Title: Business Plans Online
1MEUK Corporation presents
Business Plans Online
Your business evolves. Shouldnt your business
2Table of Contents
I) Business Plan Explorer II) Functions of
BPO III) Administration IV) Project
Output/Reports V) Financial Output/Reports
3- Go to www.businessplansonline.net
- Click on Demo (Sample Co.) or Log-In
(Existing Co.)
4Enter your User Name and Password. Click
Log-In. Blank if demo
51) Business Plan Explorer
6- Create and organize your business
- plan in each strategic area!
- Click on
- a strategic area to view it.
- symbol to expand it
71) Define each strategic area Finance,
Marketing, Legal, Technology, Succession
Planning, ...
2) Identify and rank the major strategic issues
to be addressed in each strategic area.
3) Allow each planning team member to correlate
any related Activities (including conclusions
and supporting documentation)!
8II) Functions of BPO
9Keyword Search Tool Find specific business plan
data easily by using the search function. Search
by business plan name or by specific content.
To add a Strategic Area, click here
10- Insert name of Strategic Area.
- Enter Strategic Area number.
3) Add Strategic Issue.
- Define your business overview and environment
within this strategic area. - Visio Define your short to long term objectives.
3) Add Activity.
- 1) Create Strategic Issue name.
- 2) Briefly identify describe Strategic
Issues to be addressed in order to achieve
1) Create Activity Name of work
4) Click Supporting Documentation tab to upload
relevant documents
2) Describe Activity. 3) Phrase Conclusion
Results vs. Initial Expectations
1) Add document description. 2) Upload Supporting
15 Managing your BPO Account
III) Administration
16Administration Functions Click on
Administration and select an action from the list
- Click Add BPO User
17- Create Login name
- Complete Basic Info
- Access Level
- To manage Access Level click this tab.
183) Manage Strategic Area Access
- Create Login name.
- Select Access Level.
Editor User can create and edit BPO Strategic
AreasAccess to Strategic Areas is based on the
access levels set in the Strategic Area Access
tab. BPO Manager User can view manage
EmployeesCompany. Administrator User can create
manage Users, view the Activity Logs and has
unrestricted access to all Strategic Areas.
192) User Activity Log.
1) Select Strategic Area Access level.
None No access to Strategic Area. Read-Only
Read only access to Strategic Area. Full Access
Full access to Strategic Area.
201) View user activity log
21IV) Reporting System
Gathering and Assembling your Defined
Strategic Area Issues
22- Click Reports.
- Business Plan Report MS WORD FORMAT
3) To view Supporting Documentation, click here
23View or printout all documents uploaded to the
site (e.g. videos, legal contracts, templates,
financial details,).
24Empowering Your Team to Strategically Plan Your
- Define the strategic areas and allocate
responsibilities to qualified team members - Enter the data throughout the life of the
company - Share project updates instantly with other team
members over the web - Protect sensitive corporate data through
permissions-based security