Title: CFMU User Forum
1CFMU User Forum 09
- Why Flight Plan and ATFCM adherence?
Christian Faber Head of Investigation
2The problem
- Traffic exceeds capacitiesby more than 10
ATFCM "over delivery"
- Not flying at the requested flight level (RFL)
- Arriving in the sector earlier or later than
planned - Departing at times different from EOBT/CTOT
- Deviating from their original planned route
Network effect impacting SAFETY!
3Example 1
regulated airspace
Request FL 380!
4Example 2over delivery in Austria
16 flights flying higher than filed
5Whats the effect
- Potentially excessive workload,
- Wasted capacity in some sectors,
- An overall lack of confidence in the accuracy of
forecast traffic counts, - Protective capacity reduction,
- Increased workload, stress or working conditions
such that the ability of ATC controller may be
significantly impaired and thus a safety issue.
6FPL route - real route
7The network impact
8Flight Plan and ATFCM adherence awareness
- Three main elements of adherence
- Adherence to requested FL (one of the main reason
for over-deliveries) - Adherence to Flow Measures, mainly CTOT (thus
arriving too early/late in the sectors) - Adherence to filed route (incomplete or incorrect
ATFCM picture) - Procedures and rules exist already
9ICAO Doc 7030/4 (EUR)
- ATC is responsible for departure slot monitoring
at departure aerodromes - Aircraft operators shall inform themselves
ofand adhere to current ATFM measures - Any changes to the EOBT of more than 15 minutes
for any IFR flight within the IFPZshall be
communicated to the IFPS
10Commission regulation (EC) No 1033/2006 (1st
January 2009)
- The operator shall ensure that the conditions of
acceptance of a flight plan and any necessary
changes thereto as notified by IFPS to the
originator are incorporated into the planned
flight operation and communicated to the pilot. - The operator shall ensure prior to operation of
the flight that the content of the initial flight
plan correctly reflects the operational
11Possible reasons for non-adherence (received via
Support Request on Skybrary)
12Recommendations(received via Support Request
on Skybrary)
13What has been done?
- Publications
- Website, brochures, flyers, posters,
presentations, WBT (e-learning) - Promotion with international organisations and
- Contacted
- ANSPs, ACCs, AOs, AOs military, FPL Service
Providers to AOs, Airports, Pilots (via IATA /
IFALPA), Industry.
14What has been done?
- CTOT adherenceFollowing countries are/were
involved or have been contacted regarding CTOT
adherenceEB, LK, HE, LF, LG, LH, LT, EG - OPS evaluationMaastricht and Rhein UAC
operational evaluation of requested FL - TrainingSkyGuide include subject in ATCO
refresher training (MUAC plans to do the same) - SystemSkyGuide system trial of identification of
flights at differing RFL prior to ACC entry.
15From awareness to improvements
- Continue awareness activities and assessments at
local, regional and network levels - Continue to address adherence issues at
individual airports and ACCs with ANSPs, AOs and
authorities concerned - Best Practices (local initiatives, ATCO pilot
training, etc) - Trials, comparison exercises (routes filed versus
flown) and simulations to show impact - Adherence Day (see next slide)
16Adherence Day
One day operational evaluation through full
application of adherence procedures
- Objectives
- Measure the effect of adherence to FPL and ATFCM
measures - Determine benefits arising from accurate
EOBT/CTOT RFL with regard to sector counts
(potential release of capacity) - Improve the quality of FPL with regard to routes
(incl. DCT) and FLs
17Benefits of adherence
- reliable and accurate data for all involved
- improved predictability of traffic
- improved network demand-capacity balancing
- increased capacity
- increased safety
- flight efficiency