complementary to that derived from observations
    at X-ray wavelengths
  • Rich cluster survay (104 entries)

So we need Planck and others..
  • If we know Hubble parameter to about 5 is it
    good enough?
  • We still know nothing about Lamba and dark matter
    - most of the Universe
  • How about Gaussianity?
  • n_s1 and Gaussianity do not distinguish between
    inflatoniary models (we have only upper limits on
    tensor to scalar ratio rT/S)
  • Timing of reionization

  • SPOrt is an Astrophysical Project aimed at
    observing the polarization of the sky in the
    microwave range 20-100 GHz, with angular
    resolution of 7. Primary goals are
  • tentative detection of CMB Polarization on
    large angular scales maps of Galactic synchrotron
    emission at the lowest frequencies (22-32 GHz)
  • SPOrt is carried on under the scientific
    responsibility of an International collaboration
    of Institutes headed by the IASF-CNR in Bologna
    and is fully funded by the Italian Space Agency
    (ASI).It has been selected by ESA to be flown on
    board the International Space Station (ISS) for a
    minimum lifetime of 18 months.

Suborbital Experiments
  • http//

Links to Project Website DataAtLAMBDA Year Status l-min l-ma Freq. (GHz) Detectors Polariz Type
ACBAR DATA Arcminute Cosmoloy Bolometer Array Receiver 2001-date continues 60 2700 150, 219, 274 Bolometer No Ground
ACME/ HACME - Advanced Cosmic Microwae Explorer/ HEMTACME 1988-1996 completed 10 180 26-35 and 38-45 HEMT No Ground
ACT - Atacama Cosmoloy Telescope - future - - 145, 225, 265 Bolometer No Ground
AMI - Arcminute MicroKelvin Imager - future - - 12-18 Interferometer No Ground
AMiBA - Array for Microwae Backgroud Anisotropy - future - - 90 - Yes Ground
APACHE - Antarctic Plateau Anisotropy CHasing Experimet 1995-1996 completed - - 100, 150, 250 Bolometer No Ground
APEX - Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment - future - - 150, 217 Bolometer No Ground
Archeops DATA N/A 1999-date continues 15 350 143, 217, 353, 545 Bolometer Yes Balloon
Full name
l- min
l - max
ARGO - N/A 1988, 1990, 1993 completed 53 180 150-600 Bolometer No Balloon
ATCA - Australia Telescope Compact Array 1991-1997 completed 3350 6050 8.7 HEMT No Ground
BAM - Balloon- borne Anisotropy Measurement 1995 completed 30 100 110-250 Liquid-helium cooled, Fourier transform spectromete No Balloon
BEAST - Background Emission Anisotropy Scanning Telescope 2000-date continues 10 1000 25-35 and 38-45 HEMT No Balloon, Ground
BICEP - Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization - future - - - Bolometer - Ground
BOOMERanG - Balloon Observations Of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geophysics 1997-date continues 25 1025 90-420 Bolometer Yes Balloon
CAPMAP - Cosmic Anisotropy Polarization MAPper 2002-date continues 500 1500 90 and 40 MMIC/ HEMT Yes Ground
CAT - Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope 1994-1997 completed 339 722 13-17 Interferometer/ HEMT No Ground
CBI DATA Cosmic Background Imager 2002-date continues 300 3000 26-36,in 10 channels Interferometer/ HEMT No Ground
CG - Cosmological Gene 1999-date continues 100 1000 0.6 to 32 HEMT No Ground
DASI - Degree Angular Scale Interferometer 1999-date continues 200 900 26-36,in 10 bands HEMT Yes Ground
FIRS - Far Infra- Red Survey 1989 completed 3 29 170-680 Bolometer No Balloon
MAT - Mobile Anisotropy Telescope 1997, 1998 completed 30 1100 30-140 HEMT/SIS No Ground
MAXIMA DATA Millimeter Anisotropy eXperiment Imaging Array 1995, 1998, 1999 completed 50 700 150-420 Bolometer No Balloon
MBI-B - Millimeter-Wave Bolometric Interferometer - future - - 90 Bolometer Yes Ground
MINT - Millimeter INTerferometer - future 1000 3000 150 SIS No Ground
MSAM - Medium Scale Anisotropy Measurement 1992-1997 completed 69 362 150-650 Bolometer No Ballon
PIQUE - Princeton I, Q, and U Experiment 2002 completed 69 362 90 Bolometer Yes Ballon
POLAR - Polarization Observations of Large Angular Regions 2000 continues 2 30 26-46 HEMT Yes Ground
Polatron - N/A - future 200 2000 100 Bolometer Yes Ground
Python - N/A 1992-1997 completed 55 240 30-90 Bolometer/ HEMT No Ground
QMAP - N/A 1996 completed 30 850 30-140 HEMT/SIS No Balloon
SK - Saskatoon 1993-1995 completed 52 401 26-46 HEMT Yes Ground
SPT - South Pole Telescope - future - - - Bolometer - Ground
Tenerife - N/A 1984-2000 completed 13 30 10, 15, 33 HEMT No Ground
TopHat - N/A 2002-date continues 10 700 150-720 Bolometer No Balloon
VSA DATA Very Small Array 2002 continues 130 1800 26-36 Interferometer/ HEMT No Ground
Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Experiments Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Experiments Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Experiments Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Experiments Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Experiments Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Experiments Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Experiments Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Experiments Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Experiments Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Experiments Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Experiments
SuZIE - Sunyaev- Zeldovich Infrared Experiment 1996-date continues 1000 3700 150, 220, 350 Bolometer No Ground
SZA - Sunyaev- Zeldovich Array - future - - 26-36 and 85-115 Interferometer No Ground
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